



So much of what happens in performance is mental. 

So if I play a bar too fast, I try to figure out why I did it.





Interview: Russian pianist Daniil Trifonov


往期阅读:1、“天生赢家”丹尼尔·特里福诺夫 | 一颗新星的升起;2、阿格里奇说他有“魔鬼元素”,又有一种独特的柔情将之化解丨特里福诺夫身上承载着俄罗斯音乐的血脉,这是一切的基本原则!3、听特里福诺夫如何用指尖的柔情和魔性致敬肖邦!

Hannah Nepil

AUGUST 19, 2016

汉娜内皮尔 2016年819

Onstage he comes across like a veteran: someone who never fails to hypnotise his audience, who unearths more colours in one bar than many pianists find in an entire piece. Five years on from winning the Tchaikovsky and Rubinstein International Piano competitions back to back, Daniil Trifonov, 25, plays like someone twice his age.


In person, however, he seems very much his age. So much about this pale Russian pianist smacks of youthful bashfulness, from his delicate handshake to his knack for avoiding direct eye contact. Many of his mumbled responses are primarily directed at the floor, often followed by an endearingly shy smile. Only when discussing his musical projects does he really seem comfortable.

So the conversation quickly turns to his next UK appearance: a performance of Mozart’s Piano Concerto No 21 in C major with the Staatskapelle Dresden and conductor Christian Thielemann at the BBC Proms on September 7. To some, it may seem an interesting choice of repertoire for Trifonov, whose fire-throwing musical temperament is arguably at odds with classical restraint. And he is quick to comment on the challenges of playing Mozart: “You are completely naked in this music; there is so much transparency and it is very easy to notice when something emotionally fake happens.”


所以话题迅速转移到了他将在英国举办的下一场演出上:莫扎特的钢琴协奏曲9月7日,在BBC逍遥音乐节上,与德累斯顿交响乐团和指挥家克里斯蒂安·蒂勒曼合作莫扎特《C大调第21号钢琴协奏曲》。对一些人来说,对于特里福诺夫来说,这似乎是一个有趣的选择,他的炽热如火的音乐气质可以说与古典的矜持与克制感格格不入。他对关于他挑战演奏莫扎特的评论迅速做出了回应:“演奏者的内在情感将完全暴露在这音乐中,莫扎特的音乐如此透明而纯洁,任何一点感情上的虚假都会暴露无遗。” ——莫扎特具有英雄气概的《C大调钢琴二十五协奏曲》丨协奏曲赏析系列(22)

But he rejects the notion that classical and Romantic styles are somehow incompatible. In fact, he argues, they can complement each other: “As Vladimir Horowitz once said, Chopin needs the classical timing of Mozart, and Mozart needs the melodic cantabile of Chopin.” Nonetheless, it is in Romantic repertoire that Trifonov has chiefly made his name.

His Proms performance last summer saw him take part in a thrilling Prokofiev concerto marathon, and he has recently played a lot of Rachmaninoff. His latest, widely acclaimed CD reveals an uncanny flair for this no-holds-barred composer.


So it is surprising that Trifonov did not play any Rachmaninov before the age of 21; he was too busy focusing on the music of Alexander Scriabin, who was and still remains Trifonov’s idol: “One thing I love about Scriabin’s music . . . is that there is never really any sense of rest. Even in the most tender moments there is still a lot of forward-going tension.” 

Trifonov could almost be describing his own character. This, after all, is a pianist who, from his earliest years, has been something of a slave to his talent. He was eight when he gave his first performance with an orchestra, losing one of his milk teeth during the concert. Soon afterwards he moved with his musician parents from his home town of Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow so that he could study at the celebrated Gnessin School of Music.



As well as being a specialised music school, we also had normal subjects, so there was a double lot of work,” he recalls. But he seemed to enjoy the challenge. “My favourite subject was physics,” he says, “especially 20th-century physics. I liked to challenge my imagination and visualise what I read in books, and it probably helped me with my inventions of new ways to practise the piano.” 

Such as? “Well, sometimes I practised [piano fingering] in a swimming pool.” He blushes and explains hurriedly, “Once in water there is much higher resistance so half an hour of such practising really makes the upper back much more flexible and that improves sound quality when you play.”



In between schooling came a string of competitions, not all of them victories. So it was all the more satisfying when Trifonov, at 20, won the Rubinstein and Tchaikovsky prizes within only a few weeks of each other. One good thing about competitions is that they teach you how to concentrate,” he says, “because you have only one shot.”

Judging from Trifonov’s performances, he has taken that lesson to heart. Shoulders hunched, nose inches from the keyboard, he plays as though he were dreaming up the music on the spot.



In his view, that ability to be fully immersed in the moment is crucial to serving particular composers’ interests. “As Artur Schnabel said, Beethoven should not be performed but ‘recomposed’,” he recalls, “and you can apply the [same philosophy] to many composers. A lot of Chopin’s music, for example, was created during improvisation, so here a sense of in-the-moment spontaneity is very important.” 

And Mozart? “There too,” he insists, “at least in terms of its colours and emotional shifts, if not its timing.

Offstage, however, Trifonov’s approach to music-making is strikingly introspective. He admits that he has long been curious about the way his brain works during a concert, “because so much of what happens in performance is mental. So if I play a bar too fast, rather than thinking ‘I shouldn’t play so fast,’ I try to figure out the reasons why I did it, for example, the fact that I was not paying enough attention to a specific voice.”



Evidently, detaching himself from such thoughts does not come easily to Trifonov. Even in his free time he finds it difficult to stop thinking about the piano. And, by his own admission, he constantly hears music in his head: “Sometimes I notice it, sometimes I try not to. Sometimes it’s something I’ve already heard, or played or composed, sometimes it can be difficult to discern what it is.” 

He has even been known to “practise” in his sleep (“I’ve been told by my girlfriend,” he mutters). Does he remember, on waking, what he has been practising? Apparently not. “Often in the morning on a tour you wake up and you have to immediately rush to the airport,” he says, “so there is not much chance for remembering.”




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