



1. at once =immediately立刻,马上

2. at least 至少

3. at most 最多

4. at last=finally=in the end 最后

5. at home 在家

6. at noon 在中午

7. at night 在夜晚

8. at times =sometimes有时,偶尔

9. at school 在上学

10. at table 在吃饭

11. at present = now目前,现在

12. at work 在工作

13. at all 全然,根本(用于否定句末)

14. at the age of 在...岁时

15. at the end of 在...结尾

16. at the moment =now此刻,现在

17. at the same time 同时

18. at first 首先

19. at the price of 以……为代价

20. at the crossing 在十字路口

21. at the beginning of 在……的开始

22. a pair of 一双/副/条...

23. a piece of 一片/块/条/则...

24. a set of 一副/串(钥匙)

25. a lot of = lots of=many/much许多,好多

26. a number of =many许多

27.arrive at/in =get to =reach到达

28. ask for 请求,要求

29.all kinds of 各种各样的

30. argue with sb.与...争吵

31. agree with sb.同意

32. as a result of 由于……

33.above all 最重要的是,首先

34.advise sb. to do 劝说某人去做

35.according to 根据、依照

36.after all 毕竟;终究

37.after a while 不久

38.agree to do 同意去做

39.allow sb. to do 允许(某人)做某事

40.all the year round 整年

41.act out 表演


1.be interested in 对...感兴趣

2.be surprised at 对...感到惊讶

3.be famous for =be known for因...而闻名

4.be able to do = can能够…有能力……

5.be crowded with 挤满了

6.be famous as 作为(职业)而出名

7.be disappointed in sth. 对某事(物)失望

8.be disappointed with sb./sth. 对…失望

9.be good at =do well in擅长于...

10.be angry with/at 生...的气

11.be worried about 担心...

12.be strict with sb对(人)要求严格

13.be strict with sth对(事)要求严格

14.be proud of =take pride in以...而自豪

15.be ready for 为...做准备

16.be busy with 忙于...

17.be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

18.be popular with sb深受某人的喜爱

19.be nervous about 对...感到紧张

20.be excited about 对...感到兴奋

21.be similar to 与...相似

22.be different from 与...不同

23.be filled with ...= be full of…里装满..

24.be used to (doing) sth习惯于(做)事

25.be afraid of 害怕...

26.be good for 对...有益

27.be bad for =be harmful for对...有害

28.be in danger 处于危险之中

29.be in hospital 住院

30.be covered with 被...所覆盖

31.be tired of 厌倦...

32.be sure of 确信...

33.be careful of 小心...,当心..

34.be confident of 对…有信心

35.be interested in 对...感兴趣

36.be weak in =be bad at=be poor at在...差

37.be on business 因公(办事等)

38.be angry with sb 生某人的气

39.be angry at sth对某事生气

40.be surprised at对...感到惊讶

41.be late for 迟到

42.be used for 用来做..

43.be made of ...由...做成

44.be made of ...由...做成

45.be made in ...在…制造

46.break out 爆发

47.break off 突然中止,中断

48.break down (汽车)抛锚

49.because of =thanks to因为, 由于

50.be serious about 对...是认真的

51.begin start with 以...开始

52.be off =leave离开,走开

53.begin with 以……开始

54.believe in 相信

55.belong to sb. 属于

56.blow away 吹走

57.by chance =by accident 偶然

58.by far 至今为止

59.by oneself 独自地、独立地、单独地

60.by the end of 在……以前

61.by the way 顺便说一下

62.be friendly to 对...友好

63.be responsible for 对……负责


1. come over 顺便来访

2. come true 实现,达到

3. come out 出来,开放,出版

4. come on 加油,来吧

5. come back 回来 、醒过来

6. come up with 想出,提出

7. come in 进来

8. come along 出现,发生,来到

9. come from 来自,产自

10. come across 遇见,(偶然)发现

11.come down 下来

12. catch a cold=have a cold 感冒

13. call on sb. 拜访某人

14. call up 打电话

15. change into =turn into =become into 变成

16.close to =next to 靠近某地

17. complain about 埋怨,抱怨

18. concentrate on 专心,专注

19. cheer up 使...振作

20. care about 关心,担心

21.compare...with 与...相比

22. cut up 切碎

23. cut off 切断

24. cut down 砍倒

25. cut…into 把…切成…

26. clean up 把...打扫干净

27. clean out 把...打扫干净,清除

28.catch up with=keep up with 赶上

29. care for 关心,照料


1.dare to do 敢于……

2.day after day= day by day 日复一日

3.day and night 一天到晚

4.develop a habit 养成习惯

5.die from… 因为(空气污染、过度劳累、事故等)而死

6.die of…因为(寒冷、饥饿、年老等)而死

7.dislike doing/sb./sth. 不喜欢……

8. divide sth. into 将……分成

9.depend on 依靠,依赖,取决于

10.decide on 决定

11.dress up 乔装打扮

12.dream of 梦想

13.do with= deal with 对付,处理

14do well in =be good at在...方面干得好

15.do a good deed 做好事

16.do a good job 干得好


1.end up 以...结束,结果为...

2.end up doing sth. 以做某事而结束

3.eat up 吃光

4.encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做……

5.expect sb. to do 期望某人……

6.explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释……


1.face to face 面对面

2.fall in live with 爱上...

3.fall asleep 入睡

4.fall down 倒下、跌倒、从…落下

5.fall ill=be ill =be sick生病

6.fall off 落下,从...掉下

7.fall over 滑到、摔倒

8.far away 遥远

9.far from 离…远

10.far behind 落后于…

11.family name 姓

12.feel lonely 感到寂寞

13.feel like doing sth.想做某事

14.feel tired 感到疲倦

15.feel worried 感到忧虑

16.find out 查明,弄清

17.fight against为反对…而斗争

18.fight with 与...打架


20.finish doing sth.做完某事

21.fix up 修理,修补

22.fly a kite 放风筝

23.for example 例如


1. get up 起床

2. get off 下车

3. get on 上车

4. get along/on well with 与...相处得融洽

5. get over 克服,恢复,原谅

6. get back 回来,返回

7. get out 出去,离开

8.. get together 相聚

9.get ready for 为...做准备

10. get married 结婚

11. get in the way 碍事,挡道

12. get to 到达

13. give up 放弃

14. give out 分发

15. give away 赠送,分发

16. give back 归还

17. go off 发出响声,离开

18.go on 继续

19. go out 出去,熄灭

20.go to bed 上床睡觉

21.go to sleep去睡觉

22.go over 复习

23.go up 升起,上升

24.grow up 成长,长大


1.have a talk with sb. 跟某人谈话

2.have a word with sb. 跟某人谈话

3.have difficulty/trouble (in) doing/sth 做…有困难

4.have the habit of doing 有做……的习惯5.hear about sth./sb. = hear of sth./sb. 听说……

6.hear from 收到……的来信

7.help sb. out 帮助某人解决困难

8.hundreds of 数以百计的

9.hurry off 快点走

10. hold on 稍等片刻

11.hand in 上交,交纳

12. hand out 分发

13. hang out 闲逛

14. hurry up 赶快

15. help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事

16.how often 多久(对频度副词提问)

17.how long 多久(对段时间提问)

18. how soon 多久(对将来in段时间提问)

19.how many 多少

20.how much 多少

21.hou far 多远


1. in class 在班上

2. in English 用英语

3. in a hurry 匆忙

4. in the end=at last =finally 最后,终于

5. in the future 在将来

6. in time 及时

7. in fact 事实上,实际上

8. in bed 躺在床上

9. in hospital 住院

10. in the way 碍事的,挡道的

11. in this way 用这种方法

12. in danger 处于危险中

13. in trouble 处于困境中

14. in a minute=soon 立刻,马上

15. in surprise 惊奇地,惊讶地

16. in public 当众,公开

17. in common 共有的,公有的

18. in good health 身体健康

19. in front of 在...前面

20. in the front of 在(空间里)的前部

21. in the sun 在阳光下

22. in order to 为了

23. in the past 在过去

24. in a high/low voice 高(低)声说话

25. in a while 一会儿

26. in space 在太空

27. in the beginning 在开始

28. instead of 代替,而不是

29. insist on doing/sth. 坚持……

30. in the old days 过去的时候


1.join a party (League, army)入党(团、参军)

2.join a club参加俱乐部

3.join in sth= take part in sth.参加活动

4.jump off 跳下

5.jump onto跳到……上面

6.just now= a moment ago 刚才、一会儿之前

7.just a minute. 等一下

8.just then 正在那时


1.keep on 继续

2.keep away from 远离...

3.keep healthy/fit 保持健康

4.keep doing sth 一直做某事

5.keep sb doing sth 使某人一直做某事

6.keep sb from doing sth

=stop sb from doing sth.

=prevent sb. From doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

7.knock into sb 撞在某人身上

8.knock at (door, window)敲击(门、窗)

9.kind of 稍微,有点

10.keep up with sb.=catch up with sb.赶上、跟上

11.keep in touch with sb 与某人保持联系

12.keep out 不使...进入

13.keep a diary 记日记

14.know about 了解


1. laugh at 嘲笑

2. learn about/of 了解关于..

3. learn…from…向……学习

4. learn sth by heart 背诵

5. leave for… =go to …动身去某地

6. lead to 通向、导致

7. lend sth to sb = lend sb. Sth 借东西给某人

8. let sb do sth 让某人做某事

9. let sb in/ out 让某人进去、出去

10. lie down 躺下

11. live a …life 过……生活

12. live on 以……为食

13. look at 看.....

14. look for 寻找

15. look up 查阅,向上看

16. look out 向外看,小心

17. look over 仔细检查

18. look after 照顾,照料

19. look like 看起来像

20. look through 浏览

21. look into 向—里看

22. look around 环顾四周

23. look forward to 期盼,期待


1. make up 编造,杜撰,构成

2. make a noise 吵闹

3. make a decision 做决定

4. make a face 做鬼脸

5. make mistakes 犯错误

6. make the bed 铺床

7. make friends with和……交朋友

8. make a living 谋生

9. make money 赚钱

10. make progress 取得进步

11. make sure 务必,确保

12. make a plan 制定计划

13. make a telephone call 打电话

14. make up one’s mind 下决心

15. make sb feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归、别拘束

16. make a contribution to 为...做贡献

17. mix up 混合

18. more or less 或多或少

19. move on 继续移动

20. make a fire 生火

21. make…into….把……变成……

22. make one’s way 前去

23. make a film 拍电影

24. make trouble 制造麻烦

25. more and more 越来越多

26. mistake…for….把……误认为…

27. more than = over 多于、超过


1. near by 在……附近

2. next to=close to 靠近

3. neither of 两者都不

4. neither …nor…既不…也不…

5. no longer 不再

6. no more 不再

7. no way没门


1. on duty 值日,值班

2. on time 准时,按时

3. on foot 步行

4. on vacation=on holiday 度假

5. on sale 销售,出售

6. on TV 在电视里、通过电视

7. on the radio通过收音机

8. on the Internet 在网上

9. obey the rules 遵守纪律

10. on the phone 用电话交谈,在通话

11. on the other hand 另一方面

12. on the left/right 在左边/右边

13. on one’s way 在—的路上

14. on show=on display 在展出

15. on weekends 在周末

16. on the wall 在墙上

17. one by one一个接一个

18. one day 有一天

19. once upon a time 从前、很久以前

20. out of work 失业

21. over and over 再三、反复

22. over there 在那边

23. open up 打开


1. pass on 传递

2. pay for 为...付款

3. pick up 捡起,乘搭便车

4. piles of 一堆堆

5. place of interest 名胜

6. play a joke on sb 开玩笑、作弄(某人)

7. play an important part (role) in sth.起重要作用

8. play basketball(football,volleyball…)打篮球(踢足球、打排球…)

9. play a game 做游戏

10. play the piano(violin,guitar)弹钢琴(拉小提琴、弹吉他)

11. play with 与...玩,玩弄

12. plenty of 大量的

13. point at 指着

14. point to 指向

15. point out 指出prepare for 为...做准备

16. provide sth. for sb.为...提供

17. provide sb. with sth. 为...提供

18. put on 穿上,戴上,上演

19. put down 把—放下,记下

20. put away 把—放好

21. put back 放回去

22. put into 把...放进...,把...译成...

23. put one's heart into 全神贯注于...

24. put off 推迟,推延

25. put out 扑灭,伸出

26. put up 举起,挂起,搭建


1. quarrel with 与...吵架

2.quite a few 相当多


1. rather than 宁愿

2. refuse to do sth拒绝做某事

3. remind sb of 使某人想起

4. right away立刻

5. right now 立刻、马上

6. ring back回电话

7. ring sb. up 打电话

8. run away 逃走

9. run off 迅速离开,跑掉

10. run out of 用完,用光

11. rush in 跑进、冲进


1. see sb. off 为某人送行

2. sell out 卖完,售完

3. send up 发射

4. set off 激起,引起,出发

5. set out 出发

6. set up 建立,创立

7. shake hands with sb和某人握手

8. share …with 与...分享...

9. show sb. around 带领某人参观

10. show off 炫耀,卖弄shut off 切断

11. shut up 闭嘴

12. shout at 叫喊,叫嚷

13. speak to 对……说

14. spend …on…在…花费

15. stand up 起立,站起来stand for 代表

16. stay up 熬夜,不睡觉

17. start out 动身、出发

18. stay at home呆在家里

19. stay away from school/ work不上学、上班

20. stay up熬夜

21. stick to坚持、粘住


1. talk about/of 谈论,讨论

2. take after 与(父母等)相像

3. take away 拿走,带走

4. take care 小心,当心

5. take care of 照顾,照料

6. take down 记下

7. take off 脱下,起飞

8. take out 拿出,取出

9. take a bus(train, subway, boat,plane) 乘车(火车、地铁、船、飞机)

10. take up 占据(时间,空间)

11. take place 发生

12. take it easy 从容,不紧张

13. take a rest 休息一下

14. take a shower 洗澡

15. take part in 参加

16. take a photo 拍照

17. take pride in 对...感到自豪

18. take turns 轮流,依次

19. take medicine 服药

20. take a taxi 打的

21. take one’s temperature 量体温

22. tell a lie 说谎话

23. tell the truth说真话、真相

24. thanks for 为...而感谢...

25. think about考虑

26. think of 想起,认为

27. think over仔细考虑

28. thousands of 成千上万的

29. the number of ...的数量

30. throw at 向……扔去

31. throw away 扔掉

32. turn on 打开

33. turn off 关闭

34. turn up 调大,放大

35. turn down 调小,关小

36. turn in 上交

37. turn into 变成

38. turn over 翻转过来

39. turn left/right 向左转/向右转

40. turn to 翻到、转向

41. try on 试穿,试戴

42. try out 实验


1. up and down 上上下下

2. used to do sth.过去常做某事

3.use one’s head 动脑筋

4. use up 用光,用完


1. wait for 等待

2. wake up 醒来,唤醒,叫醒

3. wash away 冲走

4. wash one’s hands洗手

5. with one’s help 在某人的帮助下

6. work hard at 努力学习

7. work on 从事,忙于,演算

8. work out 产生结果,算出

9. worry about 担心

10. would like to do想做某事

11. write down 写下

12. write to给……写信



1.【2018江苏宿迁市】---How is our government going to deal with the office building?

--- It will be _____ a library.

A. turned off B. turned on C. turned out D. turned into

2. 【2018内蒙古包头市中考】Terry, _______ from your cell phone when your father is talking to you.

A. look up B. look around C. look down D. look out

3. 【2018四川成都市】 I got up early this morning my grandma at the airport.

A. to pick up B. picking up C. picked up

4. 【2018四川乐山市】–The jeans are very nice. I’ll take them.

–You’d better ______ first. I’m afraid the size is a bit small for you.

A. pay for them B. take them off C. try them on

5. 【2018江苏徐州市】I look stupid with this haircut. All my classmates will me.

A. laugh at B. agree with C. depend on D. worry about

6. 【2018云南】We can _______ some information about this city on the Internet.

A. look up B. look like C. look after D. look forward to

7. 【2018浙江温州市】 --- Alice’s room is tidy, isn't it?

---Yes. She always _____ her toys after playing with them.

A. looks for B. puts away C. sweeps away D. pays for

8. 【2018重庆A卷】_______visitors came to take photos of Hongyadong during the vacation.

A. Thousand B. Thousand of C. Thousands D. Thousands of

9. 【2018重庆B卷】_______ people visited Hongyadong, Chongqing on May Day this year.

A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of

10. 【2018湖北孝感】 The CCTV program The Readers interests______ people of all ages. A .thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of

11.【2018山东】Nowadays,_____ farmers leave their hometown to search for work in the cities.

A. million of B. two millions C. millions of D. two millions of

12.【2018四川凉山州】---The picture of the Snowflake Boy has become very popular recently.

---Yeah, it receives _____Internet hits a day.

A. thousands of B. thousands C. hundred D. hundreds

13.【2018江苏南京】---_____is it from the Children's Palace to Nanjing South Railway Station, Tom?

--- About 10 minutes' ride by bus

A. How soon B. How long C. How far D. How much

14.【2018江苏苏州】----________does it take you to get to school by bike ?

----About fifteen minutes.

A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How far

15.【2018江苏苏州】----Little Jenny looks unhappy today.

----Don’t worry. A box of chocolates will ______her ______.

A. give …up B. wake …up C. cheer …up D. pick…up

16.【2018江苏无锡】The king didn’t take any notice of the noise in the crowd and __________ with the parade.

A. carry on ​B. carry out​ C. carried on​ D. carried out

17.【2018江苏无锡】---Manager, all the machines ____just now! -What?

---Call the engineer at once.

A. broke down B. turned down C. broke out D. turned out

18.【2018江苏无锡】Some volunteers plan to ______ a survey about the school finishing time.

A. find out B. sell out C. take out D. carry out

19.【2018江苏扬州】---______ does Joanna take the course in DIY?

---Every Saturday afternoon..

A. How long B. How much C. How soon D. How often

20.【2018江苏扬州】We should_______ fireworks to reduce pollution.

A. get off B. turn off C. take off D. set off


(一) 单项选择:

1---5: DAAACA; 6---10:ABDDD; 11---15: CACCC; 16---20: CCDDB;

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