


2022.07.05 重庆




从a bc三个选项中选出最恰当的答语并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑

01 Nice to meet you

02 Happy birthday to you

03 Is linda playing the violin or the piano

04 What s the date today

05 When did you go to beijing

06 Where can I change some money



07 Mary which sport is your favorite I like football and swimming best but three years ago i liked basketball best question which was mary's favorite sport three years ago

number eight

john you look terrible do you have a cold

no my leg hurts i fell off a bike and hurt my leg this morning

question what happened to john

number nine

kate did you use my computer

just now

no mark darren used it

question who used the boys computer

number 10 look at the clouds in the sky

yes we even can't see the sun at all

question how is the weather today

number eleven

what can i do for you sir

um you have some jeans in the window can i try them on

question where are the two speakers


i read the book for only five hours and i finished it

you are so quick i read it for two more hours than you

question how many hours did it take the girl to finish the book




this is john speaking

who is that

hi john this is lily i just came back from scotland

and i bought something for you

wow thank you how was your journey there

it was great the weather was fantastic it was sunny every day

what did you do

did you go to the edinburgh festival

no we went there in july

but the festival starts in august

we went to the highland it was beautiful

how was the food there

i am so interested

the food there was delicious

and i tried haggis it was really special

did you go there with your friends

yes my sister lucy was also with us

i believe you had a great time

that's right i hope we can go there together next time

this is john speaking

who is that

hi john this is lily i just came back from scotland

and i bought something for you

wow thank you how was your journey there

it was great the weather was fantastic it was sunny every day

what did you do

did you go to the edinburgh festival

no we went there in july

but the festival starts in august

we went to the highland it was beautiful

how was the food there

i am so interested

the food there was delicious

and i tried haggis it was really special

did you go there with your friends

yes my sister lucy was also with us

i believe you had a great time

that's right i hope we can go there together next time



hey george

what's the matter

hi tina i feel awful this morning

i was in the park

taking a walk and suddenly i fell over

what happened

after i fell over

i saw another beside me

oh did you hurt yourself

luckily i was fine

after i got up i saw a man in front of me

he had two bananas with him in his bag

what did you do then

i walked to him and stopped him

i said that i fell over on his banana

did he say sorry

finally yes but at that time he was really surprised

why was that he said that he had six bananas in his bag

but there were only two then

hey george

what's the matter

hi tina i feel awful this morning

i was in the park

taking a walk and suddenly i fell over

what happened

after i fell over

i saw another beside me

oh did you hurt yourself

luckily i was fine

after i got up i saw a man in front of me

he had two bananas with him in his bag

what did you do then

i walked to him and stopped him

i said that i fell over on his banana

did he say sorry

finally yes but at that time he was really surprised

why was that he said that he had six bananas in his bag

but there were only two then






linda jackson a 26 year old woman comes from new york

she left school at the age of 18

and worked for a company for some years

she did well and made a lot of money last year

she left the company and became the owner of a small hotel

on bali island

in indonesia

linda said when i first came to this island

i fell in love with a beautiful ocean and blue sky

when i was in new york you know

life was really busy and hard

i had so much work to do every day from morning to evening

i almost had no time to enjoy myself

but on bali island things are quite different

i run a small hotel so i can meet people from all over the world

it's fun to communicate with them

and i have more free time to do things that i love

like diving and swimming

and i really love the sunshine here

i think my life is much better than before

linda jackson

a 26 year older woman comes from new york

she left school at the age of 18

and worked for a company for some years

she did well and made a lot of money

last year

she left the company and became the owner of a small hotel

on bali island in indonesia

linda said when i first came to the island

i fell in love with a beautiful ocean and a blue sky

when i was in new york

you know life was really busy and hard

i had so much work to do every day

from morning to evening

i almost had no time to enjoy myself

but on barley island

things are quite different

i run a small hotel

so i can meet people from all over the world

it's fun to communicate with them

and i have more free time to do things but i love

like diving and swimming

and i really love the sunshine here

i think my life is much better than before


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