

无锡罗浮宫陶瓷展馆 / 埂上设计

非常感谢 埂上设计 予gooood分享一下内容。设计师邮箱:gengshang_design@163.com,Appreciations towards Gengshang Design for providing the following description:


The space-time interlacing, the light of layers changing at the same time , comes from the array elements and stacked art debugging. The process of creating the beauty is the whispering and communication between materials. Simple stacking provide the bright and dark layers, along with the reconstruction of light and shadow on the facade, between the rows for the field of vision to provide a wide range of interesting space.

▼展馆入口,立面肌理形成丰富的光影,entrance with facade texture creating rich shadows


Unique ingenuity, unique sense of view. The beauty of the staggered elements and materials, comes from the clever use of art and emotional expression. The facade texture is like the unusual things, or the wringes intertwined. Light in each parts is showing a variety of morphological expression, in order to achieve an excellent modernist graphic composition effect.

▼前台,石材肌理形成独特光影,reception with unique light shadows created by the facade texture

▼材料和肌理细部,details of the material and texture



As a display space, its own spatial form showing a clear, dialysis, fresh, simple and other important space quality. Consistent with its temperament, designer created a user experience with rich sense of reading which focus on visual center. The overall space is thoroughly refreshing, making the light and shadow staggered with no scruples, enjoy swaying at the same time, but also enriched the temperament and connotation of the exhibition space.

▼入口肌理墙后通向展厅的走廊,饰以带有几何图案的陶瓷板,corridor to the exhibition room behind the facade, decorated by ceramic panels with geometric patterns



The spatial experience is formed by the combination of color interwoven, material collocation, and spatial geometric language. It shows the space of its own calm, clear temperament characteristics, and provides excellent fit point for the cold gray tone. Arraying and paving geometric shapes, forming a refreshing, rational museum experience atmosphere with a dark cool tone. Geometry represents reason and order, in different paving applications, it will show a very different experience to pass. The geometric patterns from vertical slender convey calm, order and quiet feeling, but the geometric design from intertwined collage of the glass mirror, gives people a bizarre thinking-oriented and pulling out the infinite reverie.

▼展厅,以冷灰色为基调,拼贴的几何图案和玻璃镜面带给人奇妙的体验。The grey toned exhibition room with geometric patterns and collage of glass mirror, creating a bizarre ambience.



At the long corridor of space-time, participation with a large number of glass mirror, which shows the extreme transparent and clear. The use of square geometric elements just right to play the view segmentation and the effect of time and space intertwined. The ground raised and overhead, the floor tiles meaning into a beautiful display of works of art, light staggered under the beautiful patchwork texture isolated the time and space, attracts people to see the missed beautiful.

▼交叠的玻璃镜面,collage of glass mirror


Here, the unique charm of the display comes from the sketches of the space temperament. Seemingly wantonly in order to stack the orderly glass, guide the intertwined and penetrating of the views, and its clear mirror reflection effect stretchs and amplification of the original space. Display items in the bizarre space-time transform to a more refined expression. Corresponding to the spatial temperament of the cylindrical stainless steel set, it brings a variety of refraction light. At the same time, the light forms a diffuse reflection, it also gives the magnificent changes to the space. On the side wall, vertical metal grains represent the absolute rationality and order; the combination of stainless steel and black mirror, leads to the philosophic metaphor about black and white, the chaos and clear.

▼展示台,exhibition podium



Turned to look back, geometry facade reciprocates with the light and mirror elements, creates a clear and calm atmosphere. The mirror glass on the ceiling will stretch out the time and space to the three-dimensional space, the multi-level expression of pattern and design language is exquisite.

▼从展厅回望几何形态的立面幕墙,view of the geometric facade from the exhibition room


Order and freedom, intellect and chaos, the space experience brings its own high level of philosophical thinking. But talking about the material temperament itself, it is even closer to the level. The difference is the way that the light is treated, reflects the unique artistic characteristics by different materials at different levels. Glass mirror is crossing and stacking, seem like it is broken disordered, cold and messy, but it contains rich language interpretation in time and space, it also guides people’s thoughts to be meditation and association in front of the colorful lighting magic.

▼镜面玻璃墙引人遐思,the glass mirror wall captures people’s imagination



Exhibits themselves contain rich reading perception, their own texture and geometric properties, and spatial temperament corresponding to harmony. Light reflection and diffuse reflection, reflective and matte, takes the user experience from the endless space-time back to the retractable reality.

▼展品的肌理和空间相得映彰,the space is harmonious with the texture of the exhibits


Clear light and shadow, reflect the reality. Ladder area provides several functions including communication and sharing between designers and suppliers, owners. Here, discarding the design method that the glass mirror stretch levels, using a same material for the ceiling and floor, providing an interactive space. Different forms of three dimensional composition allow the display function bring into full play.

▼阶梯状的交流空间,communication space with ladder area


After the bright and dark intertwined, walk out the corridor with transformation of space-time, leave us the thinking and aftertaste for real and dreamland. Touch the reality, we can still remember that game in the light and shadow.




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