



拉尔夫-埃里森著 罗金佑翻译

Everyone fought hysterically. It was completeanarchy. Everybody fought everybody else. No group fought togetherfor long. Two, three, four, fought one, then turned to fight eachother, were themselves attacked. Blows landed below the belt and inthe kidney, with the gloves open as well as closed, and with my eyepartly opened now there was not so much terror. I moved carefully,avoiding blows, although not too many to attract attention,fighting group to group. The boys groped about like blind, cautiouscrabs crouching to protect their midsections, their heads pulled inshort against their shoulders, their arms stretched nervouslybefore them, with their fists testing the smoke-filled air like theknobbed feelers of hypersensitivesnails. 每个人都歇斯底里地战斗着。这是完全的无政府状态。每个人都打了别人。没有一组一起战斗过太长的时间。二,三,四,对一,然后当他们自己遭袭击了就转身相互打对方。攻击点落在腰带以下的部位,肾的部位,由于手套伸开又合起,又因为我的眼睛此时半开着所以没有那么多恐怖。我小心地移动,躲避着打击,虽然没有吸引太多的注意力,小组对小组的战斗。孩子们像盲人样摸索着,以谨慎的螃蟹蹲来保护他们的腹部,他们的头缩进双肩,双臂紧张地伸展在他们面前,用拳头试探着,弥漫在空气里的烟就像蜗牛多节过敏的触角。Inone comer I glimpsed a boy violently punching the air and heard himscream in pain as he smashed his hand against a ring post. For asecond I saw him bent over holding his hand, then going down as ablow caught his unprotected head. I played one group against theother, slip- ping in and throwing a punch then stepping out ofrange while pushing the others into the melee to take the blowsblindly aimed at me. The smoke was agonizing and there were norounds, no bells at three minute intervals to relieve ourexhaustion. The room spun round me, a swirl of lights, smoke,sweating bodies surrounded by tense white faces. I bled from bothnose and mouth, the blood spattering upon mychest.在一个角落里我瞥见一个男孩在剧烈地拳击空气,还听到他疼痛地尖叫,当时他把手缩到了圆圈后面。一会儿我看见他弯下腰,握着他的手,然后就倒下了,好象是一个重击落在了他无保护的头上。我参与的一组对另一組,平滑呯击并投掷一拳然后走出范围而同时把其他人推到混战之中去承受盲目针对我的打击。烟雾令人痛苦难忍,还没有几个回合,在三分钟的间隔里还不摇铃使我们很疲惫。这个场地让我周身精疲力尽,灯光,烟雾,汗体混成一片,并被紧张的白面孔所包围。我鼻子和嘴都在流血,血液泼洒在了我的胸膛。

The men kept yelling, "Slug him, black boy!Knock his guts out!" "Uppercut him! Kill him! Kill that bigboy!"


Taking a fake fall, I saw a boy going downheavily beside me as though we were felled by a single blow, saw asneaker-clad foot shoot into his groin as the two who had knockedhim down stumbled upon him. I rolled out of range, feeling a twingeof nausea.


The harder we fought the more threateningthe men became. And yet, I had begun to worry about my speechagain. How would it go? Would they recognize my ability? What wouldthey give me?


I was fighting automatically when suddenly I noticed that one afteranother of the boys was leaving the ring. I was surprised, filledwith panic, as though I had been left alone with an unknown danger.Then I understood. The boys had arranged it among themselves. Itwas the custom for the two men left in the ring to slug it out forthe winner's prize. I discovered this too late. When the bellsounded two men in tuxedoes leaped into the ring and removed theblindfold. I found myself facing Tatlock, the biggest of thegang. 当我是在不自觉地战斗着时,突然我发现一个又一个的男孩子离开了圈子。我很惊讶,充满了恐惧,好像我独自一个未知危险地留下来了。然后我明白了。那些孩子们他们自己有了约定的。按照惯例,那两个留在圈子里的人要为了奖杯而决一雌雄的。我发现这太晚了。钟声敲响的时候两个穿着无尾夜礼服的人跳进圈子并除去了眼罩。我发现我自己面对着的是泰特卢克,那个最大的团伙。Ifelt sick at my stomach. Hardly had the bell stopped ringing in myears than it clanged again and I saw him moving swiftly toward me.Thinking of nothing else to do I hit him smash on the nose. He keptcoming, bringing the rank sharp violence of stale sweat. His facewas a black blank of a face, only his eyes alive—with hate of meand aglow with a feverish terror from what had happened to us all.I became anxious. I wanted to deliver my speech and he came at meas though he meant to beat it out of me. I smashed him again andagain, taking his blows as they came. Then on a sudden impulse Istruck him lightly and we clinched. I whispered, "Fake like Iknocked you out, you can have theprize."我觉得肚子不舒服。我的耳朵里的铃声几乎还没有停止铿锵声就再次响起来,而我就看见他迅速地来到我跟前。什么也还没想我就朝他的鼻子猛击一拳。他一直前来,带来一股子刺鼻的臭汗味。他的脸上一脸的黑色茫然,只有他的眼睛充满了活力——憎恨我并充满了对我们所有人的狂热恐怖的闪光。我也着急万分。我想要拯救我的演讲,而他继续向我走来,好像他想打败我。我曾击败了他一次又一次,当他们到来的时候他使出了打击。然后,我突然一冲动,轻轻地击了他一拳,然后我们热烈拥抱。我低声说,“假如我击倒你,你就可以有奖。”

"I'll break your behind," he whisperedhoarsely.


"For them?"


"For me,sonafabitch!”


They were yelling for us to break it up andTatlock spun me half around with a blow, and as a joggled camerasweeps in a reeling scene, I saw the howling red faces crouchingtense beneath the cloud of blue-gray smoke. For a moment the worldwavered, unraveled, flowed, then my head cleared and Tatlockbounced before me. That fluttering shadow before my eyes was hisjabbing left hand. Then falling forward, my head against his dampshoulder, I whispered.


"I'll make it five dollarsmore."


"Go to hell!"


But his muscles relaxed a trifle beneath my pressure and Ibreathed, "Seven?" "Give it to your ma," he said, ripping mebeneath the heart.


And while I still him I butted him andmoved away. I felt myself bombarded with punches. I fought backwith hopeless desperation. I wanted to deliver my speech more thananything else in the world, because I felt that only these mencould judge truly my ability, and now this stupid clown was ruiningmy chances. I began fighting carefully now, moving in to punch himand out again with my greater speed. A lucky blow to his chin and Ihad him going too—until I heard a loud voice yell, "I got my moneyon the big boy."


Hearing this, I almost dropped my guard. Iwas confused: Should I try to win against the voice out there?Would not this go against my speech, and was not this a moment forhumility, for nonresistance? A blow to my head as I danced aboutsent my right eye popping like a jack-in-the-box and settled mydilemma. The room went red as I fell. It was a dream fall, my bodylanguid and fastidious as to where to land, until the floor becameimpatient and smashed up to meet me. A moment later I came to. Anhypnotic voice said FIVE emphatically. And I lay there, hazilywatching a dark red spot of my own blood shaping itself into abutterfly, glistening and soaking into the soiled gray world of thecanvas.


When the voice drawled TEN I was lifted upand dragged to a chair. I sat dazed. My eye pained and swelled witheach throb of my pounding heart and I wondered if now I would beallowed to speak. I was wringing wet, my mouth still bleeding. Wewere grouped along the wall now. The other boys ignored me as theycongratulated Tatlock and speculated as to how much they would bepaid. One boy whimpered over his smashed hand. Looking up front, Isaw attendants in white jackets rolling the Portable ring away andplacing a small square rug in the vacant space surrounded by chain.Perhaps, I thought, I will stand on the mg to deliver myspeech.


Then the M.C. called to us. "Come on uphere boys and get your money."


We ran forward to where the men laughed andtalked in their chairs, waiting. Everyone seemed friendlynow.


"There it is on the rug," the man said. Isaw the mg covered with coins of all dimensions and a few crumpledbills. But what excited me, scattered here and there, were the goldpieces.



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