



1. Smile  微笑

It is hardly surprising that smiling is on the list. What is surprising though, is that many women don’t realize how attractive they are to men when they have a big grin on their face. A bright genuine smile lights up your whole face and really does show you at your best. Even science has concluded that a smile is your most attractive feature, whether you’re a man or a woman.


2. Eyes  眼神

The right kind of makeup can really help to accentuate your eyes, another feature which many men notice way ahead of more predictable physical attributes. What men find really attractive is when women make and hold eye contact with them. It might seem a little forward to stare deep into a man’s soul when he is standing across a crowded bar, but it’s a very clear way of letting a guy know you’re interested. Intimate eye contact is incredibly attractive too. After all, the eyes are the window to the soul.


3. Laughter   笑声

If a smile is a secret weapon when it comes to making an impression on the opposite s*x, then imagine how powerful your laugh could be? Even science backs this one up, where a German study measured women’s laughter and found that it not only correlated with how attractive they found the man they were talking to but also with how attractive he found her! Of course, if your laughter happens to include loud snorts and grunts then the chances are you weren’t wowing any blokes. Coquettish giggles are much more likely to be successful.


4. Sense Of Style    有时尚感

It won’t come as any real surprise to learn that men often notice what a woman is wearing when they see her in a bar or in the street. Are they wearing a tight dress? Are they wearing the color red? Or they wearing high heels? While you might expect men to show more interest in girls who wear short skirts or revealing tops, the truth is that what they are really looking for is someone who has their own sense of style. It all comes down to self-confidence. If you’re comfortable enough in your own skin to wear clothes that stand out from the crowd, then the chances are that your personality will do exactly the same thing.


5. Self-Confidence  自信满满

A lot of the attributes that have appeared on this list already–eye contact, unique sense of style, sense of humor, the way you compose yourself in public–are all indicative of self-confidence, a very attractive trait in women according to a lot of single guys out there. This might put some men off, but if you manage to get the attention of a self-confident girl, then you’re in for a much more enjoyable time than if you’re in a relationship with someone who needs constant reassurance because they lack self-confidence.


6. Attitude  宽以待人

Not only do men notice physical attributes beyond the obvious boobs and butt, but they also notice how a woman acts towards those around her. It could be something as simple as how she speaks to the bartender or the waiter–minding her pleases and thank yous–or how she reacts towards someone less fortunate than herself. Perhaps she gives a homeless person on the street a few coins, rather than stepping over them while she checks her phone.





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