



一、 连系动词

1.重庆A卷When spring comes, trees begin to ________ green.

A. sound B. taste C. keep D. turn

2.福建福州----Mum, what are you cooking in the kitchen . It -----so good.

---Fried noodles.

A.smells B.tastes C.sounds

3.天津---Would you like to try some pizza ?

---Yes, please. It _____ lovely and ____ nice.

A.sounds, sees B.hears, turns C.looks, smells D. sounds, watches

4.湖南郴州----The orange ______ sweet.

----Of course. They are from Yongxin, Chenzhou .

A.taste B.eat C.drink

5.山东济南----Jill, who _____that in the white coat ?

----It’s my brother, Joe.

A.did B.does C.are D.is

6.山东济南---Do you like the songs by Taylor ?

----Yes. Country music ______nice and full of feelings.

A.sounds B.listens C.hears D.looks

7.广西南宁This bed ____ soft and comfortable.

A.sounds B.tastes C.feels D.smells

8.河北 The air _______ fresh after the rain. And the sky is blue.

A. feels B. tastes C. smells D. sounds

9.福建泉州----3--D printing could be used to build a house in less than 24 hours.

---It _____ amazing. It’s my first time to get to know this.

A.sounds B.smells C.tastes

10.山东东营---Good morning. I'd like a birthday gift for my mother.

----What about this scarf? It is beautiful and it______ soft and smooth.

A. feels B. looks C. seems D. becomes

11.黑龙江龙东When the boy heard the words, his face ______ red.

A. got B. turned C. Changed

12.辽宁丹东---Why do you ______so upset?

----Because I didn’t get the first place in the English competition.

A.look B.sound C.smell D.feel

13.湖南张家界Playing computer games too much ______ bad for students’ health.

A.am B.is C.are


1.山东烟台 There _____ a number of books in the library and the number of them ____ increasing.

A. has, is B. have , are C. are, is D. is, are

2.四川自贡 Everybody except Mike and Linda ______ there when the meeting began.

A. are B. was C. were

3.四川攀枝花Look, this is our class photo. There _____45 students in my class.

A.has B.have C.is D.are

4.四川巴中In our city there _____a number of cars and the number of them _____growing larger and larger.

A.are, is B.have, is C.is , are

5.四川南充Alice prefers stories that ____short and funny.

A.are B.is C.was D.were

6.江苏盐城Witch out, Peter! _____ is a little boy playing ahead on the road.

A.It B.This C.That D.There

7.湖南郴州---Look, A woman with three children ______ crossing the street.

----Let’s help them.

A.is B.are C.was

8.上海The twins _____fond of the new idea in the magazine article.

A.be B.am C.is D.are

9.贵州安顺---What would you like to have for supper, Jack ?

----Either noodle or rice _____ OK. I don’t mind.

A.are B.were C.is D.was

10.湖北荆门The number of the volunteers in our city _____2,000. And sixty percent of them ____ teachers and students.

A.is, is B.is, are C.are, is D.are, are

11.黑龙江齐齐哈尔There ______some good advice about how to reduce air pollution on the Internet.

A.are B.is C.have

12.黑龙江齐齐哈尔Not only you but also everyone here _____watching football matches.

A.likes B.like C.is like

13.湖南永州Neither Li Hua nor I _____good at writing.

A.am B.is C.are

14.湖北孝感Both Kate and I ________ ready for the new high school life.

A. am B. is C. are D. Be

15.黑龙江绥化There _____a pencil and some pens in the box.

A.is B.are C.aren’t

16.湖北武汉--What’s the matter,Jenny?

---______something wrong with my bike.

A.It is B.There is C.I have D.It has

17.黑龙江龙东About ______ of the land ______ covered with trees and grass.

A. three fifths; is B. three fifths ; are C. three fifth; are

18.吉林长春here ________ two dictionaries on the bookcase. You can use either of them.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

19.湖北恩施Nowadays, ______ of the old people in the area _____ used to dancing on the square after supper.

A. two third; is B. two thirds; is C. two thirds; are

20.贵州六盘水Running _______ a good way to exercise every day.

A.is B.was C.are D.were

21.湖南张家界Playing computer games too much ______ bad for students’ health.

A.am B.is C.are

22.贵州毕节______there any rice in the bag ?

A.Has B.Is C.Are D.Have



1---5:DACAD ; 6---10:ACCAA ; 11--13:BDB.


1--5:CBDAA ; 6---10: DADCB; 11--15:BAACA ; 16---22:BACCA;BB

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