


beside oneself意为“发狂,兴奋”,所以beside oneself with rage意为“气得发狂”。
beside the point 不切题
What you have said is quite beside the point. 你说得文不对题。
相关短语 off the point离题,不切题;to the point切题,中肯
beside the question 离题
What you said may be right, but it is beside the question. 你所说的也许是对的,但是与本题无关。
同义短语 beside the mark, beside the point, off the point离题,走题
bet against sth. 打赌某事一定不会发生
I'll bet against your winning. 我打赌你不会赢。
bet on sth. 为某事而打赌
Don't bet on horse-races, you must lose in the long run. 不要赌赛马,你终究会输。
bet on the wrong horse 估计、判断错误
He expected Stevenson to be elected President but as it happened, he bet on the wrong horse. 他预料斯蒂文森会当选总统,可结果他完全估错了。
Only when Mr.Black made a speech at the meeting did I realize I had bet on the wrong horse. 当布莱克先生在会上表态时,我才意识到我看错了人了。
bet one's bottom dollar on 把最后一块钱押在,对……有绝对把握
Somebody will do it. I'll bet my bottom dollar on that. 有人会干的。对此我有十二分的把握。
This horse will win. I would bet my bottom dollar on it. 此马必赢,我愿倾囊下注。
知识链接这是美国俚语。one's bottom dollar是口袋底里最后一张钞票。当某人用自己最后剩下的钱去打赌的时候,这个人一定很自信,认为自己在某个问题上完全准确,因此愿意冒一切风险来证实这一点。引申为“对……有绝对把握”。
between ourselves(between Only when Mr.Black made a speech at the meeting did I realize I had bet on the wrong horse. 当布莱克先生在会上表态时,我才意识到我看错了人了。
bet one's bottom dollar on 把最后一块钱押在,对……有绝对把握
Somebody will do it. I'll bet my bottom dollar on that. 有人会干的。对此我有十二分的把握。
This horse will win. I would bet my bottom dollar on it. 此马必赢,我愿倾囊下注。
知识链接这是美国俚语。one's bottom dollar是口袋底里最后一张钞票。当某人用自己最后剩下的钱去打赌的时候,这个人一定很自信,认为自己在某个问题上完全准确,因此愿意冒一切风险来证实这一点。引申为“对……有绝对把握”。
between ourselves(between you and me) 只限于我们两人知道
Just between ourselves. I'm afraid that he is beyond all hope of recovery. 仅在你我之间说说,恐怕他完全没有康复的希望了。
This is just between you and me, get it? 这件事只有你知我知,明白吗?
beyond belief 难以置信
It's beyond belief that a 14-year-old girl could break the provincial high jump record. 一个14岁的女孩居然打破全省跳高纪录,简直令人难以置信。
The huts they lived in were dirty and messy beyond belief. 他们住的小房真是异乎寻常的脏乱。
beyond comparison 无与伦比
You can not but admit that our quality is superior beyond comparison. 贵方不能不承认,我们
Her looks are beyond comparison. 她的美貌无与伦比。
beyond control 无法控制
She knew that her love was impossible but she knew also that it was beyond control. 她知道她的爱情不可能实现,然而她也知道它是控制不了的。
The children were beyond control. 这些孩子不听管教。
同义短语 out of control失控
beyond description 难以形容
The scenery was beautiful beyond description. 那风景美丽得难以形容。
My feelings were beyond my description. 我无法用语言来描述我当时的感受。
— Why do you suggest we buy a new machine?
— Because the old one has been damaged_______.
A. beyond reach
B. beyond repair
C. beyond control
D. beyond description
解析选B。beyond repair意为“无法修理,修不好”。题目意思为“旧的机器坏了,不能修了”。beyond reach够不到;beyond control无法控制;beyond description 难以形容。只有B项符合题意。
beyond doubt 毫无疑问
She was beyond all doubt the finest ballerina of her day. 她无疑是她那个时代最优秀的芭蕾舞演员。
I must say his honesty is beyond doubt. 我得说他的诚实是毫无疑问的。
同义短语 no doubt, without doubt毫无疑问
beyond suspicion 无可置疑
The business honor of the company is beyond suspicion. 这个公司的商业信誉毋庸置疑。
bid farewell to 向……告别
I have come to bid farewell to all my relatives. 我向所有亲戚道别。
She was sorry to bid farewell to Portugal. 她舍不得告别葡萄牙。
bit by bit 逐渐,一点一点地
The materials have been gathered bit by bit. 这些材料是一点一点地收集来的。
Little by little and bit by bit. 一点一滴,积沙成塔。
同义短语 little by little一点一点地。
bite one's head off 大声呵斥
You don't have to bite my head off just because I asked you to keep quiet. 我不过是叫你安静些,你也不用这样大发脾气。
When she asked her father for money, he nearly bit her head off. 当她向父亲要钱时,他声色俱厉地训斥她。
black and blue 青一块紫一块,遍体鳞伤地
After the fight, he was black and blue all over. 打架之后,他浑身青一块紫一块。
black out 晕倒,昏厥,用黑色涂掉,熄灭,封锁
The plane dived suddenly, causing the pilot to black out. 飞机猛然俯冲致使驾驶员昏厥。
The printer had better black out that word. 印刷人员最好用黑色把那个字盖上。
They blacked out all lights during air defence exercises. 他们在防空演习时熄灭了一切灯火。
blame sb. for sth. 为某事责备某人
I really saw red when he began to blame me for the accident. 当他把事故的责任推到我身上时,我非常气愤。
blame sth. on sb. 把某事怪到某人头上
They blamed the failure on John. 他们把失败的责任推给约翰。
The police are blaming the accidents on dangerous driving. 警察把事故原因归咎于危险驾驶。
blossom into 发展成为
The buds will soon blossom into flowers. 这些蓓蕾很快就会开花。
But who would ever have predicted that he would blossom into a romantic film comedian? 然而他成长为一名富有浪漫色彩的电影喜剧演员,又有谁料到了呢?
blow out 吹灭
Make a wish and blow out the candles on your cake. 许个愿,再把蛋糕上的蜡烛吹灭。
blow up 炸毁,爆炸
The captain sent a team of ten men to blow up the bridge. 队长派出十人特遣队炸桥。
The terrorists are threatening to blow up the hijacked airliner. 恐怖分子扬言要炸毁被劫持的客机。
boast of/about 夸耀
She likes to boast about the cleverness of her child. 她喜欢夸耀她的孩子聪明。
A modest man will never boast of his merits. 谦虚的人从不夸自己的功劳。
book in(out) 预订房间,登记入住(离开旅馆)
Always insist upon seeing your room before booking in. 在住进旅馆之前一定要坚持先看一下你的房间。
I'd like to book out early in the morning.
同义短语 check in(out)登记入住;报到(付账后离开)
bread and butter 生计,主要收入来源
This little business is his bread and butter. 他靠这个小生意维持生活。
He worked hard to earn his bread and butter. 他努力工作以维持生计。
知识链接面包和黄油是西方人的主食,正餐中必不可少。bread and butter引申为最基本的需要。有的人把自己的工作叫做bread and butter。
break away from 摆脱
You must break away from such bad habits. 你必须革除这样的坏习惯。
What can we do to help them break away from the difficult situation? 我们能做什么来帮助他们摆脱困境呢?
break down 损坏,(健康等)垮掉
Our car broke down and we had to draw it to a garage. 我们的车坏了, 不得不把它拖到修车厂去。
His health has broken down completely because of working too much. 他因为过度劳累身体已完全垮了。
— How about your journey to Mount Emei?
— Everything was wonderful except that our car_________twice on the way.
A. slowed down
B. broke down
C. got down
D. put down
解析选B。此处break down意为“出故障,抛锚”。slow down慢下来;get down下车;put down记下,镇压。B项符合题意。
break forth 爆发,迸发
A shout of joy broke forth. 突然发出欢快的叫声。
Cheers broke forth from the crowd. 人群中迸发出了欢呼声。
break in 非法闯入,打断,插嘴
It's her habit to break in with some ideas of her own. 她常常打断别人的话来发表自己的观点。
Never break in while others are talking. 别人说话的时候你千万不要插嘴。
break into tears (cheers,laughter) 突然哭(欢呼、笑)起来
The audience broke into loud cheers. 观众欢呼起来。
She broke into tears. 她突然哭了起来。
同义短语 burst into tears(cheers,laughter) 突然哭(欢呼、笑)起来
break into 闯入,破门而入
We had to break into the house as we had lost the key. 我们把钥匙丢了,只好破门而入。
break off 折断,突然停止讲话
The wing of the plane broke off in midair and the plane crashed. 机翼在空中脱落,致使飞机坠毁。
He broke off in the middle of his story. 他故事讲到一半就突然不讲了。
We may break off relations with that country. 我们有可能和那个国家断绝关系。
break one's back 拼命干
I'm not going to break my back working for such low wages. 我才不愿为这么低的工资而拼命干活。
break one's promise 违背诺言
A trusty man never breaks his promise. 一个值得信赖的人从不食言。
Please forgive me for breaking my promise. 请原谅我食言。
反义短语 keep one's promise信
break out 爆发,逃脱,逃走
The Second World War broke out in September 1939. 第二次世界大战爆发于1939年9月。
Those encircled there were unable to break out. 被包围在那里的人无法逃出。
break the ice 打破坚冰,消除隔阂
His remark not only broke the ice, but aroused everyone's interest. 他的发言不仅打破了冷场, 而且引起了大家的兴趣。
知识链接冬天河面上常结上一层坚硬的冰,船无法行驶。水手用手斧破冰,或用动力机器破冰,开出一条道来。break the ice又引申为“迈出第一步,消除隔阂”。
break the law 违法
Good citizens obey the law rather than break the law. 好公民守法而不是违法。
If you break the law, you will be arrested by the police. 如果你犯了法,警察就会逮捕你。
break the silence 打破沉寂,打破僵局,开口说话
We waited respectfully for her to break the silence. 我们尊重地等待她打破沉寂。
Who is going to break the silence? 谁来打破僵局?
break through 突破,取得突破性成就
We attempted to break through the lines of the enemy. 我们企图突破敌人的封锁线。
The man broke through the door and dashed out. 那人破门冲出。
June decides to break through all the difficulties in English. 珍妮决定克服英语中的所有困难。
break up 结束,打碎,驱散,(使)破裂
The party broke up and the neighbors hurried home. 宴会结束, 邻居们匆匆地赶回家去。
The workers will break up the old cars for their parts. 工人要把那些旧车拆掉以取下零件。
Did John break up with Helen? 约翰跟海伦分手了吗?
— I'm surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have_______.
— So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.
A. broken up
B. finished up
C. divided up
D. closed up
解析选A。此处break up意为“(关系)破裂”。finish up完成;divide up分割,分开;close up关闭。A项符合题意。
break with 与……绝交,破除, 改变
When he became rich, he broke with his former friends. 他发财后与原来的朋友都绝交了。
It's not easy to break with old habits. 改掉旧习惯很不容易。
breathe one's last 断气
Trying to say something, the old woman breathed her last. 努力想说些什么,那个老太太断了气。
bring...to a close 结束
Let's bring this chapter to a close. 让我们结束这一章吧!
同义短语 bring...to an end/ a stop结束
bring about 带来,引起
Microorganisms are the agents that bring about the chemical change. 微生物是引起化学变化的作用者。
bring around 使苏醒,劝说某人改变主意,说服某人
Several girls fainted in the heat but the doctor soon brought them around. 几个女孩在高温中昏倒, 但医生很快使她们苏醒过来。
I'll try to bring him around to your views.
bring back 带回来,使回忆起来
Please bring back the book tomorrow. 请明天把书带回来。
Seeing you brought back many fond memories. 见到你使我想起了许多美好的往事。
bring down 使落下,打倒,降低,减少
The couple decided to bring down the curtain on their marriage after 5 years. 那对夫妇决定结束五年的婚姻关系。
Grocers have agreed to bring down the cost of several basic goods. 杂货商们同意降低几种基本商品的成本。
In American football, you have to try to bring down your opponent. 在美式橄榄球赛中, 你必须设法把对手弄倒在地。
bring forth 使产生,提出,举出例证
These efforts will surely bring forth good fruit. 这些努力必将产生良好的结果。
Don't bring forth such a unreasonable demand to me. 不要向我提出这种不合理的要求。
bring forward 提出,提议,提前
Can you bring forward any proof of what you say? 关于你所说的,你能提出证据吗?
We'll bring the party forward. 我们要把晚会提前。
bring home to 使某人深切地认识到
We should bring home to people the value of working hard. 我们应该让人们明白努力的价值。
You must bring home to Tony where the difficulty lies. 你必须使托尼明白困难之所在。
同义短语 drive home a point or an argument强调清楚一个要点或论点
bring in 挣得,引入(话题等)
We should bring in new technology. 我们应该引进新技术。
The government intended to bring in a new law about wearing safety belts in cars. 政府打算提出一条关于在小汽车中系安全带的新法律。
bring into action 使行动起来
We'll bring the new policy into action. 我们将实行新政策。
相关短语 put into action付诸行动;go into action开始行动,投入战斗
bring out 使显出,使明白,推出,唤起
The new dress brought out her hidden beauty. 那件新衣服把她潜在的美展现了出来。
Her report greatly helped to bring out the revolutionary enthusiasm of the young workers. 她的报告极大地激发起青年工人们的革命热情。
You bring out the best in me. 你把我最好的一面激发出来了。
bring sb. to justice 给某人应有的惩处
It is the duty of the police to bring those who break the law to justice. 警察的职责就是使那些犯法的人受到法律的制裁。
The police must do all they can to bring criminals to justice. 警方必须竭尽全力追捕罪犯,将他们绳之以法。
bring sth. into force 使(法律、法规等)生效
The government should bring the law into force immediately to save the ecology of the area. 为了拯救这个地区的生态,政府应该立即让法律生效。
同义短语 bing sth. into effect实现,实施
bring sth. to an end 结束
The new treaty will bring to an end the long war. 新的谈判将结束长久的战争。
同义短语 bring...to a close/a stop;bring an end to结束……
bring sth. to someone's notice 让某人注意到某事
It was Susan who brought the problem to our notice. 是苏珊提醒我们注意那个问题的。
He tried to bring to our notice what he had done in solving the problem. 他试图让我们注意到他在解决这个问题的过程中所做的一切。
bring sth. to mind 使人想起某事
I cannot bring to mind the name of the man I saw yesterday. 我记不起昨天遇见的那个人的名字。
Can you bring to your mind what happened on the fourth of July. 你能回想起7月4日那天发生什么事了吗?
I know it happened, but I cannot bring it back to my mind. 我知道有这么件事,但是回忆不起来了。
bring under control 控制住
It took the teacher months to bring her class under control. 老师花了好几个月的工夫才控制住她所教的班级。
bring up 教养,养育,提出,呕吐
Bill was born in Canada but was brought up in America. 比尔出生于加拿大,但在美国长大。
What has made her bring up? 她怎么会呕吐的?
Please bring up this point at the next meeting. 请把这一点在下次会议上提出来。
bring into practice 贯彻,实施
It's easy to talk, but difficult to put into practice. 说起来轻巧,做起来难。
Will this plan be put into practice? 这个计划会实施吗?
同义短语 put/carry into practice实施
bring into operation 实施,使生效,使运行
The new tactic was brought into operation early in 1939. 这个新的战略是在1939年初开始运用的。
The new set of device will soon be brought into operation. 这套新设备将很快投入运营。
相关短语 bring into effect实行,实施,使生效;bring into operation 投入运转,实施,使生效;carry into effect 实行,使生效;come into effect 开始生效,开始实施;come into operation 生效,开始实施;put into practice 实行,实施,付诸实践;put into effect实行,实现,实施;put into operation贯彻,使生效
bring sth. into effect 使……生效
These suggestions were adopted and put into effect. 这些建议得到了采纳,并付诸实践。
build up one's reputation 逐渐建立声誉
The newspapers will write about it and build up my reputation. 那些报纸会报道我的情况,使我的名声大振。
build up 逐渐积聚,集结,逐步
We should do our best to help the disabled children build up their confidence. 我们应该尽全力帮助残疾儿童树立自信。
We should do our best to build up our strength. 我们应该尽量增强我们的体质。
Practising Chinese kung fu can not only_________one's strength, but also develop one's character.
A bring up
B take up
C build up
D pull up
解析选C。题意为“增强体质”,因此用build up。bring up教养,养育,提出;take up占据,从事;pull up停下。只有C项符合题意。
bump into sb. 偶然遇见某人,撞上了某人
I tried to avoid her, but it was just my luck to bump into her. 我不想见她, 偏撞见她了。
I am really so sorry to bump into you. 撞着你了真是非常抱歉。
同义短语 run/knock into sb.遇见某人
burn a hole in one's pocket 口袋里留不住钱
Whenever you have money, it burns a hole in your pocket. 每当你有钱在手,就马上花得分文不剩。
All this money is burning a hole in my pocket! 我很快就花光了这笔钱!
burn down 烧成平地
They threatened to burn down our house. 他们威胁要烧毁我们的房子。
The village was burn down to the ground during the war. 这个村庄在战乱中完全被烧毁了。
burn the midnight oil 开夜车,挑灯夜战
Some of the students often burn the midnight oil before exams. 一些学生常在考试前开夜车。
Everybody knows it is not healthy to burn the midnight oil. Sometimes we have no choice but to stay up preparing for the tests tomorrow. 虽然每个人都知道熬夜是不健康的,但有时我们还是不得不熬夜临时抱佛脚。
burn one's boats 破釜沉舟
Think carefully before you resign — if you do that you will have burnt your boats.
知识链接古罗马时,恺撒的政敌庞培和元老院对权势日盛的恺撒存有戒心,就密谋撤销他的高卢总督职务,恺撒和庞培最后分裂。公元前49年,恺撒亲统大军渡过鲁比肯河(Cross the Rubicon背水一战、孤注一掷),下令焚舟,表示他破釜沉舟、背水一战的决心。打败庞培时恺撒说:“I came, I saw, I conquered.(我来之,见之,克之。)”充分表现了他当时胜利后喜悦的心情。此语后来也成为语言精练的典范。
burn one's bridges 破釜沉舟
— Don't you think it's too risky for you to sell everything and go travel abroad?
— Maybe. But that's what I'm going to do. I've got to burn all my bridges.
同义短语 burn one's boats破釜沉舟
burn out 烧坏,烧尽
The rocket will burn out of fuel in three days. 火箭将在三天内将燃料烧完。
You will burn yourself out if you work too hard. 如果你过分操劳,会损害你的健康。
burn up 烧掉,烧毁,(使)发怒
Let's burn up all this waste paper. 咱们把这些废纸烧掉吧。
Let's make the campfire burn up.
burst forth 爆发
The cherry blossoms burst forth in all their beauty. 美丽的樱花突然绽放了。
The tinkling laughter burst forth again. 那银铃般的笑声再一次响起。
burst into 突然发出
Alexandra put her head down on the dresser and burst into tears. 亚历山德拉一头栽在梳妆台上,不禁失声痛哭起来。
burst out 突然发出
She burst out crying,and she couldn't help it. 她放声大哭,无法克制自己。
Everyone suddenly burst out laughing. 大家突然哄堂大笑。
bury oneself in study 潜心研究
Right after dinner he would go into his room and bury himself in study. 他总是一吃完饭就走进房间埋头研究。
bury your head in the sand 逃避,鸵鸟政策
If there is a difficulty, you cannot just bury your head in the sand. 如果有困难,你不能逃避它。
Mr. Smith had suspected for some months that his son was taking drugs, but he had buried his head in the sand and refused to admit it, even to himself. 几个月来,史密斯先生一直在怀疑他儿子吸毒,但他不敢面对现实,连他自己也不愿承认这个事实。
bury oneself in study 潜心研究
Right after dinner he would go into his room and bury himself in study. 他总是一吃完饭就走进房间埋头研究。
bury your head in the sand 逃避,鸵鸟政策
If there is a difficulty, you cannot just bury your head in the sand. 如果有困难,你不能逃避它。
Mr. Smith had suspected for some months that his son was taking drugs, but he had buried his head in the sand and refused to admit it, even to himself. 几个月来,史密斯先生一直在怀疑他儿子吸毒,但他不敢面对现实,连他自己也不愿承认这个事实。
人们用bury your head in the sand指“鸵鸟政策,逃避”,但其实这是人们对鸵鸟的一种误解,鸵鸟把脖子埋在沙子里,目的不是逃避,而是用沙子清除自己体表的寄生虫。
but for 倘没有,要不是
But for music (=Were it not for music), life would be dull. 如果没有音乐,人生会很无聊。
But for their help,we_______the program in time.
A. can not finish
B. will not finish
C. had not finished
D. could not have finished
解析D。本题考察虚拟语气。but for相当于一个对过去虚拟的条件句,主句时态应该与过去事实相反,因此用“would/could/might/should +have done”结构,D项符合题意。
But for the help of my English teacher, I_________the first prize in the English Writing Competition.
A. would not win
B. would not have won
C. would win
D. would have won
解析选B。考查虚拟语气。此处虚拟语气表示与过去事实相反,句子谓语动词用“would/should/could/might + have done”结构。
by accident 偶然
The little girl knocked the glass off by accident. 小女孩不小心碰掉了玻璃杯。
同义短语 by chance偶然,碰巧
by no means 绝不
This by no means the first time you have been late. 这绝不是你第一次迟到了。
These features are by no means unique to Japan. 这些特征绝不是日本所独有的。
— Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?
—_______. Ours is much stronger than theirs.
A. Of course
B. It depends
C. Don't mention it
D. By no means
反义短语 by all means完全可以by and by 不久以后
By and by the ice in the river will melt. 河里的冰不久就会融化。
He'll come round by and by. 他会慢慢想通的。
by and large 总的说来
By and large, women can bear pain better than men. 一般来说, 女人比男人更能忍受痛苦。
By and large our work has been successful. 总的说我们的工作是成功的。
By and large, he is a kind, generous man. 总的说来,他是个仁慈、慷慨的人。
by any chance 万一,也许
Do you have by any chance a pen with you? 你带笔了吗?
If by any chance you need my help, please don't hesitate to turn to me. 万一你需要我的帮助,请尽管打电话给我。
by comparison 比较起来
This dress is really cheaper by comparison.
比较起来, 这件衣服确实便宜。
We can only tell good from bad by comparison.
by day 在白天
Signals are made by day with flags and by night with lights. 信号白天用旗发送,夜晚用灯发送。
比较by the day按天数。如:
He worked by day and got paid by the day. 他白天干活,按天数计酬。
by degrees 逐渐地
By degrees she began to smile;and in the end laughed aloud. 她渐渐地露出了笑容,最后终于放声大笑起来。
She won upon him by degrees. 她逐渐获得他的好感。
by far 非常(与比较级或最高级连用)
She is the best by far./She is by far the best. 她显然是最好的。
His explanation is clearer by far. 他的解释清楚得多。
知识链接by far 通常用于修饰最高级,用来加强语气,具体意思根据情况而定。如:
That is by far the best choice. 那是最好的选择。
也可用于比较级。它一般放在比较级的后面;如在前面,类似于最高级用法要加上“by far the”。如:
She is by far the better actress. 她是个更好的女演员。
by hand 用手,手工的
Before that date, books were copied by hand. 在那个时期以前,书籍是手抄的。
比较by the hand握着手,拉着手。如:
He took me by the hand. 他拉着我的手。
by heart 凭记忆
The boy learned the poem by heart. 这男孩背下了这首诗。
The girl knows many folk songs by heart. 这女孩记住了许多民歌。
by hook or by crook 不择手段
I'll finish this work by hook or by crook. 我要用一切方法来完成这项工作。
That dishonest politician was determined to win the election by hook or by crook. 那个不诚实的政客
知识链接这条成语源自古代采邑制度,有权有势的采邑领主用钩刀(hook)随便砍树篱上的木头,或用牧羊人的曲柄杖(crook) 收集矮林中的树枝当柴火,因此by hook or by crook引申为“不择手段地,千方百计地”。
by means of 通过……的手段
By means of a clever trick, he made it disappear. 他用了个巧妙的手法,把它变没了。
They succeeded by means of hard working. 他们依靠努力工作而获得成功。
I have offered to paint the house_________a week's accommodation.
A. in exchange for
B. with regard to
C. by means of
D. in place of
解析选A。in exchange for交换,题意为“我提出油漆房子来交换一周的住宿”。 因此选A。with regard to关于;by means of通过……的手段;in place of代替,取代。
by mistake 错误地
She put salt into her tea by mistake. 她误把盐放进茶里去了。
She took my umbrella by mistake. 她误拿了我的伞。
by name 凭名字,用……的名字
She met a handsome boy, John by name. 她遇到了一位名叫约翰的英俊少年。
相关短语 by the name of 名叫,以……身份。如:
A friend of mine by the name of Mike will be your manager. 我的一个叫做麦克的朋友将是你的经理。
by nature 天性
He is by nature a kind-hearted person. 他是一位天生的好心人。
He is endowed with a gift in music by nature. 他天生有音乐才能。
by reason of 由于
The scheme failed by reason of bad organization. 这个计划因为组织不当而失败。
Today the great nations exist mainly by reason of their trade and commerce. 现在大国主要靠它们的贸易和商业而赖以生存。
by someone's appearance 根据某人的外表
You should not be misled by a person's appearance. 你不要被一个人的外表误导。
同义短语 by someone's looks根据外表
by the day 按天数
I pay for my rooms by the day. 我按日支付房租。
Most workers are paid monthly, but some get paid by the day. 大多数工人是按月计工资,但有些则是按日计算。
by the sound of 听声音
By the sound of it, you've caught a cold. 听声音来看,你是感冒了。
by the way 顺便说一下
By the way, what time is it? 顺便问一下, 现在几点了?
By the way, could you tell me the way to the railway station? 随便问一下,到火车站怎么走?
by turns 轮流地,交替地
We did the work by turns. 我们轮流干这活。
On the drive to Chicago, the three men took the wheel by turns. 在去芝加哥的路上,这三个人轮流开车。
by virtue of 由于,鉴于
He had won the game by virtue of his strength of will. 他靠意志力赢了这场比赛。
By virtue of sense of responsibility the employees worked overtime. 由于负责, 雇员们加班工作。
by way of 经由,经过,通过……方式
They are traveling to France by way of London. 他们经伦敦去法国。

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