

cef源码 编译基础


本系列博客,参考众多博客加实践而成的,可以百度cef mp4.这一篇,仅仅是所有的基础大杂烩,而后面的几篇则是正确的如何一步步编译,相对步骤比较简单,比如运行什么,修改什么.但是如果你不了解此篇章的话,可能遇到困难,找到答案也是比较困难的.


bat 脚本常识注释 : rem 或者::echo. 输出一空行在.bat脚本文件中,换行符是"^",即shift + 6。使用两个%包含一个字符串表示引用环境变量start 命令1 start 命令2... 同时执行多条 : 命令1 & 命令2 & 命令3 ... (无论前面命令是否故障,照样执行后面)   命令1 && 命令2 && 命令3....(仅当前面命令成功时,才执行后面)   命令1 || 命令2 || 命令3.... (仅当前面命令失败时.才执行后面)call 调用另外一bat


cef 是Chromium Embeded Framework 谷歌开源浏览器扩展而来,便在其他程序中得到浏览器的功能.

cef2623 是支持xp系统的,而官方因版权等问题并没有加入mp4的功能,需要咱们人为的进行编译,当然现市面上,编译出的版本已经足够多了,源码网上也能够找的到,希望大家好运.





  • 默认安装

    保证安装的vs要默认安装到系统盘,否则的话很复杂,需要设置各SDk版本在哪里等等的问题. 保证CEF源码 存在的位置要大于150G,最好在固态硬盘上.


  • win10:1809,安装vs和对应的win10 SDK版本

    避免潜在的交叉编译,请保持,本机系统只有一个win10 SDK,不要多装SDK,避免麻烦,如果编译多个CEF,SDK不同,vs不同,请重新安装系统和编译器,保证正确性和准确性.一般是vs2013Update5,vs2015Update3.


  • 源码下载完成后,切不要立即修改源码.


  • 设置区域语言


  • 设置环境变量

    注意: 不要把环境变量设置在右键计算机–>属性–>环境变量处.(有的机器可能需要重启才能够生效).

    建议CMD 管理员运行,cd d:\xxx d:

  • 重启系统








git clone https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef.git/wiki


32位机器上:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\bin\HostX86\x86;Windows ConfigurationWhat's Required Windows 7 or newer, 64-bit OS. Visual Studio 2017 15.3.2+. Windows 10.0.15063.468 SDK. At least 8GB of RAM and 40GB of free disk space.See comments in gclient_hook.py for Windows custom toolchain requirements. VS + SDK can be packaged for distribution to build agents using a script like Chromium's package_from_installed.py.WARNING: If you are using VS2017 15.5.* to build 3282 branch then you must add enable_precompiled_headers=false to GN_DEFINES to avoid a known issue with clang.set vs_root=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0set sdk_root=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10set sdk_version=10.0.16299.0set vs_crt_root=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\crtset vc_tools_version=14.16.2702332-bit Build CommandsTo build 32-bit CEF on a 64-bit Windows host system:#set GN_DEFINES=is_official_build=true#set GYP_MSVS_VERSION=2017#set CEF_ARCHIVE_FORMAT=tar.bz2#automate-git.py --download-dir=%download_dir% --branch=%cef_branch% --minimal-distrib --client-distrib --force-cleanIf VS2017 or SDK is not installed to the default location then set the following before executing automate-git.py:#set WIN_CUSTOM_TOOLCHAIN=1#set CEF_VCVARS=none#set GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH=%vs_root%#set VS_CRT_ROOT=%vs_crt_root%#set SDK_ROOT=%sdk_root%#set PATH=%sdk_root%\bin\%sdk_version%\x86;%vs_root%\VC\Tools\MSVC\%vc_tools_version%\bin\HostX64\x86;%vs_root%\VC\Tools\MSVC\%vc_tools_version%\bin\HostX64\x64;%vs_root%\VC\Redist\MSVC\%vc_redist_version%\x64\%vc_redist_crt%;%vs_root%\SystemCRT;%PATH%set LIB=%sdk_root%\Lib\%sdk_version\um\x86;%sdk_root%\Lib\%sdk_version\ucrt\x86;%vs_root%\VC\Tools\MSVC\%vc_tools_version%\lib\x86;%vs_root%\VC\Tools\MSVC\%vc_tools_version%\atlmfc\lib\x86;%LIB%#set INCLUDE=%sdk_root%\Include\%sdk_version%\um;%sdk_root%\Include\%sdk_version%\ucrt;%sdk_root%\Include\%sdk_version%\shared;%vs_root%\VC\Tools\MSVC\%vc_tools_version%\include;%vs_root%\VC\Tools\MSVC\%vc_tools_version%\atlmfc\include;%INCLUDE%64-bit Build CommandsTo build 64-bit CEF on a 64-bit Windows host system:#set GN_DEFINES=is_official_build=true#set GYP_MSVS_VERSION=2017#set CEF_ARCHIVE_FORMAT=tar.bz2#automate-git.py --download-dir=%download_dir% --branch=%cef_branch% --minimal-distrib --client-distrib --force-clean --x64-buildIf VS2017 or SDK is not installed to the default location then set the following before executing automate-git.py:#set WIN_CUSTOM_TOOLCHAIN=1#set CEF_VCVARS=none#set GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH=%vs_root%#set VS_CRT_ROOT=%vs_crt_root%#set SDK_ROOT=%sdk_root%#set PATH=%sdk_root%\bin\%sdk_version%\x64;%vs_root%\VC\Tools\MSVC\%vc_tools_version%\bin\HostX64\x64;%vs_root%\VC\Redist\MSVC\%vc_redist_version%\x64\%vc_redist_crt%;%vs_root%\SystemCRT;%PATH%set LIB=%sdk_root%\Lib\%sdk_version\um\x64;%sdk_root%\Lib\%sdk_version\ucrt\x64;%vs_root%\VC\Tools\MSVC\%vc_tools_version%\lib\x64;%vs_root%\VC\Tools\MSVC\%vc_tools_version%\atlmfc\lib\x64;%LIB%#set INCLUDE=%sdk_root%\Include\%sdk_version%\um;%sdk_root%\Include\%sdk_version%\ucrt;%sdk_root%\Include\%sdk_version%\shared;%vs_root%\VC\Tools\MSVC\%vc_tools_version%\include;%vs_root%\VC\Tools\MSVC\%vc_tools_version%\atlmfc\include;%INCLUDE%vs2015If VS2015 or SDK is not installed to the default location then set the following before executing automate-git.py:

set CEF_VCVARS=none
set VS_CRT_ROOT=%vs_crt_root%
set SDK_ROOT=%sdk_root%
set PATH=%sdk_root%\bin\x86;%vs_root%\VC\bin;%PATH%
set LIB=%sdk_root%\Lib\10.0.10586.0\um\x86;%sdk_root%\Lib\10.0.10586.0\ucrt\x86;%vs_root%\VC\lib;%vs_root%\VC\atlmfc\lib;%LIB%
set INCLUDE=%sdk_root%\Include\10.0.10586.0\um;%sdk_root%\Include\10.0.10586.0\ucrt;%sdk_root%\Include\10.0.10586.0\shared;%sdk_root%\Include\10.0.10586.0\winrt;%vs_root%\VC\include;%vs_root%\VC\atlmfc\include;%INCLUDE%

**64-bit Build Commands**To build 64-bit CEF on a 64-bit Windows host system:

set CEF_USE_GN=1
set GN_DEFINES=is_official_build=true
set GYP_DEFINES=buildtype=Official
automate-git.py --download-dir=%download_dir% --branch=%cef_branch% --minimal-distrib --client-distrib --force-clean --x64-build

If VS2015 or SDK is not installed to the default location then set the following before executing automate-git.py:

set CEF_VCVARS=none
set VS_CRT_ROOT=%vs_crt_root%
set SDK_ROOT=%sdk_root%
set PATH=%sdk_root%\bin\x64;%vs_root%\VC\bin\amd64;%PATH%
set LIB=%sdk_root%\Lib\10.0.10586.0\um\x64;%sdk_root%\Lib\10.0.10586.0\ucrt\x64;%vs_root%\VC\lib\amd64;%vs_root%\VC\atlmfc\lib\amd64;%LIB%
set INCLUDE=%sdk_root%\Include\10.0.10586.0\um;%sdk_root%\Include\10.0.10586.0\ucrt;%sdk_root%\Include\10.0.10586.0\shared;%sdk_root%\Include\10.0.10586.0\winrt;%vs_root%\VC\include;%vs_root%\VC\atlmfc\include;%INCLUDE%

说的也很详细了,参考 cef/tools/gclient_hook.py,大致30行 DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN.总之及时备份rar解/压缩,第一次在下载所有源码后,进行备份.打完Patch 完成后,再修改源码,备份.因为官方更新速度很快的,请不要编译官方的最新版本,可能release没有问题,debug会编译出错. 正因为更新速度很快,所以咱们需要 离线编译,指定`--depot-tools-dir, --no-depot-tools-update --no-update`Patch打成功后,就禁用Patch,修改chromium\src\cef\patch\patch.cfg.末尾处添加一行.`patches = []`如果出现:

Patching build configuration and source files for CEF…
________ running ‘depot_tools\win_tools-2_7_6_bin\python\bin\python.exe tools/patcher.py --patch-config patch/patch.cfg’ in ‘d:\cef3\source\chromium\src\cef’
–> successfully patched …
–> successfully patched …

Generating CEF project files…

走到此处说明patch已打好,成功之后就说明源码已经没有问题了,可以进行源码备份了,此后出现错误属于编译错误,需要解决错误即可.修改后,删除out文件夹,再次编译即可.## 官网md介绍https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/src?at=master## 正式构建源码建议先了解,再看下面的分支 一章,选择适合的命令和方式进行编译,仅供参考,编译过程中,千辛万难.https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/wiki/MasterBuildQuickStart.mdThe below steps can often be used to develop the most recent release branch of CEF/Chromium in addition to the master branch. Chromium build requirements change over time so review the build requirements listed on the BranchesAndBuilding Wiki page before attempting to build a release branch. Then just add --branch=XXXX to the automate-git.py command-line where "XXXX" is the branch number you wish to build.大致意思是,除了构建主分支之外,还可以构建分支--branch=xxx ,但从结果来看,一般构建的是分支的最后一个版本,较为稳定的,最新的可能有很多版,但这个分支只会更新到较为稳定的版本.构建目录如下: ~ 这里为c:\,当然可以选择d:\,主目录就是code

automate-git.py <-- CEF build script
cef/ <-- CEF source checkout
src/ <-- Chromium source checkout
update.[bat|sh] <-- Bootstrap script for automate-git.py
depot_tools/ <-- Chromium build tools

What's RequiredWindows 7 or newer, 64-bit OS.Visual Studio VS2017 15.7.1+ installed in the default location.Windows 10.0.17763 SDK installed in the default location. You must install this exact SDK version to avoid build issues.At least 8GB of RAM and 40GB of free disk space.Approximately 2 hours with a fast internet connection (25Mbps) and fast build machine (2.6Ghz+, 4+ logical cores).

请使用cmd.exe,而不是 Cygwin shell或git base

  1. 创建目录

  2. 下载 https://storage.googleapis.com/chrome-infra/depot_tools.zip,并解压到 c:\code\depot_tools

  3. 更新工具如git,python.
    cd c:\code\depot_tools

  4. 增加环境变量 path : c:\code\depot_tools

  5. 下载 automate-git.py script to "c:\code\automate\automate-git.py

  6. 创建"c:\code\chromium_git\update.bat" 内容如下:
    set GN_DEFINES=use_jumbo_build=true
    set GN_ARGUMENTS=–ide=vs2017 --sln=cef --filters=//cef/*
    python …\automate\automate-git.py --download-dir=c:\code\chromium_git --depot-tools-dir=c:\code\depot_tools --no-distrib --no-build

运行update.bat,自动下载 “c:\code\chromium_git\cef” 和 "c:\code\chromium_git\chromium\src

cd c:\code\chromium_git

7.创建 “c:\code\chromium_git\chromium\src\cef\create.bat”
set GN_DEFINES=use_jumbo_build=true
set GN_ARGUMENTS=–ide=vs2017 --sln=cef --filters=//cef/*
call cef_create_projects.bat

Run the “create.bat” script to generate Ninja and Visual Studio project files.
cd c:\code\chromium_git\chromium\src\cef

  1. Create a Debug build of CEF/Chromium using Ninja. Replace “x86” with “x64” in the below example to generate a 64-bit build instead of a 32-bit build. Edit the CEF source code at “c:\code\chromium_git\chromium\src\cef” and repeat this step multiple times to perform incremental builds while developing.

cd c:\code\chromium_git\chromium\src
ninja -C out\Debug_GN_x86 cef

  1. Run the resulting cefclient sample application.
    cd c:\code\chromium_git\chromium\src

### 分支官网地址: https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/wiki/BranchesAndBuilding

编译就请看 MasterBuildQuickStart.md,我主要是在windows上编译,其他系统类似,但应该没有widnows复杂.这是最新master编译的条件,Win 7+, VS2017 15.7.1+, Win 10.0.17763 SDK, Ninja这是cef 官网已经编译出来的版本,可以搜索下载.http://opensource.spotify.com/cefbuilds/index.htmlhttps://www.chromium.org/developers/calendar

这里需要看清,你需要编译的版本信息.cef版本一般都是cef3了,vs版本和win10版本Legacy Release Branches (Unsupported)Legacy CEF builds are available from the Spotify automated builder back to 2704 branch. Building legacy branches is not supported. If you choose to build a legacy branch you will need to solve any build errors on your own.Newer legacy branches (within the past year) can often be built using the same tooling as current branches. You will need to (a) manually download depot_tools, (b) sync depot_tools to a revision that existed at the time of the branch, and (c) set the DEPOT_TOOLS_UPDATE=0 environment variable to keep it from updating automatically.Older legacy branches can potentially be built by downloading a CEF source archive at the desired branch from here and a Chromium source archive at the associated/required version from here, and then combining them to create the required directory structure.See the Build Notes section at the end of this page for historical build details.

较新的遗留分支(在过去一年之内)通常可以使用与当前分支相同的工具构建。您将需要(a)手动下载depot_tools, (b)将depot_tools同步到分支时存在的修订,©设置DEPOT_TOOLS_UPDATE=0环境变量以防止自动更新。

master:Win 7+, VS2017 15.7.1+, Win 10.0.17763 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.14, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.13.2+ build system w/ 10.13+ base SDK (Xcode 9.3.1+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaBranch Date	Release Branch	Chromium Version	CEF Version	Windows Build Requirements	macOS Build Requirements	Linux Build RequirementsMar 2019	3729	74	74, 3	Win 7+, VS2017 15.7.1+, Win 10.0.17763 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.14, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.13.2+ build system w/ 10.13+ base SDK (Xcode 9.3.1+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaFeb 2019	3683	73	73, 3	Win 7+, VS2017 15.7.1+, Win 10.0.17134.0 or 10.0.17763 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.14, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.12+ build system w/ 10.12+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3.2+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaDec 2018	3626	72	3	Win 7+, VS2017 15.7.1+, Win 10.0.17134.0 or 10.0.17763 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.14, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.12+ build system w/ 10.12+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3.2+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaOct 2018	3578	71	3	Win 7+, VS2017 15.7.1+, Win10.0.17134.0 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.14, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.12+ build system w/ 10.12+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3.2+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaSep 2018	3538	70	3	Win 7+, VS2017 15.7.1+, Win10.0.17134.0 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.13, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.12+ build system w/ 10.12+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3.2+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaJul 2018	3497	69	3	Win 7+, VS2017 15.7.1+, Win10.0.17134.0 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.13, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.12+ build system w/ 10.12+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3.2+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaJun 2018	3440	68	3	Win 7+, VS2017 15.7.1+, Win10.0.17134.0 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.13, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.12+ build system w/ 10.12+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3.2+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaApr 2018	3396	67	3	Win 7+, VS2017 15.3.2+, Win10.0.15063.468 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.13, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.12+ build system w/ 10.12+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3.2+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaMar 2018	3359	66	3	Win 7+, VS2017 15.3.2+, Win10.0.15063.468 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.13, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.12+ build system w/ 10.12+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3.2+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaJan 2018	3325	65	3	Win 7+, VS2017 15.3.2+, Win10.0.15063.468 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.13, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.12+ build system w/ 10.12+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3.2+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaDec 2017	3282	64	3	Win 7+, VS2017 15.3.2+, Win10.0.15063.468 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.13, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.12+ build system w/ 10.12+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3.2+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaOct 2017	3239	63	3	Win 7+, VS2017 15.3.2+, Win10.0.15063.468 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.13, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.12+ build system w/ 10.12+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3.2+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaSep 2017	3202	62	3	Win 7+, VS2015u3, Win10.0.14393 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.10-10.12, 10.10+ deployment target, 10.12+ build system w/ 10.12+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3.2+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaJul 2017	3163	61	3	Win 7+, VS2015u3, Win10.0.14393 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.9-10.12, 10.9+ deployment target, 10.9+ build system w/ 10.10+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaJun 2017	3112	60	3	Win 7+, VS2015u3, Win10.0.14393 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.9-10.12, 10.9+ deployment target, 10.9+ build system w/ 10.10+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaApr 2017	3071	59	3	Win 7+, VS2015u3, Win10.0.14393 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.9-10.12, 10.9+ deployment target, 10.9+ build system w/ 10.10+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, NinjaMar 2017	3029	58	3	Win 7+, VS2015u3, Win10.0.14393 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.9-10.12, 10.9+ deployment target, 10.9+ build system w/ 10.10+ base SDK (Xcode 8.3+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaJan 2017	2987	57	3	Win 7+, VS2015u3, Win10.0.14393 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.9-10.12, 10.9+ deployment target, 10.9+ build system w/ 10.10+ base SDK (Xcode 7.3.1+), 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaNov 2016	2924	56	3	Win 7+, VS2015u3, Win10.0.10586 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.9-10.12, 10.9+ deployment target, 10.9+ build system w/ 10.10+ base SDK (Xcode 7.3.1+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaOct 2016	2883	55	3	Win 7+, VS2015u3, Win10.0.10586 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.9-10.12, 10.7+ deployment target, 10.9+ build system w/ 10.10+ base SDK (Xcode 7.3.1+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaAug 2016	2840	54	3	Win 7+, VS2015u2 or VS2015u3, Win10.0.10586 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.9-10.12, 10.7+ deployment target, 10.9+ build system w/ 10.10+ base SDK (Xcode 7.3.1+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaJul 2016	2785	53	3	Win 7+, VS2015u2 or VS2015u3, Win10.0.10586 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.9-10.11, 10.7+ deployment target, 10.9+ build system w/ 10.10+ base SDK (Xcode 7.3.1+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaMay 2016	2743	52	3	Win 7+, VS2015u2 or VS2015u3, Win10.0.10586 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.9-10.11, 10.7+ deployment target, 10.9+ build system w/ 10.10+ base SDK (Xcode 7.1.1+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaApr 2016	2704	51	3	Win 7+, VS2015u2, Win10.0.10586 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.9-10.11, 10.7+ deployment target, 10.9+ build system w/ 10.10+ base SDK (Xcode 7.1.1+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaJan 2016	2623	49	3	WinXP+, VS2013u4 or VS2015u1 (experimental), Win10 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.6-10.11, 10.6+ deployment target, 10.7+ build system w/ 10.10+ base SDK (Xcode 7.1.1+), Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaOct 2015	2526	47	3	WinXP+, VS2013u4 or VS2015u1 (experimental), Win8.1 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.6-10.11, 10.6+ deployment target, 10.10 base SDK, Xcode 6.1, Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaJul 2015	2454	45	3	WinXP+, VS2013u4, Win8.1 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.6-10.10, 10.6+ deployment target, 10.9 base SDK, Xcode 6.1, Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaApr 2015	2357	43	3	WinXP+, VS2013u4, Win8.1 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.6-10.10, 10.6+ deployment target, 10.9 base SDK, Xcode 6.1, Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaJan 2015	2272	41	3	WinXP+, VS2013u4, Win8.1 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.6-10.10, 10.6+ deployment target, 10.9 base SDK, Xcode 6.1, Ninja, 64-bit only	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaOct 2014	2171	39	3	WinXP+, VS2013u4, Win8.1 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.6-10.9, 10.6+ SDK, Xcode 5.1.1, Ninja	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaAug 2014	2062	37	3	WinXP+, VS2013, Win8 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.6-10.9, 10.6+ SDK, Xcode 5.1.1, Ninja	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaApr 2014	1916	35	3	WinXP+, VS2013, Win8 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.6-10.9, 10.6+ SDK, Xcode 5.1.1, Ninja	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaJan 2014	1750	33	3	WinXP+, VS2010-2013, Win8 SDK, Ninja	macOS 10.6-10.9, 10.6+ SDK, Xcode 5.1.1, Ninja	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaOct 2013	1650	31	3	WinXP+, VS2010-2012, Win8 SDK, Ninja (optional)	macOS 10.6-10.9, 10.6+ SDK, Xcode 5.1.1, Ninja	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Wheezy+, NinjaJul 2013	1547	29	3	WinXP+, VS2010-2012, Win8 SDK, Ninja (optional)	macOS 10.6-10.8, 10.6+ SDK, Xcode 3.2.6-4.x, Ninja (optional)	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Squeeze+, NinjaApr 2013	1453	27	1, 3	WinXP+, VS2010, Win8 SDK, Ninja (optional)	macOS 10.6-10.8, 10.6+ SDK, Xcode 3.2.6-4.x, Ninja (optional)	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Squeeze+, Ninja (optional)Jan 2013	1364	25	1, 3	WinXP+, VS2010, Win8 SDK, Ninja (optional)	macOS 10.6-10.8, Xcode 3.2.6-4.x, Ninja (optional)	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Squeeze+, Ninja (optional)Oct 2012	1271	23	1, 3	WinXP+, VS2010, Win7 SDK	macOS 10.6-10.8, 10.6+ SDK, Xcode 3.2.6-4.x	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Squeeze+Aug 2012	1180	21	1, 3	WinXP+, VS2010, Win7 SDK	macOS 10.6-10.7, 10.5+ SDK, Xcode 3.2.6-4.x	Ubuntu 12.04+, Debian Squeeze+Apr 2012	1084	19	1	WinXP+, VS2008, Win7 SDK	macOS 10.6-10.7, 10.5+ SDK, Xcode 3.2.6-4.x	Ubuntu 10.04+, Debian Squeeze+Feb 2012	1025	18	1	WinXP+, VS2008, Win7 SDK	macOS 10.6-10.7, 10.5+ SDK, Xcode 3.2.6-4.x	Ubuntu 10.04+, Debian Squeeze+Dec 2011	963	17	1	WinXP+, VS2008, Win7 SDK	macOS 10.6-10.7, 10.5+ SDK, Xcode 3.2.6	Ubuntu 10.04+, Debian Squeeze+

Note that 1025 and older branches contain only CEF1 source code and that 1547 and newer branches contain only CEF3 source code.

master 分支 build

python /path/to/automate/automate-git.py --download-dir=/path/to/download

To build a release branch:
python /path/to/automate/automate-git.py --download-dir=/path/to/download --branch=2785

默认情况,脚本会下载depot_tools,Chromium,CEF源代码, build Debug and Release,并创建二进制发行包,



The script will create a 32-bit build on Windows by default. To create a 64-bit build on Windows, macOS or Linux specify the --x64-build command-line flag. 32-bit builds on macOS are no longer supported starting with 2272 branch so this flag is now required when building 2272+ on that platform.

Ninja must be used when building newer CEF/Chromium branches.

Clang is used by default for compiling/linking Chromium/CEF on macOS in all branches, Linux starting in 2063 branch, and Windows starting in 3282 branch.

GYP is supported by 2785 branch and older. GN is supported by 2785 branch and newer, and required starting with 2840 branch. Set CEF_USE_GN=1 to build 2785 branch with GN instead of GYP.

大概意思是:从2785版本可以设置 CEF_USE_GN=1 使用GN,之前的版本 CEF_USE_GN=0

Component builds are supported by 3202 branch and newer and significantly reduce link time. Add is_component_build=true to GN_DEFINES in combination with the above VS-version-specific values. Component builds cannot be used to create a CEF binary distribution. See issue #1617 for details.



:: 默认打包格式为zip,其余为tar.gz/tar.bz2

::set CEF_USE_GN=0
set CEF_USE_GN=1
:: 设置64位 GYP版本-----
::set GYP_DEFINES=target_arch=x64
:: GN 需要 build out/[Debug|Release]_GN_x64
:: official 官方构建集 GYP-----
::set GYP_DEFINES=buildtype=Official
:: GN
set GN_DEFINES=is_official_build=true
:: 如果计算机上安装了多个版本的vs则设置-----
::如果需要vs和ninja进行调试和编译则设置 GYP -----
set GYP_GENERATORS=ninja,msvs-ninja
:: GN
set GN_ARGUMENTS=–ide=vs2017 --sln=cef --filters=//cef/*
:: 为了获得最佳的本地开发人员(非官方调试)构建时性能 vs2015-----
set GN_DEFINES=is_win_fastlink=true
set GN_DEFINES=use_jumbo_build=true
:: 禁止更新 -----

::告诉depot_tools使用您本地安装的Visual Studio版本(缺省情况下,depot_tools将尝试使用Google内部版本)
set DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN=0 // 不设置0 则出现 Username for ‘https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com’:

automate-git.py --help 查看所有的
–download-dir 源码下载目录 -->重要
–depot-tools-dir 工具包目录(如果没下载的话,可以不用指定,就会下载匹配版本的depot_tools)–>重要
–branch 源码分支(如果不指定,就默认选择编译master分支)–>重要
–no-build 下载完不自动开始编译 -->重要
–no-update 不进行工具升级 -->重要
–force-build 编译 -->重要
–no-debug-build 只编译release版本 -->重要
–no-release-build 只编译debug版本
–no-distrib 不进行打包发布 -->重要
–force-clean 用于清理chromium和cef的一些检出信息,如果下载失败,重新执行下载时,需要带上这个参数来清理一些信息,否则会失败。
–force-clean 强制执行 clean Chromium Git checkout -->不建议使用
–force-clean-deps 下载赶紧的依赖项,存在的“src/out”目录中的任何构建输出都将被删除.如果依赖出了问题,可以用这个命令
–x64-build 64位 : -->重要
–force-distrib 打包 -->重要
–minimal-distrib -->重要
–client-distrib : 客户端程序包 -->重要
–verbose-build 打印出编译连接时的详细信息
–build-log-file 打印日志


D:\code_xin\chromium_git>python automate-git.py --helpUsage: automate-git.py [options] This utility implements automation for the download, update, build anddistribution of CEF.Options:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  --download-dir=DIR    Download directory with no spaces [required].  --depot-tools-dir=DIR                        Download directory for depot_tools.  --depot-tools-archive=DEPOTTOOLSARCHIVE                        Zip archive file that contains a single top-level                        depot_tools directory.  --branch=BRANCH       Branch of CEF to build (trunk, 1916, ...). This will                        be used to name the CEF download directory and to                        identify the correct URL if --url is not specified.                        The default value is trunk.  --url=URL             CEF download URL. If not specified the default URL                        will be used.  --chromium-url=CHROMIUMURL                        Chromium download URL. If not specified the default                        URL will be used.  --checkout=CHECKOUT   Version of CEF to checkout. If not specified the most                        recent remote version of the branch will be used.  --chromium-checkout=CHROMIUMCHECKOUT                        Version of Chromium to checkout (Git branch/hash/tag).                        This overrides the value specified by CEF in                        CHROMIUM_BUILD_COMPATIBILITY.txt.  --chromium-channel=CHROMIUMCHANNEL                        Chromium channel to check out (canary, dev, beta or                        stable). This overrides the value specified by CEF in                        CHROMIUM_BUILD_COMPATIBILITY.txt.  --chromium-channel-distance=CHROMIUMCHANNELDISTANCE                        The target number of commits to step in the channel,                        or 0 to use the newest channel version. Used in                        combination with --chromium-channel.  --force-config        Force creation of a new gclient config file.  --force-clean         Force a clean checkout of Chromium and CEF. This will                        trigger a new update, build and distribution.  --force-clean-deps    Force a clean checkout of Chromium dependencies. Used                        in combination with --force-clean.  --dry-run             Output commands without executing them.  --dry-run-platform=DRYRUNPLATFORM                        Simulate a dry run on the specified platform (windows,                        macosx, linux). Must be used in combination with the                        --dry-run flag.  --force-update        Force a Chromium and CEF update. This will trigger a                        new build and distribution.  --no-update           Do not update Chromium or CEF. Pass --force-build or                        --force-distrib if you desire a new build or                        distribution.  --no-cef-update       Do not update CEF. Pass --force-build or --force-                        distrib if you desire a new build or distribution.  --force-cef-update    Force a CEF update. This will cause local changes in                        the CEF checkout to be discarded and patch files to be                        reapplied.  --no-chromium-update  Do not update Chromium.  --no-depot-tools-update                        Do not update depot_tools.  --fast-update         Update existing Chromium/CEF checkouts for fast                        incremental builds by attempting to minimize the                        number of modified files. The update will fail if                        there are unstaged CEF changes or if Chromium changes                        are not included in a patch file.  --force-patch-update  Force update of patch files.  --resave              Resave patch files.  --log-chromium-changes                        Create a log of the Chromium changes.  --force-build         Force CEF debug and release builds. This builds                        [build-target] on all platforms and chrome_sandbox on                        Linux.  --no-build            Do not build CEF.  --build-target=BUILDTARGET                        Target name(s) to build (defaults to "cefclient").  --build-tests         Also build the test target specified via --test-                        target.  --no-debug-build      Don't perform the CEF debug build.  --no-release-build    Don't perform the CEF release build.  --verbose-build       Show all command lines while building.  --build-failure-limit=BUILDFAILURELIMIT                        Keep going until N jobs fail.  --build-log-file      Write build logs to file. The file will be named                        "build-[branch]-[debug|release].log" in the download                        directory.  --x64-build           Create a 64-bit build.  --arm-build           Create an ARM build.  --run-tests           Run the ceftests target.  --no-debug-tests      Don't run debug build tests.  --no-release-tests    Don't run release build tests.  --test-target=TESTTARGET                        Test target name to build (defaults to "ceftests").  --test-prefix=TESTPREFIX                        Prefix for running the test executable (e.g. `xvfb-                        run` on Linux).  --test-args=TESTARGS  Arguments that will be passed to the test executable.  --force-distrib       Force creation of a CEF binary distribution.  --no-distrib          Don't create a CEF binary distribution.  --minimal-distrib     Create a minimal CEF binary distribution.  --minimal-distrib-only                        Create a minimal CEF binary distribution only.  --client-distrib      Create a client CEF binary distribution.  --client-distrib-only                        Create a client CEF binary distribution only.  --sandbox-distrib     Create a cef_sandbox static library distribution.  --sandbox-distrib-only                        Create a cef_sandbox static library distribution only.  --no-distrib-docs     Don't create CEF documentation.  --no-distrib-archive  Don't create archives for output directories.  --clean-artifacts     Clean the artifacts output directory.  --distrib-subdir=DISTRIBSUBDIR                        CEF distrib dir name, child of                        chromium/src/cef/binary_distrib

打包命令 make_distrib.py

打包命令: 最终的包名称,网上这部分其实都隐藏了,少之又少,因为官方命令是分开的,而网上的又是执行一条命令编译和打包在一块的.

cd /path/to/chromium/src/cef/toolsmake_distrib.bat --ninja-build 打包--output-dir 输出目录--allow-partial 允许一部分,而不是所有的debug和release在一起的,我只想打release,就使用这项.--client 并且打二进制包--minimal --x64-build--no-symbolsmake_distrib.bat --helpUsage: make_distrib.py [options] This utility builds the CEF Binary Distribution.Options:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  --output-dir=DIR      output directory [required]  --distrib-subdir=DISTRIBSUBDIR                        name of the subdirectory for the distribution  --allow-partial       allow creation of partial distributions  --no-symbols          don't create symbol files  --no-docs             don't create documentation  --no-archive          don't create archives for output directories  --ninja-build         build was created using ninja  --x64-build           create a 64-bit binary distribution  --arm-build           create an ARM binary distribution (Linux only)  --minimal             include only release build binary files  --client              include only the sample application  --sandbox             include only the cef_sandbox static library (macOS and                        Windows only)  -q, --quiet           do not output detailed status information
Usage: gclient.py sync [options]Checkout/update all modules.Options:  --version             show program's version number and exit  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS  Specify how many SCM commands can run in parallel;                        defaults to 8 on this machine  -v, --verbose         Produces additional output for diagnostics. Can be                        used up to three times for more logging info.  --gclientfile=CONFIG_FILENAME                        Specify an alternate .gclient file  --spec=SPEC           create a gclient file containing the provided string.                        Due to Cygwin/Python brokenness, it can't contain any                        newlines.  --no-nag-max          Ignored for backwards compatibility.  -f, --force           force update even for unchanged modules  -n, --nohooks         don't run hooks after the update is complete  -p, --noprehooks      don't run pre-DEPS hooks  -r REV, --revision=REV                        Enforces revision/hash for the solutions with the                        format src@rev. The src@ part is optional and can be                        skipped. You can also specify URLs instead of paths                        and gclient will find the solution corresponding to                        the given URL. If a path is also specified, the URL                        takes precedence. -r can be used multiple times when                        .gclient has multiple solutions configured, and will                        work even if the src@ part is skipped.  --patch-ref=GERRIT_REF                        Patches the given reference with the format dep                        @[target-ref:]patch-ref. For |dep|, you can specify                        URLs as well as paths, with URLs taking preference.                        |patch-ref| will be applied to |dep|, rebased on top                        of what |dep| was synced to, and a soft reset will be                        done. Use --no-rebase-patch-ref and --no-reset-patch-                        ref to disable this behavior. |target-ref| is the                        target branch against which a patch was created, it is                        used to determine which commits from the |patch-ref|                        actually constitute a patch. If not given, we will                        iterate over all remote branches and select one that                        contains the revision |dep| is synced at. WARNING:                        |target-ref| will be mandatory soon.  --with_branch_heads   Clone git "branch_heads" refspecs in addition to the                        default refspecs. This adds about 1/2GB to a full                        checkout. (git only)  --with_tags           Clone git tags in addition to the default refspecs.  -H, --head            DEPRECATED: only made sense with safesync urls.  -D, --delete_unversioned_trees                        Deletes from the working copy any dependencies that                        have been removed since the last sync, as long as                        there are no local modifications. When used with                        --force, such dependencies are removed even if they                        have local modifications. When used with --reset, all                        untracked directories are removed from the working                        copy, excluding those which are explicitly ignored in                        the repository.  -R, --reset           resets any local changes before updating (git only)  -M, --merge           merge upstream changes instead of trying to fast-                        forward or rebase  -A, --auto_rebase     Automatically rebase repositories against local                        checkout during update (git only).  --deps=OS_LIST        override deps for the specified (comma-separated)                        platform(s); 'all' will process all deps_os references  --process-all-deps    Check out all deps, even for different OS-es, or with                        conditions evaluating to false  --upstream            Make repo state match upstream branch.  --output-json=OUTPUT_JSON                        Output a json document to this path containing summary                        information about the sync.  --no-history          GIT ONLY - Reduces the size/time of the checkout at                        the cost of no history. Requires Git 1.9+  --shallow             GIT ONLY - Do a shallow clone into the cache dir.                        Requires Git 1.9+  --no_bootstrap, --no-bootstrap                        Don't bootstrap from Google Storage.  --ignore_locks        GIT ONLY - Ignore cache locks.  --break_repo_locks    GIT ONLY - Forcibly remove repo locks (e.g.                        index.lock). This should only be used if you know for                        certain that this invocation of gclient is the only                        thing operating on the git repos (e.g. on a bot).  --lock_timeout=LOCK_TIMEOUT                        GIT ONLY - Deadline (in seconds) to wait for git cache                        lock to become available. Default is 5000.  -t, --transitive      DEPRECATED: This is a no-op.  -m, --manually_grab_svn_rev                        DEPRECATED: This is a no-op.  --validate-syntax     Validate the .gclient and DEPS syntax  --disable-syntax-validation                        Disable validation of .gclient and DEPS syntax.  --no-rebase-patch-ref                        Bypass rebase of the patch ref after checkout.  --no-reset-patch-ref  Bypass calling reset after patching the ref.Examples:  gclient sync      update files from SCM according to current configuration,      *for modules which have changed since last update or sync*  gclient sync --force      update files from SCM according to current configuration, for      all modules (useful for recovering files deleted from local copy)  gclient sync --revision src@31000      update src directory to r31000JSON output format:If the --output-json option is specified, the following document structure willbe emitted to the provided file. 'null' entries may occur for subprojects whichare present in the gclient solution, but were not processed (due to custom_deps,os_deps, etc.){  "solutions" : {    "<name>": {  # <name> is the posix-normalized path to the solution.      "revision": [<git id hex string>|null],      "scm": ["git"|null],    }  }}

You must install the “Debugging Tools for Windows” feature from the Windows 10 SDK.


增加MP4支持 下面的指令,很重要!!! set GN_DEFINES=is_official_build=true proprietary_codecs=true ffmpeg_branding=Chromeset GYP_DEFINES=branding=Chromium buildtype=Official proprietary_codecs=true ffmpeg_branding=Chrome   2704:GYP 应该需要设置这个. 修改h:\ws\source\chromium\src\cef\cef.gypi,variables节下添加如下即可支持mp3。'proprietary_codecs': 1,'ffmpeg_branding': 'Chrome',将source\chromium\src\third_party\ffmpeg\chromium\scripts\build_ffmpeg.py(703)  configure_flags['Chrome'].extend([      '--enable-decoder=aac,h264',      '--enable-demuxer=aac',      '--enable-parser=aac,h264',  ])      configure_flags['Chrome'].extend([      '--enable-decoder=aac,h264,mp3',      '--enable-demuxer=aac,mp3,mov',      '--enable-parser=aac,h264,mpegaudio',  ])  改为 configure_flags['Chrome'].extend([            '--enable-decoder=aac,h264,mp3,mpeg4,amrnb,amrwb,flv',            '--enable-demuxer=aac,mp3,mov,avi,amr,flv',            '--enable-parser=aac,h264,mpegaudio,mpeg4video,h263',        ]) Chrome采用的FFmpeg的配置选项,在原有的配置选项后面添加如下选项:分别打开chromium\src\third_party\ffmpeg\chromium\config\Chrome\win\ia32\config.h 和chromium\src\third_party\ffmpeg\chromium\config\Chrome\win\x64\config.h,在原有配置宏FFMPEG_CONFIGURATION里增加以下:--enable-decoder='rv10,rv20,rv30,rv40,cook,h263,h263i,mpeg4,msmpeg4v1,msmpeg4v2,msmpeg4v3,amrnb,amrwb,ac3,flv' --enable-demuxer='rm,mpegvideo,avi,avisynth,h263,aac,amr,ac3,flv,mpegts,mpegtsraw' --enable-parser='mpegvideo,rv30,rv40,h263,mpeg4video,ac3'


git checkout -b b3440 branch-heads/3440cd chromium 或chromium\srcgclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags -->常用git checkout -f -B master remotes/origin/master通过git来获得的有发行版本号Release 标签(tag)git checkout -b fjs_3239 tags/63.0.3239.150gclient sync --with_branch_heads --jobs 16# 首先确保你已切换到 src 目录下.  # 这部分应该只需要运行一次就可以了,不过多运行几次也没事儿。  # 第一次运行时可能需要一段时间,因为它获取额外的1/2 GB左右的分支提交。  gclient sync --with_branch_heads  git fetch  # 签出 src 树下的分支.  git checkout -b branch_$BRANCH branch-heads/$BRANCH  # 签出所有的DEPS修改的子模块  gclient sync --jobs 16  DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAINgit checkout -f master  gclient sync --jobs 16sdk_root  git checkout refs/tags/75.0.3749.0git stash -->暂存git pullgit fetch origin master:tmpgit pull -v --progress --force "origin"gclient sync --with_branch_heads --jobs 16 -->常用git fetch --tags //显示最近发布的标签号git checkout -b chrome_51.0.2682.1_local_branch 51.0.2682.1gclient sync --with_branch_heads --disable-syntax-validatio --jobs 16gclient sync  --nohooks --with_branch_heads  --disable-syntax-validation --jobs 16 -->常用git rebase --onto 167dc63b4c9a1d0f0fe1b19af93644ac9a561e83 refs/remotes/origin/masterautoninja -C out\Default basegclient sync  --nohooks --with_branch_heads  --with_tags --jobs 16


cd %cur_bat_file_path%\chromium\src
git add.
git stash

  1. 报错1

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “automate-git.py”, line 1399, in
chromium_src_dir, depot_tools_dir)
File “automate-git.py”, line 61, in run
args, cwd=working_dir, env=env, shell=(sys.platform == ‘win32’))
File “D:\code_xin\chromium_git\depot_tools\win_tools-2_7_6_bin\python\bin\lib\subprocess.py”, line 540, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command ‘[‘D:\code_xin\chromium_git\depot_tools\git.bat’, ‘checkout’, ‘refs/tags/73.0.3683.75’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1


cd %cur_bat_file_path%\chromium\src
git add.
git stash
git checkout -b 73.0.3683.75 refs/tags/73.0.3683.75

  1. 报错2

# cd %cur_bat_file_path%\chromium\src\buildtools# git stash# cd %cur_bat_file_path%


  1. 报错3

git add.
git stash

  1. 报错4


gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags --reset --jobs 16
gclient sync -D

WARNING: ‘src\third_party\dawn’ is no longer part of this client.
It is recommended that you manually remove it or use ‘gclient sync -D’ next time.

error C2220: 警告被视为错误 - 没有生成“object”文件


视警告为错误 wraning as error, 项目默认设置了高级别警告,会将警告视为错误,并停止编译
修改src\build\common.gypi,有两处, 搜索 ‘WarnAsError’: ‘true’ 改为 ‘WarnAsError’: ‘false’

语法错误: 标识符“EGLSync”
语法错误: 标识符“EGLSync”

typedef void *EGLSyncKHR, *EGLSync;
typedef intptr_t EGLAttribKHR, EGLAttrib;

ffmpeg.lib(ffmpeg.wavdec.obj) : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 ff_w64_guid_data

无法识别的符号 __ff_w64_guid_data

修改 src/third_party/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_generated.gypi , 在585行libavformat/vorbiscomment.c 后面添加 libavformat/w64.c

‘libavformat/vorbiscomment.c’, ‘libavformat/w64.c’, # 此行为修改过的

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