




灯谜(lantern riddles)是写在彩灯上面的谜语,在中国源远流长。谜语来源于民间口谜,后经文人加工成为谜。它始于春秋时期,口头相传。秦汉时则成为一种书面创作。三国时期,猜谜逐渐盛行起来。在宋代出现了灯谜,元宵节上人们将谜条系于五彩花灯上,供人猜测。因为灯谜既能启迪智慧又能迎合节日气氛,所以响应的人众多,而后猜灯谜逐渐成为元宵节不可或缺的( indispendsible)节目。

Lantern riddles are the riddles written on colorful lanterns and have a long history in China. Riddles originated from the oral riddles of the folks and became written ones after the processing by the literati. Riddles began in the Spring and Autumn Period and were handed down through oral tradition. They became a kind of creation in writing in the Qin and Han Dynasties. Riddle-guessing gradually became popular during the Three Kingdom Period.Lantern riddles appeared in the Song Dynasty. On the Lantern Festival day, people hang slips of paper with riddles written on them on colorful lanterns for people to guess. Because lantern riddles can both enlighten people with wisdom and cater to the festive atmosphere, many people take part in it. Therefore, lantern riddle guessing has gradually become an indispensible program on the Lantern Festival day later.



China's big red lanterns are a unique and traditional handcraft. It originated in the Western Han Dynasty more than 1,800 years ago. People hang up big red lanterns signifying reunion around the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month every year to build a kind of auspicious festival atmosphere. The big red lanterns are pasted with such characters as blessing, longevity', Wish you prosperous , etc. to express people's happy festive mood and good wishes. The custom to hang big red lanterns on grand occasions still prevails today.



中国四大发明是指中国古代的四种发明,一般是指造纸术(papermaking)、指南针、火药、活字印刷术(movable type printing)。这一说法最早是由英国汉学家(Sinologist)李约瑟提出来的。人们普遍认为,这四种发明对中国古代的政治、经济、文化发展产生了巨大的推动作用。纸张的使用为书籍和文字提供了更加方便、成本低廉的载体;指南针的发明使航海事业向前迈进了一大步;火药推动了军事的发展;活字印刷使图书得以大批量地印刷,让普通人有更多机会接触到文字,享受前人的文明成果。

The Four Great Inventions of China refer to the four inventions of ancient China. They generally refer to papermaking, compass, gunpowder and movable type printing. This statement was first put forward by a British Sinologist Joseph Needham. It is generally believed that these four inventions have greatly promoted the political, economic and cultural development of ancient China. The use of paper has provided more convenient and low-cost carriers for books and languages. The invention of compass has enabled the navigation to have a big step forward. Gunpowder has promoted the military development. Movable type printing

has made it possible to print books in large quantities so that ordinary people have more access to the written language and enjoy the fruits of previous civilization.


农历(the lunar calendar)是中国的传统历法。它是根据月球的运行周期制定的历法。它以月球绕行地球-周的时间为一个月。农历对于中国古代农业的发展起着非常重要的作用,很多农事活动都是参照农历中的“二十四节气( twenty-four solar terms)”来进行的。此外,中国重大的传统节日也都是以农历的日子来制定的。至今汉字文化圈的国家和民族大都依然保持着庆祝传统农历节日的习俗,如春节、元宵节、端午节、中秋节和重阳节等。中国目前的日历中依然保存了农历,人们都把它作为一种重要的参考。

The lunar calendar is a traditional calendar of China. It is based on the cycles of the moon.It sets the time that the moon goes around the earth once as a lunar month. The lunar calendar played a very important role in the development of agriculture in ancient China. Many farming activities were carried out with reference to the t ' twenty - four solar terms” on the lunar calendar. In addition, major traditional Chinese festivals are also set in accordance with the days on the lunar calendar. So far most of the countries and nations in the cultural circle of Chinese characters have still observed the traditional Chinese festival customs of the lunar calendar, such as the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Double Ninth Festival, etc. The current Chinese calendar still retains the lunar calendar. People all treat it as an important reference.

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