

【正海-妙术视界】| 分期内镜手术:质地韧、富血供巨大垂体瘤切除(Aaron教授视频,配中英文字幕)...

Hypervascular and Fibrous Pituitary Adenoma

Solutions to a Difficult Tumor


图1. 患者男性,53岁,视觉障碍。MR提示巨大垂体腺瘤,肿瘤质地相对不均,可能侵犯床突和斜坡区域。

图2. 内镜下经鼻蝶入路手术:术中见肿瘤富血供,出血汹涌(箭头)。

图3. 肿瘤“多肉”,质地韧,环形刮匙不易刮出。

图4. 左图:用液体明胶、明胶海绵、脑棉等填塞压迫术腔止血;右图:只要一移除压迫物并进行刮瘤操作,出血再现。

图5. 仍然积极地试图切除肿瘤,但是瘤内小血管又出血了(箭头)。

图6. 如此情形下,术者认为继续手术是不明智的,所以填塞压迫止血可靠后结束手术。

图7. 术后即刻MR。左图:可见肿瘤减压的范围(箭头),大部分肿瘤残留;右图:可见视交叉没有得到减压(箭头)。

图8. 四天后,二期手术。切除更多的骨质暴露双侧海绵窦,并切除部分鞍结节骨质。

图9. 此时肿瘤质地变软,易于吸出(箭头)。

图10. 切除边缘处的瘤囊(箭头),以便其“娩出”。

图11. 用耳鼻喉科的“Debreeder”(箭头)切除容易看到的质韧瘤囊。

图12. 交替使用环形刮匙和吸引器牵拉、抵开鞍膈(箭头),在角度镜下观察视野盲区,清除残余肿瘤。

图13. 肿瘤清除毕,扩张的鞍膈(箭头)完全塌陷,充满整个蝶鞍。

图14. 大片脂肪支撑下陷的鞍膈。

图15. 人工硬膜重建鞍底。

图16. 鼻中隔粘膜瓣重建鞍底以减少术后脑脊液漏的风险(下箭头);速即纱支撑鼻中隔瓣以防移位(斜箭头)。

图17. 胶水进一步固定整个重建物。

图18. 术后MR提示病灶全切,视路减压充分。患者术后视力明显改善。


0' - 1':Very rarely I running to large giant and very hypervascular fibrous pituitary adenomas. That present daunting challenges in their resection since they often bleed profusely. And they are so fibrous, they can not be easily removed, via the very narrow internasal corridor.


53 year-old male with visual dysfunction


Let’s go ahead and discuss the case of such a patient. A 53 year-old male with visual dysfunction, who harbored this giant pituitary adenoma relatively heterogeneous and potentially eroding through the clinoid and the area of clivus.I use a standard thranssphenoidal approach.


A part of tuberculum was removed,the dura was opened in a curve shaped fashion. U can see the tumor is very bloody,very hypervascular. And it’s not really responding to the ring curettes in terms of delivering itself. It’s very fleshy.


1' - 2':The bleeding is quite profuse, we had to use floseal to get some hemostasis with packing. Whatever every time, I removed the packing and attempted resection using various ring curettes, I faced torrential bleeding with really no obvious success to deliver the firbrous tumor.


Here u can see the tumor in this area. Actively attempting to remove this tumor and instead, I got some bleeding from the small vessels within the tumor. In this case, I aborted the procedure. I thought further continuation would be not wise. Packing was performed,hemostasis was obtained as much as possible.


2' - 3':And the closure was completed. Here is the extent of hemostasis. Immediately postoperatively, u can see the extent of my decompression. However, most of the tumor remains,and there is really no evidence of chiasmal decompression.


I returned for the second stage of the operation about 4 days later. I thought that the timing between the two operations would allow the tumor to devascularized itself. And some of the tumor capsule will undergo necrosis and, lead to soft tumor, that can be easily deliverable.


Second Stage, 4 days later Let’s go ahead and review the second stage of this operation. More bony removal was deemed necessary.



3' - 4':I unroofed the dura over the cavernous sinuses bilaterally. More of the bone over the tuberculum was also removed. This time the tumor appeared much softer. As u can see, although not very soft, it’s definitively much softer than the tumor I encountered during the initial operation.


Once the lateral portions of the capsule were delivered, U can see the more anterior part of the capsule also descended into the resection cavity. So the steps involved first, lateral removal of the capsule, the tumor, then posterior removal of the capsule and then, removal of the capsule more anteriorly. The order of these steps prevents early descending of the diaphragm sellar. Therefore the diaphragm was not interfere with removal of the tumor along the lateral aspects of the resection cavity.



4' - 5':U can see the capsule is somewhat firbrous. It required pituitary rongeurs for its removal. The capsule had to be cut at septem points to alow its delivery. Therefore this is not really usual, (that) pituitary adenoma resection required additional more aggressive techniques and, the endoscope allowed more expanded visualization of the operative space. So that these risky maneuvers can be performed relatively safely.


Here is the diaphragm that is been detected and is descending into our resection cavity. Irrigation is done so that, the surrounding structures are more clearly identified.



5' - 6':More of the tumor along the lateral sellar is been delivered into our resection cavity. Again the tumor is somewhat hypervascular, but this time, is much more manageable. We can use the ENT debreeder to remove the very firbrous portion of the capsule, that is easily visualizable. Obviously blind use of any sharp technique is avoided. Here is the debreeder or the ultrasonic aspirator that can be use to remove the very firbrous portion of the capsule. So that the diaphragm can descend further.



6' - 7':Irrigation is completed to further clear the operative field. U can see the diaphragm is only partially descended. So this means that there is some residual tumor more superiorly and posteriorly. I continued to use the bimanual dissection technique to deliver the firbrous portion of the tumor that is keeping the diaphragm still elevated.


Here is additional part of the soft tumor that is evident. Patience is quite important. Valsalva maneuvers may be use to further force the diaphragm inferiorly, leading to the delivery of the tumor into the resection cavity. Lumbar drain injection of air is another alternative method for making the diapharam descend automately.



7' - 8':Patient maneuvers, careful inspection of the folds (?) of the diaphragm sellar are both important techniques for removal of those portions of the tumors that are not easily visualizable.


Using angled endoscopes, I’m able to again dissect around the folds of the diapharagm sellar. Carefully removing the tumor without tearing the diaphragm. Here is a small part of tumor that is very adherent to the diaphragm. Again, as the diaphragm descending into the sellar, it can be quite difficult to work around it. I use the suction to hold the diaphragm up and work through the girders assuring myself that gross total resection of the mass is achieved.



8' - 9':See the diaphragm is quite patulous, this is expected in the very large tumor. I assure myself that there is no portion of the tumor that’s left behind laterally within the blind spots, and including anteriorly just underneath the tuberculum.


Here is the dynamic retraction of the diaphragm and inspection via the angled endoscopes around the blind operative spots that can be quite challenging to visualize under normal circumstances.


No obvious tumor is evident. I’m satisfied with the extent of resection in this case. I assure myself that there is no tumor especially more posteriorly. The diaphragm is essentially filling the entire sellar.



9' - 10' 28'':Providing additional confirmation that the tumor is completely removed, I use the large piece of fat to buttress the herniating diaphragm. Again occult csf leaks are possible in this case.And these occult leaks can only show themselves postoperatively.


A piece of allograft dura was also removed to reconstruct the floor in this case. And due to the use of the expanded transsphenoid technique, we use a nasal septum flap  to reconstruct the floor of the sellar and minimize any risk of postoperative csf leakage. Here is use of surgicel to further buttress in keep the nasal septum flap in place.


Using some glue to further buttress the whole construct.And the postoperative MRI in this case demonstrated the desirable result and gross total removal of the mass with adequate  decompression of the optic apparatus. This patient’s vision improved significantly postoperatively. Thank U.



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