



初三第10单元 2010-10-09 08:10:33 阅读56 评论1   字号: 订阅


1.I heard somebody knock at the door in the middle of the night.      woke me up.

A .he    B. she    C .the person    D.it

2. It    dark . Shall I turn on the light ?

A. will get    B .gets    C. is getting   D. has got

3.--Mr. Scott    be in the office. The light is still on .

--No, he    be. I saw him drive a car out with his wife just now.

A. must; can’t   B. may; mustn’t C . can; can’t D. must; mustn’t

4.--have a nice time in the winter holiday!


A What about you ? B of course I have. C Yes, I will. D. The same to you .

5.If you want to change for a bigger room, you’ll have to pay     20. 

A more   B another C the other D. other

6.Is anybody listening to the radio     can I turn it off?

A or  B if   C so  D. and 

7.--Are you sure our team will beat theirs ?

--Of course. We have      players.

A many B more C strong D. better

8.That building is now a supermarket .it      a cinema.

A is  B was  C used to be D. would be

9.--I’m sorry to keep you waiting .     here for a long time?

--No, only about ten minutes.

A Are you B Were you  C Have you been  D. Had you been

10.--There’s a concert in our city . have you got a ticket?

--No, I      ---.but there weren’t any left.

A  tried to  B decided to  C .connected to D. had to

11.Everyone in Dave and July’s family     tennis. Dave and July play, and so do all their children.

A are playing B play C . plays D. are going to play

12.--Why did you plant so many trees?

--     the environment.

A improve B to improve  C .improved D. improving

13--I’m trying to lose weight, so I just have one meal a day, and nothing else.

--Do you honestly feel that’s     ?

A necessary B important C .difficult D. easy

14. The exam was quite easy –easier than we    

A hoped   B washed C .expected D. thought

15.--How do you feel living in the country, Mike?

--Very nice! It’s quite different from      in the city.

Ait     B one     C .what    D. that

16.—Mr. Lee hasn’t been so well.

--     . What’s the matter?

A .I’m sorry to hear that B. That’s not too bad

C .Thank you for telling me  D. I’ll tell him as soon as possible

17.—can you finish it with     money and     people?

--I’m afraid it’s impossible.

A .Less; fewer  B. few; less C . less; less D. fewer; fewer

18. you’re always watching television. You      do something more active.

A .may  B. can  C .need  D. should

19.Although that pen is very old, it     very well.

A .uses  B. writes  C . is used   D. is written

20.julia is looking for a place to live in. she     with her sister until she finds somewhere.

A .is staying  B. stays  C .stayed  D. has stayed

21. –oh, I’ve just     . I haven’t got any money!

--haven’t you ? well, don’t worry. I’ll lend you some.

A .known   B. found C .discovered D. realized

22.—what do you think of her speech?

--I have      to say. It sounds wonderful.

A .something  B. nothing C .anything D. everything

23.—computer is so useful. It can do almost everything.

--yes ,but it      what to do.

A .Will tell  B. has to be known C . must be told D. will know

24.Welcome to Jingdezheng, Mr. Brown. it’s the first time you have visited this city,     ?

A .isn’t it B. hasn’t it  C .do you  D. haven’t you

25. my brother is an actor. He      in eleven films.

A .appears  B. appeared C . has appeared  D. is appearing

26.—How do you feel it to get on with mr green

--     .Most of the students likes him.

A .Friendly   B. Easy  C .Helpful   D. Kind 

27. –what’s the matter with you phone?.                                          

--It    rings. the noise is making me crazy.                        

A .Never stops  B. can’t be stopped  C .isn’t stopped  D. won’t stop

28. he is quite     math, but he never drops it.

A .Good at  B. weak in   C .interested in D. tired of

29.—You     come to see us when you’re in Beijing again.

-- Yes, I will.

A .must  B. will C .would D. have to

30.—do you watch     television every day?

-- No, in fact I haven’t got      television.

A .The 不填;B.不填theC .不填 aD.不填 不填

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