


全新版英语听说2 答案


Part a

1) 17

2) 1963

3) 1.98

4) 216

5) 1984

6) 1986

7) 3041

8) Third

9) 1987

10) 1988

11) Four

12) 10

13) 1998

14) 6

15) 1990s

16) 45

17) Sixth

18) 1998

19) 1999

20) 5

21) 1999

22) 2001

Part b

E 1 DB


1. Because she wants to enjoy good health. She also wants to stay in shape and look good.

2. Both Peter and Laura like cycling and swimming. Laura also plays tennis regularly.

Part c DCDCB

Tape script

1. W: l like playing basketball, volleyball and table tennis. What about you?

M: Well, tennis is my favorite sport.

Q: What does the man mean?

2. W: You dont like boxing very much, do you?

M: It’s far from being my kind of sport.

Q: What does the man mean?

3. W: I think yesterdays football game was quit exciting. What about you, John?

M: You said it. But it was a bit long.

Q: What does the man think about the football game?

4. W: Do you like to play chess?

M: I like the game, but I dont play it often enough. I’m afraid lama not a very good chess



Q: What does the man mean?

5. M: I knew the names of all the football players and the dates of all the games in my high

school days. But recently l has failed to keep up with football.

W: Now youre busy with your golf games.

Q: What do you know about your man from the conversation?


Part a Yes no yes no yes no no no

Part b


1. For a while

2. Plans this Saturday

3. have dinner weekend

4. Italian too much food

5. Chinese Japanese


1. It uses natural flavors, not much oil or cream or heavy sauces. 2. They will have dinner on Saturday at either a Chinese or a Japanese restaurant.

Part c BCD

Tape script

A: Well, here we are, not too crowded.

B: Great! Lets order quickly so we can chat a little.

A: OK. What are you in the mood for?

B: Something light. I had a huge breakfast and I’m still full.

A: There are three salads. Or you could have soup and a sandwich. B: What are you having? A hamburger, I suppose.

A: No, actually l ate out last night. We had pizza at Pizza Hut, then a late snack at Kentucky Fried


B: Oh, dear. Well, maybe you should have a salad. A: Yes think so. Look, the daily special is spaghetti that sounds good. B: Oh, the prices are great too. Ill just have coffee and a glass of iced water. A: Italian food needs red wine, you know.

B: But we have to go back to work.

A: Ok, a Coke for me then.

B: Here comes the waitress. Let me order first.


1. What is the relationship between the two speakers? 2. Where does the conversation take place?

3. What will they order?

Unit 3

Part a

1. A. Fine and pleasant.



C. cloudy with heavy showers moving in from the west. 2. A, It started around 8 p.m. and lasted for about three hours.

B, it caused four deaths and serious damage including a widespread power failure.

Part b



1. They went to the department picnic but their fun was spoiled by the hot weather.

2. Because he thinks itll only be as short shower that cools things off a little. Part c ABCDB

Tape script

1. W: its been freezing for the last few days.

M: yes. And the forecast says there will be more snow next week, accompanied by strong


Q: what can we learn from the conversation?

t had such a severe inter for al long time, have we? 2. W: we haven

M: no, and the forecast says its going to get worse before it warms up.

Q: what can we learn from the conversation?

3. W: what if it rains hard? What are we going to do?

M: I think it will clear up soon. But if it keeps raining, the whole thing will have to be


Q: what can well warn from the conversation?

4. M: how was the weather when you left New York?

W: it was very much like the weather in Beijing.

Q: what can we learn from the conversation?

5. M: if it is this hot tomorrow, we may have to give up the idea of playing tennis in the


W: the weather forecast says it will cloud over by noon.

Q: what does the man mean?

Unit 4

Part a

1. However :a

2. Because d

3. Firstly ,then ,finally, c

4. In short , b

Part b

E1 打钩处 2 4 5 10 12 13 16 17


Part c

1. Encouraged

2. Talent

3. Composed

4. Conquest

5. Steady


6. Enthusiastic

7. Investing

8. Her real breakthrough in America came when she was selected by Disney to sing the theme

song of Beauty and the Beast

9. In 1996she performed at the opening ceremony of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. 10. She sings the depth and the power of love in a great many of her hits such as Love Can

Move Mountains ,Because You Loved Me, The Power of Love

Unit 5

Part a CD

Part b



1. She has suffered from insomnia for several months and lately has had a lot of indigestion. 2. He gave the patient some medicine for insomnia and indigestion. He also advised the patient

to have a proper diet and begin a regular exercise program.

Part c DBBAD

Tape script

1. W: Jane kept coughing and couldnt go to sleep all night.

M: she must be sick. I hope shes better today.

Q: what do you know about Jane?

2. M: I havent seen Jack for ages.

W: neither have I. But I heard he had been in hospital for three weeks.

Q: what do you learn from the conversation?

3. W: doctor, I’ve been suffering from a stomachache for quite a long time.

M: tell me what you usually eat. You know eating properly is very important for health.

Q: what does the doctor say about the possible cause of the womans illness?

4. M: how is your son Peter feeling today?

W: much better than yesterday. But he still needs to rest for a couple of days before going to


5. M: how is your husband after the operation?

W: he’s getting better. But he still needs to go to the hospital for a checkup in a week.

Q: what does the woman say about her husband?


Part a

1. They are probably business partners.

2. One is showing the other the building where her company has offices.

ndththst3. 2 8 9 1

Introduction history business markets

Part b


1. They are discussing which candidate is more suitable for a vacant position in the company. 2. Leader of a group.


3. Being dynamic

4. Because he has no experience in leadership

5. Because he has always been a follower, not a leader.


Strength 列: Loyal 20 personnel management experienced solid reliable

Weakness: no experience experience cautious dynamic

Those who support his/her promotion: Peter Joan Peter and Clive

Those who are against his /her promotion: Peter and Clive

Part c CCADC

Tape script

Mr. Stevenson was the owner of a general appliance store. He had seen many newly-weds coming into his store to shop first refrigerator, washer and dryer, and air-conditioner. Pen and pencil in hand, they would ask him a lot of questions about price, features and after-sale services, but they would usually walk away at the end of their inquiry.

The other day a young couple came into his store, they asked him all the usual questions and he answered all of the patiently, but when he suggested an order at the end, they replied firmly,

well have to look around places first.

Although feeling a bit disappointed, Mr. Stevenson did not show it. Instead, he smiled, moved closer and said, I know you will go to Discount Dan to look at the price tags. Thats perfectly

understandable. I do the same. In fact, they sell the same stuff as we do. But if you buy things there, there is something you will not get, and that is me. I come with everything I sell. I’ve

been in the business for thirty years and in a few years’ time I’m going to give my store to my

daughter and son-in-law. I hope they will carry on the family business. I stand behind everything I sell and I will make sure that you will never regret buying things from me.

After this short speech Mr. Stevenson offered the young couple some ice cream to thank them for their interest.

Impressed by his honesty and sincerity, the young couple decided to place an order. Questions

1. What did Mr. Stevensons store sell?

2. Why did many newly-weds usually walk away at the end of their inquiry?

3. Which of the following best describes Mr. Stevensons attitude towards his customers?

4. What was Mr. Stevensons response to the young couples refusal?

5. Why did the young couple finally decide to place an order?

Unit 7

Part a

A medium-sized white T-shirt a slogan on the front a shop assistant in getting what he wants

Part b



1. Interesting handsome successful sporty fashionable fun

2. Great terrible

3. The high status group taste and style image

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