

满分:120分    时间:120分钟
第一部分 听力(共两节,计25分)
1. A. 8 a.m.                         B. 1 p.m.                        C. 8 p.m.
2. A. Because he could speak English very well.
B. Because he did well in the English test.
C. Because he will take part in the English test.
3. A. Grade Seven.                B. Grade Eight.              C. Grade Nine.
4. A. On foot.                       B. By bike.                     C. By car.
5. A. Green.                         B. Blond.                        C. Black.
6. A. Tom's.                         B. Mom's.                      C. Tim's.
7. A. In a shop.                     B. In a restaurant.           C. In a library.
8. A. About seven months.     B. About nine years.        C. About eight years.
9. A. Jack's father.                B. Jack.                         C. Jack's mother.
10. What sport does Peter often do?
A. Basketball.             B. Football.              C. Baseball.
11. How often does Peter go to the gym?
A. Once a week.       B. Twice a week.        C. Three times a week.
12. What are they talking about?
A. The snow storm.      B. The train accident.     C. The earthquake in Yushu.
13. How many people died so far?
A. over 2,000 people.      B. over 5,000 people.      C. over 4,000 people.
14. How much money did the man donate (捐献)?
A. 50 yuan.           B. 100 yuan.            C. 150 yuan.
15. Where is the woman going?
A. Beijing.                    B. Shanghai.                C. Wuhan.
16. How is the woman going there?
A. By train.              B. By plane.               C. By bus.
17. What's the date today in the conversation?
A. July 23rd.                B. June 23rd.         C. June 21st.
18. Who does the Tom want to speak to?
A. Mr. Black.            B. Mrs. Black.            C. Miss Black.
19. When will Mrs. Black come back?
A. After 3 o'clock.       B. Before 3 o'clock.      C. At 2 o'clock.
20. What's Tom's telephone number?
A. 8871830.               B. 8365638.              C. 8989218.
21. What will they probably do?
A. Do some shopping.         B. Go hiking.           C. See a movie.
22. When did they leave home for a mountain?
A. Last winter holiday.          B. Last weekend.          C. Last summer holiday.
23. What was the weather like the night before they climbed the mountain?
A. Rainy.               B. Cloudy.              C. Fine.
24. How long did they walk before they started climbing?
A. 5 miles.                B. 50 miles.          C. 15 miles.
25. Who reached the top of the mountain?
A. Charles.                B. Alan.                 C. Ben.
第一节 单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
26. With a little training, she could do very well in the competition.
A. few              B. a few                C. a bit                 D. a bit of
27. I awoke at 7:00 this morning.
A. woke up                   B. slept             C. got up                D. went to bed
28. Look out! A car is coming.
A. Look up                   B. Look for          C. Be careful             D. Look after
29. Thanks to the government, the population is becoming smaller.
A. Thanks for                B. As for                C. With the help of                D. Because
30. In the end the old man died.
A. At the end of               B. Later             C. After                 D. At last
B) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
31. --- How far is the post office?
--- It's about ________ walk.
A. ten minutes'          B. ten minutes             C. ten minute's             D. ten-minute'
32. --- Who is that girl?
--- She is Mary, a friend of ­______.
A. me                  B. mine                     C. my                 D. I
33. --- Are there any trees in your village?
--- Yes. It _______ on three sides by mountains.
A. surrounds                B. is surrounding            C. is surrounded         D. surrounded
34. --- Will you go to the museum with me this afternoon?
--- Sorry, ____________. I have to look after my younger sister at home.
A. I don't                  B. I can't                C. I needn't                 D. I mustn't
35. --- Your oral English is very good.
--- Thanks. Our English teacher often _____ us to speak English as much as possible.
A. makes                  B. lets                      C. encourages                        D. wants
36. --- Do you know this man?
--- I remember ______ him before, but I can't remember where I saw him.
A. see                    B. to see                   C. seeing                        D. saw
37. --- Why didn't you go to school today, Jim?
--- Well, I am not _____ to get back to school. You know, my leg was hurt last week.
A. good enough             B. enough good              C. enough well              D. well enough
38. --- What do you think of the film?
--- It's great. I have ____ seen such a wonderful film before.
A. never                B. often               C. just               D. yet
39. --- Did you watch TV last night?
---No. I went to bed ______ I got home because I was too tired.
A. as soon as                 B. before                  C. until                     D. unless
40. --- What do your parents do?
--- _______ my father _______ my mother are teachers.
A. Either; or               B. Neither; nor           C. Both; and                    D. Not only; but also
41. --- I don't know ______.
---You can ring him up to ask.
A. that Tom will come tomorrow                       B. why will Tom will come tomorrow
C. how will Tom come tomorrow                      D. whether Tom will come or not tomorrow
42. --- When was the opening ceremony of the World Expo held?
---_________the evening of April 30th.
A. On                  B. In                        C. At                 D. Of
43. --- Is Maria a shy girl?
---I think so. Her face _____ red when she answers the questions in class.
A. seems                B. feels                        C. turns                D. is turned
44. --- What's your hometown like?
--- It is developing rapidly. Great changes ________ since 2001.
A. is taking place            B. is taken place         C. have taken place          D. have been taken place
45. ---I hear that the price of rice will rise this year.
---Yes. People produce ___________rice _________they did last year.
A. as less, as           B. as little, as               C. fewer, than             D. less, than
第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Confucius was born in a poor family in the year 551 B.C., and he was born in the state of Lu. His original (原本的) name was Kung Chiu. His father, commander (指挥官)of a district(地区) in Lu, died three years   46  Confucius was born,   47  the family in poverty(贫困). But Confucius still received   48  education. He was married at the age of 19   49 had one son and two daughters。
Confucius was a pioneer in the   50  of education. He was a great thinker  51  had many wise ideas   52  human nature and behavior. He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have   53  many people in different countries.   54 , his saying, "He who learns but does not think is   55 ; he who thinks but does not   56  is in danger", tells us the   57  of learning and thinking.
Confucius began to teach in his thirties. He spent the rest of his life   58 . At the age of 55, he began to travel around China. He tried to   59  good rules of behavior. When he was 68 years old, he  60  to Lu. Five years later he passed away.
46. A. before              B. when                    C. until                    D. after
47. A. leave                B. left                       C. leaving                D. to leave
48. A. fine                 B. no                        C. bad                      D. worse
49. A. or                   B. and                       C. so                        D. but
50. A. field                B. year                      C. school                  D. place
51. A. which              B. what                    C. those                    D. who
52. A. of                    B. in                        C. about                    D. for
53. A. effected            B. influenced            C. affect                   D. effect
54. A. For example      B. Such as               C. What's more          D. Even worse
55. A. lose                  B. lost                     C. losing                    D. to lose
56. A. help                  B. teach                   C. learn                     D. give
57. A. important          B. importance           C. relation                  D. difference
58. A. teaching            B. writing                 C. traveling                D. farming
59. A. search              B. search for             C. look up                 D. find out
60. A. came                B. went                     C. got                       D. returned
第一节 综合知识(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)
61. ________which is the second longest river in China is regarded as one of our mother rivers.
A. The Yellow River         B. The Yangtze River         C. The Bohai Sea         D.The Dongting Lake
62. The Red Army began the Long March from __________.
A. Gansu Province          B. Jiangxi Province            C. Hubei Province           D. Henan Province
63. Paper-making was invented in the __________dynasty.
A. Song             B. Tang              C. Han             D. Qing
64. _______ pollution is very bad for our ears and it may even cause high blood pressure.
A. Light                   B. Noise                       C. Water                  D. Air
65. Terracotta Warriors are a part of the tomb of __________.
A. Khufu             B. Xiang Yu            C. Liu Bang         D. Qin Shihuang
66. Which of the following is not a good habit to protect the environment?
A. Don't use plastic bags.                                               B. Walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus.
C. Turn off the lights when you leave a room.                  D. Only use one side of paper.
第二节 阅读理解(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分)
( 1 )
A sign is another kind of language. Here are some of them that you see on the roads.
Number One is a sign with the number thirty on it. When drivers see this sign, they must not go at more than thirty kilometers an hour. We see this sign when we are getting near a town. Number Two is a sign that we're near a crossing. We must drive carefully. Number Three is a sign that there is a bend (拐弯) in the road. Again, we must drive slowly and carefully. It is not safe to go around a bend very fast. Number Four is a sign that there is another road coming in from the right. There is a junction (交叉) at this place. Number Five is a sign that there is a hill and Number Six is a sign that the road gets narrow. Drivers must go slowly and carefully. Number Seven has the word "SCHOOL" on it. This is a sign that there is a school at the side of the street or the road. Perhaps there are children going to or leaving school. So drivers must look carefully and go slowly. Number Eight is a sign with the letter "P" on it. The letter "P" means "Parking". At some places, there are the signs "No parking" or "No waiting". If a driver leaves his car near one of these signs, a policeman my come and write down the number of his car.
67. At the places where you see Sign 1, ____________..
A. you are already out of a town
B. you still have thirty kilometers to go
C. there must be many houses and building not far away
D. there must be a town thirty kilometers away
68. A driver can leave his car ___________.
A. near a sign with "P" on it in the daytime
B. near a sign with "No parking" on it
C. near a sign with "No waiting" if there're no policemen there
D. near Sign 8 at any time
69. People put these signs on the roads to ____________.
A. make driving even safer           B. show drivers the way
C. stop cars going too fast            D. learn another kind of language
Earth Hour started at 7:30 p.m. on March 31, 2007 in Sydney. More than 2.2 million homes and businesses turned off their lights for an hour.
A year later, Mach 29, Earth Hour 2008 became a global activity. 50 million people in 35 countries took part in it.
On March 28, 2009, more than 2100 cities in 88 countries joined in it. And the idea "Earth hour" came to China.
On the evening of 8:30-9:30 of March 27th 2010, we turned off lights together with people all around the world in order to fight against climate changing warm for this year's "Earth Hour" activities.
Global warming is causing the ice to melt (融化) on mountains all around the world, then the sea level is rising and fresh water is disappearing with the disappearing ice.
It is very important for us to take part in this action. Nowadays the environment problems are becoming worse and worse. The human beings just want to take more and more from the earth and never make a contribution to the earth. The relationship between human beings and the earth is just like that between children and mother. So do something as possible as you can, the earth will be better than now, we should pay more attention to the problem of climate change and the climate change is one of the most serious problems in the world. I hope everybody takes actions and joins in the activity of "Earth Hour".
70. Earth Hour started in ___________.
A. America             B. Australia            C. Great Britain     D. China
71. In which year Earth Hour became a global activity?
A. 2007.              B. 2008.               C. 2009.           D. 2010.
72. The sea level is rising and fresh water is disappearing because of ___________.
A. global warming         B. the mountain        C. the disappearing ice        D. the environment
73. The writer encourages us to ____________.
A. take more from the earth               B. take less from the earth
C. turn on our lights                          D. turn off our lights
第二部分 非选择题(共40分)
第三节   任务型阅读(共7小题,每小题2分,满分14分)
( 3 )
Kungsang Dekyi is an ordinary teenager who lived a quiet life in Yushu, Qinghai. However, ① the April 14 earthquake made her famous overnight.
When her house collapsed (倒塌) with her family still inside, the 16-year-old Tibetan girl dug for a whole day using only her hands. In the end, she was able to save all nine members of her family.
On the morning when the earthquake took place, Kungsang Dekyi was on her way to get a photocopy (复印件) of her ID card. Suddenly she saw the ground shaking and houses breaking down. She ran back home to find her house buried (埋) by rocks. With tears on her face, she began removing the heavy rocks and digging over ruins with her hands. Although all her fingers were covered in blood, she did not stop. Two hours later, she found her mother. She first pulled her mother out. ②After 12 hours of digging, she saved all nine of her family members.
Kungsang Dekyi's story quickly spread around the quake areas and the whole country, making her a heroine in many people's eyes. Now she and her family are living in a makeshift house (板房). "But just being alive is good," she says. As a student in a local vocational (职业的) school, ③she hopes to become a nurse or a doctor one day so that she can help as many as people as possible.
74. 根据①处完成下面句子。每空一词。
She ___________ ____________ famous overnight by the April 14 earthquake.
75. 将②处翻译成汉语。
76. 根据③处完成下面句子。每空一词。
She hopes to become a nurse or a doctor one day _________ __________ to help as many people as possible.
How many text messages do you send each day? According to a survey of the Pew Research Center in the US, a third of US teenagers send more than 100 text messages a day. Short Messaging Service (短信息服务) is now more popular than face-to-face conversations, telephone calls and even social networking sites (社交网站) such as Facebook.
The Pew Research Center said teens prefer text-messaging to communicating with friends no matter where they are, even under the noses or parents or teachers. It seems that some teens are addicted (上瘾) to texting. This could have a bad influence on our lives, from study to health.
Annie Levitz, a 16-year-old girl from Lincolnshire, Illinois lost feeling in her hands after sending over 100 texts a day from her mobile phone. She will have to have surgery (外科手术) on her wrists (手腕) in order to deal with the problem.
A survey of the Pew Research Center
The 77.__________of teenagers sending more than 100 text messages a day
A third
The most popular 78.____________of communicating
Sending text messages
Sending text messages too much has a 79. _________ influence on our lives
Annie lost 80. _________ in her hands after sending over 100 texts a day.
第一节  根据汉语提示,完成句子。
81. We need to cut the apple into _____________(两半).
82. I am always _______________(使醒来) by the noise in the street at night.
83. Now more and more old people can be still healthy in their _________________(九十多岁).
84. Everyone in our school ______________ (担心) about the people in Yushu.
85. Tom And Jerry is one of my ______________(最喜欢的) cartoons.
86.The government is trying to make the children in the disaster(灾难) area live as ______________ (快乐) as before.
第二节  补全对话(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
A: Hi, Mary! Did you watch TV last night?
B: 87_________________________________. I watched it with my parents.
A: 88.________________________________
B: The opening ceremony of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai. There were plenty of exciting performances.
A: 89. ________________________________
B: I like Lang Lang's piano play best. 90. __________________________________________
A: I like the song Better City, Better Life.
B: It's really a good song. It calls for all people to make contributions to our planet. The two American singers sang very well.
A: 91. ___________________________________ Many viewers spoke highly of (高度称赞) them.
第三节  书面表达(10分)
2010年感动中国十大人物之一陈玉蓉为了挽救孩子的生命,在 7个多月里,她每餐只吃半个拳头大的饭团,走破了四双鞋子,奇迹般消除自己的脂肪肝后顺利地给儿子进行了肝脏移植手术,她赋予了孩子第二次生命。这是一个伟大的妈妈。
要点如下:1. 妈妈(爸爸)给了你生命,让你看到了这个多彩的世界。妈妈(爸爸)为你付出了很多。
2. 发生在妈妈(爸爸)与你之间的让你感动的一件事。
3. 要努力学习, 将来做一个对社会有用的人。
要求:1. 80词左右。不包括开始语。
2. 不要出现真实的姓名或校名。
Dear Mum (Dad),
Today is Mother's (Father's ) Day. I want to say thanks to you.
Text 1
W: Good evening, Mr. Wang!
M: Good evening, Mary!
Q: What time does the conversation happen?
Text 2.
W: Tom, you look so happy today!
M: Yes, I got an "A" in the English test.
Q: Why is the boy happy?
Text 3.
W: What did you say in the graduation ceremony, Tom?
M: I said I would remember the unforgettable three years we spent together.
Q: What grade may Tom be in?
Text 4.
W: Why are you walking today, Mr. Wang?
M: Because I want to live a low-carbon life from now on .
Q: How does Mr. Wang come to work?
Text 5.
W: Do you know the girl in green?
M: You mean the one with blond hair? She is Mary.
Q: What color is Mary's hair?
Text 6.
W: Put away your socks, Tom. Don't put them on the floor.
M: But mine are in my shoes, Mom. They are Tim's.
Q: Whose socks are on the floor?
Text 7.
W: May I take your order, sir?
M: Yes, I'd like to try roast chicken and vegetable soup.
Q: Where are they talking?
Text 8.
W: When did you come to work in this school, Sean?
M: I came here in 2001.
Q: How long has Sean worked in this school?
Text 9.
W: Jack, you are growing so fast. You are taller than me now.
M: But I'm not as tall as father.
Q: Who is the tallest in the family?
Text 10
W: Do you like sports, Peter?
M: Yes. I go to the gym to play basketball on Saturday and Sunday every week.
Text 11
W: I feel so sorry for the people in Yushu. It's reported that over 2,000 people died in the earthquake.
M: So do I. I want to do something for them. I donated 100 yuan. That is the only thing I can do.
Text 12
W: Good morning, sir. I want to buy two train tickets to Shanghai, please.
M: OK. When will you leave?
W: The day after tomorrow, June 23rd.
M: OK. ___________________________
W: Here is the money.
M: Thank you. Here are your tickets.
Text 13 :
W: 8365638.
M:Hello. May I speak to Mrs. Black, please?
W:I'm sorry. Mrs. Black isn't here now.
M:When will she come back?
W:She won't be back until three o'clock. May I ask who's calling,please?
W:So you want to leave a message?
M:Yes. Could you please ask her to wait for me at the gate of the cinema?
W:All right. What's your telephone number?
W:8871830. OK. I'll tell her when she gets back.
M:Thank you.
W:You're welcome.
Text 14:
Last summer holiday, Alan, Ben and Charles left home early one morning and started to climb a mountain. The journey was a very hard one. It had rained heavily for the whole night. They had to walk for at least 15 miles on the road before they arrived at the foot of the mountain. It was a difficult to climb the mountain. They soon felt so tired that two of them fell behind one after another. They all wanted to reach the top, but at last only one reached the top. Ben had tried his best. He was above Charles but below Alan.
6-10 CBBAA
11-15 BCABB
16-20 ACBAA
21-25 CCACB
26-30 DACCD
31-35 ABCBC
36-40 CDAAC
46-50 DCABA
51-55 DCBAB
56-60 CBABD
61-66 ABCBDD
67-69 CDA
70-71 BBAD
74. was made
75. 她挖了十二个小时后,救出了她的所有九个家人。
76. in order (so as)
77. number
78. way
79. bad
80. feeling
81. halves
82. awoken/waken
83. nineties
84. worries/worried
85. favorite
86. happily
87. Yes, I did.
88. What program did you watch?
89. Which performance do you like best?
90. What/How about you?
91. So they did.
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