



Welcome to lesson one of the OpenLanguage Writing Course! 

We'll be looking at some of the most important rules in English writing to help you write better and communicate more effectively at work.

Let's get started! 


Email is the main method of communication for most of us. It allows us to communicate despite conflicting schedules or timezones, but there are two problems. We receive so many, and they can so often be misinterpreted.


Many companies keep records of all incoming and outgoing emails, so it’s important to keep all business emails professional. If you want to share something more personal with coworkers that may or may not be work appropriate, it’s safer to send it from your personal account to their personal email.

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Common features of an email 

To start off, let’s take a look at one of the most frequently used email clients, Microsoft Outlook. 

  1. To field: 收件人

  2. Cc field: 抄送 (carbon copy)

  3. Bcc field. 密送 (blind carbon copy)

  4. Subject field: 主题

  5. The body: 内容

  6. Formatting toolbox: 排版

  7. Attachment: 附件

  8. Save: 保存

  9. Send: 发送

  10. Reply - 回复

  11. Reply all - 全部回复

  12. Forward - 转发

The longer the better? No, go for concise and clear emails


As emails become more crucial in the business world, it becomes even more important to write clear and concise emails. It saves both you and your recipients time by reducing misunderstanding, which increases response rates, therefore increasing overall productivity. 

What does it take to write better emails? Read on to find out!

Purpose  目的

Make sure you know what you’re asking for and why. If there’s no good reason for the email, don’t send it. 

Remember the 5 W’s: who, what, when, where, why. And sometimes, how.

Express your purpose in the subject  邮件主题栏直接表达邮件目的

The subject is often overlooked. We often receive emails without a subject line, or with the subject 'Hi', 'Hello'.

Remember the subject line is the best place to communicate the purpose of your email. And it will help the recipient notice your email in their inbox. So don't let it go to waste.

Generally speaking, the subject line should convey the purpose of your email.


  • If you're writing to schedule a meeting, the subject should say 'Meeting @ [time]'

  • If you're writing to summarize a meeting, the subject should say 'Meeting Notes' 

  • If you'are writing to request information, the subject should say 'Information needed'

  • If you're sending information, the subject line should specify the type of information so that it's easier for the recipient to find and archive the email. 

5 sentence limit  5句话结束邮件

Strive to stay within five sentences. It will be enough for most of the emails you send. It helps to have a guideline, so… 

Stick to a template 使用一个好结构

In the following days, we’ll give you a few templates of frequently sent emails, but here is the general outline:


  1. greeting  (问候)

  2. compliment/pleasantry (客套话)

  3. reason (写邮件的原因)

  4. call to action (想达到什么目的)

  5. closing message (结尾)

  6. signature  (落款)

Following a general structure allows you to keep your emails as short as possible while conveying all the necessary information. Let’s break each of these components down.

Greeting - the first line of the email  问候


“Hi [name]” or “Hello [name]” are all acceptable. 

If you’re more familiar with a coworker, “Hey” is fine, but avoid using it when addressing superiors. 

“Dear” is always appropriate, as it is the most formal way to address someone. But between coworkers, it might seem a little too formal. 

Compliment or pleasantry - 客套话

A sentence that conveys praise or gratitude.


  • It was lovely meeting you at...

  • I hope you are doing well...

  • It's been a while since we last spoke. Hope things are going well...


Brief introductions  简短的自我介绍

If you’re contacting someone for the first time, let your recipient know who you are. One sentence will do. 


My name is [your name], and it was lovely meeting you at [some event]. 

If it’s been a while since you last contacted this person and you’re debating whether to reintroduce yourself, it’s safer to let your signature do the talking for you. 


It keeps the body of the email as short as possible. It’s also rude to reintroduce yourself to someone who already knows you, so if they’re not sure, they can just check out your signature. 

Sign off 落款

There are a few different ways you can sign off an email. The most common ones include: 

  • Best Regards

  • Best wishes

  • Best

  • Regards

  • Sincerely

  • Looking forward to your reply

  • Speak with you soon 

Signature 签名

Yes, you need one. It’s a simple way of sharing information that you should always include without lengthening the body of the email. 

It should contain:

  • your name  (名字)

  • your job title (职位)

  • a link to your company's website (公司网站)

  • your contact details (phone number, office address)  (联系方式)

  • your relevant social media information (linkedin, WeChat, etc.)  (相关的社交媒体信息)

Formatting  排版

  • Make it easy for your recipient to read your email.  使用易读的排版

  • Choose a dark, legible font on a light background. 标准字体和颜色

  • Break up large chunks of text into smaller paragraphs.  把长段内容切分成简短的段落

  • Don’t use emoticons (:D, ^-^) or chat abbreviations (LOL, BRB, TTYL) unless you are mirroring the email language of your recipient. 不要用表情符号,或者俚语缩写

One thing only 一封邮件讲一件事

Keep your emails short and to the point. 

If you need to discuss another project or unrelated issue, write a separate email.

Use short words, sentences, and paragraphs 用简短的词、句子、段落

Respect your reader’s time by making your email easy to understand and as short as possible. 

Eliminate unnecessary words.

Use the active voice 用主动语态

Always use the active voice. 

Not only are sentences written in the active voice easier to read and comprehend, it encourages action and responsibility. 

The active voice focuses on the person taking action whereas the passive voice focuses on the object that is acted upon.

     Active: I completed the report.

     Passive: The report was completed by me.

Proofread  校对

This goes without saying. Always double check for typos, spelling mistakes, and grammar. Make sure their name is spelled correctly. 

In addition, check to make sure your message is clear. 

If possible, set it aside for a couple hours and proofread once more before sending it out. 

Empathy 同理心、用收件人的角度思考  

Put yourself in your recipient’s shoes when composing your email. Think about how they would interpret the message and feel upon reading it. 

This simple shift in perspective can make a big difference in the way people respond to you. 

Things to think about: 

     - We are all busy. No one has the time to guess your meaning. Write the way you speak to convey friendliness, keep your emails short, and make your message easy to understand so they can respond quickly. 

     - We like compliments. They make us feel good, and people like people who make them feel good. Strive to include one in every email you send. 

     - We like to be appreciated. If your reader has helped you in any way, remember to thank them for it, even if it was their job to do so in the first place.

Hope you find today's lesson useful. 

Tomorrow we'll be looking at different templates for writing daily work emails.

If you have any questions, please send them to 开言助手!We'll try to answer them at the end of the course. 

And make sure to put what you've learned into use. 

See you tomorrow! 


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