

上相•十二問|徐升:沒有什麼比「未知」更具吸引力(九月 / NO.02)

「 十二問 」

  上相 對話 XXX  

「十二問」是上相公眾號2017推出的交流專題, 第一季為9-11月,三個主題,共計12期。


12 questions is the exchange special subject published by SHANGXIANG publi caccount in 2017 ,The first season was between September and November,which has three themes, a total of 12 phases.

4 people will be found in every month related with the subject content,these people have one thing in common, that is, in this easy to be affected, easy to be affected by the age, but still very serious in doing a thing ......



We ask them the same 12 questions , which questions cover the aspects from knowledge to business point even for the life expectation , we request everyone to share the internal answers , concluded the multi-angle thinking of some things 

Why we just ask 12 questions ?This is because that 12 is the special number in China , it can mean as period or metempsychosis , also a review of the past experiences......


Perhaps these sharing in your world can't be earth-shaking changes, but should also be precious if can have a moment of thinking !


Second phase

徐升: 沒有什麼比「 未知 」更具吸引力

Nothing is more attractive than "unknown"

上相: 首先,請您聊一下您是因為甚麼契機立志從事藝術行業的?


SHANGXIANG:At first ,would you talk about what kind of opportunity make you to engage in the art  industry?

XU Sheng: At first , because my mother’s career is costume designing, since childhood I has had the opportunity to contact with painting, so all the way is engaged in painting and art related matters. Including most of the time in today, art anddesign are also synchronized process, because I think design is a very interesting thing.

《指向天空》/ The Pointing to thesky

上相: 您認為您對事物的眼光從小就和別人不一樣嗎?


SHANGXIANG: Do you think you have a different eye view of things from others since you was a child?

Xu Sheng: There will be some definite differences, and this " different ", in fact, is mainly because your choice and aesthetic will be shaped by art education, at the same time ,this shaping of the choice and aesthetic will affect your judgment of the way of things, so I think of things as a child will not be the same as the professional.

《盘绕》/ The Coiled

上相: 您在挑選作品素材的時候有甚麼基準嗎?在收集素材的階段,您一般都是甚麼樣的狀態?

徐升:我在挑選作品素材的時候應該是說沒有太多固定標準的, 因為一旦有標準它就有一種約束。但並不是完全沒有基準的,我的這些“基準”是基於我、跟我生命經歷過、發生過關係的一些場遇、地點,事件,因為這些東西都是跟我發生交集的。在收集素材時候的狀態,我覺得有的時候是比較刻意、或者說是直接需要很明確地去收集甚麼樣的素材。但是更讓我覺得有意思的是,很多時候你並不是處在一個有收集素材想法的階段,而是你就在體驗、或者在旅行、在生活中,忽然發現有一個地方非常有意思,或者說有一種關係非常有意思,這些“發現”自然而然就成為了你日後創作的素材。

SHANGXIANG:Do you have some criterion when you select the production materials ? What kind of status you have when you collect materials.

Xu Sheng:There are not too much criterion at the time I select materials ,because criterion always accompaniedby constraint . However there are still have some standards which is based on myself ,like the scenes , places ,or the events happened to me ,due to thesethings I experienced. The status when I choose the materials ,sometime willdeliberately or maybe collect the precise materials directly. But which make mefeel more interesting is in many times you are not in a stage of collectingmaterial ideas, but suddenly find a very interesting place, or a relationship ,in your experience ,traveling ,or in the common life these " discovery"will naturally become your future material.


The Thorn

上相: 您怎麼看待當下的設計?大家都在關注傳統文化,在作品創作中您怎麼理解傳統與當代?


SHANGXIANG: How do you think of the current design? Everyone is concerned about the traditional culture, in the creation of work, how do youunderstand tradition and contemporary?

Xu Sheng: I think many designersare eager to express their own design ideas, or must have a clear designconcept. Then, in fact, designers often discuss traditional and contemporarythings. But I think in the tradition this thing should be more obscure, not likean expository writing, need to reflect, how can I convert traditional into contemporary , and why I can also contain traditional in contemporary .I wouldconsider traditional culture will bring up in traditional soil, exactly this time period will understand what is traditional. As for the contemporary ,I more likely to think that is the parallel century in todays  era , some things happen parallel in all parts of the world, people in different areas of themoment, or the transformation of the traditional understanding , which I thinkis a good way to understand and express in today's era.


The Habitat

上相: 您的作品形象跟您的潛意識有關係嗎?


SHANGXIANG:Does your work image have anything related with your subconscious mind?

Xu Sheng:I think every ones products will relate with their subconscious mind , but on one hand some people s works are visualization , and on the other some are not very visualization, these can be related with the breath of work, logicof work , the idea or the aesthetics, and the orientation of artistic value. Including myself , there must be relevant , the more relationship are on my ownexperiences , and the subconscious mind leaved by the memory with the work.


The three disc

上相: 有作品就會需要空間,設計師/藝術家必須對空間結構有非常清晰的認知,然後再根據空間來進行作品的放置。那麼,您怎麼理解每件作品與空間之間的關係?


SHANGXIANG:Where there is a work that requires space,the designer / artist must have a very clear understanding of the spatial structure, then, according to the space to carry out the placement of the work. So, how do youunderstand the relationship between each piece of work and space?.

Xu Sheng: Yes , the understanding of space, especially for artists like me who make sculpture or do space. Our workeven produced later than the space ,or the depends on the space. Therefore, relationship between work and space , it is a inborn and also a significant relationship. As for me at least , I think every work should have the integrityand logicality ,but the most important is the work produces the relationship with the space.

《窒息》The Suffocation

駐留創作項目,《窒息》實施地點:德國里希菲爾德女子監獄 2016 

Resident creative project, the location of "suffocation" : the women's prison in richfield, Germany, 2016

上相: 現在原創的品牌,優秀的年輕設計師也很多,每種設計都有自己的“個性”,您怎麼去定義設計“個性”與“商業發展”的問題?


SHANGXIANG: Now there are also lots of the original brands, excellent young designers , each design has its own " personality", how do you define the design" personality " and"business development "?

Xu Sheng: Of course, I think designers, artists, they all have their own personality. But I think that thispersonality and the development of business, there is a suitable ( this ) entry point. Not all the personality is adapted to a business model, so I think, no matter the designer or the artist ,he is not a one-man, either  he is going to find the right spot for him,or he is going to make a new model for the right business model.


The Pierce

上相: 如果有機會,除了祖國之外,您最希望在哪個城市舉辦一場個展?為甚麼是那個城市?


SHANGXIANG:If there is an opportunity, in addition to themotherland, what city do you want to host a solo exhibition? Why is that city?

Xu Sheng: Go to a city outside the country to run an exhibition... Maybe I don't have that much to think about. I own this kind of idea , maybe I will besomewhere overseas ,that place wound not be a city ,perhaps a temple, amountain ,or a island. So I can not decide which city will be, however these places I choose must with my idea and theimple mentation of this work, it has an essential relationship.For example, because my home is in such a position at 40 degrees east longitude, I want to do a workat the corresponding longitude and latitude at the end of the earth, or do anexhibition. Maybe it is not a city, it is a cemetery, or a piece of sea. So, to hold an exhibition, it may be on a cruise ship, or on a floating object, all these can be possible. I think this is my idea, and not based on a city abroad,because I am familiar with the city of foreign countries, this kind of city isfar more than this unknown, in the air place is stronger and more attractive to me .


The Landscape

上相: 談一談您對未來的期許,對工作,對生活。


SHANGXIANG:Talk about your expectations for thefuture, work, and life.

Xu Sheng:Think whether work orlife , the more expected is communication with either interesting things andpersons, and produce the better and more interesting work .


The Bodhi



SHANGXIANG:How do you know SHANGXIANG? Ana express SHANGXIANG in one word.

Xu Sheng: We are actually old friends ,using one word express ?That is the language SHANGXIANG deals with thethe surface texture of the deep black stone, this is that he leaves me this thestrong impression.


The exhibition hall of Park of Xu 



SHANGXIANG:As a board on its way, what do you think the differences SHANGXIANG compared with others?

Xu Sheng: Like the SHANGXIANG can find artists in different fields to cooperate, I think it is a relatively open, there is a strong sense of self - renewal and vitality of the brand.


The Work Scenes Once


徐升:如果有合作的話,就像前面提到的的空間和作品的關係, 應該就是一些空間設計和作品造型設計之類的,anyway,我覺得就是看有甚麼有趣的事情吧。

SHANGXIANG: If there is a suitable time to cooperate,what kind of way do you think will be?

Xu Sheng: If there is cooperation,like the relationship between the space and the work mentioned above, should besome space design and work style design and so on , anyway , I think it dependon the interesting things .


I think the most important in sculpture is that it is a way of material presentation.


So l like to deal with the material.


I found the direction for this space is very interesting.


Sixteen ways to point to the sky


Is from the direction of the sculpture language to start.


It is hoped that the sculpture is the same as a building or something like a civil structure.


Sculpture with something other than it


It has a broader relevance


For example, you can see these steps behind me,

台階的第一層 是地面

The first layer of the steps is the Ground,


The second layer is called the works of landscape today


It is because the landscape is actually a larger field up.


What about the work behind it


That is, everyone came to the bottom of the work


of the base is equal to look up at this work


SO l looked down through the visual experience in several different ways


to cut into this direction with the perspective of the relationship with the universe.






 his work meets SHANGXIANG

in the future......

徐升/ Xu Sheng

新銳雕塑家,《反觀雕塑》撰稿人,《雕塑的語言》譯者,“王式廓”獎學金獲獎者,馬爹利“未來藝術英才“提名藝術家,多次獲得全額贊助赴歐美、日、印度、伊朗等地訪學,其中 2010 年馬爹利獎赴巴黎高等美術學院,2013 騰訊藝術基金特等獎赴京都市立美術學院,2015 年西班牙塞維利亞大學訪問學者,2016 年赴德國柏林駐留創作,生活創作於北京,廈門。


2006-2011 中國中央美術學院

2009-2010 法國巴黎美術館學院

2011-2014 中國中央美術學院

2012-2013 日本京都市立美術學院

2015-2016 西班牙塞維利亞美術學院訪問學


2017 年 《十六種方式指向天空》深圳 1618藝術空間

2015 年 《連續的拱與穹》西班牙 特魯埃爾

2015 年 《徐園》深圳 1618 藝術空間

2014 年 《幾何與自然》 北京紅鼎畫廊 798

2013 年 《無限靠近》 日本京都 KCUA 畫廊

2012 年 《千層浪》 中央美術學院雕塑系通道畫廊


New - cutting sculptors, The writer of the review of sculpture, the translator of the language of sculpture , " Wangshikuo" scholarship winner, Martell " future artist of art"nominated artist. Received full sponsorship to visit Europe, Japan, India, Iranand other places many times . Among themin 2010 for Martell award went to Paris higher Academy of Fine Arts; 2013 Tencent art fund grand award went to Beijing academy of fine arts; 2015 visiting scholar at sevilla university in Spain, 2016 resident in Berlin German forcreation , life and creation in Peking and Xiamen.


2006-2011China Central Academy Of Fine Arts

2009-2010 French Paris art museum collage

2011-2014 China Central Academy Of FineArts

2012-2013 Kyoto City University of Arts

2015-2016 Institute of fine arts, seville,Spain visit and study


Solo exhibition:

2017 “Sixteen ways point to the sky”Shenzhen 1618 art space

2015 “Continuous arch and dome ”SpainTeruel

2015 “Xu garden” Shenzhen  1618 art space

2014 “Geometry and nature”  Beijing Hongding gallery 798

2013 " Infinity approach" Kyotokcua gallery, Kyoto, Japan

2012 “Thousand waves” Sculpture department gallery, central academy of fine arts

點擊文章底部【原文閱讀】---- 德國蘭布魯克(Lehmbruck Museum)雕塑美術館 館長索克 · 丁克拉博士談徐升,了解關於本期藝術家更多資訊,請根據文章下方聯繫方式咨詢上相工作人員!

Click at the bottom of the article to read the original 】---- Dr. Sok tinker, director of the sculpture Museum at the Lehmbruck Museum in Germany, talked about xu sheng, know more information about this artist, according to the article below, please contact advisory photogenic staff.



It happens that you com

It happens that I am here.

「 周一 丨上相·一期一器 」

「 周三 丨上相·每周資訊 」

「 周五 丨上相·季度專題 」

"Monday SHANGXIANG  · A Special utensils"

"Wednesday SHANGXIANG· Weekly information"

"Friday SHANGXIANG  · Quarter panel"


Shangxiang, do not live up to everyonewho pursue for quality life!




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