

  1. 本文英语部分选自唐纳德·巴塞尔姆作品

A City of Churches


'Yes,' said Mr Phillips, 'we're a church town to the core.'

Cecilia nodded and followed his fingers wherever they went. On either side of the street, rows of churches stand side by side in different architectural styles. Seafarer Baptist Church is next to St. Saviour's Free Baptist Church, and St. Paul's Episcopal Church is next to Evangelical Church. Beyond that were the First Church of Christian Science, the Church of the Almighty, the Church of All Souls, the Church of Our Lady, the Church of the Brotherhood, the Church of God, and the Church of the Holy Apostles, with the spires and towers of classical architecture intermingled among the whimsical 'contemporary' skyscrapers.



'Everyone here has a strong interest in the church,' Mr. Phillips said.

Can I do this? Cecilia can't hold it. She had come to Prestown to open a branch for a taxi company.

'I'm not particularly religious,' she told Mr. Phillips, who deals in real estate.

'Not now,' he replied. 'Not for long. But we have a lot of elegant young people here, and you'll soon get along with them. The question at hand is where do you live? Most people, 'he said,' live in the church they follow. All our churches have lots of rooms for rent. There are some belfry apartments I can show you. How much are you going to pay?'





As they turned the corner, more churches appeared before them. They walked through St. Luke's Church, Apparition Church, Ukrainian Orthodox Church, St. Clement's Church, Holy Spring Baptist Church, Congregational Guild Church, St. Anna's and Mary's Church, Emmanuel Temple Church, and First Reformed Christian Church. The doors of all the churches were wide open, and inside, a dim light could be seen.

'I won't give more than a hundred,' Cecilia said. 'Do you have any houses here that aren't churches?'

'No,' said Mr. Phillips. 'Of course, many of our fine church buildings here serve other purposes.' He pointed to a stately Georgian facade. 'There,' he said, 'is the Methodist church and the city Department of Education. Next to it is Antioco Church of the Holy Spirit, which has a barber shop.'




Seriously. In front of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Antioco, a sign for a barbershop with red and white stripes looms large.

'Do many people rent cars here?' Cecilia asked. 'If there was a taxi stand nearby, would anyone rent a car?'

'Oh, I don't know,' said Mr Phillips. 'Renting a car means someone is going somewhere else. But most people are content to live here. We have many social activities. If I were running a business in Preston Town, I don't think I would have chosen the taxi business. But you'll do a great job.' He showed her a small, particularly modern building with a stately facade of brick, steel, and glass. 'That's St. Barnabar's Church. It's full of decent people. It's also a delicious spaghetti restaurant.'

Cecilia could see people peeking out of Windows to look at her. But as soon as she glared at them, the heads drew back.





'Do you think it will do any good to have so many churches crowded together?' 'She asked the guide. 'It doesn't seem... Balance, if you know what I mean.'

'We're famous for having a lot of churches,' Mr. Phillips replied. 'They didn't hurt, and now we're here.'

He opened a door and climbed a few flights of dusty stairs. At the top they entered a large, square room with Windows on all sides. There was a bed, a table, two chairs, a lamp, and a rug. Four huge brass bells hung from the middle of the roof.

'What a beautiful view! 'Exclaimed Mr Phillips. 'Come here and see.'

'Can they really ring these clocks?'






'Three times a day,' Mr. Phillips said, smiling broadly. 'Morning, noon, night, and, of course, when the clock strikes, you must get out of the way as fast as you can. Otherwise, these babes will hit you on the head, and this place will be famous for it.'

'God Almighty,' Cecilia burst out. Then she said, 'No one will live in a bell tower apartment. So these houses are still empty.'

'Do you think so? 'Said Mr. Phillips.

'You can only rent these rooms to new arrivals,' she scolded.

'I won't do that,' Mr. Phillips said. 'It is against the spirit of Christian love.'

'It's a bit of a bore, you know?







'Perhaps a little, but you can't say that, can you? I thought you were new here, you had to be careful, at least for a while. If you don't want to live upstairs, I've got a ground-floor flat at Central Presbyterian Church, but you'll have to share it. There are two women there already. '

'I don't want to share,' Cecilia said. 'I want a single room.'

'Why not? 'Asked the real estate dealer curiously. 'For what purpose?

'Purpose?' 'Asked Cecilia. 'There is no particular purpose. I just want --'






'It's very rare here. People live with each other. Husbands and wives, sons followed their mothers. People have roommates. Such is the custom here.'

'I'm still going to have a room to myself.'

'That's very rare.'

'Do you have such a room? Apart from these bell towers, I mean? '

'I'm afraid they're rare,' Mr. Phillips said, with a clear sense of disapproval. 'I suppose I could show you one or two places.'

He hesitated for a moment.






'Maybe we have some different social norms than nearby cities,' he explained. 'Our reputation was so great that at one time we had a four-minute programme on the Central Radio Evening News. Three or four years ago, they called us the City of churches.'

'Yes, I must have my own lodging,' said Cecilia, 'if I am to live here.'

'It's a funny attitude to take,' said Mr. Phillips. 'What church are you?'

Cecilia was silent, in fact because she was not of any religious denomination.

'I say, what religion are you?' 'Repeated Mr. Phillips.

'I can dream what I want,' Cecilia said. 'Whatever I want, I can dream. If I wish to dream of going to Paris or any other place to have a good time, I shall dream of it as soon as I go to bed. You can dream about anything you want.'







'Well, what do you often dream about?' 'Said Mr. Phillips. He looked at her carefully.

'I often dream about things between men and women,' she said, not at all afraid of his eyes.

'Prest is not such a city,' said Mr. Phillips, looking away from her.

The church doors opened on both sides of the street, and people came out in twos and threes and stood in front of the church in the street, staring at Cecilia and Mr. Phillips.

A young man jumped out of the crowd, Shouting. 'Everyone in town has had cars already! There is not a man in town without a car!'

'Is that true? Cecilia asked Mr. Phillips.

'Yes,' he said. 'It's true. Nobody rents a car here, and they won't for a hundred years.'

'Then I won't stay here,' she said. 'I'll go somewhere else.'









'You must stay here,' he said. 'We've got a taxi ready for you. There, in the foyer of Mount Moore Baptist Church, was a counter, a telephone, and a rack full of car keys. And a wall calendar.'

'I won't stay here,' she said, 'because there's no business here, and it's no use me staying.'

'We need you,' said Mr Phillips. 'We need you at the taxi counter, during the hours. That's what makes the city perfect.'

'I don't care,' she said. 'I'm not like that.'

'You must stay. It is indispensable.'

'I dream,' she said, 'and you don't want to dream about things.' 'We're very dissatisfied,' said Mr Phillips. 'Very dissatisfied. There's something wrong with it.'







'I'll dream about your 'secrets,'' she said. 'But you'll be sorry.'

'We're just like any other city, but we have a better reputation,' he said. 'Only a good reputation can overcome our dissatisfaction. We are short of a rental girl. Someone has to be behind that counter.'

'The life I dreamed of is what you fear most,' Cecilia threatened.

'You're one of us now,' he said. Hold her by the arm. 'Our rent-a-car girl. Stay well, you won't cause any trouble.'

'We'll see,' Cecilia said.







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