

[Original Article] 社交网络与自我价值 Social Medias and Sel...




    Human ancestors created languages for the needs of informational communication, which later led to significant milestones of human evolutions such as the cultural interchange that followed Mongo Empire’s conquest of Arab Empire, the technological advancements of the Industrial Revolution, and eventually  the rose of the Internet that completely altered the means of communications we formally have. All these happened for one single reason: humans desired to have and to know further beyond the contemporary era.


    Despite the dramatic changes of our world brought by new technologies and social structures, however, some of our fundamental needs as humans have never faded way with other things we gave up like the tails. In this article I would like to present you three stories with arguments: What are these needs? What do social networks do to these needs? And what problems do they give back to us to solve?

Story One


I'm fabulous because I made you think of that


    Dressing and acting like majos (meaning peasants in Spanish) was a romantic 18th Century French fashion widely adopted by contemporary Spanish aristocrats. Not only wearing priceless majo/maja clothings designed with silk and leather, they would picnic and pose, much better if a real peasant was presented, for artists to make brilliant Rococo-style paintings so they could brag to visiting aristocrats about how much they loved the avant-guard European philosophies and how “poor” they were. Meanwhile, a hilarious trend among the real poor people was to paint their teeth black with charcoal, only because rich people had rotten black teeth bruised by sugar, which was not affordable to non-rich people, and easier to make yourself rich without actually spending money.

Story Two


I'm more famous so I'm more perfect

    美国15岁女孩Danielle小小年纪因为偷盗犯罪和撕老妈而上了费尔医生脱口秀节目,节目中因为一句口音浓重的“甭逼逼咱们出去干一架(cash me outside howbow dah)” 和在台上直接指着观众们的鼻子骂他们是碧池一炮而红,火遍美国大街小巷各个社交网络成为盛极一时的巅峰网红公主。第二次参加菲尔医生脱口秀时她对主持人Dr.Phil说:“你以前什么都不是,但老娘让你跟着我红了(I guess what’s good for you is I made you just like how Opera made you. You were nothing before I came [on] this show)”。在她看来,Dr.Phil的价值仅体现在因为她的破口大骂在网上更知名,而不是通过自己的节目帮助了许多痛苦的人。

    While presented on Dr.Phil talk show as a 15 years old messy criminal who made her mother miserable, infuriated the host, and called the audience “hoes”, American young girl Danielle’s notorious accent-heavy cry “Cash me outside howbow dah” ran away from the stage and infected all social medias that later made her ridiculously famous over night. She blatantly told Dr. Phil the host on her second appear on his show that “I guess what’s good for you is I made you just like how Opera made you. You were nothing before I came [on] this show”, which  totally disregarded how he tried to help her just like how he helped other troubled guests of his show, because she was famous by then.

Story Three


I voted for Naomi because I am who I want to be


    As a competitor of the prevailing competition show Produce 101, and contrary to other tall plus slim girls on the stage, it was surprising to see Wangju (Naomi) slew the runway and won the most support by audiences on social medias at one point. She courageously advocated to redefine the traditional viewpoints of beauty and female idol groups, and attracted tons of audiences to vote for her, including minorities who had been waiting for someone to stand up for them to be opposed to the preconceived ideas of people. Thanks to the show and her lovely fans both on-line and in real life, Naomi elevated from a girl neglected by traditional prejudice to the honorable representation of the future and the hope that people have the power to fight for others who are unjustly discriminated by conventional values.

Point One


Do our values come from other people's perspectives or ours?


    It is true that we all carry different tags among different occasions, and most of the time our tags define us, but under social occasions, do those tags really tell who we are, or just begging others to believe into our deceiving mascara? Both the aristocrats and peasants tried to make themselves to look like someone they wish to be, or rather “what people think their best version could be”, but those bluffs are merely comforting disguises that do not have any genuine values to people who neither wear them nor look at them. I couldn’t help but wonder the insoluble question: has social communication really fulfilled our needs of finding our values, or does it create huge voids of expectations that we can never replenish?

Point Two


Can we benefit from the tags that other people give us?

    根据心理学需求金字塔的定义,一个人最高的需求就是自我价值的认同与实现,而对于很多网络时代的年轻人来说,网红就是唯一能体现价值的标签。红即是正确,红就会被模仿,被人追捧。诚然,红人之所以红极一时,有可能就是因为哗众取宠,三观不正,就像Danielle,火了就更肆无忌惮了对吧?但火了之后她在做什么呢?Danielle走红后没有停止对自己的宣传,反而利用这个契机,不仅参加节目,还编曲出版,并且个人新单Hi Bich / Whachu know 一枪打中billboard top 100 和最佳女性说唱歌手提名奖。走红给她带去了价值,但她并没有让“做网红”成为自己的价值,而是寻找机会重新定义自己,改变了自己违法犯罪的命运。

    According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, self-actualization is the most wanted achievement of every human being on earth. For most millennial generations on earth, being internet famous on social medias means the most actualized self, such as the infamous famous Danielle who was tagged and expected for crimes and other corrupted qualities. But on the contrary she did not stop and get satisfied by what made her well-known; in fact Danielle redefined herself with her rap single “Hi Bich / Whachu know” which later made into Billboard top 100 list, and she was nominated for the best female rapper of Billboard. Being famous was a gift to her from social medias, but upon the mere attentions and fame, however, was a gift that allowed her to leave the criminal past and starting over with a new life.

Point Three


Do our values come from defying how other people labeled us?


    Naomi showed up for people who have sympathetic feelings about being pressured by social prejudices and internet famous of what makes a true beauty. Her confidence joined those people together through social medias and encouraged a small revolution of challenging conventional labels of beauty and being one’s true self. Although it was a shame that Naomi’s support failed to continue along the continuing of the competition, her fans and citizens of social medias sensed the arising powers that questioned and challenged the conventional discriminations toward females and minorities.



    互联网之父蒂姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)声称自己制造的是魔鬼,不是未来,并为自己的行为后悔。当我们发现了互联网无限的可能性与潜力,正在摸索它能带给我们的无穷价值的同时,人性浮躁的一面也像是开了闸一样奔涌而出。现如今智能手机人手一部,人们与互联网如影随形,与社交网络中的标签结合的越发紧密,更多的人开始直接用社交网络中的标签去定义自己,并试图用相同的方式去定义他人,甚至是他人的价值。这正是社交网络让人们慢慢失去自我价值的可怕之处,所谓的潘多拉诱人魔盒中的灾难。

    One of the first creators of the internet, Tim Berners-Lee, claimed that he brought this world the Pandora’s box - a seductive trap which can lead human destiny into extermination. It is yet too early to judge whether internet or social medias have truly brought destructions, however, some early symptoms have shown: we have let the internet become a part of us; people have slowly given up in self-actualization to indulge into social medias, discarded their abilities of thinking to let mobile applications become the source of their knowledge, and the disaster that also came with those instant on-line pleasure are the superficial definitions of black and white. If these are not Pandora’s curses, what could be?


    But according to the original mythology, hope was also buried in the box; it was just not released yet until all the tragedies had been set-free. Internet and social medias, as merely means of communications, can never be characterized as “good” or “evil”. Just like waterways or railways, it is solely depended on how people use them and what for. If the mythology is a good analogy of the internet, then we should be hopeful while the unwanted parts of humanity are rampaging on the internet, we also spotted signs of hope. It is because of the internet, we can talk to each other at the closet distance than we could have ever been, and that power had allowed us to help each other for a better future. People on social medias admired internet-famous, so an American girl caught this chance to alter her fate of misery; social media culture set a standard of females and minorities, and as a result people united under someone’s lead to set aside that prejudice. We can and we should have faith that social medias can bring us the future of mutual understanding as well as mutual respect one day, and with a better society connected by those networks, our next potential of humanity will be explored to benefit us even further. That is the hope we have been waiting for, and that is the best part of opening up the Pandora’s box.

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