

Immortality, Human Cloning and&nbsp...

Immortality, Human Cloning andPrimordial Germ Cell in Ancient Orient


Shi-Yin Wong, M.D.

ShuangYan Guan Zhu - 雙延館主


   In the article by Dr. GautamChatterjee WasHuman Cloning Know to Vedic Sages?,he said that:Indianmythology has many examples where certain persons could not onlycreate replica, but also …..He also quoted Dr. Satkari Mukhopadhayaya, an expert Indologist,said that: thereis no scientific proof available whether those ancient people hadany knowledge of Cloning or not. But we get some idea that replicaswere created which has many reference and much of it is related toillusions or Maya.


   Through all ages, in theorient, people of all classes are looking for eternal life. It isno exception for the Chinese. Over two thousand years ago, theTaoist already discovered and developed complex meditativetechniques that immortal fetus could be generated.  In modern sense, thisphenomena can be interpreted as self-cloning. (Ref. Fig1-3)





Figure 1

Baby sitting at the Buddhist’s head

(Modern) Orange County,California




Figure 2

Zi Tan Luo Han with figure in abdomen (Modern)




Figure 3

Ancient Mayan green stone figure with

Head figure in abdomen


  There are three major pathways for formation of the immortal fetus– two for men and one for women. The two for men include eithersolo-cultivation or dual-cultivation. All three methods involve thespine. The blockage of vitality (Qi) in the spine are opened by aseries of meditative procedures, resulting in completing themicro-and macro-cosmic circulation. Then, it is followed byvoidness meditation (Dhyana).


   The voidness meditationcomprises of four stages of serenity. The sequence of whichis:

  • a)             Thoughtlessness
  • b)            Breathlessness
  • c)             Pulselessness
  • d)           Extinctionof worldly existence

   Finally, the primordial germcells (immortal embryo) are induced. After ten months ofhighly

regulated meditative practices, the immortal fetus is mature. Astime goes on, the egress can be expelled from the fontanel.Ultimately, countless transformation bodies (clones) will beappearing in space.


  The basic alchemy of golden elixir (immortal fetus) comprises ofJin ( essence),Qi ()and Shen ( spirit).The first step in alchemy is the transformation of all essence intoQi. Then, the merge of Qi (Yin) and Spirit (Yang) into unity(Golden Elixir). It is unclear at this moment whether this unitydirectly involves into immortal embryo or it merely acts as aninitiating or a triggering factor. Let more intelligent ones toanswer this question. (Ref Fig 4-6)



Figure 4

The Immortal Foetus




Figure 5

The Egress



Figure 6

Countless Transformation Bodies Appearing inSpace


  All three pathways start with the practice of Qi and achieve theQuasi micro cosmic circulation (Fig 7).  In solo-cultivation,the next two steps comprise of external Panacea and internalPanacea. It is said that external Panacea promotes health andlongevity, whereas the internal Panacea is prerequisite forimmortal fetus formation. The practice of external Panacea consistof two steps (Diagram I a,b). First the merge of Kan and Li to formQian and Kun. Second the merges of Qian and Kun to achievesingularity. In other words, first the conversion of essence to Qi.Second the mergers of Qi and Spirit into Golden Elixir. At thisstage, the elixir return to the abdomen through macro-cosmiccirculation to unite with the internal Panacea (Diagram II) to formthe immortal seed (embryo).




   It is worth to note thatcertain phenomena need to occur prior to the last macro-cosmiccirculation. This includes the appearance of sun light three timesduring meditation and the atrophy of the male reproductiveorgan.


   In dual cultivation, externalelixirs are needed. Both the Jade Elixir and Golden Elixir areobtained and transmitted from outside of the practitioner’sbody.


   In woman, the method issimpler. It is said that man is negative inside and woman ispositive inside the body. In order to practice Golden Elixir, thewomen need to practice the elimination of menstrual period. It isbecause the period is a hindrance to prolong meditation (table I),or for rejuvenation (?) .








Steps in Immortal Fetus Formation




In conclusion, Buddhism with meditation can create negative spiritwhereas with Taoist Golden Elixir, Positive spirit (Immortal Fetus)is created. Negative spirit is invisible to men whereas positivespirit is visible to human eyes. Both practices can produce fivesupernormal power, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, knowledgeof past lives, understanding of other minds and others. Since celldivisions have a finite number, it is clear that living organismshave a finite life span. So life cannot be eternal. However, fromthe above discussion, that life can extend to a much longer timethrough self cloning. It seems possible at this time that this typeof cloning can produce immortal fetus. However whether these typeof immortal fetus has similar appearance and thought isunknown.

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