







1) 读下面英语,你会觉得“很容易读懂”,可是,要你换成“用英语读懂英语”,估计就没那么简单了。


You are the books you read,the films you watch,the music you listen to,the people you meet,the dream you have,and the conversation you engage in.You are what you take from these.

You are the sound of the ocean,the breath of fresh air,the brightest and the darkest corner.

You are the collective of every experience you have had in life.

You are a single day.

So drown yourself in knowledge and existence.

Let the words run though your veins and the colors fill your mind.

生词:conversation n.谈话 engage v.参与, 从事 collect v.收集 collective .adj.集体的 n.集体 experience n.经验 experiment n.试验 drown v.沉浸,浸泡 draw v.n.平局 existence n.生存 exist v.生存 exit n.出口

We can read the article carefully , it`s a bit difficult.

2) “用英语读懂英语”能力训练,把“英语阅读”变成“英语口语”:


1. You are the books you read,the films you watch,the music you listen to,the people you meet,the dream you have,and the conversation you engage in.You are what you takes from these.

Well, we often sayYou are what you it. So,You are the books you read,you are the films you watch,you are the music you listen to,you are the people you meet,you are the dream you have,and you are the conversation you engage in.You are what you takes from these.You are what you eat.

2. You are the books you read

Well,when we read a book, we look at the words and sentences in the book and try to understand/get what they mean/their meanings.

3.the films you watch

When you watch the film, you watch the movie, you see the movie, you go to the cinema.

4. the music you listen to,

When we listen to the music, we enjoy the music.We appreciate the music.

Well, music is a song without the words that the singer sings. It is only the sound played by the bands(铜管乐队) or the orchestra(管弦乐队).

5. the people you meet,

When we meet people, we see people

6. the dream you have.

Well,we usually have a dream during our sleep/when we are sleeping. A dream is something that occurs as real life during our sleep, or it is something we see or experience as real life in our sleep at night.

7. and the conversation you engage in.

When we engage in a conversation, we have a conversation, we have a talk, or a dialogue, a communication with someone.

A conversation is a talk, a dialogue, a communication between two people.

You are what you take from these.

8. You are the sound of the ocean.

You are the noise of the seas. A sound is something that we can hear in our ears, such as a nouse, such as music.

The ocean is the sea.

9. the breath of fresh air

The breath of air means we breathe in and out ,or we take a breath of the air, we take in and take out the air in our nose or in our mouth.

Fresh air is clean air, or new air.

10. the brightest and the darkest corner.

When something is bright,we can see light in it. When something is dark, we can not see any light in it.

11. You are the collective of every experience you have had in life.

A collective(集合体) is all the things we put together.

When we experience something, we go through something. Something we go through becomes our experience.

12.You are a single day.

Single is only one.

So drown yourself in knowledge and existence.

Let the words run though your veins and the colors fill your mind.


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