


2022.05.11 北京


Wang Chao Exhibition Hall - The Most Beautiful Calligraphy exhibition in the New Era


China Yixing network/editor/Cheerful


王超(原名王继超): 诗书画大家1939生于天津,1963年毕业于中央美术学院国画系。受业于李可染、李苦禅、蒋兆和、叶浅予、刘凌沧、吴作人等师長。书法受业于包于軌、吴玉如等前贤。他一生孜孜以求,尊师重道。他擅長山水、花鸟人物。王超书法,基础雄厚,集大成者,气象博大,自成独立風格,汉魏风骨,晋唐韵味,载入史册。王超诗篇浩然正气,天马行空,豪爽有強烈的个性,深刻的内涵。吴作人评“神兼二李,境透清奇”。李可染评:“行成于思,而毁于随”。李苦禅评:“画至写为上乘,书至画为極则”。刘海粟评:“勇于创新”。  蒋兆和评:“艺贵有風格,,真情流筆端。王超之作诚如是也”。  王超《雄風图》1996年(曾挂天安门城楼上大厅中央)。他的作品入编中学课本、高等美术学院教学笵本。他博学深思,学贯中西,立足于华夏民族的根基。





一代书画鉴赏宗师杨仁恺褒他“书画奇才,华夏之光”,同时还有数十位书画大师、艺评大家高度赞扬了王超先生的成就, 资深艺术鉴赏、评论大家贾德江说:“王超是站在历史的高度,以博大的胸怀吞吐上下千年的文化,以独有的感觉方式,独立的语言表达,展示自己独到的艺术内涵。


A brief introduction of famous poets and calligraphers wang Chao

Wang Chao (original name: Wang Jichao) was born in tianjin in 1939 and graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1963. He was trained by li Keran, Li Kuchan, Jiang Zhaohe, Ye Chianyu, Liu Lingcang, Wu Zuoren and other teachers. Calligraphy by Bao Yu rail, Wu Yu Ru and other former sages. He devoted his life to pursuing and respecting his teachers. He is good at landscapes, flowers and birds. Wang Chao calligraphy, the foundation is strong, comprehensive, broad weather, independent style, Han wei style, Jin tang charm, recorded in history. Wang Chao's poems have strong personality and profound connotation. Wu zuoren comments 'god and two Li, the environment through qing qi'. Li Keran commented: 'Success depends on thought, and destroyed by following'. Li Kuchan commented: 'painting to writing is excellent, book to painting is extreme.' Liu Haisu comments: 'innovation'. Jiang Zhaohe commented: 'Art your style, the truth flow pen end. Wang Chao works sincerely so also '. Wang Chao's Portrait of the Mighty Wind, 1996 (once hung in the center of the hall upstairs in Tian 'anmen City). His works were included in secondary school textbooks, Hanoi University of Fine Arts teaching project. He was erudite and thoughtful, both Chinese and Western, based on the foundation of the Chinese nation.

He used to be professor of Tianjin Arts and Crafts Institute, distinguished professor of Training College of Renmin University of China, member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Heshan Painting Association, member of Chinese Writers Association, adviser of Chinese Painters and Calligraphers Association, president of Tianjin Landscape Painting Research Association. In 1964, he held Wang Chao Exhibition in Tianjin Hebei Art Normal University, 1980 wang Chao Exhibition in Beijing, after 1982, he held solo exhibitions in Qingdao, Tianjin, Shenyang, Wuhan, Yantai, Shenzhen and other places. Held in national art museum of China in 1993 'wang chao painting exhibition', in the central academy of fine arts, house of emperor city art, contemporary museum held 'wang chao and literature painting exhibition', 'wang chao HuaXuan', published in 1982, after publishing 'wang chao ShuFaJi', 'wang chao freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese peony essence', 'wang chao commemorating', 'selected poems of wang chao Chinese soul', 'wang chao research' and so on. Wang Chao was a master of poetry and calligraphy of the founding School. Wang Chao said, 'A real artist should be a thinker.' Wang Chao deserves it. His thoughts and art are bound to have a profound influence on history.

Mr. Wang Chao is a generalist in poetry and painting with extraordinary creative ability. He wrote more than 900 poems, calligraphy and painting is famous at home and abroad. Wu Zuoren praised him 'god and two Li, through the qing qi.' Liu haisu praised him for being 'innovative'. Master Li Kuchan commented that 'painting to book is excellent, book to painting is extreme'. Master Li Keran said that 'there is no smooth road to a high peak' and 'precious courage'. There were also many unknown people who were impressed by Wang chao's patriotic poems, among which jining poet He Baoting praised Wang Lao:

Xing fu poems more than nine hundred, golden sentence miao lian zhengqi song.

Punctuation also risk the soul of China, praise the army chant people sing the motherland.

A generation of painting and calligraphy appreciation master Yang Renkai praised him as 'a wizard of painting and calligraphy, the light of China', and dozens of painting and calligraphy masters, art critics highly praised Mr. Wang Chao's achievements, senior art appreciation, critics Jia Dejiang said: 'Wang Chao is standing at the height of history, with a broad mind to absorb thousands of years of culture, with a unique way of feeling, independent language expression, display their own unique artistic connotation.

-- Morning and evening show


The most Beautiful Calligraphy exhibition in the New Era

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