



1. added to 2.add up to 3.add up to 4.added to 5.broke away from 6.break in 7.broke down 8.broken into 9.breaking in 10.break off 11.broke out 12.breaking down 13.broke up 14.break up 15.brought down 16.brought up17.bring down 18.brought back 19.brought about 20.brought in 21.bring out 22.bring up 23.called up24.called out 25.called off 26.call on 27.call in 8.called in29.call for 30.calls at31.coming up 32.comes out 33.come out 34.come from 35.came for 36.came about 37.come across 38.come down 39.comes in 40.come in41.coming down 42.came to 43.come to 44.came to 45.cut down 46.cutting down 47.cut out 48.cut off 49. got back 50.get on 51.give up 52.get off 53.Get hold of 54.get up55.getting along (on) 56.get over 57.get rid of 58.get to 59.got round60.get in touch with 61.give up 62.give off 63.gave out 64.give up 65.give in 66.went against 67. go all out 68.go down 69.go ahead 70.went down on his knees 71.go in for 72.went off 73.going on 74.go on 75.went out 76. went over 77. have a word with 78.have a good time79.has ..to do with80.had better 81.had on82.heard about 83.heard from 84. heard of 85. heard from 86. hear …out


87.hold back 88. Hold on 89. hold down 90.hold out 91. keep up with 92. keep off 93. kept on 94. keep their word 95. kept on 96. kept in touch with 97. keep … out 98. knew about99.know.. from 100. knew of 101. is known to us all 102. is known for 103. known as104.looking through 105. looks as if 106. looking forward to 107.Look out 108. looked on 109. look like 110. looking for 111.look after 112. looked down upon 113. looks on ..as 114. look ..up 115. looked round 116. looking into 117. look back 118. lose heart119. was lost in 120.lost in thought 121. lose yourself 122. pass on 123. passed away 124. passed down 125. pay for 126. pay back 127.paid off 128. pay a visit to 129.pay attention to 130.picked …up 131.pick up 132.pick…up 133.pick up 134.pick up135.pick out 136.put down 137.put off 138.put out 139.put on 140.put up with 141.put up 142.put up143.put to death 144.put..into 145.put out 146.put…into practice 147.put through 148.put up for the night 149.run down/into 150.run for 151.ran away 152.run out of 153.run across 154.run into 155.see off 156.saw through 157.sent up 158.sent in 159.sent for 160.sends out 161.send off 162.send down


163.set an example 164.set back 165.set down 166.set off/out 167.set about 168.set fire to 169.set out170.set out/off171.made up his mind172.make use of 173.make out 174.make room for 175.make up 176.made sure 177.make out 178.makes fun of 179.made up180.made his living 181.take care of 182.took place 183.take part in 84.take pride in 185.took office 186.took interest in 187.taken out 188.take up 189.taken on 190.took on191.take it easy 192.took off 193.took off 194.takes in 195.took…for granted 196.took hold of 197.take back 198.Take care 199.take charge of 200.took down 201.took the place of 202.take turns 203.take…away 204.took their seats 205.try my best 206.try on 207.tried out 208.turn over 209.turn to 210.turned up 211.turn up 212.turn to 213.turn…down 214.turn in215.turn off 216.turned in 217.turned back 218.turning on 219.turn out 220.turned out

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