

推荐:非常棒的在线生物信息学课程 Bioinformatics course on line
Posted on 2011年10月31日
Bioinformatics course From Donaldson Group
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1 Bioinformatics for molecular biology - Fall 2011
1.1 Description
1.2 Dates and times
1.3 Place
1.4 Programme
1.5 Written assignment
1.6 Exam
1.7 Bioinformatics links relevant to the course
1.8 Bioinformatics Mailing Lists
1.9 Archived courses
1.10 Wiki help
Bioinformatics for molecular biology - Fall 2011
November 21st to December 2nd
The aim of the course is to introduce students to bioinformatics resources and tools for molecular biology research by having some of the best researchers in Norway to talk about their field in general and then present their own work. Students are encouraged to bring a lap-top; we will be set up for in-course demonstrations as well as practical lab exercises. The course is intended for biology students or computer science/math students. No prior background in bioinformatics or computer science is required.
The course is jointly delivered by the Biotechnology Centre of Oslo, the Department of Molecular Biosciences (IMBV), the Department of Informatics (IFI) and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. This course is one of the Ph.D. School courses offered by the Biotechnology Centre of Oslo
The UiO page for this course
Registration is open now (June of 2011).
MBV-INF 4410 (M.Sc. level course code)10.0 study points
MBV-INF 9410 (Ph.D. level course code) 10.0 study points
MBV-INF 9410A (Ph.D. level course code) 8.0 study points
The course consists of two weeks of lectures, a final
take-home exam (one week) and an essay (10 to 20 pages) to
be completed by the middle of December.
Ph.D. level students may opt to take the course without the essay
for only 8 study points.
Please bookmark this page. All future changes or announcements for
the 2011 course will be posted to this page.
(about course administration)
(about course content)
Dates and times
The course will occur November 21st to December 2nd.
Each day will consist of three time slots for lectures and/or
practical labs between 9 AM and 4 PM.
Directions to Forskningsparken can be found
Mondays to Friday morning: Room 10 (one level down from the main entrance)
The room is booked each day from 09:00 to 16:00 EXCEPT
Fridays when the room must be vacated from 12 to 13:30.
Exceptions: none so far
Lunch is on your own between 1:00 PM and 2:15 PM (Monday to Thursday)
and 12 to 13:30 on Fridays. Please completely vacate the room during
these lunch times.
Note: The schedule displayed below is tentative. Ongoing changes will be made to this page as we organize speakers before and during the course. Requests and suggestions are welcome. For examples of material presented last year,
seeBioinformatics for molecular biology 2010).
Week 1: Monday, November 21st - Friday, November 25th
Session 1Session 2Session 3
09:00 – 10:45 11:00 – 12:45 14:00 – 15:45
Mon. 21stDatabasesDatabases labMySQL lab
Tue. 22ndPerlMore PerlPerl lab
Antonio MoraAntonio MoraAntonio Mora, Paul Boddie
Wed. 23rdIntroduction to RR labR lab
Bj?rn-Helge MevikBj?rn-Helge Mevik, Katerina Michalickova, Antonio Mora Bj?rn-Helge Mevik, Katerina Michalickova, Antonio Mora
Thur. 24thExploratory data analysisExtra material An introduction to statistical inference Multiple hypothesis testing
Anja Br?thern KristoffersenOle Christian Lingj?rdeClara-Cecilie Günter
Fri. 25thSession 1 Session 2 Session 3
09:00 – 10:45 11:00 – 12:0013:30 – 15:45
Microarray data analysisMicroarray data labGene Ontology Over-representation analysis in DAVID. Lab.
St?le Nyg?rdSt?le Nyg?rdDonaldson
Week 2: Monday, November 28th - Friday, December 2nd.
Session 1 Session 2Session 3
09:00 – 10:45 11:00 – 12:45 14:00 – 15:45
Mon 28thInteraction and pathway dataCytoscape labCytoscape plugin lab
Tue. 29th ht sequencinght sequence lab
Robert LyleRobert Lyle
Wed 30thSearching sequence databases and multiple sequence alignmentsMotif scanning and discovery in DNASequence lab
Torbj?rn RognesGeir SandveGeir Sandve
Thur 1stStructural biology review, PyMOL and installing PyMOLStructural biology tools, predictors and 3D modellingPyMOL and structural biology tutorial
Jon K. LaerdahlJon K. LaerdahlJon K. Laerdahl
Fri 2ndSession 1 Session 2 Session 3
09:00 – 10:45 11:00 – 12:0013:30 – 15:45
Modeling guideModeling excercisesHomology modeling excercise
Jon K. LaerdahlJon K. LaerdahlJon K. Laerdahl
Written assignment
Students enrolled in MBV-INF4410 or 9410 must complete a written assignment as part of the course requirements.
The assignment is due by Friday, December 16th. It should be emailed to ian.donaldson at biotek.uio.no preferably as a PDF document (Microsoft Word or OpenOffice is also acceptable). The assignment is to be between 10 pages and 20 pages (2000 to 4000 words). This is a rough guide (I wont be counting pages and words - quality and conciseness count more than quantity).
Topics include:
1) write an explanation of three or more methods that were covered in the course. These should be simple explanations aimed at someone approaching the topic for the first time. Your explanation may include derivations of equations (if they are clearly explained), figures or tables. Use examples. Describe how the concept can be applied to a problem in biological research and what limitations the method has. List any resources you use as well as references to additional material that a student might use if they want to follow up on the topic further. Please indicate whether your material may be used on the course's wiki page.
2) describe how you would use two or more of the methods covered in the course in your own research. Your proposal may include figures or tables. Give a short introduction to your problem area, clearly state your hypothesis and how you think it might be addressed by each of the methods. Provide justifications for your proposal as well as expected outcome. Describe potential risks (say, the method provides no meaningful results) and what you would do to mitigate this risk. List any resources you use.
3) you may define your own alternative topic. Please send an email to ian.donaldson at biotek.uio.no to have your topic approved first.
Please note:
The exam for this course will
be a one week take home exam.
The exam will be emailed to candidates on Monday,
December 5th before 5PM.
The exam must be emailed back by Monday,
December 12th at 5 PM to
Torill Rortveit (torill.rortveit@imbv.uio.no)
as a single PDF document
(Microsoft Word or an Open Office Document is also acceptable).
The document
should be named with the course code and your
candidate number only
(e.g. MBV-INF 4410-1.pdf).
Do not place your name in the document.
Bioinformatics links relevant to the course
Bioinformatics Links 2011 Name URL Description
StatSoft textbookhttp://statsoft.com/textbook/stathome.html Good overview of methods and concepts
SAS manualshttp://support.sas.com/onlinedoc/913/ Thorough overview of analysis procedures found in SAS
GraphPadhttp://graphpad.com/help/prism5/prism5help.html?usingstatistical_analyses_step_by_s.htm See the GraphPad statistical guide for easy introductions to many concepts in statistics
Rhttp://cran.r-project.org/ The Comprehensive R Archive Network
Introduction to R
Exploratory data analysis
Hypothesis testing
http://bioinformatics.ca/workshops/2009/course-content See the CBW course on "Exploratory Data Analysis Essential Statistics using R" at the bottom of this page. Slides and lecture recordings from Modules 1-3 cover much of the same material covered in the first two days of this course.
Learning Rhttp://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1000482 A Quick Guide to Teaching R Programming to Computational Biology Students
R reference cardhttp://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Short-refcard.pdf A reference card for R syntax
UCLA tutorialshttp://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/r/ Useful example code while learning R
R vs. other languageshttp://www.johndcook.com/R_language_for_programmers.html A brief description of how R differs from other programming languages. Useful if you already know a programming language.
Which test do I usehttp://www.practicalstats.com/which/index.html An interactive guide to choosing which statistical test to use.
EMBNet Microarray coursehttp://vit-embnet.unil.ch/CoursEMBnet/Arrays06/Material.html An online course with R/Bioconductor example tutorials
EMBNet tutorialshttp://www.ch.embnet.org/pages/courses2.html Other helpful tutorials with R examples related to biostatistics
SIB tutorialshttp://edu.isb-sib.ch/ Portal to the SIB bioinformatics tutorials - includes R, Unix, Perl, statisitics and lots more.
CBW tutorialshttp://bioinformatics.ca Portal to the Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop material. Includes R, statistics and lots more.
NMChttp://www.mikromatrise.no/ Norwegian Microarray Consrtium
MACFhttp://core.rr-research.no/ UiO MicroArray Facility
Bioinformatics core facilityhttp://core.rr-research.no/index.php?section=3 The Bioinformatics Core Facility established at Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet (RR) will provide its users at RR and the University of Oslo with a range of services within bioinformatics, including analysis of DNA and protein sequences, analysis of microarray data, protein structure analysis and access to useful databases and web services
RSATRSAT A collection of several motif-related tools
ConTraConTra A more user-friendly tool for matching a collection of Position Weighted Matrices against promoter sequences across species
Required files [Sample network[1]] [Node atributes[2]]Please download these and uncompress before using
Cytoscapehttp://www.cytoscape.org/ Cytoscape home page
Cytoscapehttp://cytoscape.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/PresentationsTutorial on Cytoscape
Cytoscapehttp://cytoscape.wodaklab.org/wiki/How_to_increase_memory_for_CytoscapeSolution to common problem with working with large networks in Cytoscape.
iRefIndex Cytoscape pluginhttp://irefindex.uio.no/wiki/README_Cytoscape_plugin_0.9x iRefIndex installation
iRefIndexhttp://irefindex.uio.no iRefIndex wiki
iRefIndex publicationhttp://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=18823568 Full details of iRefIndex
DAVIDhttp://www.nature.com/nprot/journal/v4/n1/pdf/nprot.2008.211.pdf Nature Protocols paper
GSEAhttp://www.broadinstitute.org/gsea/doc/subramanian_tamayo_gsea_pnas.pdf PNAS paper
GSEAhttp://www.broadinstitute.org/gsea Gene Set Enrichment Analysis application
Bioinformatics Mailing Lists
If you are interested in being informed of future courses, talks and new related
to bioinformatics in the Oslo region, then consider signing up for the cbo mailing list.
You might also consider the Norwegian-wide bioinformatics email list. You can sign up at
Both lists are run by members of theNorwegian Bioinformatics Platform.
Archived courses
Wiki help
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