




RiboBio于2009年就已推出专利产品EdU细胞增殖检测试剂盒,使用该产品累计发表的SCI文章数量已达到3500+篇。从2011年开始,使用RiboBio EdU试剂盒发表的文章数量逐年递增,2018年(截止11月底)使用EdU发表的SCI文章更是已经突破1000+篇。其中多数文章发表在诸如Nature Cell Biology、Circulation、Cell Research、Nature Chemical Biology、PNAS、ACS Nano、Cancer Research、Nature Communications、Clinical Cancer Research等国际知名期刊,绝对的质量有保证!






1、Expansion of cancer stem cell pool initiates lung cancer recurrence before angiogenesis. (期刊:PNAS  IF: 9.504  发表日期:2018年8月7日)

今年8月份发表在《PNAS》期刊上的文章中,通过每天腹腔注射5 mg/kg EdU(RiboBio)到携带肿瘤的裸鼠体内,连续注射2周后,分离LSC1和LAC1细胞,检测裸鼠体内肿瘤干细胞的不对称和对称分裂情况。

(A) EdU pulse–chase experiment in vivo. (B) Representative IF images of asymmetric and symmetric cell division in vivo. The percentages of EdU asymmetry (Asy) or symmetry (Sym) in LSC1 and LAC1 cells after IGF1 (500 ng/mL) or PBS treatment were summarized in Right.

2、Triphenyl Phosphate(TPHP) Induced Neurotoxicity in Adult Male Chinese Rare Minnows (Gobiocypris rarus). (期刊:Environ. Sci. Technol.  IF: 6.653  发表日期:2018年9月25日)

在今年9月份发表的这篇文章中,通过腹腔注射的方式将20 μl/g EdU(RiboBio)注射到成年雄性中国稀有鮈鲫体内,处理4小时后,分离新生脑细胞,检测磷酸三苯酯(TPHP)处理的鱼脑部细胞增殖情况,揭示磷酸三苯酯(TPHP)诱导的神经毒性作用。

Fig1. Photomicrographs and quantification analysis of EdU-labeled cells in male rare minnow telencephalic areas from TPHP-treated and matched control animals. Fig2. Photomicrographs and quantification analysis of EdU-labeled cells in male rare minnow sagittal sections from TPHP-treated and matched control animals.

3、LMO2 attenuates tumor growth by targeting the Wnt signaling pathway in breast and colorectal cancer. (期刊:Scientific Reports  IF: 4.122  发表日期:2016年10月25日)

发表在2016年10月份的这篇文章中,通过腹腔注射的方式将5 mg/kg EdU(RiboBio)注射到荷瘤小鼠体内,处理2小时后,分离得到SW620和MDA-MB-231细胞,然后检测LMO2敲降或过表达荷瘤小鼠中乳腺癌和结直肠癌细胞增殖情况,结果证实了LMO2可减弱乳腺癌和结直肠癌的肿瘤生长作用。

E. Representative in vivo EdU incorporation assay results from xenograft tumors derived from sh-LMO2/sh-control MDA-MB-231 or LMO2 overexpressing/control SW620 cells.


1、Hdac7 promotes lung tumorigenesis by inhibiting Stat3 activation. (期刊:Molecular Cancer  IF: 7.776  发表日期:2017年11月10日)

发表在2017年11月份的这篇文章中,将50 mg/kg EdU(RiboBio)通过腹腔注射到Hdac7 PB (PiggyBac)杂合子突变小鼠体内,处理24小时后,取肺组织冰冻切片,检测Hdac7+/−/K-Ras小鼠体内肺癌细胞的增殖情况,表明Hdac7对肺癌发生的促进作用。

a. Left panels: Representative florescent images of mouse lung sections stained for EdU-positive cells (red) in lung tumors. Right panel: Statistics analysis of EdU-positive cells per field.

2、The mechanisms underlying olfactory deficits in apolipoprotein E–deficient mice focus on olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulb. (期刊:Neurobiology of aging  IF: 4.454  发表日期:2018年2月)

今年2月发表在Neurobiology of aging上的这篇文章中,通过腹腔注射的方式将5 mg/kg EdU(RiboBio)注射到3-5个月大的ApoE-/-和WT小鼠体内,处理7天和14天后,取脑组织切片,检测ApoE对新生神经元的影响,证明ApoE诱导对阿兹海默病(AD)发病机制的影响。

(G, H) Photomicrographs of EdU staining in the RMSOB 7 days and 14 days post injection, respectively, in 3~5 month-old WT and ApoE-/- mice.


1、Flow cytometric analysis of T lymphocyte proliferation in vivo by EdU incorporation. (期刊:International Immunopharmacology  IF: 3.118  发表日期:2016年10月27日)

发表在2016年的这篇文章中,每天通过腹腔或静脉注射将2.5、5、10、20、30 mg/kg EdU(RiboBio)注射到过继转移模型中的B6D2F1小鼠体内,连续处理3天后分离T淋巴细胞,通过流式细胞分析检测体内T淋巴细胞中EdU阳性细胞占比。

A: The numbers in the right upper quadrant refer to the percentages of EdU-positive cells from CD3+CD45.1+ T cells, CD45.1+CD4+ T cells and CD45.1+CD8+ T cells. C: The B6D2F1 mice in the adoptive transfer model were injected intraperitoneally or intravenously with 20 or 30 mg/kg/day EdU for three days.

2、Antitumor and Immunomodulatory Activities of Ganoderma lucidum Polysaccharides in Glioma-Bearing Rats. (期刊:Integrative cancer therapies  IF: 2.657  发表日期:2018年4月2日)

在今年4月份发表的这篇文章中,将5mg/kg EdU(RiboBio)通过腹腔注射到胶质瘤荷瘤大鼠体内,注射48h后分离脾细胞,流式细胞分析结合EdU检测T淋巴细胞增殖情况。

Fig. Cell proliferation detected by EdU incorporation (n=4).



EdU 细胞增殖检测方法通过检测渗入DNA 复制期间的EdU,借助荧光显微镜等荧光检测工具即可准确地检测出新增殖的细胞,快速统计处于S 期的细胞数,从而分析各种细胞增殖情况。



1、USP52 acts as a deubiquitinase and promotes histone chaperone ASF1A stabilization. (期刊:Nature Communications  IF: 12.353  发表日期:2018年3月29日)

发表在今年3月份的这篇文章中,用50μM EdU(RiboBio)处理转染过USP52 和ASF1A siRNA的HeLa细胞,孵育2小时后,进行免疫荧光分析,检测EdU阳性细胞占比,进一步证实USP52在乳腺癌发生中的潜在作用。

c. Immunofluorescence analysis of HeLa cells transfected with control siRNA, USP52 siRNA, or ASF1A siRNA followed by EdU pulse labeling. d. HeLa cells stably expressing FLAG-ASF1A or FLAG-USP52 were transfected with control siRNA, USP52 siRNA, or ASF1A siRNA as indicated and analyzed by immunofluorescence after EdU pulse labeling.

2、Identification of a cellularly active SIRT6 allosteric activator. (期刊:Nature Chemical Biology  IF: 13.843  发表日期:2018年3月29日)

今年3月份发表在Nature Chemical Biology上的这篇文章中,用50μM EdU(RiboBio)孵育MDL-800 (0, 10 μM或25 μM)处理48小时后的HCC细胞(Bel7405)2小时后,检测EdU阳性Bel7405细胞百分比。

a. Images of EdU staining of HCC cells after MDL-800 (0, 10 μM, or 25 μM) treatment for 48 h. The relative percentage of EdU-positive Bel7405 cells in images of related groups is shown.

3、The MBNL3 splicing factor promotes hepatocellular carcinoma by increasing PXN expression through the alternative splicing of lncRNA-PXN-AS1. (期刊:Nature Cell Biology  IF: 19.064  发表日期:2017年5月29日)

发表在2017年5月份的这篇文章中,用EdU(RiboBio)处理MBNL3过表达的肝癌SMMC-7721和 QSG-7701细胞后,检测MBNL3 对肝癌细胞增殖的影响,突出MBNL3剪接因子对肝细胞癌的促进作用。

(e,f) Cell proliferations were assessed using EdU(RiboBio) immunofluorescence staining in SMMC-7721 or QSG-7701 cells stably overexpressing MBNL3.

4、Long noncoding RNA LINC01234 functions as a competing endogenous RNA to regulate CBFB expression by sponging miR-204-5p in gastric cancer. (期刊:Clinical Cancer Research  IF: 10.199  发表日期:2018年1月31日)

今年1月份发表的这篇文章中,用50 μM EdU(RiboBio)处理转染了si-LINC01234或pcDNA-LINC01234的胃癌细胞SGC7901和BGC823,孵育2小时后,检测转染了si-LINC01234和pcDNA-LINC01234的胃癌细胞增殖能力。

G, H. EdU staining assays were performed to determine the proliferation of si-LINC01234-transfected or pcDNA-LINC01234- transfected gastric cancer cells.


1、Exosomes derived from miR-140-5p-overexpressing human synovial mesenchymal stem cells enhance cartilage tissue. (期刊:Theranostics  IF: 8.766  发表日期:2017年01月01日)

2017年1月份发表在Theranostics上的这篇文章中,将0.15μL EdU(RiboBio)作用于使用了或未使用SMSC-Exos处理的空载体或shYAP#1转染的软骨细胞,孵育3小时后,通过流式细胞分析检测EdU阳性细胞比例。

(B) EdU assays were performed, using chondrocytes transfected with empty vector or S127A. The percentage of EdU-positive cells (labelled green) was determined. (G) EdU assays were performed on chondrocytes transfected with empty vector or shYAP #1 with or without SMSC-Exos treatment, at a concentration of 10×1011 exosome particles/mL.

2、Long non-coding RNA GAS5 controls human embryonic stem cell self-renewal by maintaining NODAL signaling. (期刊:Nature Communications  IF: 12.353  发表日期:2016年11月04日)

发表在2016年11月的这篇文章中,将EdU(RiboBio)作用于hESCs和HEK-293T细胞后,通过细胞成像并结合流式细胞分析检测lncRNA GAS5对hESCs和HEK-293T细胞自我更新能力的影响。

(f) Representative images of EdU(RiboBio) analysis (n=3) and flow cytometry quantification (n=3) of different expressed hESCs and HEK-293T cells.

3、An in vivo method to identify microRNA targets not predicted by computation algorithms p21 targeting by miR-92a in cancer. (期刊:Cancer Research  IF: 9.130  发表日期:2015年06月10日)

2015年发表的这篇文章中,将50μM EdU(RiboBio)处理转染了NC、anti-92a或 anti-92a+p21si的肝细胞癌HepG2和QGY-7703细胞,孵育2小时后,通过流式细胞分析检测miR-92a对HepG2和QGY-7703细胞生长的影响。

C, HepG2 and QGY-7703 cell growth was measured by using EdU incorporation after transfection of NC, anti-92a or anti-92a+p21si.



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