

雷蒙德·卡佛:告诉女人们我们出去一趟 | 双语阅读


'Sounds good to me. I'll tell the women we're going.'


Tell the Women We're Going


作者 | 雷蒙德·卡佛
译者 | 小二
原著 | 《当我们谈论爱情时我们在谈论什么》
出版 | 南海出版公司

BILL Jamison had always been best friends with Jerry Roberts. The two grew up in the south area, near the old fairgrounds, went through grade school and junior high together, and then on to Eisenhower, where they took as many of the same teachers as they could manage, wore each other's shirts and sweaters and pegged pants, and dated and banged the same girls—whichever came up as a matter of course.

  • fairground [ˈfɛrɡraʊnd] n. a place where a fair showing farm animals, farm products, etc. is held 集市 
  • grade school 小学
  • junior high 初中
  • pegged pants 缩小裤脚的长裤,窄管裤,锥形裤
  • bang [bæŋ] v. 
    to have sex with a woman 

  • come up 出现,发生
  • (as) a matter of course 

     (as) the usual and correct thing to do (


Summers they took jobs together—swamping peaches, picking cherries, stringing hops, anything they could do that paid a little and where there was no boss to get on your ass. And then they bought a car together. The summer before their senior year, they chipped in and bought a red 54 Plymouth for $325.

  • swamp [swɒmp] v. to cover a place or thing with a large amount of water 淹没,浸没

  • string  [strɪŋ] v. to put a string through a number of objects 用细绳(或线等)把…串在一起

  • hop [hɒp] n. 啤酒花

  • get on sb’s ass 纠缠某人,盯着某人干

  • chip in  to con tribute money or effort to something as part of a group effort 凑钱

They shared it. It worked out fine.

But Jerry got married before the end of the first semester and dropped out of school to work steady at Robby's Mart.

As for Bill, he'd dated the girl too. Carol was her name, and she went just fine with Jerry, and Bill went over there every chance he got. It made him feel older, having married friends. He'd go over there for lunch or for supper, and they'd listen to Elvis or to Bill Haley and the Comets.

But sometimes Carol and Jerry would start making out right with Bill still there, and he'd have to get up and excuse himself and take a walk to Dezorn's Service Station to get some Coke because there was only the one bed in the apartment, a hide-away that came down in the living room. Or sometimes Jerry and Carol would head off to the bathroom, and Bill would have to move to the kitchen and pretend to be interested in the cupboards and the refrigerator and not trying to listen.

  • make out 
    to engage in sexual activity
  • head off to sth 前往…

So he stopped going over so much; and then June he graduated, took a job at the Darigold plant, and joined the National Guard. In a year he had a milk route of his own and was going steady with Linda. So Bill and Linda would go over to Jerry and Carol's, drink beer, and listen to records.

  • go steady with sb
    o h
    ave a long regular romantic relationship with someone 
  • record 
Carol and Linda got along fine, and Bill was flattered when Carol said that, confidentially, Linda was 'a real person.'

  • flattered
     [ˈflætərd] adj. 受宠若惊的,感到荣幸的

  • confidentially [kənˈfɪdəntiəli] adv. 私下地,机密地

Jerry liked Linda too. 'She's great,' Jerry said.

When Bill and Linda got married, Jerry was best man. The reception, of course, was at the Donnelly Hotel, Jerry and Bill cutting up together and linking arms and tossing off glasses of spiked punch. But once, in the middle of all this happiness, Bill looked at Jerry and thought how much older Jerry looked, a lot older than twenty-two. By then Jerry was the happy father of two kids and had moved up to assistant manager at Robby's, and Carol had one in the oven again.

  • reception 
    [rɪˈsɛpʃən] n. [C] 
    a social occasion held to welcome someone or to celebrate a particular event 
  • cut up 
    to behave in a noisy and silly way 
  • toss off 
    [tɔs ɒf] v.
    to drink something quickly and easily, usually alcohol 
  • spike
    to add alcohol, poison or a drug to sb's drink or food without them knowing 在…中偷偷掺入(烈酒、毒药或毒品)
  • punch 
    a hot or cold drink made by mixing water, fruit juice, spices, and usually wine or another alcoholic drink
  • have one / a bun in the oven 
    to be pregnant
THEY saw each other every Saturday and Sunday, sometimes oftener if it was a holiday. If the weather was good, they'd be over at Jerry's to barbecue hot dogs and turn the kids loose in the wading pool Jerry had got for next to nothing, like a lot of other things he got from the Mart.

  • turn sb loose
     to release or set free
  • the wading pool 
    a shallow pool for children to play in
  • next to nothing 
    almost nothing
Jerry had a nice house. It was up on a hill overlooking the Naches. There were other houses around, but not too close. Jerry was doing all right. When Bill and Linda and Jerry and Carol got together, it was always at Jerry's place because Jerry had the barbecue and the records and too many kids to drag around.

  • overlook
    [ˌoʊvərˈlʊk] v.
    if a building, etc. overlooks a place, you can see that place from the building
It was a Sunday at Jerry's place the time it happened.

The women were in the kitchen straightening up. Jerry's girls were out in the yard throwing a plastic ball into the wading pool, yelling, and splashing after it.

  • straighten up 
    to make sth neat and tidy
  • splash 
    [splæʃ] v. 
    to cause liquid to scatter about, especially by hitting a surface or object
Jerry and Bill were sitting in the reclining chairs on the patio, drinking beer and just relaxing.

  • the reclining chair
  • patio
    n.[C] 露台,平台
Bill was doing most of the talking—things about people they knew, about Darigold, about the four-door Pontiac Catalina he was thinking of buying.

Jerry was staring at the clothesline, or at the '68 Chevy hardtop that stood in the garage. Bill was thinking how Jerry was getting to be deep, the way he stared all the time and hardly did any talking at all.

  • clothesline
    [ˈkloʊz.laɪn] n. [C] 晾衣绳,晾衣绳架
  • hardtop
    ['hɑːd.tɑːp] n. [C] 硬顶敞篷车
  • deep
    [diːp] adj.
    if a person is deep, they hide their real feelings and opinions
Bill moved in his chair and lighted a cigarette.

He said, 'Anything wrong, man? I mean, you know.' 

Jerry finished his beer and then mashed the can. He shrugged. 'You know,' he said. Bill nodded.

  • mash
    [mæʃ] v
    o press something unpleasant or soft into a flat shape
  • shrug
    [ʃrʌg] v. 耸肩

Then Jerry said, 'How about a little run?' 

'Sounds good to me,' Bill said. 'I'll tell the women we're going.'

THEY took the Naches River highway out to Gleed, Jerry driving. The day was sunny and warm, and air blew through the car.

'Where we headed?' Bill said.

'Let's shoot a few balls.”

“Fine with me,' Bill said. He felt a whole lot better just seeing Jerry brighten up.

  • brighten up to become cheerful, to become more lively(使)变得快乐、振奋
'Guy's got to get out,' Jerry said. He looked at Bill. 'You know what I mean?'

Bill understood. He liked to get out with the guys from the plant for the Friday-night bowling league. He liked to stop off twice a week after work to have a few beers with Jack Broderick. He knew a guy's got to get out.

  • stop off

    If you stop off somewhere, you stop for a short time in the middle of a journey. 中途逗留

'Still standing,' Jerry said, as they pulled up onto the gravel in front of the Rec Center.

  • pull up 
    to stop (a vehicle)
  • grave
    [ˈɡrævl] n. [U]
    small pieces of rock
They went inside, Bill holding the door for Jerry, Jerry punching Bill lightly in the stomach as he went on by.
  • punch 
    [pʌntʃ] v.
    to hit with a closed hand or fist
'Hey there!'

It was Riley.

'Hey, how you boys keeping?'

It was Riley coming around from behind the counter, grinning. He was a heavy man. He had on a short-sleeved Hawaiian shirt that hung outside his jeans. Riley said, 'So how you boys been keeping?'

  • grin [ɡrɪn] v. to smile widely 露齿而笑,咧嘴一笑

'Ah, dry up and give us a couple of Olys,' Jerry said, winking at Bill. 'So how you been, Riley?' Jerry said.

  • dry up
    [draɪ ʌp] v. 使(某人)闭嘴
Riley said, 'So how you boys doing? Where you been keeping yourselves? You boys getting any on the side? Jerry, the last time I seen you, your old lady was six months gone.'

  • on the side 
Jerry stood a minute and blinked his eyes.

'So how about the Olys?' Bill said.

They took stools near the window. Jerry said, 'What kind of place is this, Riley, that it don't have any girls on a Sunday afternoon?'

  • stool 
    [stuːl] n. [C] 凳子

Riley laughed. He said, 'I guess they're all in church praying for it.'

They each had five cans of beer and took two hours to play three racks of rotation and two racks of snooker, Riley sitting on a stool and talking and watching them play, Bill always looking at his watch and then looking at Jerry.

  • rack
    [ræk] n.(用于台球或斯诺克比赛开球时放置球的)三角框

  • rotation
     [roʊˈteɪʃn] n. 顺序球,一种十五球的台球游戏,玩时须按照球的号码顺序击球

  • snooker
     [ˈsnuːkər] n. [U] 斯诺克球戏

Bill said, 'So what do you think, Jerry? I mean, what do you think?' Bill said.

Jerry drained his can, mashed it, then stood for a time turning the can in his hand.
  • drain 
    [dreɪn] v.
    to empty a cup or glass by drinking everything in it 

BACK on the highway, Jerry opened it up—little jumps of eighty-five and ninety. They'd just passed an old pickup loaded with furniture when they saw the two girls.

  • pickup
    ['pɪkʌp] n.
    a small truck with an open back
'Look at that!' Jerry said, slowing. 'I could use some of that.”

Jerry drove another mile or so and then pulled off the road. 'Let's go back,' Jerry said. 'Let's try it.'

'Jesus,' Bill said. 'I don't know.”

“I could use some,' Jerry said.

Bill said, 'Yeah, but I don't know.'

'For Christ's sake,' Jerry said.

Bill glanced at his watch and then looked all around. He said, 'You do the talking. I'm rusty.'
  • rusty
    [ˈrʌsti] adj.
    out of practice, not as skillful as before

Jerry hooted as he whipped the car around.

  • toot [tuːt] v. to make a short, sharp sound(使)发出短促的声音,短促地按喇叭
  • whip sth around to move something quickly in a circular motion 转动某物

He slowed when he came nearly even with the girls. He pulled the Chevy onto the shoulder across from them. The girls kept on going on their bicycles, but they looked at each other and laughed. The one on the inside was dark-haired, tall, and willowy. The other was light-haired and smaller. They both wore shorts and halters.

  • shoulder
    [ˈʃoʊldər] n. (路边的)路肩
  • willowy 
    [ˈwɪloʊi] ad
     tall, thin and attractive 
  • halter
    ['hɔltər] n. (女用的)背心式上衣

“Bitches,' Jerry said. He waited for the cars to pass so he could pull a U.

'I'll take the brunette,' he said. He said, 'The little one's yours.'

  • brunette
     [bruˈnet] n. 深色头发的女人

Bill moved his back against the front seat and touched the bridge of his sunglasses. 'They're not going to do anything,' Bill said.

'They're going to be on your side,' Jerry said.

He pulled across the road and drove back. 'Get ready,' Jerry said.

'Hi,' Bill said as the girls bicycled up. 'My name's Bill,' Bill said.

“That's nice,' the brunette said.

'Where are you going?' Bill said.

The girls didn't answer. The little one laughed. They kept bicycling and Jerry kept driving.

'Oh, come on now. Where you going?' Bill said.
“哦, 别这样嘛,你们去哪儿”比尔说。

'No place,' the little one said.

“Where's no place?' Bill said.

'Wouldn't you like to know,' the little one said.

'I told you my name,' Bill said. 'What's yours? My friend's Jerry,' Bill said.

The girls looked at each other and laughed.

A car came up from behind. The driver hit his horn.

'Cram it!' Jerry shouted.

He pulled off a little and let the car go around. Then he pulled back up alongside the girls.

Bill said, 'We'll give you a lift. We'll take you where you want. That's a promise. You must be tired riding those bicycles. You look tired. Too much exercise isn't good for a person. Especially for girls.”

  • give sb a lift 


The girls laughed.

'You see?' Bill said. 'Now tell us your names.'

'I'm Barbara, she's Sharon,' the little one said.

'All right!' Jerry said. 'Now find out where they're going.'

'Where you girls going?' Bill said. 'Barb?'

She laughed. 'No place,' she said. 'Just down the road.'

'Where down the road?”

“Do you want me to tell them?' she said to the other girl.

'I don't care,' the other girl said. 'It doesn't make any difference,' she said. 'I'm not going to go anyplace with anybody anyway,' the one named Sharon said.

'Where you going?' Bill said. 'Are you going to Picture Rock?'

The girls laughed.

“That's where they're going,' Jerry said.

He fed the Chevy gas and pulled up off onto the shoulder so that the girls had to come by on his side.

'Don't be that way,' Jerry said. He said, 'Come on.' He said, 'We're all introduced.'

The girls just rode on by.

'I won't bite you!' Jerry shouted.

The brunette glanced back. It seemed to Jerry she was looking at him in the right kind of way. But with a girl you could never be sure.

Jerry gunned it back onto the highway, dirt and pebbles flying from under the tires.

  • gun
    to make an engine operate at a higher speed

'Well be seeing you!' Bill called as they went speeding by.

'It's in the bag,' Jerry said. 'You see the look that cunt gave me?'

'I don't know,' Bill said. 'Maybe we should cut for home.'

'We got it made!' Jerry said.

HE pulled off the road under some trees. The highway forked here at Picture Rock, one road going on to Yakima, the other heading for Naches, Enumclaw, the Chinook Pass, Seattle.

  • pull off
    [pʊl ɒf] v. (下车) 离开公路

A hundred yards off the road was a high, sloping, black mound of rock, part of a low range of hills, honeycombed with footpaths and small caves, Indian sign-painting here and there on the cave walls. The cliff side of the rock faced the highway and all over it there were things like this: NACHES 67 —GLEED WILDCATS—JESUS SAVES—BEAT YAKIMA — REPENT NOW.

  • fork
     [fɔrk] v. 分叉
  • mound 
    [maʊnd] n.[C]
    a large pile of earth, stones, etc. like a small hill 

  • range 
    n.[C]a line or group of mountains or hills 山脉

  • honeycombed [ˈhʌniˌkoʊmd] adj. filled with many holes, hollow passages etc 蜂巢状的
  • repent [rɪˈpent] v. to feel and show that you are sorry for sth bad or wrong that you have done 

They sat in the car, smoking cigarettes. Mosquitoes came in and tried to get at their hands.

'Wish we had a beer now,' Jerry said. 'I sure could go for a beer,' he said.

Bill said, 'Me too,' and looked at his watch.

WHEN the girls came into view, Jerry and Bill got out of the car. They leaned against the fender in front.

  • fender
    [ˈfɛndər] n. [C] 挡泥板

'Remember,' Jerry said, starting away from the car, 'the dark one's mine. You got the other one.'

The girls dropped their bicycles and started up one of the paths. They disappeared around a bend and then reappeared again, a little higher up. They were standing there and looking down.

  • bend
    [bɛnd] n. [C] 
    a curved or angled part of a road, river, or other geographical feature

“What're you guys following us for?' the brunette called down. Jerry just started up the path.

Jerry just started up the path.

The girls turned away and went off again at a trot.

  • trot 
    a slow run by a human
Jerry and Bill kept climbing at a walking pace. Bill was smoking a cigarette, stopping every so often to get a good drag. When the path turned, he looked back and caught a glimpse of the car.

  • drag n.[C] the act of breathing in smoke from your cigarette

'Move it!' Jerry said.

'I'm coming,' Bill said.

They kept climbing. But then Bill had to catch his breath. He couldn't see the car now. He couldn't see the highway, either. To his left and all the way down, he could see a strip of the Naches like a strip of aluminum foil.

Jerry said, 'You go right and I'll go straight. We'll cut the cockteasers off.'

  • cockteaser
    ['kɒkˌtiːzər] n.
     a woman who deliberately behaves in a sexually provocative way towards men in order to excite them
Bill nodded. He was too winded to speak.

  • be too winded to do sth
    o tired to do sth

He went higher for a while, and then the path began to drop, turning toward the valley. He looked and saw the girls. He saw them crouched behind an outcrop. Maybe they were smiling.

  • crouch
    [kraʊtʃ] v. 
    to lower your body close to the ground by bending your legs 
  • outcrop
    [ˈaʊtkrɒp] n. 
    a large rock, often with a pointed top, that sticks out from a cliff or hill

Bill took out a cigarette. But he could not get it lit. Then Jerry showed up. It did not matter after that.

Bill had just wanted to fuck. Or even to see them naked. On the other hand, it was okay with him if it didn't work out.

He never knew what Jerry wanted. But it started and ended with a rock. Jerry used the same rock on both girls, first on the girl called Sharon and then on the one that was supposed to be Bill's.

The End
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