




Passage 1:

  THE government approved (批准) the production of two types of Genetically modified (GM, 转基因的) rice and one type of GM corn in China in November. People have been arguing about it①________ then.

  Our country import GM soybeans (大豆) from America. And we have GM papaya (木瓜) on the market. But it was the first time the government approved the production of GM grains (谷物).

  Although Chinese scientists have said that they are as safe as non-GM rice, some experts and people are still worried. ②They worry that if we eat too much GM food, we will get sick.

  But will GM food do harm to our bodies? To answer that question, first let's find out what GM food is.

  Genetically modified food is food with genes that have been changed. Here's an example.

  ③There's a kind of fish that lives in the Antarctic (南极). It can stand very cold weather because it has a special cold gene in its body. Scientists took that gene and put it into a kind of tomato. ④As a result, the tomato will be able to live in cold weather. It is a GM food.

  Scientists develop GM food because they can have certain advantages over non-GM food. For example, the approved GM rice can resist pests (害虫). They can also produce more food.

  Is GM food harmful?

  The safety of GM food is a long-time public concern. Different experts and scientists have different ⑤_________.

  Some say that there is no evidence that GM food ⑥is harmful to people's health. GM food has to pass strict tests before it ⑦_______to go into markets.

  But others say there is danger. We just don't know enough about it yet.

  The US is the country that most welcomes GM crops. It is the biggest producer of GM corn in the world. By contrast, only six countries in Europe choose to grow GM crops. Most European countries do not accept GM crops and GM foods.


  1. Will the food change if it is put into some other plants' genes?

  2. Why do scientists want to develop GM food?

  3. In which country are GM crops the most popular?


  4. ____________________________________________________

  5. ____________________________________________________

  6. ____________________________________________________

  任务三:在①和⑤划线处填上适当的词。7. _____________ _____________

  任务四:在文中找出与⑥划线处的同义短语。 8 _________________________

  任务五:在⑦处用allow的适当形式填空。 9. __________________________________

  任务六:在文中找出表示GM food概念的句子。



  1. Yes, it will.

  2. Because they can have certain advantages over non-GM food.

  3. The US./ The USA./ America.

  4. 他们担心:如果我们吃太多的转基因食品,我们会生病。

  5. 在南极,有一种鱼生活在那里。/有一种鱼生活在南极。

  6. 结果,那种西红柿将能够生活在寒冷的天气里。

  7. since, ideas/opinions

  8. does harm to

  9. is allowed

  10. Genetically modified food is food with genes that have been changed 

  WHO is a top choice for this year's Nobel Peace Prize? The answer is the Internet. On March 10, the Nobel Prize Committee (诺贝尔奖评选委员会) said that it picked the Internet as one of the choices, because it has changed our world in many ways. Teens will tell you more about this great invention.

  (A)_______ is the Internet? The Internet is a network (网络) that connects billions (十亿) of computers (B)all over the world. In the 1960s the US government built computer networks for the army. These networks were not opened to the public until the 1990s. In 1991, a British scientist named Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, which he called WWW for short. Today the WWW system is the most popular part of the Internet.

  (C)Over the past 20 years, the Internet has greatly influenced our world and changed our lives. The Internet makes it more convenient for people to search for information. For example, when we write a history report, we don't (D)_______ go to the library. We can find information about world leaders and historical events on different websites. Everything we want to know can (E)_______ at the click of a button (按钮).

  The Internet helps us to stay connected to family, friends and the world around us. Not long ago, we wrote letters by hand and waited weeks for a reply. Today, when we use QQ or MSN, we (F)send and receive messages across thousands of miles in a few seconds.

  (G)The Internet gives us a way to express our opinions in public. We share interesting ideas with other people on QQ, Baidu Tieba, blogs (博客) or forums (论坛). If we dislike the food at school, we can discuss it in the school's forum or in the Tieba of our own class.

  Although the Internet has made our world better in many ways, in some ways it can be a bad influence. There is a lot of false information on the Internet. (H)It is important not to believe everything we read.

  In addition, many teenagers choose to keep in touch with each other online instead of meeting face-to-face. People worry that this harms their social (社会的) communication skills.

  Some teenagers spend too much time playing Internet games. They may lose their _________(I) in their studies.


  1. When were the networks opened to the public?

  2. How do teenagers prefer to keep in touch with each, by chatting online or by meeting face to face?

  3. How many disadvantages does the Internet have according to the passage?


  4. __________________________________________________________________

  5. __________________________________________________________________

  6. __________________________________________________________________




  8.________________ ________________


  9. 在E处用find的适当形式填空:_________________.



  _________________ ________________


  1. In the 1990s.

  2. By chatting online.

  3. Three.

  4. 在过去的20年里,因特网对世界产生了巨大的影响而且改变了我们的生活。

  5. 因特网给了我们一个公开表达见解的方式。

  6. 不想信我们所看到的一切是很重要的。

  7. The Internet makes it more convenient for people to search for information

  8. What, need/have to

  9. be found, interests

  10. around/across the world, receive

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