


Lesson 137
First new words and expressions.

football 足球(英国英语)
soccer 足球(美国英语)
play football

pool 赌注( 水池)
swimimh pool 游泳池

football pool 下足球赌注

win 赢
win 后面一般接“比赛”
win the race 赢得比赛
win the first prize 获得一等奖
winner 获胜者

won 过去式
won 过去分词

world 世界
the world 世界,世人
in the world

The hand that rocks(晃动) the cradle(摇篮) rules (统治,支配)the world.

poor 贫穷的
rich (poor的对应词)

poor 可怜的( poor Ian)

depend 依靠

depend on/upon 依赖...

dependent 有依赖性的
independent 独立的
independence 独立
Independence Day 独立日(美国7月4 日,独立日,也就是美国的国庆节)
历史背景: 因为美国曾经是英国的殖民地,后来在1776年7月4日这一天,爆发了革命。这个革命就是反对英国的殖民统治,叫独立战争。就把美国人民起义的这一天,定为美国的“国庆日”。

OK,now let's look at some questions before listening to the text:
1,Who are the two speakers? 这两个说话的人是谁?
2,what's the probable relationships between the two speakers? 这两个说话的人可能是什么关系?
3,What's the husband doing? 丈夫在干什么?
4,What will he buy for his wife if he wins a lot of money? 这位丈夫如果赢得了很多钱,他会为他的妻子买什么?

OK,listen to the text---(课文略,参照课本第277页)

Ok,after listening to the text,let's find out the answers to those questions--
1,They are Julie and Brian.
2,They are probably wife and husband.
3,He is doing the football pools.
4,He will buy her a mink coat.

课文标题: ( Have ) a pleasant dream 做了一个甜蜜的梦

JULIE:Are you doing the football pools,Brian?

BRIAN:Yes,I've nearly finished,Julie.
nearly=almost 将近,几乎

I'm sure we'll win something this week.
I'm sure 主句
we'll win something this week 从句

JULIE:You always say that,but we never win anything!
上面是由 but 引导的并列句,可以改写一个含有让步状语从句的复合句---Although you always say that,we never win anything! (注意,although 添加后,but就需要去掉。因为前者引导的是让步状语从句,but 引导的是并列句。既然有 although 引导的让步状语从句,就是复合句了,就不能和 but 引导的并列句一起使用。

What will you do

if you win a lot of money?

BRIAN: If I win a lot of money?

I'll buy you a mink coat!
buy sb sth(接双宾语)= buy sth for sb

JULIE: I don't want a mink coat!
want 直接加宾语(名词作宾语)
I want to see the world.
want to do (不定式作宾语)

BRIAN: All right.

If we win a lot of money,
we'll travel round the world
and we'll stay at the best hotels.
首先是一个并列句,主句由 and 连接两个并列句。
前面包含一个由if 引导的条件状语从句。

Then we'll return home

and buy a big house in the country.
其中的return=come back (返回家来)
其中 home 本身是副词,所以前面没有介词 to

return 既可以等于 come back,也可以等于 go back.但return没有明确的方向性,come back 和 go back 有方向性。

We'll have a beautiful garden and....

JULIE: But if we spend all that money

we'll be poor again.

What'll we do then?

BRIAN: If we spend all the money

we'll try and win the football pools again.
try and win 语法上看看似并列,这里可以理解为 try to win.设法去赢。
try 的这种用法,跟 come 或 go 差不多,come 或 go 后面若加不定式,经常可以用 and 来代替。

JULIE: It's a pleasant dream

but everything depends on 'if'!
改有让步状语从句的复合句——Although it's a pleasant dream,everything depends on 'if'.
前半句:It's a pleasant dream 改为感叹句: What a pleasant dream it is!
后半句: depend on 依靠,取决于...

这两课的语法重点是条件状语从句,条件状语从句通常由 if 或 unless 引导。
eg: If it snows tomorrow,I will stay at home.
eg: If he comes back,I will tell him the news.


Ok,let's move on to 139

Lesson 139

New words and expressions first

1,extra 额外的
extra work

2,overseas 海外的(即是形容词:海外的。overseas Chinese 华侨。也可以是副词: live overseas,生活在海外。study overseas 在海外留学)
同义词: abroad(只能做副词)

3,engineering 工程(名词)
从 engineer 变来的

4,company 公司
stock company 股份公司

5,line 线
telephone line 电话线

Ok,let's look at some questions to the text.
1,Who invited Mr and Mrs Turner to dinner? 谁邀请 Mr 和 Mrs Turner 吃饭?

2,What time did Graham Turner say he would be there? Graham Turner 说他将什么时候到达那里?
3,Why can't he be there at six o'clock? 为什么他六点钟到不了那儿?
4,What does Mr Turner's wife want to know? Mr Turner的妻子想知道什么?

OK,now listen to the text---(课文参照课本第281页)

Ok,after listening to the text,let's find out the answers to the questions--
1, Mary did.
2,He said he would be there at six o'clock.
3,Because he will have to stay at the office and do extra work.
4,She wants to know if Mary needs any help.

Lesson 139 Is that you, John?
(john 和 you 是同位语关系。打电话时,用 that 指代对方,this 指代自己)

Is that you,John(speaking)?

Yes, this is John speaking.

Tell Mary we'll be late for dinner this evening.
tell 谓语动词
Mary 间接宾语
Mary 后面省略了一个用 that 引导的宾语从句,that 省略了。
be late for 名词(某某事迟到了)

I'm afraid I don't understand.
I'm afraid 主句
I don't understand 前面省略 that 的从句

Hasn't Mary told you?
现在完成时否定形式的疑问句,用肯定: Has Mary told you?

She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening.
invite sb to sp 邀请某人去某地
Charlotte and me 做 invite 的并列宾语

I said I would be at your house at six o'clock, but the boss wants me to do some extra work.
I said 主句,I would be at your house at six o'clock,是宾语从句。(第一分句,也是一个复合句)
but 连接第二个分句,这个分句并不是 I said 的宾语从句。
这是由but 连接两个分句的并列复合句。第一个分句是个包含一个宾语从句的复合句,第二个句子是个简单句。

I'll have to stay at the office.

I don't know when I'll finish.
I don't know 主句
when I'll finish 是一个宾语从句,必须是陈述句语序。
你什么时候下班: When will you finish?

Oh, and by the way, my wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.
by the way 经常用来引起新话题--顺便说一下
主句: My wife wants to know。
后面的 if 引导一个宾语从句。
后面如果变成一个单独的疑问句: Does Mary need any help? 改为宾语从句,就得用 if 或 whether 引导的陈述句语序(if 较口语化,whether更书面化)

I don't know what you're talking about.

That's John Smith( speaking), isn't it?

Yes,I'm John Smith.(This is John Smith.文中表达急切心情,用 I am ...了)

You are John Smith,the engineer,aren't you?
the engineer 是 John smith 的同位语。
本句也可以改为 You are the engineer,John Smith,aren't you?

That's right.

You work for the Overseas Engineering Company,don't you?

No,I don't.

I'm John Smith the telephone engineer and I'm repairing your telephone line.
第一个分句也可以说: I'm the telephone engineer John Smith
第二个分句是个现在进行时:I'm repairing your telephone line.

第一种情况 原句是陈述句,作宾语从句的话可以用 that 引导,也可以省略 that
第二种情况如果原句是一般疑问句或反义疑问句,就要改为由 if 或 whether引导的宾语从句 , 要把它恢复为陈述句语序。

eg: I am doing my homehome.----He says that he is doing his homework.
eg:Are you doing your homework.---I want to know if/whether you are doing your homework.
eg:What are you doing?---Tell me what you are doing.


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