


Unit 1

Step 1 写作任务

假设去年暑假你和父母去西安旅游。请 根据下面的提示,以“A trip to Xi’an”为题 写一篇短文,向大家介绍一下自己的西安之 旅。70 词左右。


1. 在西安待了三天;

2. 参观名胜(place of interest),品尝美食,购物拍照;

3. 西安是个古老且美丽的城市(an ancient and beautiful city),人们友好,玩得很开心。

Step 2 思路点拨

1. 文章结构图

2. 根据文章结构图,写出所用句型

Sb did … 某人做过……

Sb / Sth was / were ... 某人 / 某物是……

I think ... 我认为……

Step 3 范文展示

A trip to Xi’an

I went to Xi’an with my parents last summer vacation. We stayed there for three days. When we were there, we visited quite a few places of interest. All of them were wonderful. We tasted all kinds of delicious food, too. Of course, we went shopping and took a lot of photos. I think Xi’an is an ancient and beautiful city. I like it very much. The people there were friendly to us and we really had a good time.

Unit 2

Step 1 写作任务

假设你叫 Ben。请根据图片及英文提 示,以“My lifestyle”为题写一篇 70 词左右 的短文,介绍一下自己的日常生活习惯。

Step 2 思路点拨

1. 文章布局




2. 根据文章布局,写出所用词汇及句型

词汇:student, exercise, homework, watch TV, drink coffee, eat junk food, healthy


I’m in good health.

I + 动词 + 表频率的词组 ...

I never ... , but I like ...

My mom says ... , so I ...

I think ...

Step 3 范文展示

My lifestyle

I’m Ben. I’m a middle school student. I exercise every day, and I’m in good health now. I have a lot of homework to do every evening, so I don’t have time to watch TV from Monday to Friday. I just watch TV twice a week, on Saturday and Sunday evenings. I never drink coffee, but I like eating junk food. However, my mom says junk food isn’t good for my health, so I only eat it once a month. I think my lifestyle is healthy.

Unit 3

Step 1 写作任务

假设你是 Lucy,你有一个双胞胎 (twin)妹妹 Linda,下表是你们之间的相同 点和差异。请根据表格内容,向大家介绍你 们的情况。70 词左右。

Step 2 思路点拨

1. 文章布局


其次,根据提示写出姐妹之间的相同点 与差异;


2. 根据文章布局,写出所用词汇及句型

词 汇 :twin, taller, better at sports, more outgoing, friendlier, both


We both ..., ... than ...,

like doing ...,

be similar to ...,

There are ...

Step 3 范文展示

Hello, I am Lucy. I have a twin sister, Linda. We are similar to each other. We both have long hair and big blue eyes. And we both like playing tennis and eating noodles. But there are also some differences between us. She is taller and better at sports. So she always wins in the tennis game. But I am friendlier and more outgoing than her. So I have more good friends. And I get on very well with my sister.

Unit 4

Step 1 写作任务

假设你是 Sally,你的朋友 Anna 下周 想来你们镇上旅游,想让你推荐一家比较 好的餐馆。请根据下表信息进行简单介绍。 70 词左右。

Step 2 思路点拨

1. 文章布局




2. 根据文章布局,写出所用词汇及句型

词汇:restaurant, taste, service, enjoy, hope


There are ..., ... of all,

... in it is ..., ... has ...,

Step 3 范文展示

There are three restaurants in our town. Jia Yuan Restaurant has the freshest food but it tastes terrible. And the food is also a little expensive. But it has the best service. The food in Good Food Restaurant is the most delicious but the hottest of all. The service in it is good. And the food is also cheap. The Best Restaurant has more delicious food than the other two but it is not fresh. And the service in it is worse. The worst of all, its food is the most expensive. I hope you can enjoy the food in our town.

Unit 5

Step 1 写作任务

假设你是 Peter,你打算今晚看一部动 漫。请根据下面的提示,写一篇短文,向大 家介绍一下你要看的这部动漫。70 词左右。

Step 2 思路点拨

1. 文章布局




2. 根据文章布局,写出所用句型

词汇:watch, cartoon, educational, nature (自然)


want to ..., because it is ...,

is about ..., I can learn ...

Step 3 范文展示

My name is Peter. I want to watch a cartoon tonight. Its name is Princess Mononoke. It is a cartoon that can make me think. The cartoon is about a beautiful girl, San and a village boy, Ashitaka. They together with animals fight with people to protect the nature. I like watching Princess Mononoke because it is more educational and wonderful. I can learn to love nature from the cartoon

Unit 6

Step 1 写作任务

新年快要到了,你的朋友 Henry 制定了 一些新年决心。请你根据表格提示,介绍一 下他的新年决心。可适当发挥,70 词左右。

Step 2 思路点拨

1. 文章布局

2. 根据文章布局,写出所用句型

learn, piano, improve, exercise, healthy

take lessons, try one’s best, work hard

Step 3 范文展示

The New Year is coming. Are you making New Year’s resolutions? Well, my friend Henry is doing it. First, he wants to learn to play the piano. He is going to take piano lessons and try his best to practice it. And this year, he decides to improve his grades. He is going to work hard on schoolwork and do his homework more carefully. He is weak and fat now. To keep healthy, he is going to exercise every day. He also plans to eat less junk food.

Unit 7

Step 1 写作任务

我们的生活正在发生着日新月异的变化。那么未来你的家乡会变成什么样呢?请根据下面的提示,以 My hometown in 20 years 为题写一篇 70 词左右的作文。


1. better environment, bluer sky;

2. more people, bigger houses;

3. happier life

Step 2 思路点拨

1. 文章布局




2. 根据对话布局,写出所用所用短语及句型

more beautiful, less pollution, richer and happier, live in, more and more

It’s + adj. + for sb to do..., be able to do sth

Step 3 范文展示

My hometown in 20 years

I think my hometown will be very different in 20 years. My hometown will become cleaner and more beautiful in 20 years. There will be less pollution and we will see blue sky more often. There will be more people in my hometown and people will be able to live in bigger houses. It will also be easier for them to go around. People will become richer and happier. I love my hometown. I hope it will become more and more beautiful.

Unit 8

Step 1 写作任务

你知道如何制作糖葫芦吗?请根据下面 的提示,写一篇 70 词左右的短文。


1. choose good haws and clean them

2. string the haws with sticks

3. boil sugar

4. cover haws with boiled sugar

Step 2 思路点拨

1. 文章布局



2. 根据文章布局,写出所用词(组)

sugar-coated haws (糖葫芦), haw (山楂), boiled (煮沸的), add

string...with... (把……串在一起), cover...with...

Step 3 范文展示

Sugar-coated haws are one of the most traditional foods in China. They are delicious and they are easy to make. First of all, choose good haws and clean them. Next, string the haws with clean sticks. Then take out some sugar and add some water to it. When the sugar is boiled, cover the haws with the boiled sugar. Finally, cool the haws down and you will get nice sugar-coated haws.

Unit 9

Step 1 写作任务

周六是你(Sarah)的生日,你准备在家举 行生日聚会,你打算邀请 Ken 参加,请给 Ken 写一封邀请信,告诉他聚会的时间、地 点、活动内容。70 词左右(信的格式及开头已 给出,不计入总词数)。


1. at 7:00 pm in my house;

2. eat the delicious cake and some fruit;

3. sing, dance and play games at the party.

Step 2 思路点拨

1. 文章布局




2. 根据文章布局,写出所用表达

delicious, party, start, game

invite sb to do sth, buy sth for sb, look forward to doing sth

Step 3 范文展示

Dear Ken,

This Saturday is my birthday. I’m going to have a birthday party at home. I’m happy to invite you to my party. The party will start at 7:00 pm. My mother will buy a big cake for me. During the party, we will eat the delicious cake and some fruit. After dinner, we will also sing, dance and play games at the party. I look forward to seeing you at the party. Please let me know if you can come.



Unit 10

Step 1 写作任务

假如你是 Cindy,下面是你的朋友 Daisy 给你写的信。请你根据信件内容,给她提几 点建议帮她排忧解难。70 词左右。

Dear Cindy,

I’m afraid I have a big problem now. My parents make a rule for me. When I go out, I must tell them where I will go and what I am going to do. Also I have to get home by 7:00 pm after school. I can’t hang out with my friends at night. I’m upset. What shall I do?



Step 2 思路点拨

1. 文章布局

首先,针对 Daisy的问题,表明你的立场;


2. 根据文章布局,写出所用表达

hear from, advice, care about, listen to, talk with

Step 3 范文展示

Dear Daisy,

I’m glad to hear from you. As a teenager, I have the same problems as you. But I don’t think they are bad. Here is my advice for you.

Your parents make the rules for you because they care about you. Maybe it doesn’t feel like a very good way to you, but it shows your parents’ love for you. So you should listen to them first, then you could talk with them. I hope my advice can help you.



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