

慢屋·揽清,大理 / IDO元象建筑

Appreciation towards Init Design Office (initdesignoffice@126.com) for providing the following description:

“慢屋·揽清”项目是IDO元象建筑(Init Design Office) 近两年在云南大理建设的两个设计型酒店之一,场地位于葭蓬村洱海畔,是一个基于原有农宅的改扩建项目(改造前300㎡,改造后1000㎡)。从最初草图至施工结束一共花了两年半,元象建筑对设计建造的全过程:选址策划、建筑方案及施工图设计、室内(包含软装、家具设计及现场制作)及景观设计,施工现场等环节进行着全程的把控,目前已经竣工并投入正式营业。

MUNWOOD LAKESIDE is one of the two design hotels built by IDO (Init Design Office) in Dali, Yunnan province in resent two years. Located beside Erhai lake, Jiapeng village, it is expanded and reconstructed originally on a farm house, which was transformed from 300㎡to 1000㎡. IDO took the control of the whole process in the design and construction from site planning, architecture and construction design, indoors (including soft, furniture design and site fabrication field production.)and landscape design to construction site. After two and half years design and construction, it is now open for business .

位置 Location


MUNWOOD LAKESIDE locates in west road, Erhai lake, Jiapeng village, Dali, which is the smallest natural village around Erhai lake. The village is surrounded by a unique natural landscape–Haixi wetland,where willow catkins are fluttering, waterfowls are cruising, sky and lake are blue. The village is beautiful and quiet with five or six Inns along the wetland shoreline, and MUNWOOD LAKESIDE is among them.

背景 Background

我们认为:一个好的建筑必定是多方合力的结果,特别需要一个“好”的甲方。为了能盖一栋让建筑师自己满意的房子,2013年初我们决定“那就自己做一次甲方吧”,于是决定“去大理盖房子”。从乙方到甲方,我们遇到了很多新的问题:资金不够怎么办?于是我们又鼓动了周围好几位有同样追求的建筑师好友加入到投资建设团队中,一起成立了慢屋酒店管理有限公司,组织一群有相同梦想的建筑师一起努力。施工现场需要把控,各种关系需要协调。方案同样是改了无数轮:只不过这次是给自己改 —— 过程中我们意识到“其实作甲方也挺难,很多实际的问题需要面对”。——还好办法总比问题多,在解决实际问题的同时,我们努力坚持着建筑学的基本准则。

We are holding the view that a good building must be the result of the multi – force, particularly a “good” party A. In order to build a house, satisfied by architects themselves, we decided to “ be part A ourselves!”, so we made the decision of going to Dali to build a house at the beginning of 2013. We then encountered various new problems from Party B to Party A, like lack of money. So we established Munwood Hotel Management Co. Ltd, encouraging several architects friends who hold the same pursuits to join the investment team. However, we came to realize that Party A was never an easy job, and a great deal of practical problems needed to be settled. The construction site needed to be controlled and all kinds of relations needed to be coordinated; the plan had been changed lots of rounds, but it was changed to satisfy us own this time. Fortunately, solutions were more than difficulties. In the process of solving practical problems, we shrived to adhere to the basic principles of Architecture.

角色转换的一点思考 Reflections on Role Transformation







In those two more years, we acts as not only Party A but also Party B.
Elaborately planned, designing from the user experience: we strive to live up to “Design to create value” by analyzing the use behavior patterns of hotel guest’s , and focusing on the user experience.

Control the cost and emphasize “the suitable construction strategy”: architects can make the space higher quality by controlling the construction ways, in spite of the relatively low construction costs and backward construction technology conditions in Dali.

Emphasizing the sense of social responsibility: Despite the municipal pipe network is not perfect in the Erhai ring road, and investment costs are really limited, IDO spend hundreds of thousands of RMB to equip the reclaimed water system, which can be used as the garden landscape water after the sewage treatment, not discharging a drop of sewage in Erhai.

Architects’ discourse power: The development and construction led by architects can push the construction and operation of the project to a benign, achieving multi- win-win results among the user, the owners and the community, rather than traditional pattern of pursuing return on funds in extensive real estate development period.
Promotion on the design by post occupancy evaluation: The inn has been put into use for nearly one year, and the feedbacks of the guests serving as the real building evaluation to promote hotel design in future.

We believe that this is a pattern transformation, especially in the current economic transition, the role of the architect may be rethinking in the post real estate era.

作为建筑师的坚持 Insistence as an architect


Simply-design-style as starting point: It’s “Contemporary vernacular” ,attempting to make the building really belong to this site, instead of the unconventional one. We manage to respect for the natural environment and regional humanities, concern on the relations of the old and new design, focus on innovation, create values by design ,stress on ecological strategy and environmental protection.

属于场地的建筑 A building belonging to the site


Layout: Controlling the scale, break up the whole into parts and slope roofs echo surrounding farm house .
Boundary: The stone walls ,being served as a boundary ,make the relationship between the inn and the surrounding neighbors are not only different, but also contact.

多层次的公共空间设计 Multi -level public space design


Creating multi-level public space experience, it established the relationship between the architecture and Erhai Lake from multi dimensions , so that users can get what they need and do not interfere with each other. However,the most difficult part of design is to cross the front road to enjoy the Erhai Lake. The relationship between the building and the road is difficult to deal with. So a half sinking public space was designed to make a link. Space below the partition can make a psychological link with the water .While the platform built on the space established a more direct relationship with the Erhai Lake. This platform used the steel structure which was quite different from the main body. The elevation is reduced to establish a close relationship with the same floor ground. The building on the right side of the platform is open for two reasons. For one thing, make stream line below always feel in the spacious outdoors; for another, seen from the road, it looks more ethereal and light, unlike the surrounding houses which were very thick.

客房设计多样性Diversity of guest room design



Design creates values: each guest room has a unique landscape, connecting directly with the site. A total 13 rooms made 10 different rooms to create a variety of experiences.

Relationship with the original house: the transition between the new and old houses was designed naturally; It is very direct in the processing of structure and spatial function; and it is continued in the form.

关注现代建造与传统之关系 Focus on the relationship between the modern and traditional architectures




Low technology as a strategy: It is widely applicable to select the regular structure and construction system under the restriction of cost and local construction conditions.

Contemporary expression of traditional materials: Focus on the relationship between modern and traditional architecture; create a resort atmosphere with plain materials by employ stone walls in frame system which is a mature approach to local artisans.
Reuse with old materials: furniture furnishings are made from local dismantled wooden beam system, reflecting the traces of time and a place-based state .

Plants and lives:A one-hundred-year old tea tree is planted in the heart of water courtyard, which leaves can be roasted in the fire pit. While the fruits of pomegranate and plum in the courtyard can be brewed into wines, that will be a welcome drink at the time of arrival. The vegetables picked in the backyard can be served on breakfast table. The designer intends to convey a simple life concept to the user.

生态策略与绿色环保 Ecological strategy and environmental protection


Besides localization, we also emphasize the sense of social responsibility as an architect. Make full use of the local climate advantages to employ solar hot water system. For the “do not drop a drop of sewage in Erhai”, despite the municipal sewage pipe network is not perfect there, we spend hundreds of thousands of RMB to set 10-ton water treatment system, purifying and reusing for landscape water. We express the love for the natural environment with the responsible attitude; and set up the display window of the water system at the main entrance of the hotel to convey the idea of environmental protection design to the guests.

遗憾与惊喜 Regret and surprise


The original design was a lean-to roof ,expected to be a more modern tendency of new vernacular architecture; however, it was regret that it was changed to the double pitched roof ,due to a sudden control of style in the construction process. While what make us excited and beyond our imagination in the modification is that the internal rooms and lake view constitute more spiritual space under the frame of the double slope roof.


Owners and operators: Chongqing Munwood Hotel Management Co., Ltd.
Project site: Jiapeng Village,West road, Erhai Lake, Dali
construction area: before reconstruction 300㎡,after reconstruction1000㎡
Design time:2013.03-2014.9
Build time:2013.08-2015.06
Completion time:2015.07
Construction site: Dali, Yunnan, China
Architect: IDO (Init Design Office)
Cooperation unit: Chongqing Hexin Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd.
Design team: Su Yun-Feng, Chen Jun, Zong De-Xin, Li Ge, Dengchen, Li Chao, Li Yuan-Chu, Chen Gong
Photography:Cunzai Architectural photography Co., Ltd

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MORE:   IDO元象建筑Init Design Office (initdesignoffice@126.com)


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