

2023高考新课标I、II卷读后续写佳句仿写练习与语料 Part B





A few weeks later, when I almost forgot the contest, there came the news. I had won the writing contest! I was in disbelief. The girl who once writing dreaded, who struggled with English, had won a writing contest. My classmates were surprised, but they congratulated me. My family was overjoyed, their faces beaming with pride. I felt a sense of accomplishment, not because I had won, but because I had overcome my fear and reluctance. I had discovered a new passion, a new way to express myself.

I went to my teacher’s office after the award presentation. He was sitting at his desk, a proud smile on his face. 'I knew you could do it,' he said, his eyes twinkling. I thanked him for his encouragement and support. He had seen potential in me that I hadn't seen in myself. From that day forward, I approached writing with a newfound enthusiasm and confidence. I realized that it wasn't about being perfect, but about telling a story, my story. And that was something I could do, even in my second language.

佳句1I felt a sense of accomplishment, not because I had won, but because I had overcome my fear and reluctance.
1     我有一种胜利的感觉,不是因为我成为了班级第一,而是因为我战胜了自我怀疑和拖延。
I felt a sense of victory, not because I had topped the class, but because I had conquered my self-doubt and procrastination.
2    我有一种胜利的感觉,不是因为我完成了比赛,而是因为我突破了身体的限制和疲劳。
I felt a sense of triumph, not because I had finished the race, but because I had pushed past my physical limitations and fatigue.

佳句2He was sitting at his desk, a proud smile on his face.
1 她站在舞台上,眼中闪烁着自信的光芒。
She was standing on the stage, a confident glow in her eyes.
2 他坐在长椅上,脸上洋溢着满意的表情。
He was resting on the bench, a satisfied expression on his face.

佳句3I realized that it wasn't about being perfect, but about telling a story, my story.
1 我明白,这并不是关于赢得每一场比赛,而是关于以我自己的方式充满激情地玩耍。
I understood that it wasn't about winning every game, but about playing passionately, my way. 
2 我承认,这并不是关于取悦每一个人,而是关于表达我的观点,我的观点。
I acknowledged that it wasn't about pleasing everyone, but about expressing my opinions, my perspectives.


A few weeks later, when I almost forgot the contest, there came the news. I had won first place! Shocked and elated, I hardly believed it. My classmates cheered, my teacher gave me a proud smile, and I felt a sense of achievement and pride swelling within me. The story from the horse's mouth, which I had toiled over, doubting every sentence, had been appreciated and recognized. The certificate was nice, but the real prize was the realization that I could write, and that I enjoyed it.

I went to my teacher’s office after the award presentation. My heart filled with gratitude, I told him, 'Thank you for pushing me to write. You believed in me when I didn't.' He simply grinned and replied, 'You've always had the talent. You just needed to trust yourself.' That day, I walked out of the school with more than just a certificate; I had gained confidence and a newfound love for writing.

佳句1Shocked and elated, I hardly believed it.
1惊讶和激动,我几乎无法接受。Amazed and thrilled, I could hardly accept it.
2震惊且激动的,我几乎无法接受。Astonished and thrilled, I could hardly grasp it.

佳句2My classmates cheered, my teacher gave me a proud smile, and I felt a sense of achievement and pride swelling within me.
1     我的团队鼓掌,我的教练向我竖起大拇指,我感到一种满足感和自尊心在我心中升起。
My team applauded, my coach gave me a thumbs up, and I felt a wave of satisfaction and self-esteem rise within me.
2     我的同事们向我表示祝贺,我的老板点头赞同,我感到一种成就感和尊严充满了我。
My colleagues congratulated me, my boss nodded in approval, and I felt a surge of accomplishment and dignity filling me.

佳句3The story from the horse's mouth, which I had toiled over, doubting every sentence, had been appreciated and recognized.
1     我亲手做的项目,我对每一个细节都付出了努力,质疑过,却得到了认可和赞扬。
The project from my own hands, which I had labored over, questioning every detail, had been acknowledged and praised.
2    我亲手画的画,我在每一笔每一划上都挣扎过,批评过,却得到了欣赏和庆祝。
The painting from my own brush, which I had struggled with, critiquing every stroke, had been admired and celebrated.
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