

Highgate 改造, 英国伦敦/ HASA Architects

来自 HASA Architects 对gooood的分享。Appreciation towards HASA Architects for providing the following description:

近日,HASA Architects将位于伦敦北部Highgate Bowl区域的一座废弃的园艺温室改造为一个聚会场所。

HASA Architects has completed works to transform a derelict horticultural glasshouse at Highgate Bowl in North London into a new event space.

▼建筑外观,exterior view


The project, inspired by the frame and construction of the original building, explores the possibilities of this forgotten piece of the city by bringing it back into use through a series of small-scale interventions. These sensitive interventions take the form of new external and internal pathways, as well as rooms and furniture pieces that guide visitors through the large open bays of the glasshouse while framing views of the surrounding landscape and Bowl beyond.

The practice visited the site in January 2017 and set about devising a proposal that would result in the restoration of the derelict glasshouse, creating a versatile event space that could be used for a range of activities including exhibitions and performances. They presented their vision for the glasshouse to the client in February 2017 convincing them of the site’s potential and work began shortly thereafter.

▼通过一系列小尺度的干预让建筑获得新生,the forgotten piece is brought back into use through a series of small-scale interventions



The design’s plywood skin creates a folded landscape that is inspired by the original structure’s frame and panel construction. The new pathways, rooms and furniture pieces are designed in a modular configuration to negotiate the change in levels between each bay and provide separation between visitors and the fragile glass outer skin.

Birch plywood, finished in a white Osmo oil, is used to form the new platform and joinery components. The original sliding doors are replaced with new plywood doors with oversized handles that mimic the structural fins that form the sides to the platform. The use of one material throughout creates continuity and reinforces the connection between each bay while the light tone of the plywood finish offers a subtle contrast against the glasshouse and the landscape. To provide contrast, the application of a dark finish is applied to the existing structure creating a distinction between old and new.

▼新建结构完全由胶合板打造,创造了一个整体空间,the new structure is entirely made up of plywood, creating a whole space

▼开敞的露台与自然紧密联系,the open terrace is in close contact with nature

为了确保建筑在五月的切尔西花卉展览会之前完工,细节采用了物理模型和1:1的结构模型辅助设计。现场施工仅用了六周,并分为三个阶段:1. 温室的复原;2. 玻璃涂装保护膜;3. 安装细木工部件。胶合板部件的制作采用了计算机数控技术在工厂制作,并在十天内组装完成。最后,木板表面涂上了白色的奥斯莫油以保证整个结构的和谐一致。

To ensure completion by the opening of the Chelsea Flower Show in May, the detail design was developed using physical models and 1:1 mock-ups of the structural elements. The works were carried out on site within a 6-week period, phased into three separate packages: i) restoration to the glasshouse; ii) application of protective film to the glass; and iii) installation of the joinery elements.

The plywood components were manufactured off site using CNC (computer numerical control) cutting services and assembled within a 10-day period. The white Osmo oil was applied to the wood once the components were on site to ensure consistency throughout the structure.

▼细节采用了物理模型和1:1的结构模型辅助设计, the detail design was developed using physical models and 1:1 mock-ups of the structural elements

▼轴测图,axonometric view



Photographer: Simone Bossi
Location: Highgate, London, UK
Start on site date: April 2017
Completion date: May 2017
Gross internal floor area: 320 sqm

More:HASA Architects.

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