



1.I often hear some students say English is difficult,and they can't learn(31)    well.But English is very easy for me.I'm good at it,and I'm very(32)    to tell you something about how I study English.

First,I think an interest in English is very important.When I began to learn English,my teacher often taught us(33)    an active way.It made me become interested in it.I worked hard at it and often got very good marks.The harder I did in it,the (34)   I learned it.As a result,I could do better and better in it.

Second,you'd better have good (35)   to learn it,such as listening to the teacher carefully,speaking bravely and reading aloud every day.(36)   ,you should practice again and again.I also have a good habit.That is whenever I have a problem,I will ask my teacher for help.It really(37)   me a lot.

Besides,I often read stories,jokes and easy novels in English.From them I learn(38)    is not only interesting,but also useful.Reading helps me to review what I have learned and improve my English a lot.So I think doing more(39)    is an important way to learn English well.

Of course,if you want to get good(40)    in an exam,it's necessary for you to do some exercises.I hope my ways can help you.


Films provide more than just fun.For many people,watching foreign language films is a way to develop their language skills.(16)   some might meet with difficulties when watching a film.If you are one of them,I'd like to give you some(17)   to help you get the most fun out of watching a film in English.

Choose a film that you(18)   .

If you like action films,watch an action film,for example Star Wars.If you like comedies,watch a comedy﹣anything with Hugh Grant (a British actor) in always provides a(n) (19)   !It's simple enough.

Choose something that you are familiar (熟悉的) with.

It's best to(20)   with something simple.In this way,you can understand the film more(21)   .Disney films such as The Lion King and Tangled are classic examples.Other cartoons such as Up and The Lego Movie are also enjoyable.

Ask friends(22)   advice.

Perhaps your friends have already seen some English films.If so,(23)   may be able to tell you what films are interesting.

If you need to,use the subtitles (字幕).

For beginners,subtitles are very(24)   .It's OK to use subtitles in your own language.But for stronger learners,why not(25)   using English subtitles?In this way,you can connect them with the words spoken on the screen,and it can help you develop your language further.


'It is never too late and you are never too old to start something new!'said Ellen Rema.She began to learn(16)   at the age of fifty.In just a few years,she has made a lot of progress.

(17)   no evening classes were offered in the area Ellen lived in,she(18)   to study online.She took an English course (课程) on the Internet.

Ellen began with easy courses and studied hard.'My son always said,'Mom,you are a bit(19)   '.He couldn't understand why I spent so many hours(20)   ,but I love it,'she said.'Maybe I wanted to do too much in a short time.I(21)   all my courses after two years,but I found I still had difficulties with grammar.'

Instead of(22)   ,she chose to continue.After another two years,she's still studying in the online classroom.But now to make her English better,she has set new goals (目标) for herself.

'Studying online is(23)   boring,so you need self﹣discipline (自律),'said Ellen.'If you really want to learn,never give up when you face difficulties and when you think you haven't made any(24)   .'

Ellen said studying English wasn't all about hard work.'It was fun.I have learned so much(25)   other cultures and traditions,'she said.

Ellen has been able to put her English to use by visiting England five times.'I'm very thankful to the Internet.My life has changed a lot,'said Ellen.

4.You speak,write a letter,(56)   a telephone call.Your words carry a message,people communicate with words.Do you think you can communicate(57)   words?A smile on your face shows you are happy and friendly.Tears in your eyes tell(58)   that you are sad.When you put up your hand in class,the teacher knows you want(59)   something or ask questions.You shake your head,and people know you are saying(60)   .You nod and people know you are saying yes.Other things can also carry messages.For example,a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus(61)   .A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library.Signs on doors tell you where to go in or out.Have you(62)   noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them(63)   ?People can communicate(64)    many other ways.An artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains,about the blue sea and many other things.

Books are written to tell you about all wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas.Books,magazines,TV and radio and films all help us to communicate with other people.They all help us to know what is going on in the world and(65)    other people are thinking about.


All students (1)    to have good study habits.When you have good study habits,you learn things (2)   .You also remember (3)    easily.

Do you like to study (4)    the living room?This is not a good place,(5)    it is usually too noisy.You need to study in a quiet place,like your (6)   .A quiet place will help you only to think about (7)   .

When you study,do not think about (8)    things at the same time.Only think about your homework.If you do this,you will do your homework (9)    quickly,and you will make (10)    mistakes.

Good study habits are very important.If you do not have them,try to develop them.If you already have some,try to make them better.




1.I often hear some students say English is difficult,and they can't learn(31) B  well.But English is very easy for me.I'm good at it,and I'm very(32) C  to tell you something about how I study English.

First,I think an interest in English is very important.When I began to learn English,my teacher often taught us(33) A  an active way.It made me become interested in it.I worked hard at it and often got very good marks.The harder I did in it,the (34) B I learned it.As a result,I could do better and better in it.

Second,you'd better have good (35) A to learn it,such as listening to the teacher carefully,speaking bravely and reading aloud every day.(36) C ,you should practice again and again.I also have a good habit.That is whenever I have a problem,I will ask my teacher for help.It really(37) C me a lot.

Besides,I often read stories,jokes and easy novels in English.From them I learn(38) A  is not only interesting,but also useful.Reading helps me to review what I have learned and improve my English a lot.So I think doing more(39) B  is an important way to learn English well.

Of course,if you want to get good(40) C  in an exam,it's necessary for you to do some exercises.I hope my ways can help you.


【解答】31.B.考查代词.A.them 他/她/它们B.it它 C.him他,根据前文 English is difficult英语很难,可知讨论的是'English英语',用代词it代替,故选B.

32.C.考查形容词.A.afraid 害怕的B.worried 担心的C.glad高兴地,根据I'm good at it我擅长英语,后文 tell you something about how I study English告诉你我是如何学习英语的.可知我对讨论英语学习方面的问题,态度是很'高兴地',故选C.

33.A.考查介词.A.in在里面;按照..方式 B.by通过;被;经由 C.at在…,根据题意'老师用一种有效的方式教我们',可知考查短语in+形容词+way 用…方式,介词in表达'用某种方式',故选A.

34.B.查形容词.A.worse 更差B.better根号 C.earlier更容易,根据题干,可知考查the+比较级,the+比较级,意思是越…就越…,根据前文The harder I did in it我学习越努力,可知后面指的是'越好better',意思是'我学习越努力,我学的越好',故选B.

35.A.考查名词.A.ways方法;方式 B.memories 记忆C.hobbies 爱好,根据后文such as listening to the teacher carefully,speaking bravely and reading aloud every day每天仔细听讲,勇敢的说,大声读.可知这些都是学习'方法',故选A.

36.C.考查连词.A.However然而 B.Even if即使 C.What's more而且;另外,根据后文you should practice again and again你应当反复练习,可知这也是一种学习方法,是对前面的进一步补充,故选C.

37.C.考查动词.A.makes使…B.works工作 C.helps帮助,根据I will ask my teacher for help我将会向老师寻求帮助,可知这点对我的学习是有'帮助的',故选C.

38.A.考查名词.A.English英语 B.habits 习惯C.textbooks教科书,根据I often read stories,jokes and easy novels in English我经常用英语读故事、笑话和简单的小说.可知'英语'是很有实用性的,结合后文'not only interesting,but also useful不仅有趣而且有用',故选A.

39.B.考查动词.A.speaking讲话 B.reading读 C.listening 听,题干意思是'什么对学好英语很重要',根据前文Reading helps me to…阅读帮助我…,由此可知多做'阅读'训练对学好英语很重要的.故选B.

40.C.考查名词.A.speeds速度 B.knowledge知识 C.marks 标记;分数,根据题干中短语in an exam在考试中,可知在考试中得到的是好的'成绩或分数',故选C.



Films provide more than just fun.For many people,watching foreign language films is a way to develop their language skills.(16) B some might meet with difficulties when watching a film.If you are one of them,I'd like to give you some(17) C to help you get the most fun out of watching a film in English.

Choose a film that you(18) C .

If you like action films,watch an action film,for example Star Wars.If you like comedies,watch a comedy﹣anything with Hugh Grant (a British actor) in always provides a(n) (19) A !It's simple enough.

Choose something that you are familiar (熟悉的) with.

It's best to(20) D with something simple.In this way,you can understand the film more(21) D .Disney films such as The Lion King and Tangled are classic examples.Other cartoons such as Up and The Lego Movie are also enjoyable.

Ask friends(22) A advice.

Perhaps your friends have already seen some English films.If so,(23) B may be able to tell you what films are interesting.

If you need to,use the subtitles (字幕).

For beginners,subtitles are very(24) B .It's OK to use subtitles in your own language.But for stronger learners,why not(25) C using English subtitles?In this way,you can connect them with the words spoken on the screen,and it can help you develop your language further.


【解答】16﹣20 BCCAD 21﹣25DABBC

16.B 考查连词,A.If 如果;是否B. But但是 C.Because因为 D.So因此,根据some might meet with difficulties when watching a film有些人在看电影时可能会遇到困难,可知这根前文说到通过看电影提高英语是转折关系,故选B.

17.C 考查名词,A.signs标志 B.themes主题 C.advice建议 D.pressure压力,根据to help you get the most fun out of watching a film in English.结合选项,可知这是一些好的建议,故选C.

18.C 考查动词,A.notice助理 B.play玩 C.enjoy喜欢 D.mark标志,根据If you like action films,watch an action film如,可知说的是果你喜欢动作片,看动作电影,推出要选择你喜欢的电影,故选C.

19.A 考查动词,A.laugh大笑 B.service服务 C.answer回答 D.hope 希望,根据前文说的是watch a comedy﹣anything,可知观看喜剧会使人大笑,故选A.

20.D 考查动词,A.share分享 B.check检查 C.talk讲话 D.start开始,根据后文In this way,you can understand the film more(21)D,推出最好从简单的开始,这样,就比较容易理解,故选D.

21.D 考查副词,A.fairly公平地 B.patiently耐心地 C.luckily幸运地 D.easily 容易地,根据前文It's best to(20)D with something simple,可知从简单的开始,这样,就比较容易理解,故选D.

22.A 考查介词,A.for为了 B.in在里面 C.from从 D.on 在上,根据Ask friends…advice,可知是指向朋友寻求建议,ask for寻求,是固定搭配,故选A.

23.B 考查代词,A.we我们 B.they他们 C.he他 D.she她,根据may be able to tell you what films are interesting…,结合前文说到你的朋友,推出此处是指你的朋友们,所以用代词they代替,故选B.

24.B 考查形容词,A.hard努力的 B.useful有用的 C.natural自然的 D.boring 无聊的,根据For beginners,subtitles are very…,结合选项,推出句意:对于初学者来说,使用字幕是有用的,故选B.

25.C 考查动词,A.imagine想象 B.discuss讨论 C.consider考虑 D.allow允许,根据But for stronger learners,why not…using English subtitles,可知why not是一种建议的句型,结合选项,推出句意:但是对于基础好的人来说,为什么不考虑使用英语字幕呢,故选C.



'It is never too late and you are never too old to start something new!'said Ellen Rema.She began to learn(16) B at the age of fifty.In just a few years,she has made a lot of progress.

(17) C no evening classes were offered in the area Ellen lived in,she(18) A to study online.She took an English course (课程) on the Internet.

Ellen began with easy courses and studied hard.'My son always said,'Mom,you are a bit(19) D '.He couldn't understand why I spent so many hours(20) B ,but I love it,'she said.'Maybe I wanted to do too much in a short time.I(21) C all my courses after two years,but I found I still had difficulties with grammar.'

Instead of(22) A ,she chose to continue.After another two years,she's still studying in the online classroom.But now to make her English better,she has set new goals (目标) for herself.

'Studying online is(23) D boring,so you need self﹣discipline (自律),'said Ellen.'If you really want to learn,never give up when you face difficulties and when you think you haven't made any(24) B .'

Ellen said studying English wasn't all about hard work.'It was fun.I have learned so much(25) C other cultures and traditions,'she said.

Ellen has been able to put her English to use by visiting England five times.'I'm very thankful to the Internet.My life has changed a lot,'said Ellen.


【解答】16.B,本题考查名词.根据下文文中She took an English course on the Internet.句意:她在互联网上英语课.可知她开始的是英语.故填:B.


18.A,本题考查动词.根据文中Because no evening classes were offered in the area Ellen lived in.句意:因为艾伦住的那个地方没有提供夜校课程.结合选项A.chose 选择 B.volunteered自愿 C.advised建议 D.refused拒绝.可知只能选择上网学习了. 故填:A.

19.D,本题考查形容词.根据下文中句意:他不明白为什么我花了这么多时间学习.结合选项A.lazy 懒惰 B.careless粗心的 C.nervous 紧张D.crazy痴迷.可知她对学习很痴迷. 故填:D.

20.B,本题考查动词.根据文中He couldn't understand why I spent so many hour.句意:他不明白为什么我花了这么多时间学习.可知上文她在学习英语,所以要用studying.故填:B.

21.C,本题考查动词.根据文中I…all my courses after two years.句意:我将要在两年后学完所有课程.结合选项A.started开始 B.forgot忘记 C.finished完成 D.remembered记住 可知她计划在两年内完成所有课程.故填:C.

22.A,本题考查动词.根据文中but I found I still had difficulties with grammar.句意:但是我发现我学习语法仍有困难.结合选项可知用giving up放弃符合语境.故填:C.

23.D,本题考查副词.根据文中Studying online is…boring,句意:在线学习永远不会无聊,所以你需要自律.可知网上有很多有趣的东西,不会让你感到无聊,但是要有自制力才能不影响学习.故填:D.

24.B,本题考查名词.根据文中when you think you haven't made any…句意:当你认为你没有取得进步的时候.结合词组make progress取得进步,可知要用pregress.故填:B.

25.C,本题考查介词.根据文中I have learned so much…other cultures and traditions句意:我已经学到了很多关于其他文化和传统的知识.结合词组learn about学习关于…可知要用介词about.故选:about.


4.You speak,write a letter,(56) B a telephone call.Your words carry a message,people communicate with words.Do you think you can communicate(57) D words?A smile on your face shows you are happy and friendly.Tears in your eyes tell(58) A that you are sad.When you put up your hand in class,the teacher knows you want(59) D something or ask questions.You shake your head,and people know you are saying(60) B .You nod and people know you are saying yes.Other things can also carry messages.For example,a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus(61) D .A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library.Signs on doors tell you where to go in or out.Have you(62) A noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them(63) C ?People can communicate(64) D  many other ways.An artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains,about the blue sea and many other things.

Books are written to tell you about all wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas.Books,magazines,TV and radio and films all help us to communicate with other people.They all help us to know what is going on in the world and(65) B  other people are thinking about.


【解答】56.B 考查动词与固定搭配.A表示读;B表示使,做;C表示做; D表示得到.make a telephone call表示打电话,此处表示你说话,写信,打电话,选B.

57.D 考查介词.A表示通过;B表示与,有;C是动词,表示用;D表示没有,不用.下文的A smile on your face shows you are happy and friendly.Tears in your eyes tell(58)

that you are sad…中的smile和tears都不是语言,但都可以表达情感,所以此处表示的是你想过不用语言你也可以交流吗,选D.

58.A 考查不定代词.A表示其他人或事物;B表示特指的其他人或事物;C表示其他的,后常接复数名词;D表示两者中的另一个.此处表示泛指的其他人,句意为你眼里的眼泪告诉别人你很难过,选A.

59.D 考查动词与搭配.speak表示说,不及物,当作说某种语言时及物,后面可以加语言;say表示说,及物,后面要接说的内容.此处后面有宾语something,要用say,且want to do sth表示想做某事,选D.

60.B 考查常识.shake your head表示摇头,由常识可知摇头表示说不,选B.

61.D 考查动词.A表示得到;B表示选择;C表示有;D表示带走,乘坐.此处表示乘坐哪一辆车,选D.

62.A 考查副词.A表示曾经;B表示从不;C表示已经;D表示只.have/has…ever…表示…曾经…过,此处表示你曾经注意到过你的身边有许多标志吗,选A.

63.C 考查短语.A表示在…期间;B表示准时;C表示一直;D表示从前.由there are a lot of signs around you可推测出此处句意为你一直从它们之中接受信息,选C.

64.D 考查介词.A表示有,和;B表示通过;C表示没有,不用;D表示在…里,通过.in…way(s)表示通过…方法,此处表示人们可以通过许多其他 的方法交流,选D.

65.B 考查宾语从句.分析语境可知空格处引导宾语从句作know的宾语,且从句中缺about的宾语,think about sth中的sth指事物,要用what来引导,选B.



All students (1) A  to have good study habits.When you have good study habits,you learn things (2) C .You also remember (3) C  easily.

Do you like to study (4) A  the living room?This is not a good place,(5) A  it is usually too noisy.You need to study in a quiet place,like your (6) B .A quiet place will help you only to think about (7) A .

When you study,do not think about (8) B  things at the same time.Only think about your homework.If you do this,you will do your homework (9) C  quickly,and you will make (10) C  mistakes.

Good study habits are very important.If you do not have them,try to develop them.If you already have some,try to make them better.


【解答】1:A.考查情态动词.need意思是'需要';must意思是'必须';can意思是'能'; 根据这个句子的主语是all students结合空格后面的词语是to have good study habits.是动词不定式,在给出的这几个词中,只有need后面可以跟动词不定式,因此可知这句话的意思是'所有的学生需要一个有好的学习习惯.'.综上所述,故选A.

2:C.考查副词.quick意思是'迅速的'形容词;easy意思是'容易的'形容词;easily意思是'容易地'副词. 根据空格前面的词语是learn things,所以空格处需要一个副词来修饰动词learn,又根据下文'You also remember(76)___easily.'因此可知这句话的意思是'你学东西就很容易'.综上所述,故选C.

3:C.考查代词.it意思是'它';this.这个;them意思是'它们',宾格.根据上文'you learn things'你可以很轻松的学东西,因此可知空格处需要一个代词来代替前面出现的things,things是一个复数名词,空格前面是动词,所以空格处要用宾格来填空,所以要用这句话的意思是'你也能很容易的记住.'.综上所述,故选C.

4:A.考查介词.in意思是'在…里面';with和…一起;on意思是'在…上面';根据下文'You need to study in a quiet place,'你需要一个安静的地方来学习,根据空格后面的词语是the living room,因此可知这句话的意思是'你喜欢在客厅里学习吗?'综上所述,故选A.

5:A.考查连词.because意思是'因为';so意思是'因此,所以';so that意思是'以便,为了'; This is not a good place'这不是一个好地方,this指的是the living room,又根据'it is usually too noisy'它太吵闹了,因此可知客厅不是一个好地方的原因是客厅很吵闹,综上所述,故选A.

6:B.考查名词.kitchen意思是'厨房';bedroom意思是卧室';bathroom意思是'盥洗室'; 根据上文'You need to study in a quiet place,'你需要一个安静的地方来学习,在给出的这几个房间里,只有卧室是最安静的,因此可知这句话的意思是'你需要一个安静的地方来学习,比如你的卧室'.综上所述,故选B.

7:A.考查名词.one thing意思是'一个事情';many things意思是'许多事情';nothing意思是'没有什么事情'; 根据下文'Only think about your homework.'只考虑你的作业,因此可知这句话的意思是'一个安静的地方,会帮助你只思考作业这一个事情'.综上所述,故选A.

8:B.考查代词.the other意思是'别的,其他的'特指两者中的另一个;other意思是'别的,其他的'用作形容词,一般修饰复数名词,也可修饰单数名词,但前面一般要加限定词; others是other的复数形式; 根据下文'Only think about your homework.'只考虑你的作业,因此可知这句话的意思是'同时不会考虑其他的事情'综上所述,故选B.

9:C.考查固定短语.more much是干扰项;much意思是'很,非常';much more意思是'更多的'经常用来修饰副词; 根据空格后面的词语是副词quickly,又根据'If you do this,you will do your homework'如果你这样做的话,你将会做作业做的…快.此处指的是如果你在卧室里﹣﹣比较安静的地方做作业的话,与在客厅里做作业相比,就会更快,所以要用比较级来修饰副词quickly,因此可知这句话的意思是'如果你这样做的话,你将会做作业做的更快'.综上所述,故选C.

10:C.考查形容词.few意思是'几乎没有'修饰可数名词;less意思是'更少的';fewer意思是'更少的'; 根据空格后面的词语是mistakes,空格前面的词语是make,又根据'If you do this,you will do your homework'如果你这样做的话,你将会做作业做的更快.此处指的是如果你在卧室里﹣﹣比较安静的地方做作业的话,与在客厅里做作业相比,就会更快,由于做作业很专心,所以出错就会更少,所以这句话的意思是'如果你这样做的话,你将会做作业做的更快,出错就会更少'.综上所述,故选C.


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