


       今天我们分享一篇华中科大周军教授利用熔融盐方法制备二维插层氧化物和氢氧化物的文献:Zhimi Hu et al., Rapid mass production of two-dimensional metal oxides and hydroxides via the molten salts method, Nat. Commun., 8: 15630, 2017.

1. 二维阳离子插层氧化物/二维阴离子插层氢氧化物制备方法

        如图Fig. 1a所示,去一定质量的硝酸盐放到坩埚中,将其在马弗炉中加热至熔融态,然后加入氧化物前驱体(Fig. 1a-c);此时熔融盐中的裸离子将会与前驱体发生反应,伴随着反应体系的体积膨胀,生成二维结构材料,重结晶的硝酸盐和一些副产物(Fig. 1d,Movie 1)。待反应体系温度降到室温并对产物进行过滤,就可以得到二维插层氧化物,如Fig. 1e。将这些所得产物分散在水中(0.2 mg ml-1), 如Fig. 1f。同样该方法可以制备阴离子插层氢氧化物。Fig. 1g显示阳离子插层氧化物呈负的Zeta电位,而阴离子产层的氢氧化物呈正的Zeta电位。

Figure 1 | Synthesis process and 2D materials dispersion. (a) Schematic of the molten salts methos (MSM) synthesis of 2D oxides and hydroxides. First, salts were heated to the molten state in a muffle furnace ,and then precursors were added into them. Second, after reacting for 1 min, we removed the samples from the furnace. Finally, after washing the salts with DI water, 2D oxides and hydroxides nanosheets were obtained. (b) Image of NaNOparticles in a 50ml quartz crucible. (c) Image of molten salt NaNO3 at 350℃.(d) Image of a mixture of the salt and 2D Na0.55Mn2O4·1.5H2O after reacting for 1 min. (e) Image of 2D Na0.55Mn2O4·1.5H2O powder after washing with DI water. (f) Image of different 2D oxides and hydroxides dispersed in DI water at a concentration of 0.2 mg ml-1. (g) Zeta potentials of various 2D oxides and hydroxides in DI water.

Movie 1. 制备二维插层氧化物和氢氧化物流程实验。

1.1 二维Na0.55Mn2O4·1.5H2OK0.27MnO2·0.54H2O的合成

    取5g硝酸盐粉末加入坩埚中,并转移倒马弗炉中于350 (NaNO3)或者380(KNO3)加热10分钟。当硝酸盐成为熔融态后,加入0.2g MnSO4粉末,反应1分钟。然后,将反应产物在马弗炉中取出并冷却至室温,最后,用去离子水洗涤去除NaNO3或者KNO3

1.2 二维Li2WO4Na2W4O13的合成

    取5g硝酸盐粉末加入坩埚中,并转移倒马弗炉中于420 (LiNO3)或者350(NaNO3)加热10分钟。当硝酸盐成为熔融态后,加入0.2g仲钨酸铵(H40N10O41W12·xH2O)粉末,反应1分钟。然后,将反应产物在马弗炉中取出并冷却至室温,最后,用去离子水洗涤去除LiNO3或者NaNO3

1.3 二维Zn5(OH)8(NO3)2·2H2O的合成

    取5g KNO3粉末加入坩埚中,并转移倒马弗炉中于380℃加热10分钟。当KNO3成为熔融态后,加入0.2g ZnCl2粉末,反应1分钟。然后,将反应产物在马弗炉中取出并冷却至室温,最后,用去离子水洗涤去除KNO3

1.4 二维Cu2(OH)3NO3的合成

    取5g KNO3粉末加入坩埚中,并转移倒马弗炉中于380℃加热10分钟。当KNO3成为熔融态后,加入0.2g Cu(NO3)2·3H2O粉末,反应1分钟。然后,将反应产物在马弗炉中取出并冷却至室温,最后,用去离子水洗涤去除KNO3

2. 材料表征

2.1 二维Na0.55Mn2O4·1.5H2OK0.27MnO2·0.54H2O,Li2WO4和Na2W4O13的表征

Figure 2 | Characterization of cation intercalated 2D oxides. Characterization of Na0.55Mn2O4·1.5H2O. (a) SEM image; (b) low-resolution TEM image; (c) high-resolution TEM image; (d) atomic structure. Characterization of K0.27MnO2·0.54H2O. (e) SEM image; (f) low-resolution TEM image; (g) high-resolution TEM image; (h) atomic structure. Characterization of Li2WO4. (i) SEM image; (j) low-resolution TEM image; (k) high-resolution TEM image; (l) atomic structure. (d) Characterization of Na2W4O13. (m) SEM image; (n) low-resolution TEM image; (o) high-resolution TEM image; (p) atomic structure. Scale bar for a, e, i, m is 1 mm, b, f, j, n is 200nm and c, g,k, o is 2 nm.

2.2 二维Zn5(OH)8(NO3)2·2H2O和Cu2(OH)3NO3的表征

Figure 3 | Characterization of anion intercalated 2D hydroxides. Characterization of Zn5(OH)8(NO3)2·2H2O. (a) SEM image; (b) low-resolution TEM image; (c) high-resolution TEM image; (d) atomic structure. Characterization of Cu2(OH)3NO3. (e) SEM image; (f) low-resolution TEM image; (g) high-resolution TEM image; (h) atomic structure. Scale bar for a, e is 1 mm, b, f is 200nm and c, g is 2 nm.



       首先确认的一点是熔融盐中的离子对于制备插层二维材料具有非常重要的作用。形成二维离子插层物质的过程包括两步,如Fig. 4所示。第一步是金属离子形成[MOx]octahedron或者[M(OH)x]polyhedron晶种,M代表金属离子,x是氧原子数目;第二步是熔融盐中的离子影响这些[MOx]octahedron或者[M(OH)x]polyhedron种子去自组装成插层二维氧化物和氢氧化物。

Figure 4 | Proposed mechanism of the molten salts synthesis of 2D ion-intercalated metal oxides and hydroxides. MOx or M(OH)x (M represents metal) molecules were formed when the metal ions from the precursor reacted with nitrate or H2O. During the self-assembly of these MOx or M(OH)x molecules, ions from the molten salts rapidly arranged in a 2D plane and guided the growth of the 2Dstructure.



                      Mn2++yNO3→[MO6]octahedron+yNO3-6/y (yNO3-的离子数目)    (1)


最终形成的Na0.55Mn2O4·1.5H2O和K0.27MnO2·0.54H2O的晶体结构如Fig. 5:

Figure 5│Crystal structures of Na0.55Mn2O4·1.5H2O and K0.27MnO2·0.54H2O. a and b, The crystal structure of Na0.55Mn2O4·1.5H2O with different viewing angle. c and d, The crystal structure of K0.27MnO2·0.54H2O with different viewing angle.


     第一步:Zn2+和H2O反应形成[Zn(OH)6]八面体和[Zn(OH)4]四面体晶种,然后这些晶种形成二维氢氧化物,并伴随着阴离子和水分子插层以平衡电荷和稳定晶体结构。反应历程如(4),(5)所示,其晶体结构如Fig. 6所示。

Fig. 6 Crystal structure of Zn5(OH)8(NO3)2·2H2O. a and b show the crystal structure of Zn5(OH)8(NO3)2·2H2O with different viewing angle.


Fig. 7 Crystal structures of Cu2(OH)3NO3. a and b show the crystal structure of Cu2(OH)3NOwith different viewing angle.


       以K0.27MnO2·0.54H2O为例进行细致地分析为什么生成物是二维的。MnO2存在多种多样的晶体结构,比如α, β,γδ相,这四种相被认为都是热力学稳定相。广为人知的是:水钠锰矿型MnO2是动力学产物,通常来讲是首先形成的。而像α和β相的MnO2一般是热力学产物,可以有δ-MnO2相变而得到。在实验中发现:将反应时间增加至10min,其形成的K0.27MnO2·0.54H2O (δ-MnO2相)的形貌仍旧没有变化,如Fig. 8。这说明二维插层δ-MnO2相在这种反映体系中是稳定的。

Figure 8│Morphology and structure information of manganese oxides. (a) TEM image of δ-MnO2 as the reaction time prolonging to 10 minutes. b, XRD pattern of δ-MnO2 as the reaction time prolonging to 10 minutes, the corresponding JCPDS card numberis 52-0556. Scale bar, 200 nm.

     该制备方法中与之前水热法合成水钠锰矿的两点不同之处在于:(1) 反应温度较高(350℃),(2)没有水合作用,只有离子参与反应。因此,暂且考虑影响产物形貌的只有这两种因素。分别讨论这两种因素对产物形貌的影响:

     (1) 反应温度的影响


其中,ks是反应速率常数(s-1), A频率因子 (s-1), Es是活化能 (J mol-1), R是摩尔气体常数 (8.314 J mol-1K-1) T反应温度。对于不同的晶格方向和反应体系,A是一样的。不同反应体系下,在同一温度下,活化能Es是不变的。


       在文献(Small 11, 300-305 (2015))中,作者利用水热法在150℃(423K)合成了厚度在2-10nm,侧向尺寸在1-2μm的超薄δ-MnO2纳米片,根据这些参数可以计算出在此水热体系中kb和ka比值以及Ea和Eb的差EaEb,计算如下:



     (2) 离子态的影响



     这个差值代表的是沿着[100]方向,水热体系比熔融盐体系多出来的额外能量。 K+的水合能量是-312.2 kJ mol-1,在产物K0.27MnO2·0.54H2O中 K+的数目是0.27,因此其脱水能量312.2*0.27=84.3kJ mol-1,此数值和Eb-Eb在同一个数量级。在水热环境中,其不可能达到完全脱水状态,因此其实际的脱水能小于84.3kJ mol-1。因此,可以确定这些离子在促进侧面尺寸生长的过程中起到了决定性的作用,促进了侧面尺寸生长的反应速率。

4. 离子种类对形貌的的影响

    除了使用NaNO3和KNO3作为熔融盐外,实验发现CsNO3和Ba(NO3)2均可以作为熔融盐制备相应离子插层二维锰氧化物,如Fig. 9。制备方法:取0.5gCsNO3粉末或者Ba(NO3)2加入坩埚中,并转移倒马弗炉中于450℃(CsNO3)或者620℃(Ba(NO3)2)加热10分钟。当硝酸盐成为熔融态后,加入0.2g MnSO4粉末,反应1分钟。然后,将反应产物在马弗炉中取出并冷却至室温,最后,用去离子水洗涤去除硝酸盐。

Figure 9│Morphology and structure information of Cs4Mn14O27·xH2O and Ba2Mn14O27·xH2O. a, SEM images of Cs4Mn14O27·xH2O. b, SEM image of Ba2Mn14O27·xH2O. c, XRD pattern of Cs4Mn14O27·xH2O. d, XRD pattern of Ba2Mn14O27·xH2O. Scale bar, 1 μm.

     而当选择LiNO3和作为熔融盐时,则形成β-MnO2纳米线,如Fig. 10。这可能是因为Li+离子半径太小而不足以支撑β-MnO2的层间距(0.7nm)。这也证明离子种类也是决定形成而二维材料的重要因素。

Figure 10│Morphology and structureof MnOwith the LiNO3 as molten salt. When we used LiNOas the molten salt, we obtain nanowires instead of 2D Li-intercalated MnO2. a, SEM image of MnO2. b, XRD pattern of MnO2, the corresponding JCPDS card number is 81-2261 and the crystal structure belongs to β-MnO2. Scale bar, 2 μm.

5. 样品的实际应用(Na2W4O13)

     因为这些样品都是离子插层样品,离子在层间很容易扩散进来或者扩散出去,因此在储能领域有着较大的潜力应用;另外,该类材料的由于具有二维特性,因此其比表面积也很大,如Fig. 11所示,因此,可以提供更多的活性位点。

Figure 11│Right: N2 adsorption and desorption isotherms of 2D ion-intercalated materials. Including Na0.55Mn2O4·1.5H2O, K0.27MnO2·0.54H2O, Li2WO4, Na2W4O13, Cu2(OH)3NOand Zn5(OH)8(NO3)2·2H2O. Lfet: BET surface area of different 2D materials.

     1. Na2W4O13被选为电极材料研究了其电化学储能性质


     电极的制备:通过真空过滤将二维Na2W4O13沉积在Celgard薄膜上,作为一个电极。二维Na2W4O13的厚度大概为1μm, 如Fig. 13b中插图所示。

    电化学性能测试:三电极体系测试。二维Na2W4O13的作为一极, Ag/AgCl作为一极;0.5mol的Na2SO4溶液作为电解质,实验发现,二维Na2W4O13的堆积体具有很好的浸润性,如Fig. 12所示

Figure 12│ The change of contact angle with different time. (a-d) The contact angle of Na2W4O13 film with 0.5mol L-1 Na2SO4 solution. The contact time of Na2W4O13 film and Na2W4O13 solution is (a) 0 s, (b) 0.6s, (c) 1.2s and (d) 1.8s. 

      当二维Na2W4O13的堆积体作为电极正极时,其电极行为显示出明显的赝电容行为,如Fig. 13a。在5mVs-1的情况下,其容量电容为~310 F cm-3100mV s-1时,约为200 F cm-3,这说明了其良好的倍率性能。其长时间循环稳定性测试显示,在10mV s-1的情况下,经过10000次循环后,其电容还保持在其初次容量的93%,如Fig. 13c。

Figure 13│Electrochemical performance of 2D Na2W4O13 electrode in 0.5 mol L-1 Na2SO4 electrolyte. a, cyclic voltammetry (CV) curves at different sweep rate from 5mV s-1 to 100mV s-1. b, Volumetric capacitance versus different sweep rate. The inset is the cross-sectional SEM image of the electrode. c, Long-term stabilityof the electrode. The inset is the CV curves of the first cycle and the 10000th cycle.

2. 作为可印刷的固态电容器电极

       实验发现,二维Na2W4O13的溶液呈现出很好地分散性胶体行为,并因此出现了丁达尔效应,如Fig. 14所示。这种胶体性质的溶液非常适合制备可印刷的电子设备。基于此,将二维Na2W4O13的溶液通过Mayer rod方法印刷在A4纸上,制成了固态电容器器件。

Figure 14│ Tyndall effect of the Na2W4O13 dispersion and electron conductivity of the electrodes. a, Obvious Tyndall effect was observed for Na2W4O13 dispersion. b, Electron conductivity of the A4 paper@CNT@ Na2W4O13electrodes.

     器件制备过程:首先通过Mayer rod方法在A4纸上涂上一层碳纳米管(CNT),作为电流收集器(Fig. 15a);然后利用相同的办法将Na2W4O13涂到CNT薄膜上(Fig. 15b),最终得到A4纸@CNT@Na2W4O13电极(Fig. 15c, d)。器件的示意结构如Fig. 15e, 两个A4纸@CNT@Na2W4O13电极中间夹住H3PO4/PolyvinylAlcohol (PVA)组成的固体电解质,这样就制备出了柔性固态电容器,如Fig. 15f。通过不同扫描速度下的测试发现,该电容器的的稳定工作电压窗口在0-0.8V,即使在100mV s-1时扫描速度下,其CV曲线只是略有形变,如Fig. 15g,这说明离子和电子在该电容器中的高传输率。当扫描速度从5mV s-1增加到100mV s-1时,其倍率性能让能保持69%(Fig. 16)。Fig. 15h是其功率密度和能量密度曲线,在功率密度为1.2Wcm-3(598.4 W kg-1)时,最高能量密度达到3.83mWh cm-3 (1.33Wh kg-1),与文献报道的4 V/500 mAh Li薄膜电池,WO3@MoO3不对称固态电容器的性能相当,比VOx/VN不对称固态电容器和Al电解电容要高很多。另外,将四个固态电容器串联得到了功率为3.2V的电源,足以点亮一个商用LED,如Fig.f中的插图。

Figure 5 | Fabrication and electrochemical performance of solid-state supercapacitors based on 2D Na2W4O13. (a) Coating CNTs. We dropped CNT ink on A4 paper and used the Mayer rod method (glass rod) to coat the CNTs on the A4 paper uniformly. (b, c) Coating Na2W4O13. We dropped the Na2W4O13 suspension on the A4 paper and used a glass rod to coat Na2W4O13 on the A4paper@CNT. (d) Image of the A4 paper@CNT@ Na2W4O13. (e) Schematic of the A4 paper@CNT@Na2W4O13-based solid-state supercapacitor, showing the different functional layers. (f) Image of the solid-state supercapacitor in the bending state. The inset is the four supercapacitors connected in series that can power a red commercial LED. (g) CV curves at different sweep rates of the solid-state supercapacitor. (h) Ragone plot of the solid-state supercapacitor. (i) CV curves at a sweep rate of 200mV s-1 of the single supercapacitor and four supercapacitors connected in series.

Figure 16│Capacitance of the solid-state SC at different sweep rates. Volumetric capacitance value of the solid-state SC at sweep rate from 5mV s-1 to 100 mV s-1.

3. 作为离子吸附剂

      二维Na2W4O13电极对Mg2+, Cd2+,Ca2+Pb2+具有良好的吸收性能,如Fig. 17。

Figure 17│Ions adsorption of 2D Na2W4O18 for various cations. In a typical adsorption experiment, 30 mg Na2W4O18 powder was introduced into 100 mL bottle with 50 mL solution containing 50 mg L-1 metal ions (Mg2+, Cd2+, Ca2+ and Pb2+) and stirring for 2 hours. Finally, the resulting solutions were filtered through 0.45 micrometers membranes.


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