


Week 5 is in full swing! You are all invited to enter your best work in the 7th Mobile Photo Contest. Here is the second selection with the judge Gangfeng's comments.


1. Passion and Love @Dibyani *Apple iPhone 7 Plus

王刚锋: 这张照片有三个问题:第一,光线反差太大,所以在暗部看不到细节,就只看到一个人站在墙壁边上,头上还长出了一条铁杆子;失去了暗部细节的他,披着长长的头发,侧着脸,脸部也没什么表情,有点像恐怖片的剧照,吓唠唠的!第二个问题,没有必要把它转成黑白照片,不一定黑白的就艺术了。如果是彩色的话,墙壁上的灯光,可能会给人温暖的感觉。第三个问题是标题,英文的意思是热情与爱,作者的意思,大概是这个艺人热爱音乐,但给人的感觉却是一个白天不醒、晚上不睡的饿肚子流浪艺人,而音乐最好能激励听众,能给人以积极向上能量的音乐才是好音乐,照片亦如此。另外,右下角的那瓶花看上去也快枯掉了。

小编译:Three points need to be pay attention. First, there is too much contrast make the details in the shadow lost. Second, if it is not turned into black and white, the light may seemed to be warmer. Third, the meaning of the title could not be expressed by the picture.

2. Monasterio Santa Catana, Peru @ws *HUAWEI VOG-AL00


小编译:The sunlight makes the whole picture lively. It would be better  if you pay more attention to the composition.  

3. Puerto Natales @ws *HUAWEI VOG-AL00

王刚锋: 这张照片气势宏大,很像是某某大片的开头,而描述的应该是在欧洲中世纪黑暗年代的故事,也可以是关于黑死病的!我给它加了点音乐,还加了个题目,看看是不是有那么点意思?

Perfect view with the perfect(bad) weather, could make a sentimental(good) scene for the movies such as The Lord of the Ring! 9:16 is a perfect proportion for this picture too, congratulations! Think of panoramic next time.

4. Dizzy City Life @I-Chen-Chung *Apple iPhone 6 Plus

王刚锋: '晕眩的城市生活'。这张照片构图还比较工整,黑色的轨道做前景,有那么点想法,加强了人们对城市生活的厌倦,但“晕眩”两个字用得不太合适,可以用“压抑”之类的其它词汇来表示。

小编译:The composition is good. The deep dark tunnel emphasizes that people are so tired with the city life.

5. Fisher women @Shibasish Saha *vivo vivo 1804


小编译:The angle is good and the warm light is nice. But the saturationis a bit too high.

6. After the rain @Rizal Fauzi *samsung SM-A507FN

王刚锋: '雨后'。这张照片的瞬间掌握得非常到位,光线气氛也是不可多得的。不过人物的后背多了一点,如果能多看到一点主人公的正面,那会更有意思的。题目有点问题,“雨后”,既然已经不下雨了,那还拿伞干嘛?但是那把伞在画面里的效果是非常好的,不可缺少。

A man jumping cross the river who caught by the camera at the decisive moment. The warm colored clouds behind him makes a perfect backdrop. The open umbrella makes the photo more interesting, although the rain has stopped! Unfortunately, it would be more interesting if you shoot his front---show more face, instead of his back. Also, I'd like to crop a little bit part of the photo on the left, to make it better balancing.

7. Faithful Companion @E.J.Elm 


小编译:The cloud is beautiful and the composition is nice. It would look much better if moved down the lens a bit and showed us more details.

8. A man of the rain @AnnaPavlikovskaya *Apple iPhone 7 Plus


小编译:The picture is clear and clean. It's a good choice to turn it into black and white. If the man walked in the upper right corner of the picture, it seemed to be better.

9. Deep end @E.J.Elm 

王刚锋: 换成中文题目应该叫“深深地结束”!这张照片从内容到构图、从色彩到题目,都很抽象,考验大家智商的时候到了!那几只鸟最好飞在画面的上方一点,那就看上去舒服了。

小编译:All the elements in this picture seemed to be abstract. The position of the birds is a bit too low.

10. Fly me to heaven @thehulkawakes 

王刚锋: “把我飞到天堂”!早晨戏剧性的光线,烘托了山顶上正在放飞无人机的男子的身影,近处的岩石映照着晨光、远处的城市还躲在破晓前的昏暗中,作者营造了极好的“去天堂”的气氛!我把它左右裁掉了一点点,看看是不是更合适?

I think it's early in the day. The nice back-lighting from the sky with the morning mist in the far background creatives a nice atmosphere----bring us to the heaven together! The shape of the boy releasing the drone is dynamic. I would like to crop the left part of the picture, because I don't like the other photographer in my picture!

11. Colours and stripes @Henrik Spranz *HUAWEI BLA-L09

王刚锋: “条纹和色彩”是它的中文题目。画面表现的是一位在画廊里观看条纹画作的一位穿着条纹外衣的女士的背影,不光横平竖直,且左右对称;女士站在画面的中央,构图极其工整——一幅难得的刻意之作。画面简洁有力,体现了作者的构图功力,这位摄影师看来不简单!

Stripes, simply simply almost nothing but the stripes----the stripes of the painting, the stripes of her jacket. And also, maybe it's coincidence, maybe it's on purpose, she's standing on the center of the photo and the painting, makes the photo even more fun! By the way, the floor has nice color too!

12. Slinky view @emma *OnePlus A6003


小编译:It seemed to be a slinky spring in the hall of the mall. For me, it does not mean anything.

13. Choose the fish @daengfirman *Xiaomi Redmi Note 5

王刚锋: '选鱼'。这张照片色彩很漂亮,光线很柔和,是因为应用了低角度的太阳光的关系。不光构图很简洁大方,重要的是,在右下角,他把标着价钱的牌子也拍进去了,这就增加了信息量,这是新闻摄影的基本功。

I like this simple composed photo, and the lower sunlight makes the tone warm . The price plate tells the story behind this picture. Two hands behind the fish shelf makes the photo lively!

14. Bird feeder @Marlon Villaverde *HUAWEI CLT-AL00

王刚锋: 喂鸟者。我们所见过的好的广场喂鸽子的照片多了去了,是不是?那这张照片还有啥意思!

小编译:Nothing special.

15. 偶遇 @Miaomiao Yu *Apple iPhone plus


小编译:Simple and clear composition. The title makes the photo lively.

16. Chasing sunset, together forever @guyu Syhr *Apple iPhone 11

王刚锋: “一起追逐日落,直到永远”。  落日不要追,更不要带着孩子一起追,当年夸父就是追逐日落而渴死的,哈哈哈!不过,这张照片还是有点诗意的——参天大树挡不住漂亮的晚霞,勾肩搭背的一大一小两个人,还有一条(没有拍全的)欢跑着的小狗。我仿佛看到了他们脸上的笑意,我也仿佛听到了归林的鸟鸣声。我替你右边裁掉了一点,这样主题就更突出了。

小编译:The father and his child are walking in the beautiful sunset, with their little dog. It seemed to be poetic. Cut a little on the right will make the theme stand out.

17. The best camera is the one you have on you @Russ Tierney 

王刚锋: “你拥有的相机是最好的相机。” 这是一句送给买不起好照相机的摄影师的箴言,意思是你要熟练地掌握你手中的照相机的所有有用的功能,而不要老想着要去买新的、贵的!是一句至理名言,但在这里用作题目却非常不合时宜!我非常赞赏这张照片取景的低角度、也喜欢它的棕色色调,如果沙滩上再来几只横行的螃蟹,那就会增添活力了。

A sepia toned picture from a lower angled camera,unique subject----a garden chair on the beach, makes the picture special, art is about creative! But I don't like the title, it doesn't make the sense to this picture, it may apply to the photographer.

18. 拾年猪 @ChenRongChuang *HUAWEI VOG-AL00


Eat a lots of pork in the spring festival, to celebrate the harvest, is a tradition in He Nan province, China. Photographer used the birds-eye-view angle with existing lighting, perfectly show all the details of the scene. Also, symmetry composition is important in this type of photo. The dark-blue sky tone on top of the photo, people moving on the bottom, creatives the atmosphere, such a nice photo!

19.Light @Maria *Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus

王刚锋:Two things could improve this picture: First, if you can take the photo like two hours earlier, to make the light more soft----as a photographer, 'the early bird get the worm'! therefore, you can see more details outside of the tunnel. Secondly, you can make the 'interesting center' of the picture----the man with the bike on go, not standing over there to pose, to make the photo live!


20.A spoonful of Kew Gardens @tals90 

王刚锋:Capturing the jump and symmetry at the perfect moment was tricky, you caught the right moment, congratulations! But it could be better if the man is one or two steps closer to you, don't think so?


21.Ball to feet @IsimbiP

王刚锋:Focused precisely on the ball with a fairly short depth of field, appropriate rotated lower camera angle and pretty exaggerated color, also you caught the ball in a perfect moment, job well done! Are you a professional photographer?



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Thanks to all artists, tourism boards, sponsors and partners.




The contest has been designed as a fun way for people to capture their most precious moments and share them with other people, and at the same time to raise funds for the 【Traveling Dream Program】,a project that supports young people’s travel in China, helps to make the world a place with less prejudice and discrimination, more patience, understanding and love. Since 2015, we have sponsored 8 people (16-21 years old) from China, Singapore, Denmark, France and Canada.

手机摄影大赛是希望人们通过用手机记录有趣有意义难忘的瞬间,并分享给其他人,也同时为我们回馈社会的助你实现旅行梦想筹款。希望能够支持更多的有志青年在中国的旅行。让更多热爱生活的年轻人在旅行中认识世界, 增强自信心, 并获得成长, 实现自己的梦想! 自2015年以来,我们先后资助了来自中国,新加坡,丹麦,法国和加拿大的8名16至21岁的青年。

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7th edition of CB Mobile Photo Contest

2020 7.1–9.1


Click here for more detail. 


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