

Average True Range 真实波动幅度均值


Average True Range 真实波动幅度均值 1998/10/20   药渣 译

Average True Range is an indespensable tool for designers of good trading systems. It is truly a workhorse among technical indicators. Every systems trader should be familiar with ATR and its many useful functions. It has numerous applications including use in setups, entries, stops and profit taking. It is even a valuable aid in money management.



The following is a brief explanation of how ATR is calculated and a few simple examples of the many ways that ATR can be used to design profitable trading systems.


How to calculate Average True Range (ATR).


Range: This is simply the difference between the high point and the low point of any bar.
True Range: This is the GREATEST of the following:
1. The distance from today\'s high to today\'s low
2. The distance from yesterday\'s close to today\'s high, or
3. The distance from yesterday\'s close to today\'s low
True range is different from range whenever there is a gap in prices from one bar to the next.
Average True Range is simply the true range averaged over a number of bars of data.



1. 当天最高点和最低点间的距离
2. 前一天收盘价和当天最高价间的距离,或
3. 前天收盘价和当天最低价间的距离



To make ATR adaptive to recent changes in volatility, use a short average (2 to 10 bars). To make the ATR reflective of \"normal\" volatility use 20 to 50 bars or more.


Characteristics and benefits of ATR.


ATR is a truly adaptive and universal measure of market price movement.
Here is an example that might help illustrate the importance of these characteristics:


If we were to measure the average price movement of Corn over a two day period and express this in dollars it might be a figure of about $500.00. If we were to measure the average price movement of a Yen contract it would probably be about $2,000 or more. If we were building a system where we wanted to use the set appropriate stop losses in Corn and Yen we would be looking at two very different stop levels because of the difference in the volatility (in dollars). We might want to use a $750 stop loss in Corn and a $3,000 stop loss in Yen. If we were building one system that would be applied identically to both of these markets it would be very difficult to have one stop expressed in dollars that would be applicable to both markets. The $750 Corn stop would be too close when trading Yen and the $3,000 Yen stop would be too far away when trading Corn.


However, let\'s assume that, using the information in the example above, the ATR of Corn over a two day period is $500 and the ATR of Yen over the same period is $2,000. If we were to use a stop expressed as 1.5 ATRs we could use the same formula for both markets. The Corn stop would be $750 and the Yen stop would be $3,000.


Now lets assume that the market conditions change so that Corn becomes extremely volatile and moves $1,000 over a two day period and Yen gets very quiet and now moves only $1,000 over a two day period. If we were still using our stops as originally expressed in dollars we would still have a $750 stop in Corn (much too close now) and a $3,000 stop in Yen (much too far away now). However, our stop expressed in units of ATR would adapt to the changes and our new ATR stops of 1.5 ATRs would automatically change our stops to $1500 for Corn and $1500 for Yen. The ATR stops would automatically adjust to the changes in the market without any change in the original formula. Our new stop is 1.5 ATRs the same as always.


The value of having ATR as a universal and adaptive measure of market volatility can not be overstated. ATR is an invaluable tool in building systems that are robust (this means they are likely to work in the future) and that can be applied to many markets without modification. Using ATR you might be able to build a system for Corn that might actually work in Yen without the slightest modification. But perhaps more importantly, you can build a system using ATR that works well in Corn over your historical data and that is also likely to work just as well in the future even if the nature of the Corn data changes dramatically.


Sample Applications of ATR as an entry tool:


Entry Setups: (Remember, entry setups tell us when a possible trade is near.

Entry triggers tell us to do the trade now.)


Range contraction setup: Many technicians have observed that big moves often emerge from quiet sideways markets. These quiet periods can be detected quite easily by comparing a short period ATR with a longer period ATR. For example if the 10 bar ATR is only .75 or less of the 50 period ATR it would indicate that the market has been unusually quiet lately. This can be a setup condition that tells us an important entry is near.


Range expansion setup: Many technicians believe that unusually high volatility means that a sustainable trend is underway. Range expansion periods are just the opposite of the range contraction periods. Range expansion periods can be measured by requiring that the 10 bar ATR be some amount greater than the 50 period ATR. For example the 10 bar ATR must be 1.25 or more times the 50 period ATR.


If you are concerned about the apparent contradiction of these two theories we could easily combine them. We could require that a period of low volatility be followed by a period of unusually high volatility before looking for our entry.


Dip or rally setup: Lets assume that we want to buy a market only after a dip or sell it only after a rally. We could tell our system to prepare for a buy entry whenever the price is 3 ATRs or more lower than it was five days ago. Our setup to sell on a rally would be that we want to sell short only when the price is 3 ATRs or more higher than it was five days ago. The choice of 3 ATRs and five days is simply an example and isn抰 necessarily a recommended choice of parameters. You will have to figure out the proper parameters on your own depending on the unique requirements of your particular system.


Entry Triggers:


Volatility Breakout: This theory assumes that a sudden large move in one direction indicates that a trend in the direction of the breakout has begun. Normally the entry rule goes something like this: Buy on a stop if the price rises 2 ATRs from yesterday抯 close. Or sell short on a stop if the price declines 2 ATRs from the previous close. The general concept here is that on a normal day the price will only rise or fall 1 ATR or less from the previous close. Rising or falling 2 ATRs is an unusual occurrence and indicates that something out of the ordinary has influenced the prices to cause the breakout. The inference is that whatever caused this breakout has major importance and a new trend is beginning.


Some volatility systems operate by measuring the breakout in points rather than units of ATR. For example the system may require that the Yen must rise 250 points from the previous close to signal a breakout to the upside. Systems measuring points rather than units of ATR may need frequent reoptimization to stay in tune with current market conditions. However, breakouts measured in units of ATR should not require reoptimization because, as we previously explained, the ATR value contracts and expands with changing market conditions.


Change in direction trigger: Lets assume that we want to buy a dip in a rising market. We combine the dip or rally setup described above with an entry trigger that tells us the dip or rally may be over and the primary trend is resuming.


The series of rules might read something like this: If the close today is 2.0 ATRs greater than the 40 day moving average (this condition establishes that the long term trend is still up) and the close today is 2 ATRs or more below the close seven days ago (this condition establishes that we are presently in a dip within the uptrend) then buy tomorrow if the price rises 0.8 ATRs above todays low. This entry trigger shows that we have rallied significantly from a recent low and that the dip is probably over. As we enter the trade the prices are again moving in the direction of the major trend.


As you can see, the ATR can be a most valuable tool for designing logical entries. In our next article we will discuss using ATR in our exit strategies and give some interesting examples.


Using Average True Range for Exits


In this Bulletin we will show how ATR can help us achieve more accurateexits.


ATR EXIT TARGETS: Perhaps the most valuable of all application of ATR is to use it to define profit objectives. If we were to run some tests to define profit objective in terms of dollars we could probably find a particular dollar amount that produced acceptable results when reviewing historical data. Just as an example, let\'s assume that we run some optimizations to find the best level at which to take profits in a particular market and we find that the best number is $1250. Although this amount may produce acceptable results on a historical basis it is not always the best solution to the problem.


When the market is quiet and there is little volatility our profits are likely to fall well short of our $1250 objective. However when the market is volatile and trending strongly our potential profit might be much greater than $1250. The $1250 level is simply a not so happy medium that is usually either too large a target or too small a target.


On the other hand if we measure our profit objective in terms of ATR we have a much more robust and logical solution. Lets assume that we run our tests again looking for units of ATR instead of dollars. Assume our research shows us that our best profit objective is now expressed as 4 ATRs. In a normal market 4 ATRs might be equal to $1250, the same as our dollar denominated target. However in a quiet market 4 ATRS might only be $800. The advantage of our ATR research is that while our original $1250 target is no longer obtainable because of the quiet market conditions the ATR target has adapted to the change in volatility and can still be achieved.


Increases in volatility produce an even more dramatic effect. Let\'s assume that the market is suddenly streaking in one direction because of some important news. Our 4 ATRs is now $5,000. Wouldn抰 it be a shame if our system was taking profits of $1250 when the market is willing to give us $5,000 or more.


streak Vi 快速移动,飞跑;Vt使布满条纹

n 条纹,纹理;(of)个性特征[倾向];一段时期

In addition to setting profit objectives, ATR can also be very helpful in placing trailing stops. Here are two examples that you may recall from discussions on the FORUM page and past BULLETINS.


THE CHANDELIER EXIT: We have often advocated the importance of good exits and this is one of our favorites. The exit stop is placed at a multiple of average true ranges from the highest high or highest close since the entry of the trade. As the highs get higher the stop moves up but it never moves downward.


chandelier 枝形吊灯



Exit at the highest high since entry minus 3 ATR on a stop.


Exit at the highest close since entry minus 2.5 ATR on a stop.


Application: We like the Chandelier Exit as one of our exits for trend following systems. (The name is derived from the fact that the exit is hung downward from the ceiling of a market.)


This exit is extremely effective at letting profits run in the direction of a trend while still offering some protection against a major reversal in trend. In fact our research has shown that this exit is so effective that you can enter futures markets at random and if you use this exit the results over time will be profitable. (If you don\'t believe us just try it.) When used for long term trend following the best values for the ATR in most markets ranges somewhere between 2.5 and 4.0.


THE YO YO EXIT: This exit is very similar to the Chandelier Exit except that the ATR stop is always pegged to the most recent close instead of the highest high. Since the closes move higher and lower, the stop also moves up and down (hence the Yo Yo name). Although this stop appears similar to the Chandelier Exit the logic is quite a bit different. The Yo Yo Exit is a classic volatility stop that is intended to recognize an abnormal adverse price fluctuation that occurs in one day. This abnormal volatility is often the result of a news event or some important technical reversal that is likely to signal the end of a trend. This logic makes the YO YO exit very effective and we seldom regret being stopped out whenever this exit is triggered.

YO YO止损法:该法非常类似于吊灯止损法,差别仅在于其ATR止损点总是盯牢上一个收盘价的,而不是盯牢最高价(或最高收盘价)。由于上一个收盘价不断的变高或变底,止损点也跟着上移或下移(因为我们把它叫做YO YO止损法)。尽管两种止损法表面上很像,但其逻辑还是相当有区别的。YO YO止损法是典型的波动性止损法,即用于辨别一个交易日内异常的不利的价格波动。这种异常波动往往是由于某一新闻事件,或是一种重要的技术性反转(是趋势结束的标志)。这种逻辑使得YO YO止损法非常有效,我们很少因为这种止损触发的退出交易而后悔。

We should caution you that the Yo Yo stop should never be our only loss protection because if the price moves slowly against our position the Yo Yo stop also moves away each day and, in theory, the stop may never be hit.

我们必须提醒你YO YO止损法绝不是我们唯一的亏损保护措施,因为如果价格是缓慢的向不利于我们仓位的方向移动,YO YO止损点也跟着一天天的往下移,永远也不会触发止损点,这在理论上是可能的。

Combining the exits: The Yo Yo and the Chandelier exits work best when used together. The Chandelier Exit is typically set at 3 ATRs or more from a high point and never lowered; therefore it will protect us against any gradual reversal of trend. The Yo Yo exit is typically set at only 1.5 to 2.0 ATRs from the most recent close and will protect our position from unusual one day spikes in volatility. When used together the operative stop each day would be whichever of the two stops is closest.

综合两种止损方法:综合使用YO YO止损法和吊灯止损法更有效。吊灯止损点往往设在距离最高点(或最高收盘价)3ATR或更多的地方,在市场向不利于我们的方向移动时,该止损点是不变的,因此他将保护我们免受趋势逐渐逆转的伤害。YO YO止损点往往设在离上一个收盘价仅1.5或2ATR处,它可以保护我们免受异常的日内价格的剧烈波动。当两者同时使用时,每天的止损价会是两者中最先被触发的那个。

spike n 尖状物;曲线上的陡升线。

Money Management Advice: When using any stops based on multiples of ATR we should keep in mind that volatility can quickly expand to where our risk is greater than we intended. We do not want to unknowingly exceed the risk limitations dictated by our money management scheme so we should also have a \"worst case\" dollar based stop available or be prepared to reduce our position size quickly as the ATR values expand. When should we reduce our position size and when should we implement our fixed dollar stop?


If we are on the right side of the volatility expansion it may not be wise to reduce our position size just as the trade is beginning to do what we hoped for. For this reason I prefer to implement the dollar based stop on profitable positions rather than reducing the size of winning positions prematurely. We obviously want to have big positions in our winners and small positions in our losers. Therefore it would make sense to reduce our position size only if the volatility is increasing in a trade that is going against us. Once extremely large profits have been achieved, positions can safely be reduced without sacrificing too much in the way of potential profits.


By now we hope you have begun to appreciate the value of ATR in designing systems. There are still more uses for ATR that we have yet to discuss (Keltner Bands for example). We hope to have additional articles about ATR sometime in the future. In the meantime we hope this series of articles has stimulated some creative thinking about the many uses of ATR. Lets us know if you come up with more creative ideas on how to apply this wonderful technical tool.


A New Exit Strategy - The ATR Ratchet By Chuck LeBeau 药渣译


The basic idea is quite simple. We first pick a logical starting point and then add daily units of ATR to the starting point to produce a trailing stop that moves consistently higher while also adapting to changes in volatility. The advantage of this strategy over the original Parabolic based exit is that when using the ATR Ratchet we have much more control of the starting point and the acceleration. We also found that the ATR based exit has a fast and appropriate reaction to changes in volatility that will enable us to lock in more profit than most conventional trailing exits.     


Here is an example of the strategy: After the trade has reached a profit target of at least one ATR or more, we pick a recent low point (such as the lowest low of the last ten days). Then we add some small daily unit of ATR (0.05 ATR for example) to that low point for each day in the trade. If we have been in the trade for 15 days we would multiply 0.05 ATRs by 15 days and add the resulting 0.75 ATRs to the starting point. After 20 days in the trade we would now be adding 1.0 ATRs (.05 times 20) to the lowest low of the last ten days. The ATR Ratchet is very simple in its logic but you will quickly discover that there are lots of moving parts that perform a lot of interesting and useful functions; much more than we expected.     


We particularly like this strategy because, unlike the Parabolic, the ATR Ratchet can easily be implemented any time we want during the trade. We can start implementing the stop the very first day of the trade or we can wait until some specific event prompts us to implement a profit-taking exit. I would suggest waiting to use the exit until some minimum level of profitability has been reached because, as you will see, this stop has a way of moving up very rapidly under favorable market conditions.     


The ATR Ratchet begins very quietly and moves up steadily each day because we are adding one small unit of ATR for each bar in the trade. However the starting point from which the stop is being calculated (the 10 day low in our example) also moves up on a regular basis as long as the market is headed in the right direction. So now we have a constantly increasing number of units of ATR being added to a constantly rising ten day low. Each time the 10-day low increases our ATR Ratchet moves higher so we typically have a small but steady increase in the daily stop followed by much larger jumps as the 10 day low moves higher. It is important to emphasize that we are constantly adding our daily acceleration to an upward moving starting point that produces a unique dual acceleration feature for this exit. We have a rising stop that is being accelerated by both time and price. In addition, the ATR Ratchet will often add substantial additional acceleration in response to increases in volatility during the trade.      


The acceleration due to range expansions is an important feature of the ATR Ratchet. Because markets often tend to show wider ranges as the trend accelerates the ATR will tend to expand very rapidly during our best profit runs. In a fast moving market you will typically find many gaps and large range bars. Because we are adding multiple units of ATR to our starting point, any increase in the size of the underlying ATR causes the stop to suddenly make a very large jump that brings it closer to the high point of the trade. If we have been in the trade for forty days any increase in the ATR will have a forty-fold impact on the cumulative daily acceleration. That is exactly what we want it to do. We found that when a market was making a good profit run the ATR Ratchet moved up surprisingly fast and did an excellent job of locking in open profits.     

波动性增加会使止损点上移速度增加,这是ATR棘轮策略的重要特征。在一个快速移动的市场中,你会看到许多缺口和长长的 K线图。市场趋势加速时市场波动性也会增加,因而在我们盈利迅速增加时,ATR也会迅速增加。由于我们要往起始价格中增加一定数量的ATR,所以ATR的每一次增加都会使止损点突然向上跳跃,止损点就变得更靠近入场后的最高价。如果我们已经持有仓位40天,那么ATR的任何增加都会对止损点产生40倍的影响。这正是我们想要的。我们发现,当市场给我们丰盛的盈利时,ATR棘轮止损点也会令人惊讶的迅速上移从而很好的为我们锁定浮动盈利。

Keep in mind that this exit strategy is a new one (even to us) so our experience and observations about it are still very limited. However I am going to discuss a few observations about the variables that might help you to understand and apply this exit successfully.     


Starting Price: One of the nice features about the ATR Ratchet is that we can start it any place we want. For example we can start it at some significant low point just as the Parabolic does. Or we can start it at a swing low, a support level, and a channel low or at our entry point minus some ATR unit. If we wait until the trade is fairly profitable we could start it at the entry point or even somewhere above our entry point. The possible starting points are unlimited; use your imagination and your logic to find a starting point that makes sense for your time frame and for what you want your system to accomplish. Our idea of starting the Ratchet from the x day low makes it move up faster than a fixed starting point (as in the Parabolic) because the starting point rises repeatedly in a strong market. If you prefer, you could just as easily start the Ratchet at something like 2 ATRs below the entry price and then the starting point would remain fixed. In this case the Ratchet would move up only as the result of accumulating additional time in the trade and as the result of possible expansions of the ATR itself.     


When to Start: We can very easily initiate the exit strategy based on time rather than price or combine the two ideas. For example, we can start the exit only after the trade has been open for at least 10 days and is profitable by more than one ATR. My general impression at this point is that it is best to implement the ATR Ratchet only after a fairly large profit objective has been reached. The ATR Ratchet looks like a very good profit taking exit but I suspect it will kick you out of a trade much too soon if you start it before the trade is profitable.

As I mentioned, one of the things I like best about the ATR Ratchet is its flexibility and adaptability. Here is another idea on how to start it. We can start it after fifteen bars but we don't necessarily have to add fifteen ratchets. The logic for the coding would be to start the Ratchet after 15 bars in the trade but multiply the ATR units by the number of bars in the trade minus ten or divide the number of days in the trade by some constant before multiplying the ATR units. This procedure will reduce the number of ratchets, particularly at the beginning of the trade when the exit is first implemented. Play around with the ATR Ratchet and see what creative ideas you can come up with.

Daily Ratchet Amount: After testing it the daily Ratchet amount we chose when we were first doing our research turned out to be much too large for our intended application. The large Ratchet amount (percentage of ATR) moved the stop up too fast for the time frame we wanted to trade. After some trial and error we found that a Ratchet amount in the neighborhood of 0.05 or 0.10 (5% or 10% of one 20-day average true range) multiplied by the number of bars the trade has been open will move the stop up much faster than you might expect.     

As a variation on this strategy the very small initial Ratchet can always be increased later in the trade once the profits are very high. We could start with a small Ratchet and then after a large amount of profit we could use a larger daily Ratchet increment. There are all sorts of interesting possibilities.(不知道如何翻译)     

作为该策略的变通方法,我们可以在最初使用较小的ATR棘轮每天移动量,然后一旦我们获得很大的浮动盈利,我们就可以使用较大的ATR棘轮每天移动量。 increment   增加,增值,增额

ATR Length: As we have learned in our previous uses of ATR, the length that we use to average the ranges can be very important. If we want the ATR to be highly responsive to short term variations in the size of the range we should use a short length for the average (4 or 5 bars). If we want a smoother ATR with less reaction to one or two days of unusual volatility we should use a longer average (20 to 50 bars). For most of my work with the ATR I use 20 days for the average unless I have a good reason to make it more or less sensitive.        


Summary: We have just scratched the surface on our understanding of the possibilities and variations of the ATR Ratchet as a profit taking tool. We particularly like the flexibility it offers and we suspect that each trader will wind up using a slightly different variation. As you can see, there are many important variables to tinker with. Be sure to code the Ratchet so it gets plotted on a chart when your are first learning and experimenting with it. The ATR Ratchet is full of pleasant surprises and the plot on the chart will quickly teach you a great deal about its unusual characteristics.     
tinker 随随便便的修理,小修小补;摆弄  Be sure to let us know if you come up with any exciting ideas on how to apply it. Good luck and good trading.

译者补充:原文中多次提到Parabolic SAR(韦尔达技术指标),以下是译者转摘的相关知识。

Parabolic SAR (Stop and Reverse),抛物转向指标,为一种设定止损点相当有效的韦尔达技术指标,基本原理是将我们股票或商品价格走势假设为抛物线运动。利用价格与指针交*判断趋势反转进行平仓与建立反向新仓。


  SAR(t) = SAR(t-1) + AF * ( EP – SAR(t-1))

1.一开始AF = 0.02,当一个新的极值出现时,AF每次便增加0.02,直到AF值为0.2为止便不再增加;若无新极值,则AF维持前一笔的值。

2.EP是指该上涨波段的最高价(Extreme High),或下跌波段的最低价(Extreme Low)。计算SARt时,以t-1以前的数据寻找EP,而不含t时的高低点。





1. 当抛物转向点(SAR)由价位线之上转到当日价位线之下(由绿点转为红点),代表市势逆转向好,可视作入货讯号。

2. 相反,当抛物转向点(SAR)由价位线之下转到价位线之上(由红点转为绿点),则代表市况转淡,可视作沽货讯号。





1. 运算抛物转向指标(SAR)的缺点是在于公式中的「加速因子」(Acceleration Factor),它不能巧妙地适应于不同商品或股票,必需由运用者作出不断的尝试,才能在波动节拍中寻找最佳的加速因子(AF)数值。一般使用的加速因子(AF)数值的限度在0.02至0.20之间,以0.02值递增或递减(例如:0.02、0.04、0.06.....等等)。

2. 在处于盘整市时,抛物转向指标(SAR)转向频率非常高,会导致讯号追随者在高买低卖的情况下造成亏损。因此,在遇到盘整市时,抛物转向指标(SAR)绝不宜使用。

When to Start: We can very easily initiate the exit strategy based on time rather than price or combine the two ideas. For example, we can start the exit only after the trade has been open for at least 10 days and is profitable by more than one ATR. My general impression at this point is that it is best to implement the ATR Ratchet only after a fairly large profit objective has been reached. The ATR Ratchet looks like a very good profit taking exit but I suspect it will kick you out of a trade much too soon if you start it before the trade is profitable.  
As I mentioned, one of the things I like best about the ATR Ratchet is its flexibility and adaptability. Here is another idea on how to start it. We can start it after fifteen bars but we don't necessarily have to add fifteen ratchets. The logic for the coding would be to start the Ratchet after 15 bars in the trade but multiply the ATR units by the number of bars in the trade minus ten or divide the number of days in the trade by some constant before multiplying the ATR units. This procedure will reduce the number of ratchets, particularly at the beginning of the trade when the exit is first implemented. Play around with the ATR Ratchet and see what creative ideas you can come up with.



Trailing Stops By Chuck LeBeau and Terence Tan
跟踪止损     作者:Chuck LeBeau and Terence Tan

Now that we have taken the necessary precautions to avoid catastrophic losses by using disciplined money management stops, it is appropriate to concentrate on strategies that are designed to accumulate and retain profits in the market. When properly implemented these strategies are intended to accomplish two important goals in trade management: they should allow profits to run, while at the same time they should protect open trade profits.


While their application is extremely wide, we do not believe that trailing stops are appropriate in all trading circumstances. Most of the trailing exits we will describe are specifically designed to allow profits to run indefinitely. Therefore they are best used with trend following type systems. In counter-trend trading, more aggressive exits are more suitable. The “when you’ve got a profit, take it” philosophy works best when you are trading counter-trend, since the anticipated amount of profits is limited. However, to take quick profits in a trend is usually an exercise in frustration: we exit the market with a small profit only to watch the huge trend continue to move in our direction for days or months after our untimely exit. We therefore recommend using different exit strategies based on the underlying market condition. We will discuss the more aggressive exits later; for now we will concentrate on exits designed to accumulate large profits over time.


A thorough understanding of trailing stops is critical for trend-following traders. This is because trend following is typically associated with a lower percentage of profitable trades; which makes it particularly important to capture as much profit as possible when those large but infrequent trends occur. Typical trend followers make most of their profits by capturing only a few infrequent but very large trends, while managing to cut losses effectively during the more frequent sideways markets.


The rationale behind the use of the trailing stop is based on the anticipation of occasional extremely large trends and the possibilities of capturing substantial profits during these major trends. If the entry is timely and the market continues to trend in the direction of the trade, trailing stops are an excellent exit strategy that can enable us to capture a significant portion of that trend.


The trailing stops we will describe in this and following articles have similar characteristics that are important to understand as we use them to design our trading systems. Effective trailing stops can significantly increase the net profits gained in a trend-following system by allowing us to maximize and capture large profitable trades. The ratio of the average winning trade to the average losing trade is usually improved substantially by the use of trailing stops. However there are some negative characteristics of these stops. The number of profitable trades is sometimes reduced since these stops may allow modestly profitable trades to turn into losers. Also, occasional large retracements in open trade profits can make the use of these stops quite difficult psychologically. No trader enjoys seeing large profits reduced to small profits or watching profitable trades become unprofitable.


The Channel Exit

The simplest process for following a trend is to establish a stop that continuously moves in the direction of the trend using recent highest high or lowest low prices. For example, to follow prices in an uptrend, a stop may be placed at the lowest low of the last few bars; for a downtrend, the stop is placed at the highest high of the last few bars. The number of bars used to calculate the highest high or lowest low price depends on the room we wish to give the trade. The more bars back we use to set the stop, the more room we give the trade and consequently the larger the retracement of profits before the stop is triggered. Using a very recent high or low point enables us to take a quick exit on the trade.

    最简单的趋势跟随策略是让止损点跟随着趋势前进的方向不断向前移动,可以用近期高点或近期低点的移动方向来判定趋势方向。例如,在上升趋势中止损点可以放在最近几根K线的最低点处;在下降趋势中止损点可以放在最近几根 K线的最高点处。用来判定最高点和最低点的K线条数取决于我们愿意给交易多少变化空间。我们用来越多的K线条数来确定止损点,我们给予交易的变化空间越大,相应的,在触发止损前盈利回撤的幅度也会越大。使用越近的高点或低点,止损被触发的速度也越快。

This type of trailing stop is commonly referred to as a “Channel Exit”. The “channel” name comes from the appearance of a channel formed from using the highest high of X bars and the lowest low of X bars for short and long exits respectively. The name also derives from the popular entry strategy that uses these same points to enter trades on breakouts. Since we are focusing on exits and will be using only one boundary of the channel, the term “channel” may be a slight misnomer, but we will continue to refer to these trailing exits by their commonly used name.


词汇笔记:Misnomer  错误的名字,使用不当的名字(称);名字(称)的误用

For most of our examples we will assume that we are working with daily bars but we could be working with bars of any magnitude depending on the type of system we are designing. A channel exit is extremely versatile and can work equally well with weekly bars or five-minute bars. Also keep in mind that any examples referring to long trades can be equally applicable to short trades.


The implementation of a channel exit is very simple. Suppose we have decided to use a 20-day channel exit for a long trade. For each day in the trade, we would determine the lowest low price of the last 20 days and place our exit stop at that point. Many traders may place their stops a few points nearer or further than the actual low price depending on their preferences. As the prices move in the direction of the trade, the lowest price of the last twenty days continually moves up, thus “trailing” under the trade and serving to protect some of the profits accumulated. It is important to note that the channel stop moves only in the direction of the trade but never reverses direction. When prices fall back through the lowest low price of the last twenty days, the trade is exited using a sell stop order.


The first and obvious question to answer about channel exits is how many bars to use to pick the exit point. For example, should we set our stop at the lowest low of 5 days or the lowest low of 20 days, or some other number of days? The answer depends on the objectives of our system. A clearly stated set of objectives for the system is always very helpful at these important decision points. Do we want a long-term system with slow exits or do we want a short-term system with quicker exits? A longer channel length will usually allow more profits to accumulate over a long run if there are big trends. A shorter channel will usually capture more profits if there are smaller trends. In our research, we have found that long-term systems generally work well with a trailing exit at the lowest low or the highest high of the last 20 days or more. For intermediate term systems, use the lowest or highest price of between 5 to 20 days. For short-term systems, the lowest or highest price of between 1 to 5 days is usually optimal.     


Trailing stops with a long-term channel accumulate the largest open profits if there is a sustained trend. However this method will also give back the largest amount of open profits when the stop is eventually triggered. Using a shorter channel can create a closer stop in order to preserve more open trade profits. As can be expected, the closer stop often does not allow profits to accumulate as nicely as the longer channel, and often causes us to be prematurely stopped out of a large trend. However, we have noticed that a very short channel length of between 1 to 3 bars is still highly effective in trailing a profitable trade in a runaway trend. The best type of channel exit to use in a runaway trend is a very short channel, for example 3 bars in length. We have observed that this exit in a strong trend often keeps us in a trade until we are close to the end of the trend.     


It appears that there is a conflict of exit objectives here. A longer channel length will capture more profit but give back a large proportion of that profit; a shorter channel length will capture less profit, but protect more of what it has captured. How can we resolve this issue and create an exit that can both accumulate large profits, as well as protect these profits closely? A very effective exit technique calls for a long-term channel to be implemented at the beginning of the trade with the length of the channel gradually shortened as larger profits are accumulated. Once the trade is significantly profitable, or in a strongly trending move, the goal is to have a very short channel that gives back very little of the large open profit.     


Here is an example of how this method might be implemented. At the beginning of a long trade, after setting our previously described money management stop to avoid any catastrophic losses, we will trail a stop at the lowest low of the last 20 days. This 20-day channel stop is usually far enough from the trade to avoid needless whipsaws and keep us in the trade long enough to begin accumulating some worthwhile profits. At some pre-determined level of profitability, which can be based on a multiple of the average true-range or some specific dollar amount of open profit, the channel length can be shortened to take us out of the trade at the lowest low of 10 days. If we are fortunate enough to reach another higher level of profitability, like 5 average true ranges of profit or some other large dollar amount, we can shorten the channel further so that we will exit at the lowest low of 5 days. At the highest level of profitability, perhaps a very rare occurrence, we might even be able to place our exit stop at the previous day’s low to protect the great profit we have accumulated. As you can see, this strategy allows plenty of room for profits to accumulate at the beginning of a trade and then tightens up the stops as profits are accumulated. The larger the profits, the tighter our exit stop. The more we have, the less we want to give back.     


There is another way of improving the channel exit that is worthwhile to discuss: this is to contract (or expand) the traditional channels using the height of the channel, or some multiple of the average true range. How this might work is as follows: Supposing you are working with a 20-day channel exit. First you calculate the height of the channel, as measured by the distance between the highest 20-day high and the lowest 20-day low. Then you contract the channel by increasing the lowest low value and decreasing the highest high value previously obtained to determine the exit points. For instance, in a long trade, you could increase the lowest low price by 5% of the channel height or 5% of the average true range, and use that adjusted price as your exit stop. This creates a slightly tighter stop than the conventional channel. More importantly, it allows you to execute your trade before the multitude of stops that are already placed in the market at the 20-day low.     


The last point can be considered an important disadvantage of the channel exit. The channel breakout methods are popular enough to cause a large number of entry and exit stops to be placed at previous lowest low and highest high prices. This can cause a significant amount of slippage when attempting to implement these techniques in your own trading. The method of adjusting the actual lowest low or highest high price by a percentage of the overall channel height or the average true range is one possible way to move your stops away from the stops placed by the general public and thereby achieve better executions on your exits.     


Trailing Stops - The Chandelier Exit   December 3, 1999By Chuck Le Beau and Terence Tan


In Bulletin #34 we discussed the Channel Exit which trails a stop based on previous LOW points. In this Bulletin we will discuss a stop placement strategy that trails our stop based on previous HIGH points.     


The Chandelier Exit hangs a trailing stop from either the highest high of the trade or the highest close of the trade. The distance from the high point to the trailing stop is probably best measured in units of Average True Range. However the distance from the high point could also be measured in dollars or in contract based points.     


Here are three simple examples: (As usual we will use long side examples. Simply reverse the logic for short trades.) (略)

1. Place a stop at the highest high since we entered the trade minus three Average True Ranges. 2. Place a stop at the highest high of the trade minus $1500.00. 3. Place a stop at the highest high of the trade minus 150 points. (略)

The value of this trailing stop is that it moves upward very promptly as higher highs are reached. The Chandelier name seems appropriate and should help us to remember the logic of this very effective exit. Just as a chandelier hangs down from the ceiling of a room, the Chandelier Exit hangs down from the high point or the ceiling of our trade.     


The reason we prefer to use units of Average True Range to measure the distance from the high to our stop is that the ATR is applicable across markets and is adaptive to changes in volatility. We can use the same formula to trade corn, yen, coffee, or stocks. If the trading ranges expand or contract our stop will automatically adjust and move to the appropriate level continuously staying in tune with changing market conditions. (Members who are not already familiar with the many valuable applications of Average True Range should be sure to review Bulletins #10, 11, 13, and 14.) (略)

In Dr. Van K. Tharp's excellent book, Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, he refers to a study he conducted to demonstrate that an effective exit strategy could produce profits even with random entries. We were not surprised to see that the exit methodology he used to produce the profitable test results across a diversified portfolio of futures markets was the Chandelier Exit. (Tharp used three ATRs trailing from the highest or lowest close and used a ten-day exponential moving average to calculate the ATR.)       Van K. Tharp


Protecting Open Profits When we discussed the Channel Exit in Bulletin #34 we suggested that at the beginning of a trade we should use a wide stop and then, as profits are accumulated, tighten the stop by reducing the number of bars in the Channel. The same profit-protection logic can be applied using the Chandelier Exit. At the beginning of a trade the distance to the stop in most futures markets should probably be in the neighborhood of 2.5 to 4 Average True Ranges. As the trade becomes increasingly profitable we can bring the stop closer by reducing the units of ATR from the high to our stop.  Let's assume that we started with 3 ATRs at the beginning of the trade. After we have reached our first profit level we might tighten the stop to trail the high point at only 1.5 ATRs. After the second profit level is reached we might want to tighten the trailing stop to only one ATR. We have had good results with some highly profitable trades by trailing exits as close as a half an ATR. We have found that some markets have better trending characteristics than others and we prefer to adjust the trailing stops on a market by market basis so there is no universal formula that we would recommend. The important message we want to convey is that to capture the maximum profit potential of trend-following trades the trailing stops need to be tightened as significant profits are accumulated.     (以上几段主要讨论如何保护盈利,在交易初期可以使用较宽松的止损,随着盈利的增加逐渐收紧止损以保护盈利。此方法与上一贴讨论的方法一致,故略去上面内容重复的几段翻译)

Keep in mind that although the highs used to hang the Chandelier move only upward the changes in volatility can shorten or lengthen the distance to the actual stop. If you want to see less fluctuation in the stop distance use a longer moving average to calculate ATR. If you want the stop placement to be more adaptive to changing market conditions, use a shorter moving average. We normally use about twenty bars to calculate the ATR unless there is a specific reason to adjust it. In our experience the use of very short averages (3 or 4 bars) for the ATR can often create problems when there are brief periods of small ranges that tend to bring the stops too close. These abnormally close stops may cause us to exit prematurely. If we want to have a short and highly adaptive ATR without risking placing stops that are too close, we can calculate a short average and a longer average (maybe four bars and twenty bars) and use the average that produces the widest stop. This technique allows our stops to move away quickly during periods of high volatility without the risk of being unnecessarily whipsawed during brief periods of low volatility.     
需要记住的是尽管悬挂在市场高点上的吊灯止损点只会向上移动,但止损点与市场高点间的距离却应该随着市场波动性的改变而增减。如果你希望止损点与市场高点间的距离的变化不要过于剧烈,你可以使用长期ATR;如果你希望止损点与市场高点间的距离更好的反映市场的变化,可以使用短期ATR。我们通常用20条K线来计算ATR,除非我们有特殊的理由使用其他时间周期的ATR。我们的经验是当市场暂时处于小幅波动时,使用短期ATR(3~4根K线)常常使我们将止损点设得太紧,这常常会造成一些麻烦。止损点设得过紧,会使我们过早的退出市场。如果我们即想使用极其灵敏的短期ATR,又不用担心是否将止损点设得太紧,我们可以同时计算出短期和长期ATR(比分别使用4条和20条 K线),然后选择较大的那个,这样我们的止损点就不会太紧。这个方法既能让我们的止损点在市场波动性变高时迅速远离市场高点,同时又不会让我们在市场波动性暂时变小时被无谓的止损出局。

Combining the Channel Exit and the Chandelier

We like to start our trades with the trailing Channel Exit and then add the Chandelier Exit after the price has moved away from our entry point so that the open trade is profitable. The Channel Exit is pegged at a low point and does not move up as new profits are reached. The Channel Exit will move up only when enough time has passed that the previous low is dropped from the data period of the channel. The Channel Exit moves up very gradually over time but it does not move up relative to any recent highs that are being made. This is why we need the Chandelier Exit in place to make sure that our exits are never too far away from the high point of the trade.     


By combining the two exit techniques we can use the Channel Exit as an appropriate stop that very gradually rises at the beginning of the trade. However if the trade makes a run in our favor the prices will quickly move very far away from our slowly trailing Channel Exit. Once we are profitable we need to have a better exit that protects more of our profit. At this point it would make sense to switch to the Chandelier Exit which will rise instantly whenever new highs are reached. This valuable feature of the Chandelier makes it one of our most logical exits from our profitable trades.     


As you can see, the Chandelier Exit is a very useful tool. However coding the Chandelier Exit in TradeStation is not necessarily a straightforward matter. For the convenience of our members we are posting the TradeStation code on our web site at: http://www.traderclub.com/toolkit.htm#chandelier   

Elaborating On Our Multiple Systems Concept多重交易系统概念思考
  无论是在单一市场还是在多个市场中,交易者都只使用一种交易系统,这在过去是一种典型的做法。因为跟随趋势交易有可能获得巨大的盈利,因而趋势跟随策略吸引了大多数交易者。Richard Donchian等众多技术分析先驱都在倡导这种趋势追随策略,他们以及另外一些专业交易顾问还给出历史盈利记录来证明对该策略的偏爱是有根据的。70年代的巨大趋势让那些早期趋势追随者变得富有,整个技术分析世界彻底相信趋势追随策略显然是一个最有利可图的交易方法。
  从价格周期的底部开始,Phoenix系统是用于建立多头仓位的,而此时的趋势被大多数定义定义为下降趋势。如果这种炒底系统成功的话,也就是市场逆转后象我们预期的那样开始一个上升趋势,然后25X25系统和Big and Little Dipper系统就会确认这种上升趋势,并在不断加强的上升趋势的各种规模的回调中买入。当后面的这两个系统开始探测到上升趋势并在上升趋势的各种回调中买入时,Phoenix系统很可能还在耐心的持有一个有着不错盈利的多头头寸。
  此时我们不想只拥有一种多头头寸。经验告诉我们,一个结实的上升趋势是一种风险最低且有盈利潜能的市场类型。这种非常有序的市场为我们提供了一个持有多重头寸的非常理想的环境。在整个上升趋势期间,Little Dipper系统交易的是短期趋势,25X25系统和Big Dipper系统交易的是中期趋势,Phoenix系统则在耐心的坚持着长期趋势。我们不仅使用多重交易策略,我们还在交易多重时间框架内的上升趋势。

Managing Positions When Using Multiple Systems


In our last Bulletin we presented our reasoning for using multiple systems in multiple markets in order to produce more consistent profits and to generate a smoother equity curve. In this Bulletin we will address some of the practical aspects of controlling our position sizes when employing this strategy.


When using multiple strategies/systems in one market we are inevitably faced with the question of how many positions to trade and what to do when long and short trades appear at the same time. Many potential problems can be reduced if the systems are designed to integrate well so that one type of system will be turning off just as a different type of system is turning on. It is certainly not that difficult to devise rules that will serve to eliminate most of the contradictory trading signals.


For example we can require that prices be above a specified moving average in order to initiate buy signals and below that same moving average to generate signals to sell short. Although such a rule might appear to avoid contradictory signals it is not foolproof. It is possible that an existing long position initiated at prices above the specified moving average might still be in place when a new entry is signalled in the opposite direction as a result of prices having drifted below the moving average. In this instance we have an open long position and a new signal to sell short.


Although it is theoretically possible to have two or more accounts and hold both long and short positions at the same time, the common solution is to simply trade the net position. Two longs and a short is a net position of one long. A long and a short is a net position of no contracts. The large CTAs who are trading multiple systems usually trade net positions and some of them easily operate 50 or more systems at a time.


Another possibility with the multiple position strategy is to operate with a limited exposure in terms of the maximum number of contracts traded at one time. For example, assume we wanted to trade all six of our bond systems and never have more than three contracts on at one time. For starters, the design of the bond systems makes it unlikely that we would ever have more than three positions in the same direction. But let\'s assume that it does happen and we are holding three long positions and a fourth system kicks in and says to go long again. We could choose to operate on a first come basis and simply ignore the fourth signal. However, as the designer of these systems I believe there might be a better solution.


for starters 第一;首先;作为开头

I would suggest trading on the basis of giving priority to the most recent signal. If we were long three contracts and got a signal to go long again, I would switch the oldest open position and trade it as though it were the new signal. Lets say that we are long on systems A, B, and C. Then system D gives a buy signal. No new trade is entered and we operate the exits as though we are long in systems B, C and D.

我则建议根据最新的信号进行交易。如果我们已经建立了3笔多头仓位,然后又得到一个入场做多的信号,我会将之前建立的第一笔多头仓位的交易基准转换到最新信号上,这样该仓位就像是根据最新的入场信号建立起来的。比如,我们根据系统A 、 B 和 C建立起3笔多头仓位,然后系统D给出一个买入信号,虽然此时我们没有再次进行新的交易,但效果上相当于做了一次虚拟的交易,因为我们现在是根据系统B , C和D来持有多头仓位的。

The reason I prefer this method is because I know the effort that is put into designing the pre-entry setups for each system. These pre-entry setups are designed to give us an accurate reading of market conditions just as we enter each trade. These pre-entry conditions not only tell us the direction (up, down or sideways) but often tell us the present strength of the directional trend and the best time frame to be trading right now. By switching from the old position in system \"A\" into the new position in system \"D\", we will gain the benefit of using system \"D\'s exit strategy which is most likely to be in tune with current market conditions. I like to call this process \"System Updating\". There is no order needed or entered with our broker to \"Update\" our systems. We simply stop placing exit orders for system A and commence placing exit orders for system D instead.

我之所以选择这种方法是因为每个系统的设置都是经过精心设计的。设计这些设置的目的是在我们入场交易前市场背景必须满足一定的条件。这些市场背景不仅告诉我们趋势方向(上升、下降还是横盘整理),在很多情况下还能告诉我们当前趋势的力度以及我们应该选择的交易时间框架。把原先系统“ A ”的头寸转换为系统“ D ”的头寸,我们就能使用系统D的离市策略,这会使我们受益,因为系统D有可能更适合当前的市场状况。我喜欢把这种转换过程叫做“系统更新”。在这个系统“更新”过程中,我们既不需要下订单,也不需要经纪人,需要的仅仅是取消原来系统 A设置的止损单,代之以系统D设置的止损单。

Another possibility is to limit our open positions to one long term strategy and one short term strategy so that we can monitor all six systems without having more than two positions on at one time. If we have one long term position on we will only enter a second position when it is a short term entry signal. All additional long term signals are ignored or we employ the \"Updating\" technique described above.


As you can see, trading six systems at once does not require that we ever have six positions on at any time. In fact the specific intent designed into the multiple bond strategies is to never have more than one or two positions on at one time unless we are in a strong bull market where trading is easy and usually very low risk. In that ideal market environment we want to have as many positions on as our capital and system signals will allow. If the systems operate as designed we might have as many as four open positions under these ideal conditions. Any more than that would be very unlikely and easily handled.


In summary, the systems themselves should take care of most of the position sizing automatically. But in case we want to limit our exposure or use other position sizing methods there are many ways of applying logical and creative strategies that will limit our open positions to whatever number we desire. We have only illustrated a few of the many possibilities

  然后,如果交易向有利于我们的方向发展,我们就会把止损点设得更紧,这样就能减小或者消除我们资金面对的风险。如果需要,我们会设置一个不赔不赚的止损点,这可以防止我们的盈利交易变成亏损交易。As soon as possible??(意思是什么,我的字典查不到)Whipsaw两面受损:价格开始沿一个方向波动,随后不久,又向另一个方向波动。这种市场经常产生虚假买入和卖出信号,导致两面受损。
  为了更好的实现我们的每笔交易都要实现最大盈利的目标,有时我们可以将我们的离市点设得更远,这样可以防止过早被止损出市场。例如,让我们看看我们以前讨论过的YO YO离市策略,该策略的理论基础是如果市场在某个交易日内向着不利于我们的方向大幅运动我们就退出市场。
  该离市策略是非常有效的,通过衡量当前价格偏离上一交易日收盘价的程度来选择该策略的止损点。例如,如果当前价格偏离上一交易日收盘价的程度是1.5ATR,那么我们就立即退出市场。然而,如果收盘价不断向不利于我们的方向移动,而且价格的日内波动不大,这样我们的止损点就永远不会被触发,因而这种基于波动性的止损点就会不断向着不利于我们的方向上移或下移。显然,这种有可能无限上移或下移的止损点无法控制我们损失的规模,因此YO YO止损策略必须总是与其它固定止损点的止损策略合用。
  现在我们已经讨论了可以用YO YO止损策略来保护我们的交易免受在交易日内出现的不利价格逆转的伤害,但我们还是没有讨论关于如何获取赢利的问题。到目前为止,我们已经讨论了防止我们巨额损失的止损点、盈亏平衡止损点以及让我们在趋势突然逆转时退出市场的止损点,但我们还没有讨论关于获取交易利润的重要问题。
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