



第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)



Housekeeping Services---A responsible, professional, experienced housekeeper is needed to take care of all cleaning details of a local business in Angwin. This person will be needed 2 or 3 times per week for about 8 hours per day. Please and an email for additional information and be ready to provide resume and work history. Driver’s license and the ability to life at least 50 pounds are required. Pay will be $20-$25 per hour. To contact them, email recruitingangwingmail.com.

Caregiver Position---looking for a caregiver to help with a 91-year-old woman who lives in Calistoga. She speaks both English and Spanish, but Spanish is her preference. She sleeps quite a bit during the day so there is time to do housework. She cannot be left alone because she is a fall risk. She walks with a walker on her own. Please call 925-785-8500 if interested.

Worship Music Leader---First Presbyterian Church(FPC) in Napa is looking for someone who will select songs and use media for church services on Sundays. Applicants must be able to commit 8-10 hours per week for service and meetings as well as being available every Sunday from 9:00am to 12:00 pm. The pay is about $18 an hour. Detailed job information will be posted on the Payroll Office’s window. If interested, send your cover letter and resume to David Stoker at davidfpcnapa.org.

Catering Company---Oak Avenue is a most successful catering company is St. Helena searching for enthusiastic people to join their talented team of chefs and service professionals. Hours are flexible and can work around students’ part-time positions are available for ambitions chefs, bakers, service helpers, and captains. Please send a brief cover letter and resume to Maritzaoakovenuecatering.com or call 707-963-9278 for more information.

1. To work as a housekeeper, one needs to ________.

A. be able to drive B. be a local in Angwin

C. work about 8 hours per week D. be able to speak two languages

2. Why does the 91-year-old woman need to be accompanied?

A. She cannot walk by herself B. She has a poor memory

C. She has difficulty in sleeping D. She is likely to fall down

3. Which is the contact number or email address for those who want to become great bakers?

A. 925-785-8500 B. 707-963-9278

C. davidfpcnapa.org D. recruitingangwingmail.com

【答案】1. A 2. D 3. B


1. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段Driver’s license and the ability to life at least 50 pounds are required.可知,家政服务这一职位,需要有驾驶证。故选A。

2. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段She cannot be left alone because she is a fall risk.可知,因为她有跌倒的危险。故选D。

3. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段Hours are flexible and can work around students’ part-time positions are available for ambitions chefs, bakers, service helpers, and captains. Please send a brief cover letter and resume to Maritzaoakovenuecatering.com or call 707-963-9278 for more information.可知,想兼职厨师,面包师,服务助理和船长的学生可用电子邮件Maritzaoakovenuecatering.com 或打电话707-963-9278联系。故选B。


细节理解题是阅读理解中考查最多的题型,考生要从文段中获得回答细节题的具体信息,可不必详尽阅读整篇文章,只需找出可能包含所需信息的段落,迅速划定关键词语,然后加以重点理解即可,也就是所谓的“寻读法”。考生在运用此法时,应根据文段的结构和写作顺序,有针对性地寻读,迅速锁定相关内容。考生做此类题型时,抓住题干问题跳读,甚至与题干无关的内容可以不读,如此篇阅读理解中第三段Worship Music Leader中的内容,所设置的3个问题与此段内容毫无关系,故可以大胆的舍弃不读,从而节省时间。


I was recently surfing the Internet when I came across a collection of strange beach photos where everyone had a cloth wall surrounding their little patch of sand. I had never seen anything like it before, and I was interested in it. So I started searching all sorts of phrases that might throw light on the mystery of Polish beach separators.

I found a site on Poland’s affairs that actually covered this “phenomenon” in details. According to the site, beach separators have been a part of Polish beach-going culture for a long time, but have recently been getting a lot of attention online, after foreign tourists started posting photos on social networks.

Beach separators vary in size according to the size of the group. You’ll see tiny ones only surrounding the space around a single beach towel, and giant ones separating a large part of the beach. They weren’t designed to protect their users from prying(窥探)eyes. It’s no secret that strong winds are very common on the shores of the Baltic Sea, so they were originally meant to allow beach-goers to enjoy sunbathing without having their belongings blown away, or sand blown in their faces.

However, in recent years, people have begun criticizing them. During the summer, beach separators are placed so close to each other that a person can hardly pass between them, let alone find a place to put their own beach towels. This creates a problem for foreign tourists unfamiliar with them, who just want a place to lie down on the sand. And thus they can easily create all kinds of conflicts due to the lack of space. For example, some people leave the beach for hours but leave their separators in place to make sure that their space doesn’t get occupied by someone else.

Having visited a fair number of seaside resorts(度假胜地)across Europe, I admit that I have never seen anything like this before.

4. What attracted the author’s attention according to the first paragraph?

A. Some phrases B. The cloth walls

C. The sand patches D. The colorful stones

5. Why did the beach-goes set up separators?

A. To attract others’ attention B. To keep themselves in privates

C. To stop winds disturbing them D. To protect themselves from sunburn

6. What seems to be the problem with beach separators?

A. They cause plenty of garbage

B. They make the beach overcrowded

C. They leave their separators unattended

D. They lead to many crimes against foreigners

7. What’s the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

A. To encourage the local tourism in Poland

B. To introduce a kind of Polish beach culture

C. To discuss the possibilities of solving the beach problem

D. To urge the tourism department to face the beach problem

【答案】4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B


4. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段I was recently surfing the Internet when I came across a collection of strange beach photos where everyone had a cloth wall surrounding their little patch of sand.可知,作者被吸引是因为海滩照片中每个人都有一层布墙。故选B。

5. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句so they were originally meant to allow beach-goers to enjoy sunbathing without having their belongings blown away, or sand blown in their faces.可知,其目的是为了阻止风打扰他们。故选C。

6. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段During the summer, beach separators are placed so close to each other that a person can hardly pass between them, let alone find a place to put their own beach towels.可知,在夏天的时候,海滩分隔栏之间挨得如此近,所以一个人很难从中间通过。故选B。

7. 推理判断题。从文章第一段So I started searching all sorts of phrases that might throw light on the mystery of Polish beach separators.以及全文内容可知,作者介绍了波兰特有的沙滩文化。故选B。


If you want to be productive, you must complete work. Almost everything we do has many stages to completion and in many situations, you don’t actually create value until you finish the last stage. Farmers can’t sell their grain until it is harvested. Automakers can’t sell cars that have made it 90% of the way through the assembly line(生产线). Most employers aren’t going to pay you for having a degree unless you finished the last class and graduated.

Now all those things require starting, but if you have work in progress, the most valuable thing you can do is to pick something and finish it. Finishing is where you start benefiting from the value you’ve created. I’ve noticed that many successful people aren’t the ones who are the smartest or have the best ideas. They are often the ones who do the best job of taking an idea and completing it. A good idea fully carried out is better than a great idea that never gets completed.

Does this mean you need to finish everything you start? Not necessarily, but if you don’t think something is worth finishing, be honest with yourself and terminate the project. Don’t leave hundreds of half finished efforts lying around physically or mentally acting like you are going to come back and pick them up. If you need to drop something , do so strategically and intentionally. If you’ve put significant effort into a project, you may still benefit from finishing it even if you wouldn’t start it again based on changed circumstances. For example, if you are in your last few months before graduating from college and realize you don’t want to career in what you are majoring in, you probably should go ahead and graduate because there is significant value in having the degree---even if you don’t intend to actually work in that field.

What projects do you have that are currently in progress? Can you find something and finish it?

8. Why do many people become successful according to the author?

A. They are the smartest B. They have the best ideas

C. They start things smoothly D. They make ideas fully completed

9. What does the underlined word “terminate” in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Develop B. End

C. Plan D. Support

10. According to the author, which of the following is the correct way of creating value?

A. A man decides to finish all he starts to do

B. Farmers hurry to sell their crops before they are ripe

C. A college student chooses to study until he gets his degree

D. A student keeps a half-filled stamp album around for future use

11. What is the best title for the text?

A. Finishing vs. Starting B. Well Begun is Half Done

C. Planning vs. Performing D. It is Easier Said than Done

【答案】8. D 9. B 10. C 11. A


9. 词义猜测题。根据文章第三段Not necessarily, but if you don’t think something is worth finishing, be honest with yourself and terminate the project.根据语境可知,开始了的事情未必将要全部完成。如果你认为某事不值得做,要忠实于自己,并可以终止它。故选B。

10. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段前两句可知选择项A错误;根据文章第一段Farmers can’t sell their grain until it is harvested.可知选择项B错误;根据文章第三段最后一句可知选择项C正确;根据文章第三段Don’t leave hundreds of half finished efforts lying around physically or mentally acting like you are going to come back and pick them up.可知选择项D错误。故选C。

11. 主旨大意题。根据文章大意:文章作者主要讨论了并非所有事情开始了都需要完成。所以用标题Finishing vs. Starting。故选A。


The Australian beach town of Byron Bay has a traffic problem, especially during holidays, when local streets are full of cars. But now it’s changed. The world’s first fully solar-powered train runs on a restored(修复)train line that was out of use for more than a decade.

The solar systems on the roof of the train send power to a set of batteries that replace one engine; the other engine is still in place and can provide backup power in an emergency. As the train brakes, it generates more electricity, like a hybrid car. At a train station, the train can be plugged in to pull more power from solar systems on the platform roof. If there’s a long period without sun---somewhat unlikely in this part of the world---the train can also plug in to get renewable energy from the local electricity supply.

“The large solar systems on the platform roof coupled with the solar systems on the train roof produce more solar energy per day than is required to operate an hourly return service,” says Holmes, development director of the nonprofit Byron Bay Railroad company, which runs the train. With one full charge, the train can make 12 to 15 trips.

Volunteers fully restored the train to its old condition to attract more riders, which should take more cars off city streets of the beach town. The train fits 100 seated passengers, with room for more to stand, and also has a luggage room for bikes and surfboards. A ride costs a little more than $2.

The nonprofits thinks it’s a model that could be replicated (复制)elsewhere. “Our service has had no government support or funding at all, but for this to be replicated or improved upon, the key is for government to work with enterprises on the program.” Holmes says. “Our service provides an example of how the sun’s energy can be used for sustainable transport solutions.”

12. Why is the solar train brought into use in Byron Bay?

A. To attract visitors B. To reduce traffic

C. To fight pollution D. To use solar energy

13. Where does the train get energy on sunless days?

A. From its engines B. From a hybrid car

C. From the platform roof D. From the local electricity supply

14. How does Holmes feel about solar energy equipment?

A. It is labor-saving B. It is easily operated

C. It is time-consuming D. It is power guaranteed

15. What can be inferred about the solar-powered train from the last paragraph?

A. It may be popularized in the future

B. More scientific research should be done about it

C. It could be of little use in solving energy problems.

D. Financial support from the government is badly needed

【答案】12. B 13. D 14. D 15. A

【解析】本文介绍了世界上首辆全太阳能火车在澳大利亚海边小镇Byron Bay运行,并可以在其它地方得以推广。

12. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段The Australian beach town of Byron Bay has a traffic problem, especially during holidays, when local streets are full of cars.可知,太阳能火车在Byron Bay小镇的使用改变了交通拥堵的问题。故选B。

13. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段If there’s a long period without sun---somewhat unlikely in this part of the world---the train can also plug in to get renewable energy from the local electricity supply.可知,在没有阳光期间,太阳能火车可以从当地的电力供应系统得到能源供应。故选D。

14. 推理判断题。根据文章第三段The large solar systems on the platform roof coupled with the solar systems on the train roof produce more solar energy per day than is required to operate an hourly return service可知,火车站站台屋顶的太阳能系统和火车顶部的太阳能系统都可以为火车提供足量的电,从而推断出火车的电量可以得到保证。故选D。

15. 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段The nonprofits thinks it’s a model that could be replicated (复制)elsewhere.和Our service provides an example of how the sun’s energy can be used for sustainable transport solutions.可以推断出,太阳能火车可以在其它地方得到推广。故选A。

第二节 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


It can be truly terrifying to fall through ice on a frozen lake. ___16___In fact, there is more time to help you survive than you think.

As you first hit the freezing water, you will almost breathe quickly at once. Remember to get control of your breathing and not to move around. ___17___This means that it takes about one minute to gain control of your breathing ,ten minutes to move before you get too cold. The final one is to remind you that it will take one hour before you become unconscious.

Take that first minute and fully focus on your breathing. Slow it down, and then look around to see if you can locate the thickest area of ice. When you locate the ice, stretch your arms over the surface, and then begin to flutter-kick(上下打水)until your body becomes horizontal with the surface. ___18___.

It is possible that you can live for several hours after passing out. This, however, does require some planning. You only have about 10 minutes before your muscles and nerves become too cold to work. Besides, what if you feel too weal to go on and you cannot get out?___19___The point is to encourage your coat to freeze to the ice, so that if you lose consciousness, you will keep your head out of ice. ___20___.

A. It can help to remember the “1-10-1 principle”.

B. However, if you remain calm, it can save your life.

C. Remove any clothing or heavy objects that are weighting you down.

D. Thus you will remain visible for rescue, even if you pass out.

E. Kick hard and use your arms and hands to climb out of the water.

F. Remember that you should always stay off ice that’s only 3 inches.

G. Place your arms over the surface of the ice and remain still.

【答案】16. B 17. A

18. E 19. G

20. D


16. 根据上下文和句间语境解题。由前句的terrifying和后句的help you survive可知此处为转折关系。故选B。

17. 此空与后一句This means that it takes about one minute to gain control of your breathing ,ten minutes to move before you get too cold.形成概念与解释关系,后一句解释了“1-10-1法则”。故选A。

18. 根据上下文话题一致和逻辑顺序关系解题。根据原文,落水后你有一分钟时间确定位置,那下一步一定是想办法如何爬出水面。故选E。

19. 根据句间语境解题。此空是对上一句问题的解答。没有力气爬出来怎么办,那应该让自己的胳膊支撑在冰面上,并保持不动。故选G。

20. 根据上下文话题一致和句间语境解题。上一句说解救自己的关键是让自己的衣服与冰冻在一起,目的在于自己失去意识前能够将头部露出冰面,这样就能够被他人发现,以得到解救。故选D。



该题型给出的选项中我们可以发现一些特点:该题型选项大致可分为主旨概括句(文章整体内容)、过渡性句子(文章结构)和注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)三类。如小题2考查的就是注释性句子。可以根据后面两句This means that it takes about one minute to gain control of your breathing ,ten minutes to move before you get too cold. The final one is to remind you that it will take one hour before you become unconscious.可知,这里是解释“1-10-1法则”的内容,故很容易得出答案。


第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


Brandon and Derek’s mother, Beth Lash, shared a Facebook video on Dec. 25, 2017. It captured the moment when Bandon___21___his card out loud. On Brandon Lash’s 24th birthday, his little brother, Derek,___22___him with a rather large card filled with an even bigger ___23___.

“I have always ___24___you,” Brandon reads from the front of the card, ___25___by this brother.

“I love spending time with you. I’m so ___26___I have you for my brother. You have always been there for me, even though I get on your nerves sometimes. You will always have a piece of my heart,” Brandon continues, opening up the___27___.

“And now you will have my ___28___, too. We are a ___29___match.” Brandon reads,___30___the card to the floor and breaking down into___31___.

Brandon has kidney receives ___32___three times a week, and was told that he had been recommended for the transplant list. Unfortunately, his parents are not a match, but ___33___, his brother is.

“I can’t believe Derek would ___34___so much all this for me,” Brandon tells the publication. “He’s giving me a ___35___to have a healthy life again. I___36___can’t believe it’s happening.”

“I ___37___seeing him sick and knew something needed to be done to make him healthy again.” Derek adds. “Not only was I the ___38___thing to do, but the only thing to do. He’s my brother. We didn’t know ___39___he could be on the transplant list, and I knew I just wanted my ___40___brother back.”

21. A. read B. sang C. called D. shouted

22. A. provided B. issued C. presented D. supplied

23. A. claim B. award C. smile D. surprise

24. A. taken charge of B. looked up to C. got hold of D. lived up to

25. A. signed B. drawn C. written D. described

26. A. thankful B. satisfied C. awkward D. confused

27. A. paper B. card C. book D. cover

28. A. nerves B. eves C. kidney D. heart

29. A. perfect B. possible C. equal D. friendly

30. A. losing B. dropping C. throwing D. blowing

31. A. screams B. worries C. laughs D. tears

32. A. treatments B. experiments C. directions D. observations

33. A. finally B. possibly C. luckily D. exactly

34. A. advise B. experience C. allow D. sacrifice

35. A. chance B. fortune C. accident D. occasion

36. A. always B. already C. forever D. still

37. A. regretted B. minded C. hated D. opposed

38. A. fair B. right C. normal D. real

39. A. when B. how long C. how much D. while

40. A. lovely B. brave C. honest D. healthy

【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. D


21. 考查动词词义辨析。A. read读;B. sang唱;C. called打电话;D. shouted大喊。根据文章第二段Brandon reads from the front of the card可知,Brandon大声读出卡片的内容。故选A。

22. 考查动词词义辨析。A. provided提供;B. issued发行;C. presented赠送; D. supplied提供。短语present sb. with sth.赠送某人某物。句意:在Brandon24岁生日时,他的小弟弟赠送给他一张相当大的卡片。故选C。

23. 考查动词词义辨析。A. claim宣称;B. award授予;C. smile微笑;D. surprise意外之事。根据下文I can’t believe Derek would ___14___so much all this for me,可知,Brandon没有想到弟弟会为他捐肾,这是一件意料之外的事情。故选D。

24. 考查动词短语词义辨析。A. taken charge of负责,掌管;B. looked up to尊敬;C. got hold of抓住;D. lived up to不辜负。根据下文You have always been there for me, even though I get on your nerves sometimes. You will always have a piece of my heart可知他弟弟很尊敬他。句意:我一直很尊敬你。故选B。

25. 考查动词词义辨析。A. signed签名;B. drawn画;C. written写;D. described描绘。根据上下文可知,卡片是他的弟弟写的。故选C。

26. 考查形容词词义辨析。A. thankful感激的;B. satisfied满意的;C. awkward尴尬的;D. confused困惑的。根据上下文可知,我非常感激有你这样的哥哥。故选A。

27. 考查名词词义辨析。A. paper纸;B. card卡片;C. book书;D. cover封面。根据上文Brandon reads from the front of the card,提示可以直接得出答案。句意:Brandon打开卡片继续读。故选B。

28. 考查名词词义辨析。A. nerves神经;B. eves眼睛;C. kidney肾;D. heart心脏。根据后文Brandon has kidney receives ___12___three times a week,提示可以直接得出答案,句意:弟弟会为哥哥捐肾。故选C。

29. 考查形容词词义辨析。A. perfect完美的;B. possible 可能的;C. equal平等的;D. friendly友好的。根据上下文可知,弟弟和哥哥的配型一致。故选A。

30. 考查动词词义辨析。A. losing失去;B. dropping掉下来;C. throwing扔;D. blowing吹。根据上下文,Brandon把卡片掉到了地上,终于控制不住自己的感情,哭了起来。故选B。

31. 考查动词词义辨析。A. screams尖叫;B. worries担心;C. laughs笑;D. tears泪水。根据上下文可知,Brandon把卡片掉到了地上,终于控制不住自己的感情,哭了起来。

32. 考查名词词义辨析。A. treatments治疗;B. experiments实验;C. directions说明;D. observations观察。根据前句and was told that he had been recommended for the transplant list.可知,Brandon每周3次接受肾治疗。故选A。

33. 考查副词词义辨析。A. finally最终;B. possibly可能地;C. luckily幸运地;D. exactly确切地。根据前句Unfortunately, his parents are not a match,可知,幸运的是,弟弟和他配型一致。故选C。

34. 考查动词词义辨析。A. advise建议;B. experience经历;C. allow允许;D. sacrifice牺牲。根据后句He’s giving me a ___15___to have a healthy life again.可知,Brandon不相信弟弟会为我做出这样的牺牲——为我捐肾。故选D。

35. 考查名词词义辨析。A. chance机会;B. fortune幸运;C. accident事故;D. occasion场合。根据上下文可知,他给了我再次拥有健康生活的机会。故选A。

36. 考查副词词义辨析。A. always总是;B. already已经;C. forever永远;D. still仍然。根据前句I can’t believe Derek would ___14___so much all this for me,可知,Brandon仍然不相信弟弟会为我捐肾。故选D。

37. 考查动词词义辨析。A. regretted后悔;B. minded介意;C. hated厌恶;D. opposed反对。根据语境可知,Derek不愿意看到哥哥生病。故选C。

38. 考查形容词词义辨析。A. fair公平的;B. right正确的;C. normal正常的;D. real真正的。根据语境可知,Derek认为捐肾给哥哥不仅是正确的事情,而且是唯一可做的事情。故选B。

39. 考查副词词义辨析。A. when什么时候;B. how long多长;C. how much多少;D. while当……时候。根据语境可知,我们不知道还要到什么时候,哥哥的名字才能排到移植名单上。故选A。

40. 考查形容词词义辨析。A. lovely可爱的;B. brave勇敢的;C. honest诚实的;D. healthy健康的。根据上下文及语境可知,Derek就想让健康的哥哥回来。故选D。



1、找出词语之间的习惯搭配,或固定搭配;如第2题考查短语present sb. with sth.赠送某人某物。如果同学对此固定搭配不了解就很难选择出正确的答案。






While ___41___(swim), Myles, my four-year-old son had somehow left the kids’ area and got into the adults’ pool. We ran over and pulled him out of the water, only to see this face blue and body still. He was weak and lifeless.

One person ___42___(immediate) contacted the from desk while another called 911. my friend, John Newland and I began to perform CPR(心肺复苏). Though we tried our best, we failed ___43___(make)any important progress.

Another friend of ___44___(I) realized that two off-duty lifeguards, Liz and Alison Manley, were nearby. The sisters, 15 and 18, recently trained by the Red Cross in CPR, took over compression(挤压)and breathing. Alison started compression and Liz gave___45___(instruction). They continued chest compression and rescue breathing,___46___ seemed to last for ages. All at once___47___filled my mind were regret and hope. “What kind of a father lets this happen?” “Help, somebody, do anything!” Then it happened. Myles slowly opened one of his eyes and began to cry. I held him firmly and burst ___48___tears. When back home Myles___49___(allow)to get out of bed the next morning.

___50___unforgettable the experience was! Without those kind people, my son wouldn’t have been saved!

【答案】41. swimming

42. immediately

43. to make

44. mine 45. instructions

46. which 47. what

48. into 49. was allowed

50. How


41. 考查非谓语动词。While swimming相当于While Myles was swimming,根据状语从句的省略条件,从句食物主语和主句的主语一致,而且从句中有be动词时,从句的主语和be动词可以一起省略。句意:当游泳的时候,我四岁的儿子Myles不知何故离开了孩子们的地方。故填swimming。

42. 考查副词。副词immediately修饰动词contact。句意:一个人立即与前台联系。故填immediately。

43. 考查非谓语动词。fail to do未能够做某事。句意:我们没有取得任何重大进展。故填to make。

44. 考查代词。another friend of mine我的另一个朋友。句意:我的另一个朋友认识到两个当班的救生员。故填mine。

45. 考查名词的单复数。Instruction当“指示,说明”时,常用作复数。句意:艾丽森开始压缩,丽兹发出指令。故填instructions。

46. 考查定语从句。句中which引导非限定性定语从句,代替前面的整个句子。句意:她们继续进行胸部按压和抢救呼吸,这似乎持续了很久。故填which。

47. 考查主语从句。句子what filled my mind是what引导的主语从句,引导词what在句中作主语。句意:突然间,我心中充满了遗憾和希望。故填what。

48. 考查介词。短语burst into tears突然大哭。句意:我紧紧的抓住他,大哭起来。故填into。

49. 考查谓语动词。allow在句中作谓语,和allow是被动关系,且根据句意应该用一般过去时。句意:第二天早上, Myles被允许下床。故填was allowed。

50. 考查感叹句。How +adj. +主语 + 谓语!句意:真是一次难忘的经历呀!

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)


51. 假定英语课课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






My mum is a volunteer in a hospital. She brought dinner every Sunday to the people attending their relatives who are in hospital.

One Sunday, Mum asked me to help her with dinner. At the first, I didn’t want to, so in the end she persuaded me to go. Half an hour late ,we arrived. We quickly setup a table and started giving people food. The people serving there were deeply moved and showed our gratefulness. It was amazed to look at people’s face, especially those of children. It made me feel gladly for being there.

That day I realized that the value of life is not only about receiving, but giving as well.




第二处:考查短语attend to照顾。句意:她每周日都给照顾生病住院的亲人送饭。故在attending后加to。

第三处:考查短语at first起初。句意:起初,我不想去。故将the去掉。



第六处:考查非谓语动词。serve和被修饰词the people之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。句意:在那里服侍的人深受感动。故serving改为served。

第七处:考查代词。根据句意应该用their指代前面的the people。句意:并表示他们的感谢。故将our改为their。


第九处:考查名词数。“人们的脸”应该用the people’s faces。句意:看着人们的脸真是太令人惊讶了。故将face改为faces。



52. 假定你是李华,你在报纸上看到你市电视台今年七月将举办外国人“学做中餐,乐享中国菜”才艺大赛。你的外教Peter非常喜欢中国厨艺,你建议他去试一试。请按以下要点给他写信告知此事,并表示可以提供帮助。













【答案】Dear Peter,

I read in newspaper today that a “Learn Chinese Cuisine, Enjoy Chinese Foods” Foreigners’ Talent Show will be held in my city Television Station on July 15th. I know you like Chinese cooking, and you are free during that period. I think this is a good chance for you to show your cooking talent, and how well you’ve learned Chinese cooking. If you would like to try, you’ll have to go to the TV station to sign up before the end of June. If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.


Li Hua


【亮点说明】I read in newspaper today that a “Learn Chinese Cuisine, Enjoy Chinese Foods” Foreigners’ Talent Show will be held in my city Television Station on July 15th.这句话运用名词性从句。文章还用了一些短语,如:would like to,sign up,more than等等。最后,文章注意了语句的衔接,如and;if;before等连接词起到很好的连接上下文的作用,使文章读起来自然流畅,朗朗上口。

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