

2017-03-22 14:13 参考消息网  
Apparently, half of the developed world is addicted to something, and the numbers are growing. But where once the bulk of our addictions were to substances,now they are to behaviours – things like online gaming, posting on Facebook and Instagram, binge-viewing on Netflix, and obsessively checking emails and mobile phones. This 21st-century pandemic is the subject of Adam Alter's Irresistible, a book which lives up to its title.
We used to distinguish between addicts and others, a view Alter is quick to dispel. We all have the potential to become addicted given the right/wrong environment. It's not you – it's the world you live in that makes behavioural addiction so very likely. In just a few years, he explains, technology and the media have become adept at the lucrative business of gaining and holding our attention. Today's high-tech environment is addictive by design.
You might doubt your iPhone or Fitbit use is an addiction. Until recently, neuroscientists would have agreed. But now we know addictive behaviours produce the same brain responses as drug abuse – the release of dopamine deep inside the brain and its uptake by receptors, resulting in an intense feeling of pleasure.
Meanwhile, psychologists are finding out more about the nature of addictive behaviours. For example, experiments where pigeons peck for rewards reveal the power of unpredictable feedback and explain why a near-win is more compelling than a guaranteed reward.
Feedback is one of six behavioural addiction factors Alter explores. The five others are:goals, which should be just beyond reach; progress, through a sense of incremental mastery; escalation, via progressively more difficult tasks; cliffhangers, to provide tension that demands resolution; and strong social connections. “Despite their diversity, today's behavioural addictions embody at least one of those six ingredients,” he writes.
Then we discover why the creative destruction of Tetris is so compelling, what makes the “juice” in Candy Crush, why World of Warcraft is so toxic, and how “colour coding” (adding coloured tags to different bits of computer code to see which are used most) has revealed that gamers will spend three times as long on a quest to kill as on one to save. And roll up for the “dollar auction” to find out how so-called predatory games are designed to trap you. There are characters galore, and statistics to make you gasp. It's very entertaining.
Irresistible is not all fun and games, though. Alter is concerned about the growth of behavioural addiction and has plenty to say about how we might keep it in check. That's tricky because going “cold turkey” is not an option; we can't live without technology.
But we can reduce temptation. We can use tech to motivate good behaviours. Meet SnuzNLuz, the alarm clock with a hotline to your bank – it donates to your least favourite charity when you press the snooze button. And we have the know-how to create experiences that are compelling but not addictive. Above all, we need to recognise that Instagram, multiplayer games and mobile phones are so enticing because they meet basic human needs.
Luckily for all of us, we also have low-tech ways to fulfil our desires.

2017-03-15 11:35 参考消息网  
Is the internet a failed state? The popularity of this metaphor is growing, along with the dark web, cyber crime,trolling, fake news, ransomware, sabotage,scamming, spamming, viruses and spying.
The web's early promise of a non-commercial, virtual world where netizens could freely engage with one another across national boundaries and without traditional information gatekeepers now seems naive.
But the same technology that powers this dystopian stew of horrors—and Donald Trump's tweets—is a lifeline for many often marginalised groups of people. Here is why.
A plethora of services such as Skype allow even impoverished people worldwide to speak and video call without limits and at zero cost. And they do so. Skype has hundreds of millions of users. Most are unaware that international phone calls were once strictly for the rich.
In Africa, a soon-to-launch phone app,Ugogo, promises to open up a global maker-to-consumer marketplace for craftspeople in remote villages. Artists making products such as jewellery will not need a bank account or even to be literate.
What3Words, the UK phone app, helps people who do not have a street address to take advantage of internet shopping. In the 18 months, it has been adopted by post offices in five countries, including Mongolia, Djibouti and Ivory Coast.
Victims of child abuse form support groups and share information using Facebook and WhatsApp.
Connected products such as webcams help us keep an eye on older people. A UK invention, Three Rings, is a plug that informs loved ones when an older person makes their morning cup of tea, letting them know they are OK.
A couple, Jo and Ron Jowett, have set up a charity, LoveLightRomania for disadvantaged Roma children in Transylvania.“The project has only been possible because of the internet,” Mrs Jowett says. They plan to sell Roma-made products online, from tablecloths to dog kennels.
Steve O'Hear is a successful technology journalist reporting on start-ups for TechCrunch, the AOL-owned technology news website. He is severely disabled and in a powered wheelchair. Mr O'Hear told me:“Once I had a mouse and a keyboard I could be as good as others. Actually, the best.”
Reporting used to be about notebooks and wearing out shoe leather. Connecting with sources online allows him to “break stories, and not always stories that people want to be broken, [that are happening in]cities I've never even been to”, he says.
The internet will probably continue to have its badlands. But connected technologies will continue to deliver progress in all fields for people who need help. Virtual reality will enable non-profits to show graphically to a world audience what is happening in conflict and disaster zones. Drones will fly medicines to places without roads. Translation technology will ease language barriers. And people without access to doctors will use smartphones to consult medics remotely.
The future is rolling out as it should, despite bumps on the road.
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