


Interview with Daniel Heifetz


By Laurie Niles








The fourth component is something Heifetz calls 'freedom of expression.''It's having a feeling of comfort in yourself and having confidence, so that you're willing to experiment, to think out of the box,' Heifetz says. 'How free can you go, to expose your creative potential? That's a hugely difficult thing, considering all the different demands. 


The teachers says this, the composer said that, the violin demands this, the cello demands that, and all of that works against the freedom to experiment and explore. Throw tradition out the window, act as if the piece was just composed yesterday and the composer just gave it to you last night. Start fresh.'




'Then the last thing, the most difficult, is drama,' Heifetz said. 'Can you identify an emotion and bring it to the surface? Are you willing to reveal that emotion? Husbands and wives, spouses and partners behind closed doors many times don't reveal their deepest emotions; but we have to, in front of 1,000 strangers! 


Can you project that through a breathing piece of wood, your body comfortable, with what the composer is asking you to do? Then, can you project that revealed emotion with energy and shoot it to the last person in the balcony? That's when the magic happens, and most people don't do it. The ones who do are the ones everyone knows by name -- because they make that magic.'


Teaching charisma through 'communication training' is the unique selling point of the Heifetz Institute. The first day the students arrive, they have to re-audition, and Heifetz routinely stops them and asks them to sing their piece. 'They look at me like a deer in headlights; no one in an audition has ever asked them to sing the piece.'


'Mr. Heifetz, I can't sing!' is the typical response. He then asks, 'What are you expressing? Why should I buy a ticket to hear you play it? What do you want me to feel, what emotion are you feeling?'


'Most of them have barely even thought about it,' Heifetz said. Then he asks them to play a two-octave scale, with a certain kind of feeling, such as 'joyous emotion.' Very often, the student freezes up. During the six weeks of the program, all performances are recorded and videotaped, and no performer -- be they student or celebrity -- can perform without first speaking to the public. In addition to taking private lessons (two per week) on their instruments, the students have required classes in all aspects of communication training. 


'On the last day, I will re-do the same opening audition, and I'll video-tape it,' Heifetz says. By then, most are willing and able to sing their piece, most have ideas to share about the piece they are playing, and most can play that scale, 'with feeling.' If they succeed, he asks them to play it multiple ways: 'Angry scale!' 'Love scale!' 'Mysterious scale!' even, 'Sad scale, in a major key!'


'Then the next step is: You can do it in a scale, but when you get up to play Beethoven, do the walls go back up again? What did Beethoven want? Am I doing it correctly? Is it out of tune? Is it what the teacher wanted me to do? All that stuff! When you play Mozart, are you playing that with a vibrant joy? Are you feeling joy? Or are you playing it 'well'?' Heifetz asks. 'What's being generated? Because when that stuff doesn't happen, that's what kills the classical music stage. That's why orchestras are folding: we've made it boring.'


'Music needs to be inspiring. Something that's really saying something,' Heifetz said. 'I'm not interested in the comfort of the artist. I'm interested in what's going on between the artist and the audience, and my dedication is to the audience. To the music and to the audience.'


'To me, music is about what is being expressed, not what is being played 'well.' To play it safe is boring,' Heifetz said. 'It's a whole attitude of what it means to be an artist, what it means to make music.'


The problem is that all of those years of accomplishing that technique, learning to be careful and musically correct, can hold back the open, emotional connection to the music.'You've got to learn your craft,' Heifetz said. 'You've got to have command of the instrument, your intonation. You have to practice correctly.' Then once you have that high level of technique, 'then you need to forget about it, to a certain degree,' Heifetz said. 'Then you are feeling the music and you are expressing.'


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