

每日健身计划:2014年11月一月塑身 One Month To A Better Body | Hiit Blog

One Month To A Better Body

Want a head start on getting ready to wear your LBD at the office Christmas party? Or just really preparing for that beach body?

Either way, follow this challenge, and you’ll have a better body in one month.

With this challenge, if you start on the 1st  you will get Fridays off. If you choose to start on a Monday, you’ll get Sundays off – your choice. That doesn’t mean that on Sundays you can gorge on junk food because you 'earned it’ though – try to do some active rest as Lisa always suggests to keep your body moving, but allowing your muscles to recover.

The reps in this challenge build gradually with a three day rota system – so you’ll do three days of different exercises, then you’ll start those three days over again but with higher reps.

There’s no need to rush this challenge – it’s not easy to do 50 burpees! Work at your own pace and do your best to complete it. If you’re struggling then split the reps up through the day, so you could do some in the morning, then in the afternoon, and then finish in the evening.


Day 1

10 burpees

10 squats

10  curl and press


Day 2

10 mountain climbers

10 deadlift and row

10 lunges


Day 3

10 surfers

10 shoulder tap planks

10 rope pulls


Day 4

15 burpees

15 squats

15  curl and press


Day 5

15 mountain climbers

15 deadlift and row

15 lunges


Day 6

15 surfers

15 shoulder tap planks

15 rope pulls


Day 7



Day 8

20 burpees

20 squats

20  curl and press


Day 9

20 mountain climbers

20 deadlift and row

20 lunges


Day 10

20 surfers

20 shoulder tap planks

20 rope pulls


Day 11

25 burpees

25 squats

25  curl and press


Day 12

25 mountain climbers

25 deadlift and row

25 lunges


Day 13

25 surfers

25 shoulder tap planks

25 rope pulls


Day 14



Day 15

30 burpees

30 squats

30  curl and press


Day 16

30 mountain climbers

30 deadlift and row

30 lunges


Day 17

30 surfers

30 shoulder tap planks

30 rope pulls


Day 18

35 burpees

35 squats

35  curl and press


Day 19

35 mountain climbers

35 deadlift and row

35 lunges


Day 20

35 surfers

35 shoulder tap planks

35 rope pulls


Day 21



Day 22

40 burpees

40 squats

40  curl and press


Day 23

40 mountain climbers

40 deadlift and row

40 lunges


Day 24

40 surfers

40 shoulder tap planks

40 rope pulls


Day 25

45 burpees

45 squats

45  curl and press


Day 26

45 mountain climbers

45 deadlift and row

45 lunges


Day 27

45 surfers

45 shoulder tap planks

45 rope pulls


Day 28



Day 29

50 burpees

50 squats

50  curl and press


Day 30

50 mountain climbers

50 deadlift and row

50 lunges




How to:



Stand with your feet shoulder width apart facing forward. Squat deep down towards the floor keeping your back straight and your head facing forward, then return to a standing position.
Curl and press

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with your feet facing forward holding a sandbag with your arms down in front of you. Lift up to a bicep curl, then lift the sandbag above your head and back down.


Mountain climbers

Get into the plank position with your hands flat on the floor, and (in a running motion) lift your knees alternately up towards your chest.


Deadlift and row



Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, facing forward. Step your right foot out in front of you and bend your right knee lowering your left knee to the floor, then bring your right foot back together with your left foot, and repeat on the other side.




Shoulder tap planks

Hold the plank position, and one at a time, tap your hand to the opposite shoulder while supporting yourself with the other hand. Try not to move your body too much as you make the transition from one hand to the other.


Rope pulls

Sitting on your butt, lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground (try to keep them off the ground for the whole exercise). Then put your arms in the air and alternate pulling your hands downwards as though pulling a rope down. At the same time pull your opposite leg towards your chest, then alternate.


Please note: One month is not enough time to lose a tremendous amount  of fat safely – this challenge has been designed to help you build muscle and tighten up for an improved body. If you want to see drastic improvements then you need to exercise regularly for much longer than one month.

This challenge is a great way to kick start a new healthier, fitter, happier you though.


For more workout challenges follow my blog.


Featured image credit: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=140351963


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