


1.What/How about……?
1. What about a Wednesday?
1. 找个星期三怎么样?

2. What about another song, children?

2. 孩子们,再来一首怎么样?

3. What about sitting by the window?

3. 坐在窗子边怎么样?

4. How about your exam last week?

4. 上周考得怎么样?

5. What about a cup of tea?

5. 来杯茶怎么样?

6. What about you?

6. 是不是也这样?

7. How about you?

7. 你要不要?

8. How about having dinner together after work tonight?

8. 下班后一起吃饭怎么样?

2.What do you think of…?
1. What do you think of my new car?
1. 你觉得我的新车如何?

2. What do you think of my speech?

2. 你觉得我的演讲怎么样?

3. What do you think of my new dress?

3. 你觉得我的新衣服怎么样?

4. That's what I have to think about.

4. 这正是我需要考虑的问题。

5. You must be thinking about your childhood.

5. 你一定是想起童年了。

6. He thinks too much about himself.

6. 他总是为自己考虑得太多了。

7. I'm thinking about emigrating to Canada.

7. 我正考虑移民到加拿大去。

8. You must not think about it anymore.

8. 你不必再想这件事了。

3.Would you mind...?
1. Would you mind waiting a few minutes?
1. 请等一会好吗?

2. Would you mind speaking a little more slowly?

2. 你讲慢一点,好吗?

3. Would you mind not smoking here?

3. 请不要在这吸烟,好吗?

4. Would you mind doing me a favor?

4. 可否劳驾你帮个忙?

5. No, I don't mind. I'd love to help you.

5. 不介意,我愿意帮你。

6. Would you mind me sitting here?

6. 你介意不介意我坐在这?

7. Yes, I do mind. But you can sit over there.

7. 我的确介意,但是你可以坐在那边。

8. I don't mind. It's of no importance.

8. 我不介意,那无关紧要。

9. Never mind.

9. 没关系。

4.What's the matter...?
1. What's the matter, Ruth?
1. 怎么了,露丝?

2. What's the matter with your foot?

2. 你的脚怎么了?

3. What's the matter with my report?

3. 我的报告有什么问题?

4. Of course it does matter.

4. 当然很有关系。

5. It doesn't matter how you're dressed.

5. 穿什么都没关系。

6. It doesn't matter.

6. 没关系。

7. Does it matter if I go first?

7. 我先走有没有关系?

8. It doesn't matter whether you get there early or not.

8. 早去晚去都没有关系。

5.The ... the better
1. The sooner the better.
1. 越快越好。

2. The more the better.

2. 多多益善。

3. The sooner he leaves here the better.

3. 他离开得越早越好。

4. The more I think about it, the less I like it.

4. 越想,我就越不喜欢它。

5. The less witty a man is, the less he knows what he wants.

5. 一个人越不富于智慧,就越不知道他需要智慧。

6. The more you laugh, the less you eat, the better you'll be.

6. 你笑得越多,你就吃得越少,你就会越健康。

7. The more he gets, the more he wants.

7. 他得到的越多,想要的就越多。

8. The more he reads, the less he understands.

8. 读的越多,脑子里越糊涂。

6.as ... as possible
1. I'll come along as often as possible.
1. 我会尽可能经常回来。

2. I'll write as soon as possible.

2. 我会尽快地写信。

3. I'll be here as early as possible.

3. 我会尽可能早点儿来。

4. I'll have to pack up as quickly as possible.

4. 我要尽快地打点行装。

5. I'll do it as much as possible.

5. 我有多大劲就会使多大劲。

6. I've tried as hard as possible.

6. 我已经尽全力去做了。

7. You haven't worked as hard as possible.

7. 你没有全力以赴地去工作。

8. Will you help me as soon as possible?

8. 你会不会尽快相助?

7.Have you ever been...?
1. Have you ever been abroad?
1. 你是否出过国?

2. Have you ever been to the Summer Palace?

2. 你有没有去过颐和园?

3. Have you ever been to Mongolia?

3. 你是否去过蒙古?

4. I've never been there.

4. 我从未去过。

5. I've never been out of Shanghai.

5. 我从未离开过上海。

6. I've been to many places in China.

6. 我去过中国的许多地方。

7. I've been there two or three times.

7. 我去过两三次了。

8. Tibet is the only place I've never been to.

8. 西藏是我唯一没有去过的地方。

8.If only
1. If only I could pass the exam.
1. 我要是能通过考试该多好。

2. If only I had more courage.

2. 当初要是多一点勇气就好了。

3. If only I had enough sense of humour.

3. 要是我有足够的幽默感就好了。

4. If only I had not driven so fast.

4. 要是不开那么快就好了。

5. If I had only know.

5. 要是我早点知道就好了。

6. If only I could know who sent the flower.

6. 你要是知道是谁送来的就好了。

7. If only it would stop raining.

7. 要是雨停了该多好。

8. If only they could see me now.

8. 要是他们现在能看到我该多好。

9.just as well
1. It's just as well to be careful.
1. 以后还是小心为好。

2. It's just as well I don't go-we may talk.

2. 不走也好,可以聊聊。

3. It's just as well to telephone before you go.

3. 你在去之前还是先打个电话的好。

4. Just as well. I won't go then.

4. 也好,那就不去了罢。

5. It would be just as well to take an umbrella.

5. 还是带把伞好。

6. It would be just as well to go by train-the roads are icy.

6. 乘火车去吧,路太滑了。

7. I can ride a horse and shoot as well.

7. 我还能骑马和射击。

8. It's a political as well as an economic question.

8. 这是个经济问题也是个政治问题。

10.in a way
1.I like the work in a way.

2.In a way,you're not completely well.


3.In a way,I agree with your estimate of the situation.


4.Can I help you in any way?


5.My behaviour is perfect in every way.


6.I can in no way allow this to continue.


7.You're in no way to do this.


8.Next week,we must have it done in one way or another.


11.forward to
1. I'm looking forward to it too.
1. 我也同样期待。

2. We're looking forward to beginning to cooperate with you.
2. 我们盼望能与你们建立合作关系。

3. I'm looking forward to the expansion of the trade relationship.
3. 希望扩大贸易关系。

4. I'm looking forward to spending the holiday at home.
4. 盼望能够回家过节。

5. We're looking forward to seeing him as soon as possible.
5. 盼望能够尽快地见到他。

6. We look forward to the cooperation between us in the future.
6. 我们期待双方在未来的合作。

7. The children had been looking forward to the party.
7. 孩子们一直在盼着这个晚会。

8. The people are looking forward to an early reply.
8. 大家正盼着早点答复。

12.worry about
1. You don't have to worry about money.
1. 你不必再为钱而发愁了。

2. What we're worrying about is her innocence.

2. 现在让我们担心就是她的无知。

3. Why worry about the future?

3. 干嘛要为未来而发愁呢?

4. Your father is really worried.

4. 你的父亲为这事很着急。

5. I'm awfully worried.

5. 我实在担心。

6. Don't worry; I've got a good idea.

6. 别着急,我有一个好主意。

7. Don't be worried about me, I'm all right.

7. 别为我担心,我能行。

8. Will it worry you if I play the piano?

8. 我弹钢琴是否会打扰你?

13.go through
1. Would you go through the contract, Sir?
1. 我想请你过目一下这份合同?

2. I can't go through these letters in an hour.

2. 一小时之内我读不完这些信。

3. Go through the account.

3. 查看一下这些帐目。

4. Go through the paper for the last time.

4. 再最后检查一下考卷。

5. Let's go through the discussion we've just talked about.

5. 让我们来讨论一下刚才谈过的话题。

6. I'd like you to go through the book.

6. 想请你审阅一下这本书。

7. Let's go through the plan all together.

7. 大家一起来讨论一下。

8. I'm sorry, I haven't gone through it.

8. 我很抱歉还没有看过。

14.looks like
1. It looks like rain.

2. The rain looks like it's lasting.

2. 看来这雨要持续下去了。

3. It looks like we'll have a white Christmas.

3. 看来要过一个银色圣诞了。

4. It doesn’t look like it to me.

4. 我看似乎不是这样。

5. It looks like he is the right person.

5. 看来他是合适的人选。

6. It looks like the economy is turning around.

6. 看来经济有转机了。

7. It looks like the price of gold will go up.

7. 看来金价要上涨了。

8. It looks like the market here is limited.

8. 看来这里的市场有限。

15.feel like
1. What do you feel like?
1. 你想来点什么?

2. Does anybody feel like drinking something?

2. 有没有人想喝点什么?

3. I don't feel like eating anything.

3. 我现在什么都不想吃。

4. Do you feel like a walk?

4. 你想不想去散散步?

5. I feel like lying on a bed and worrying about nothing now.

5. 我这会儿只想躺在床上,什么都不去想。

6. I feel like another cup of milk.

6. 我想再要一杯牛奶。

7. I don't feel like beer tonight.

7. 今晚我不想喝啤酒了。

8. Do you feel like a swim?

8. 你想不想去游泳?

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