



1. _________ he comes tomorrow, I shall ask where he has been.

2. _________ he was speaking, everybody listened carefully.

3. I saw her just _________ she was getting off the train.

4. Have a good look at that man _________ you pass him.

5. It was already eight o'clock _________ we got there.

6. I was about to go out _________ a visitor came.

7. We'll go to the country at the beginning of June, _________ the summer harvest will start.

8. He learned to speak German _________ he was in Berlin.

9. Henry is in charge of the office ________ Mr. Smith is away.

10. I listen to the recorder _________ I have time.

11. He had learned Chinese _________ he came to China.

12. _________ the work was done, we sat down to sum up experience.

13. I haven't seen him _________ he moved to the other side of the town.

14. I waited ________ he came back.

15. It was not ________ he took off his eyeglasses that I recognized him.

16. She likes everything to be in place ________ she starts to work.

17. The thieves ran away _________ they caught sight of the police.

18. They decided to go back home _________ their money ran out.

19. We played outside till sunset, _________ it began to rain.


1. It was quiet ________ those big trucks started coming through the town.

A. before B. after C. until D. unless

2. It seemed only seconds ________ the boy finished washing his face.

A. when B. before C. after D. even if

3. Hardly had he reached the school gate ________ the bell rang.

A. while B. when C. as D. as soon as

4. ________ you begin, I think you must continue.

A. When B. Whenever C. Once D. Even if

5. I recognized you ________ I saw you at the airport.

A. the moment B. while C. after D. once

6. He was about to go to bed ________ the doorbell rang.

A. while B. as C. before D. when

7.________I listen to your advice, I get into trouble.

A. Every time B. When C. While D. Until

8. _____ John was watching TV, his wife was cooking.

A. As B. As soon as C. While D. Till

9. The children ran away from the orchard(果园) ______ they saw the guard.

A. the moment B. after C. before D. as

10. No sooner had I arrived home _____ it began to rain.

A. when B. while C. as D. than


一、1.When 2. While / When 3. as 4. when/as 5. when

6. when 7. when 8. while 9. while 10. whenever

11. before 12. After 13. since 14. till/until 15. until

16. before 17. as soon as 18. before 19. when

二、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D

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