

SWA | 深南大道景观改造设计荣获北加州2019 ASLA荣誉优胜奖

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近日,ASLA(美国景观建筑师协会)2019年度的各类获奖项目纷纷出炉,SWA斩获了众多专业奖项,其中由SWA及其合作团队设计的深圳深南大道景观改造项目,获得了美国景观建筑师协会北加州分会颁发的2019年度分析和规划类荣誉优胜奖(Research, Planning, Analysis&Community category, 2019 ASLA Northern California Chapter Honor Award)



© SWA Group

01  项目背景与设计过程


采访和会议照片版权 深圳市城市规划设计研究院有限公司

02  分析



- 街道生活缺失;

- 追求快速通行的自行车和电瓶车威胁步行者和无障碍人士的安全;

- 致密而宽阔的绿化隔离带大面积不可进入、不被共享;

- 面对暴雨台风等极端天气,排水系统和绿化种植非常脆弱;

- 深圳独特的发展起源、设区历史和二线关文化在城市快速迭代更新中被逐渐遗忘;


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02  设计


© SWA Group

© SWA Group

手绘长卷版权 深圳市城市规划设计研究院有限公司



© SWA Group

© SWA Group

© SWA Group


© SWA Group


© SWA Group

© SWA Group





景观设计:SWA Group




Over 4.6 million people living and working along Shen Nan Boulevard, a traffic life line boosting Shenzhen, China’s fastest growing city in the past four decades. Following several controversial attempts, the City of Shenzhen is now poised to transform the large-scale roadway to be more livable and resilient in a strategic way.

Working with government, stakeholder developers, local design communities, and the general public, the design team rethinks the nature of traffic thoroughfare and reimagined a central stretch of Shenzhen City as functional landscape infrastructure: a new, green resources interwoven through the urban fabric and shared by everyone. This pioneer transformation project includes a long-term landscape master plan, short-term implementation plans for the next two years, and technical guidelines for 280-hectare thresholds along the 25.6-kilometer Shen Nan Boulevard, repairing, reconnecting, and enriching the core of Shenzhen City. Infused with the new activity, Shen Nan Boulevard will energize its margins, the adjacent districts, and the city as a whole.

01  Backgroundand Process

Shen Nan Boulevard is the main thoroughfare through Shenzhen’s core. As of 2018, its vast expanse connects three central city districts, carrying approximately 320,000 vehicles per day and boasting more than 800,000 jobs along its length. Starting from the gateway of the historical“China’s Berlin Wall”, a border separated China’s first open-up market economy zone from mainland China, the corridor connects all functional parts within the special economic zone, and long served as the first stop welcoming outside investors and immigrants to the city. As Shenzhen moves toward a slower pace of developmentand seeks higher-quality life, the boulevard has come under fire for itsmassive, vehicle-centric scale and poor services along its buffer and margins.

02  Analysis

The design intervention does not seek to decrease the boulevard’s traffic capacity, which has entrenched economic value; rather it will re-envision its margin as a transformative and strategic piece of the City’s park network. The boulevard will become hyper-mixed-use landscape infrastructure:  linear public space that responds to city life.

The design process began with a public interviewand an analysis of traffic, services, and ecological issues. Primary takeaways from this process included:

- An absence of street life along the boulevard

- Unsafe bike and motorbike speeds on the sharedsidewalk seriously threaten passengers’ safety

- The dense green buffer along the boulevard islargely inaccessible

- Drainage and planting are vulnerable to typhoons andother storm events

- Shenzhen’shistory as a fishing settlement, and the unique memory of “China’s Berlin Wall”, are being forgotten.

After further investigation and study by mapping, big data analysis, and site visits, the design team summarized 3 outstanding topics associated with 6 existing issues of the boulevard that the design would need to address. First, that this giant transportation infrastructure’s contributions to the city’s economics cannot be denied; The 108 skyscrapers along the boulevard serve as the best evidence for this achievement. However, noise and pollution of the thoroughfare necessitate a vast buffer zone create decidedly negative environment for pedestrians and cyclists to approach. Second, despite having more than a million people living, working, or commuting along the boulevard’s margins every day, cross connections are poor, with the average crossing time of about three minutes from one side to the other of a typical 75-wide section. The negative experience is exacerbated by hot humid tropical climate. Lastly, the massive piece of infrastructure cuts deeply into nature and stops wildlife flows.The channelization of the existing water network (due to rapid urbanization) puts enormous pressure on the urban drainage system, making it vulnerable totyphoons and other extreme weather conditions.

03   Design

The core strategies that will employed along the boulevard involve reinstating pedestrian and wildlife crossings, attaching landscape “carpet” and linear parks to the medium and buffer, and enriching the performance of traffic and drainage. These strategies will reorganize, reconnect, and repair existing infrastructural surfaces, buffers, and easements of the boulevard in a manner that adds functional services and meaning todriving, biking and pedestrian experience, and by default, the ecological value to the city. In all, the transformation will reconnect eight comprehensive pedestrian linkages, repair two strong ecological connections from mountain to ocean, reform nine kilometers of median and buffer zone into landscape carpet, establish three new belt parks, celebrate ten urban gateways with different characteristics, and comprehensively improve the water and drainage system.

With such comprehensive interventions proposed, a phased implementation scheme was a key part of the design team’s work. Three core projects will comprise the early phase of renovation; these projects need to be implemented first because they exhibit most of the site’s issues, and can move forward quickly due to public investment and government funding.

The first of the implementation projects is Nantou Gateway, envisioned as a “time tunnel” connecting history and the future at the west starting point of the line. A historical Inspection station on “China’s Berlin Wall”, together with massive elevated intersections, will form the backdrop of new park space and habitat on the ground. Renovation of an existing pedestrian bridge will establish a zero-interference system for complicated interactions among traffic, pedestrians, and ecological networks.

At the pinch point between Shenzhen’s hills andocean lies a former intertidal zone. The plan suggests a double-layer green bridgein this area, conveying pedestrian and wildlife movement across the boulevard toward the ocean. Two new roof-park projects — a Pollinator Park and China Mangrove Museum— are also be established on top of capped metro depots.

The plan also reimagines one of the busiest areas along the boulevard, simplifying complex circulation challenges and reclaiming greenspace from existing facilities and utilities. The plan ensures the preservation of a 1.5-meter consistent bicycle lane and strategically renovates paving, outdoor furniture, planting, and lighting to create unique, human-scaled spaces.

Over time, new urban spaces and trail systems will be created along the line, inviting communities along the boulevard to take advantage of its transformation. Belt parks, promenades, trails,pedestrian bridges, and new development projects are envisioned throughout the cityfabric, creating new connections and reinvigorating quality-of-life.

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