

PMS symptoms


Premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder include a wide range ofsymptoms that occur in a cyclical pattern corresponding to a woman’s periods.Some women find that if they chart their symptoms for a few months, they can identifythese patterns and predict the course of their cycles.

PMS symptoms

  • mood swings 情绪起伏
  • irritability 心烦意乱
  • depression 心情低落
  • anxiety 焦虑
  • angry outbursts 易怒
  • confusion or fuzzy thinking
  • tearfulness
  • fatigue 乏力
  • insomnia 失眠
  • changes in libido 性欲改变
  • overeating 过食
  • cravings, especially for salty or sweet foods 贪食
  • alcohol intolerance
  • acne
  • hives
  • abdominal and pelvic cramps
  • bloating
  • weight gain
  • headaches
  • menstrual migraines
  • breast swelling and pain
  • edema (visible swelling, particularly in the hands, feet and legs)
  • asthma
  • sinus problems
  • sore throat
  • worsening of chronic conditions like arthritis and ulcers
  • difficulty with coordination, being more prone to accidents
  • dizziness, decreased balance
  • heart pounding (palpitation)
  • nausea
  • fainting
  • urinary problems

PMS often worsens over time. As symptoms become more prolonged, the symptom-freeportion of the cycle shrinks. Some women experience PMS symptoms virtually all month.Fortunately, women with mild to severe PMS can find relief naturally by giving theirbodies the support they need to regulate hormonal balance.

To learn more about the Women to Women approach, read our article on understanding PMS and PMDD.

You may also find our article on alternativetreatments for severe PMS and PMDD of interest.

Our Personal Program is a great place to start

The Personal Program promotes natural hormonal balance with nutritional supplements,our exclusive endocrine support formula, dietary and lifestyle guidance, and optionalphone consultations with our Nurse–Educators. It is a convenient, at-homeversion of what we recommend to all our patients at the clinic.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-800-798-7902. We're here to listen and help.

We’re always happy to welcome new patients to our medical clinic in Yarmouth,Maine, for those who can make the trip. Clickhere for information about making an appointment.

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