

关系问卷 的查询结果 --cnki翻译助手
  relationship questionnaire
    Conceptions of parental authority questionnaire, parent-adolescent relationship questionnaire and self-consciousness questionnaire were administrated among 1019 students form Grade 7 to 12, with their parents.
    本研究采用父母权威认知问卷、亲子关系问卷和自我意识问卷,对1019名中学生及其家长进行施测。 研究结果表明:
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    Therefore, beginning with the family expressiveness, we explore the relationship among adult attachment, family expressiveness and infant attachment in present study. Infant's parents completed Adult Relationship Questionnaire (RQ), Experiences in Close Relationship Questionnaire (ECR), Family Expressiveness Questionnaire (FEQ) and Waters-Deane's Attachment Q-set (Q-set).
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    After executing the formal questionnaire including mentoring relationship questionnaire, organizational commitment questionnaire, job performance questionnaire, and turnover intention questionnaire, the result of the Structure Equation Model's test indicated the career support and the psychological support of the mentoring relationship both had positive effect on prentices' job performances, and the direct effect of career support was larger.
    在正式施测中,除了师徒关系问卷外,还添加了组织承诺、工作绩效和离职意愿等问卷。 结构方程模型检验的结果显示,师徒关系中的职业支持和心理支持都对徒弟的工作绩效存在着显著的正面影响,其中职业支持对徒弟工作绩效的直接影响作用更大;
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    Methods: Two widely used adult attachment measurements --Relationship Questionnaire(RQ) and Experiences in Close Relationship Inventory(ECR)-are administered to 50 surgery patients in a hospital.
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    Findings to date, however, have certain conflicts, such as the relationship between teachers' characteristics and student's academic seeking help behavior, the influence of sex and class to help seeking, etc.
    本研究主要探讨三个问题:一,翻译修订的成就目标定向问卷是否适用于国内相关问题的测量,自编的师生关系问卷和教师帮助问卷的信效度如何; 二,成就目标定向、师生关系、教师帮助以及成绩对学生学业求助行为的影响;
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    The first, translating and emending foreign achievement goal orientation scale, working out teacher and student's relationships questionnaire and teacher's helping scale.
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    By adopting self-designed Trust Questionnaire between Teachers and Students, self-designed Relation Questionnaire between Teachers and Students and Rotter’s Interpersonal Trust Questionnaire, it surveys 433 students and 212 teachers from three universities in Guilin of Guangxi province in the study and eliciting the following conclusions:(1) Self-designed Trust Questionnaire between Teachers and Students and self-designed Relation Questionnaire between Teachers and Students had good validity and credibility.
    本研究调查采用自编的师生信任问卷(问卷A、B),师生关系问卷(问卷C、D)和Rotter 的人际信任量表(问卷E)对广西桂林市三所高校433 名大学生和212 名教师进行问卷调查,得出以下结论:(1)自编师生信任问卷(问卷A、B)和自编师生关系问卷(问卷C、D)有较好的信度和效度。
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    The factor analysis obtains Questionnaire A and B each of which includes 4 factors, namely, moral quality, knowledge, ability, sensibility and Questionnaire D and E each of which includes 3 factors, namely, go-aheadism, depth, intimacy.
    因素分析得到自编师生信任问卷(问卷A、B)分别包含4 个因子:人品、知识、能力、情感; 自编师生关系问卷(问卷C、D)分别包含3 个因子:主动性、深度、亲密度。
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    After preliminary test, exploratory factor analysis was conducted on 286 recalled valid questionnaires, form which 2 dimensionalities of mentoring relationship were extracted There were some itemsdeleted whose factor loadings were large on many dimensionalities at the same time, and then the formal questionnaire of mentoring relationship with 17 items was decided.
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         We investigated families of 5 Chinese cities with the "Father-Mother Relation Scaled", "Family Background Questionaires". We found that if children lived in a family of low SES, they tended to behave abnormaly. In problem families, children's abnormal level was high. Father-mother relationship exerted a notable influence on children's abnormal behavior. The poorer the relationship, the higher the children's abnormal level.
         Objective: To study the role of teacher-student relationship and peer relationship in anxiety of middle school students Method: Revised Children'sManifest Anxiety Scale, Teacher-Student Relationship Questionnaire and Scale for Assessing Peer were used to investigate anxiety problems in 500 students grade 1 to 3 of three middle schools in Nanchong, Sichuan Result: Anxiety had close correlation with teacher-student relationship and with peer relationship Better teacher-student relationship or peer relat...
            目的 :考察师生关系、同伴关系与初中生焦虑情绪之间的关系。方法 :分别从四川省南充市三所普通中学随机抽取初一至初三的学生各一个班 ,共 5 0 0人 ,采用儿童显在焦虑量表、师生关系问卷和同伴评定量表进行测评及相关分析。结果 :(1)师生关系、同伴关系与初中生的焦虑情绪关系密切 ,良好的师生关系与同伴关系有助于缓解学生的焦虑情绪。 (2 )进一步的回归分析发现 ,消极情感和积极情感对初中生的焦虑均有显著的预测作用。
         According to relevant theory of human relationship the paper compiles testing papers on human relationship of college students and use it and another paper Ⅲ for self-description to take tests in students in order to find some features in human relationship of college students and meanwhile discuss about self-comcept in this field.The results show:(1) the general situation is better and the human relationship becomes closer from high grade to low grade;(2)sexual difference exists in human relationship of co...
            本文根据人际关系的有关理论 ,编制了大学生人际关系问卷 ,并运用这一问卷和自我描述问卷Ⅲ型对大学生进行了测查 ,试图从中发现大学生人际关系的特点 ,并探讨大学生人际关系与自我概念的关系。结果显示 :( 1)大学生人际关系状况总体上较好 ,从年级走向看 ,人际关系状况随年级的增高而逐渐下降。 ( 2 )大学生人际关系存在着性别差异。在文理、是否独生子女和是否担任干部三个维度上未见差异。 ( 3)大学生人际关系与自尊自我概念、外貌自我概念、情绪自我概念和同性关系自我概念有显著关系。
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