

吃瓜不易 | 一只远道而来的西瓜 The introduction of watermelon in...


In China, it's common to see people enjoying fresh and juicy watermelons in hot summer. The country has become the world's largest producer and consumer of watermelons. But this popular summer fruit is in fact an exotic crop which had traveled a long way to settle in China.


The homeland of watermelon is generally believed to be the desert regions of southern Africa. Wild watermelons were domesticated about 4,000 years ago and were widely cultivated in ancient Egypt and Libya. Archaeologists have found seeds and drawings of watermelons in pharaohs' tombs of ancient Egypt.

古埃及人对西瓜十分喜爱,他们把西瓜放进金字塔,作为法老的墓葬品。Ancient Egyptians were especially fond of watermelons. They put the fruit in pyramids as a treat for the afterlife.


From Africa, watermelon embarked on its journey to go global. As the Sute (Chinese for Sogdians) merchants who lived in Central Asia expanded trade routes between the East and the West, watermelons were spread to states of Khwarezm, Samarkand and Bukhara in present-day Uzbekistan.

Many Sogdians practiced the religion of Manichaeism and adhered to a vegetarian diet. They believed melons were particularly rich in 'light', an ingredient of divinity.

From 763, the Huihe people (i.e. the Uyghurs), who inhabited around the borders in northern China, adopted Manichaeism as their official state religion and began to grow watermelons on the Mongolian Plateau.


Watermelon was documented to debut in China during the period of the Five Dynasties (from 907 to 960). Qidan (or Khitan), a nomadic ethnic tribe in northeast China that established the Liao Dynasty, invaded the Huihe Khanate and accidentally obtained the seeds of watermelon.

The Qidan brought the seeds back to the capital of Liao Shangjing (in modern Bairin left Banner, Chifeng city of Inner Mongolia), and planted them inside sheds instead of on uncovered farmland.

1995年,考古人员在内蒙古敖汉旗羊山一号辽墓壁画中,发现了我国已知年代最早的“吃西瓜”图。A mural of a Qidan nobleman enjoying watermelons, discovered in a tomb of Liao Dynasty in Inner Mongolia. It was the oldest known scene of ancient Chinese eating the exotic fruit.

辽墓壁画临摹图。A facsimile of the mural.


For more than a century before the Southern Song Dynasty, watermelon had remained a rare species in China, cultivated in only a few areas in the north and offered exclusively to the upper class.

赤峰市宁城县出土的辽代瓜条纹三彩罐 A tri-color glazed pot painted with watermelon stripes, Liao Dynasty, unearthed in Chifeng city


In 1143, Hong Hao, an envoy of Southern Song to the Jin Empire, brought seeds of watermelon to the Yangtze-Huaihe River basin and promoted planting of the fruit in South China. By the mid-Southern Song Dynasty, watermelon was widely grown throughout the country.


However, in recent years, there were new archaeological discoveries suggesting that watermelon may have arrived in China much earlier than previously thought.

陕西历史博物馆馆藏唐三彩西瓜 A tri-colored glazed watermelon of Tang Dynasty, housed in Shaanxi History Museum


A tri-colored glazed watermelon displayed in the Shaanxi History Museum in Shaanxi province dates back to the Tang Dynasty. Also, seeds of watermelon were uncovered from tombs of Han Dynasty in Jiangsu province and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

These findings indicate that the existence of the fruit in China can be traced back to as early as the Han Dynasty (202 B.C. to 220 A.D.).


Despite the fact that there was no record of people growing and eating watermelon between the Han and Tang dynasties, some researchers pointed out that watermelon might still have found its way into China through the ancient Maritime Silk Road.


In early years of the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu dispatched envoys and merchants on a voyage to what considered to be present-day Sri Lanka or East Africa, a place where ships from India, China and Persia converged. The voyage marked the opening of the ancient Maritime Silk Road.


Therefore, watermelons from Africa may probably be imported to South China via sea trade routes and later join melon varieties from the north to finally become a fruit enjoyed by every household.


Over the course of history, watermelon has evolved from a precious offering to pharaohs in ancient Egypt to the most popular summer fruit in China. Today, Chinese people is able to enjoy numerous varieties of watermelons.

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