

Unit4 I used to be afraid of the darkSection B 3a-...

Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark

Section B 3a-selfcheck




1) 学习并掌握生词general,introduction。

2) 复习used to的用法;能够表达自己现在和过去在外表、性格、爱好




综合使用used to结构、一般过去时和一般现在时谈论自己在外貌、性格和爱好方面的变化。

情感态度: 让学生明白事物是在不断发展、变化的道理,培养学生积极向上的心态。珍惜父母及亲人对你的爱,努力学习回报社会。



难点:熟练运用used to 句型描述自己与他人的变化,并完成写作训练。


I. 翻译下面单词或短语

1.总的;普遍的;常规的____________________ 2. 介绍 ____________________

3.保持沉默____________________ 4.考试不及格 ____________________

5.亲自____________________ 6.逃课____________________

7.做自我介绍____________________ 8.以……骄傲____________________

9. 在……有极大影响_______________________

II. 选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空。

Asia, silence, help, exact, self-introduction, proud, European, Africa

1. We can find pine-trees (松树) in most ___________ countries.

2. It might be very ________ if you get advice from a close friend.

3. China is the host (主办国) of the Eleventh _______ Games.

4. She told me the whole story ______ as it happened.

5. Nile is an _______ river. It flows into the Mediterranean Sea(地中海).

6. The house was very _____ because everyone was asleep.

7. Thanks for your invitation. Allow me to make a _________ now.

8. He was the ______ of the village after winning the championship.


探究一、General introduction about the changes in your life.

1) general为形容词,意为“__________”。另外还可作名词,意为“__________”。

常用短语in general,意为“总的说来;一般说来”。


The new plan was generally welcomed. 这个新计划受到普遍欢迎。

2) introduction为名词,意为“介绍”,其动词形式为_____________。


探究二.fail作动词,意为“______;______”.fail in sth. 在某方面失败。反义词:succeed v.成功 pass v.及格;考试通过 e.g. He failed (in) the exam. 他考试不及格。fail to do sth.表示“未能做到某事”。e.g. She failed to get into art college. 她没能考上美院


(1) Their car failed ______ the high mountain. A. to climb B. climbing

(2) I don’t know why she failed ______ the driving test. A. on B. in


不同点:pride为名词,常用搭配为take pride in。proud为形容词,常用搭配为be proud of。


1) I’m ________ (pride / proud) to be your friend.

2) He wore his medals with _______ (pride / proud).

3) I’m proud ____ (of / on) my hometown.

4) He loved his daughter and took pride _____ (of / in) her.

探究四、再现“used to” 的用法

1) 肯定句:used没有人称的变化。used to 表示过去的习惯动作, 而不是现在的。

I / You / We / They / He / She / It used to do…

2) 否定句是didn’t use to do…/ usedn’t to do…

When I was a child, I didn’t use (usedn’t) to like apples.

3) 疑问句did … use to…?/ used… to…?

Did you use to play the piano? = Used you to play the piano.

Where did you use to live before you came here? 当你来这儿之前你住哪儿?

4) 反意疑问句didn’t/ usedn’t + 主语。

He used to smoke, didn’t/ usedn’t he? 他过去常常吸烟,是吗?

5) be used to do/ be used for doing 被用来做某事

be/get used to doing 习惯于做某事

合作探究:失败、不及格 A B 1.proud 2.pride 3.of 4.in



1. The woman is ___________ and she has a __________ daughter.

A. forty years old; fifteen years old B. forty-year- old; fifteen-year-old

C. forty-year- old; fifteen years old D. forty years old; fifteen-year-old

2. This photo often makes me __________ of my teachers in primary school.

A. think B. thinks C. to think D. thinking

3. If you don’t know the meaning of the word __________, you’d better look it up in the dictionary.

A. mostly B exactly C. nearly D. hardly

4. I advise you __________ an umbrella with you. It’s cloudy and it is going to rain.

A. to take B. taking C. take D. taken

5. She used to ___________ a bus to school, but now she is used to __________ to school.

A. taking; walk B. take; walk C. taking; walking D. take; walking

II. 词性转换。

1. There is an __________ (introduce) about England in the book.

2. He was sometimes __________ (absence) from classes last term.

3. I made a ___________ (decide) to go abroad with my parents.

4. Her _____________ (shy) made her be afraid to speak in public.

5. It’s very ____________ (help) to discuss your problems with your parents.

III. 动词应用。

1. I used to __________ (play) computer games, but I hate them now.

2. He didn’t use to work hard at math, so he often __________ (fail) the math exams.

3. The little boy was afraid of __________ (be) alone at home.

4. They tried ___________ (get) good grades in the final exam.

5. Our teacher advises us ___________ (read) a lot of books to improve our study.

6. Many times I thought about ___________ (give) up my math.

7. I dare ___________ (talk) with foreigners. What about you, Li Lei?

8. My life ___________ (change) a lot in the last few years.

9. The guard made the woman ____________ (wait) outside.

10. His parents made a decision __________ (help) him win the competition.

IV. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。

1. My father is _________ (有幽默感的) , and he often tells jokes to me.

2. Tom didn’t use to play soccer, but he played Ping Pong______ (有时).

3. The little boy didn’t know how to _________ (处理) the problem.

4. My son likes watching ants and _________ (其他的昆虫) .

5. Li Wen caused a lot of trouble, his parents wanted to talk to him_________ (亲自) .

6. The girl always works hard, so her teachers _________ her(感到自豪) .

7. She _________ (很少) used to eat junk food .

8. I used to be afraid of _________ (做演讲) in front of my class.



1. 本课我学会了什么?


2. 通过本课的学习,我还有哪些疑问?



I. 单项选择。


II. 词性转换。

1. introduction 2. absent 3. decision 4. shyness 5. helpful

III. 动词应用。

1. play 2. failed 3. being 4. to get 5. to read

6. giving 7. to talk 8. has changed 9. wait 10. to help

IV. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。

1. humorous 2. from time to time 3. deal with 4. other insects

5. in person 6. take pride in/ are proud of 7. seldom 8. giving a speech

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2011中考英语一轮复习:详解“used to” 结构
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