

object to
obliged to
occupied in / with
odds and ends
of age
of course
of itself
of late
of necessity
of no account
of no avail
of old
of ones own accord
of ones own free will
of sorts
of the first water
of use
off and on
off balance
off base
off color
off duty
off guard
off sb . s hands
off the beam
off the beaten track
off the cuff
off the ground
off the hook
off the map
off the point
off the record
off the top of ones head
off the track
old hand
on a diet
on account
on account of
on all fours
on an / the average
on an even keel
on and on
on approval
on behalf of
on board
on business
on call
on condition that
on credit
on deck
on deposit
on display
on duty
on earth
on easy street
on edge
on end
on faith
on file
on fire
on foot
on good terms ( with )
on guard
on ice
on leave
on my honor
on no account
on occasion
on ( the ) one hand
on order
on ones feet
on ones best / good behavior
on ones head
on ones high horse
on ones honor
on ones knees
on ones own
on ones own account
on ones toes
on ones way ( to )
on paper
on pins and needles
on principle
on purpose
on record
on sale
on sb . s account
on sb . s back
on sb . s bad side
on / in sb . s behalf
on sb . s chest
on sb . s good side
on sb . s hands
on sb . s heels
on sb . s mind
on sb . s part
on sb . s shoulders
on schedule
on second thoughts
on the air
on the alert
on the ball
on the basis of
on the beach
on the beam
on the bench
on the blink
on the block
on the board
on the button
on the cards
on the charge of
on the cnance of
on the contrary
on the cuff
on the edge of
on the eve of
on the face of it
on the fence
on the fly
on the go
on the ground of
on the increase
on the job
on the level
on the lookout
on the loose
on the make
on the market
on the mend
on the move
on the nose
on the occasion ( of )
on the other hand
on the outs
on the part of
on the point of
on the quiet
on the road
on the rocks
on the run
on the shelf
on the side
on the side of
on the sly
on the spot
on the spur of the moment
on the spuare
on the stage
on the strength of
on the string
on / at the tip of ones tongue
on the track of
on the trot
on the turn
on the upandup
on the verge of
on the warpath
on the watch
on the way
on the whole
on the wing
on time
on tiptoe
on top of
on top of the world
on trial
on trust
on view
once ( and ) for all
once in a while
once more
once upon a time
one after another / the other
one and all
one and the same
one another
one by one
one day
one in a thousand
only that
only too
open its doors
open onto
open out
open sb . s eyes
open tne door
open to
open up
operate on
or else
or other
or rather
or so
or something
order about / around
other than
out and out
out cold
out for
out from under
out in left field
out in the cold
out like a light
out of
out of action
out of bounds
out of breath
out of character
out of circulation
out of commission
out of condition
out of date
out of hand
out of humor
out of keeping
out of kilter
out of line
out of line with
out of luck
out of ones blood
out of ones element
out of ones head / mind / senses
out of ones shell
out of ones wits
out of order
out of place
out of practice
out of print
out of question
out of sb . s hair
out of sb . s reach
out of sb . s / the way
out of season
out of shape / condition
out of sight
out of sorts
out of spirits
out of step
out of stock
out of style
out of temper
out of the blue / a clear sky
out of the corner of oneseye
out of the hole
out of the ordinary
out of the question
out of the running
out of the swim
out of the way
out of thin air
out of this world
out of touch
out of tune
out of turn
out of whack
out on a limb
out to lunch
outside of
over a / the barrel
over age
over and above
over and over ( again )
over sb . s head
over the hill
over the hump
over with
owing to
own up P
pace off / out
pack away
pack in
pack off
pack up
pad out
paint in
paint out
paint the town ( red )
paint up
pair off / up
pal up
palm off
pan out
pant for
paper over
parallel to
parcel out
parcel up
part company
part from
part with
partake of
participate in
pass away
pass by
pass down
pass for
pass into
pass muster
pass off
pass on
pass out
pass over
pass the buck
pass the time of day
pass through
pass up
paste up
pat on the back
patch up
pause ( up ) on
pave the way
pay as one goes
pay a visit to
pay attention to
pay back
pay down
pay for
pay off
pay ones way
pay out
pay the piper
pay through the nose
pay up
peck at
peculiar to
peel off
peep / peek at
peg away
peg down
peg out
pep up
perk up
permit of
persist in
persuade of
pertain to
peter out
phase in
phase out
pick and choose
pick apart
pick at
pick off
pick on
pick ones way
pick out
pick over
pick sb . s pocket
pick up
piece of cake
piece out
piece together
piece up
pile it on
pile out
pin down
pin ones hope ( s ) on
pine away
pipe down
pitch in
pitch into
pitch ( up ) on
place in the sun
plain sailing
plan on
play about / around
play along
play at
play back
play ball
play by ear
play cat and mouse
play down
play down to
Right before
play fair
play fast and loose
play … for
play jokes / tricks on
play off
play ( up ) on
play out
play politics
play possum
play safe
play second fiddle
play the devil with
play the game
play the market
play to the gallery    
 play up
play up to
play with
play with fire
plead guilty
plead with
pleased with
plod away at
plough into
plough through
pluck up ones courage
plug away
plume oneself on
plump / plunk / plonk down
plump for
plump up
plunge into
point at
point of view
point out
point to
point up
poke about / around
poles apart / asunder
polish off
polish the apple
polish up
pooped out
pop along / in / over
pop off
pop out
pop the question
pop up
pore over
possessed of
potter about / around
pounce at
pounce ( up ) on
pound away at
pour down
pour oil on the flames
pour oil on the waters
pour in
pour out
practise on
praise up
prefer … to
prepare for
press for
press on
pretend to
prevail upon
prevent from
previous to
prey on
prick up ones ears
pride oneself on
prior to
proceed from
proceed with
profit by / from
promise away
promise the moon
pronounce on
prop up
proper to
proportional to
protect from / against
protest against
proud of
provide against
provide for
provide with
provided that
pucker up
puff out
puffed up
pull about / around
pull ahead
pull apart
pull at / on
pull down
pull in ( to )
pull in ones horns
pull into pieces
pull off
pull oneself together
pull out
pull over
pull through
pull together
pull up
pure and simple
push about / around
push ahead / forward / on
push along
push for
push off
push through
push up
put an end to
put about
put across
put aside
put away
put back
put by
put down
put forth
put forward
put in
put in a word for
put in mind of
put/bring into effect
put into practice
put it on
put off
put on
put on airs
put ones finger on
put ones foot down
put ones foot into it
put out
put out of the way
put over
put right
put sb . in his place
put through
put to
put to ( good ) use
put to sea
put together
put up
put up to
put up with
puzzle out
puzzle over
qualify for
queue up
quite a few
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