

中考 完成句子 强化训练

中考 完成句子 强化训练

1. 他一到美国就会和你取得联系。

___________________ he ___________________ America, he ________________________ you.

2. 你哥哥的歌唱得和周杰伦一样好,你能让他教我吗?

Your brother sings ________________ Jay Chou. Can you _______________________? 

3. 她让我不要一直等她,因为天色变得越来越黑了。

She told me ________________ her because it was _____________________.

4. 请准备好厚衣服以备过冬之用。

Please                                         the winter.

5. 现在环境污染变得越来越严重,许多动物都濒临危险,因此我们应该注意保护环境,让动物们不再受到伤害。

At present the environmental pollution is ___________________________ and many animals are __________________, so we should _______________________ our environment and                 _____________ the earth                        

6. 少说话,多观察对我来说不是一件很容易的事。

It’s not easy                                          .

7. 我发现学习英语很困难,所以我下决心每天听英文广播节目。

I                           to learn English. So I                       the English radio programs every day.

8. 为了帮助我提高英语,老师让我课后尽可能多和其他同学说英语。

In order to              my English, the teacher asks me                   in English after class                .

9. 她已经为考试做好了准备,但是我什么也没准备好,我真觉得想哭。

She has                       the examination, but I                  . I really ___________________ crying.

10. 她花太多的时间在工作上,她感觉身体越来越差。

She spent                the work              she felt                  .

11. 我的梦想实现了,我为自己骄傲。

My dream finally               , and I                             .

12. 坚持学习吧!迟早你会发现掌握知识非常重要。

                      !                      , you will find                          to master knowledge.


1. 迈克,汽车来了。咱们上车吧。

Mike, the bus is coming, ____________________ get on the bus.

2. 现在我和爸爸一样高了。

I'm ____________________ my dad now.

3. 汤姆正在忙着给他的父母写信。

Tom ____________________ a letter to his parents.

4. 上周日我用了两个小时帮我弟弟修电脑。

It ____________________ his computer last Sunday.

5. 我很高兴我已经坚持每天完成作业后读英文报一年了。

____________________after finishing my homework every day for a year.

6. 我想玛丽和爱丽丝一样高。

I think Mary ____________________ Alice.

7. 他因为跳舞好而著名.

He _______________ dancing well.

8. 英语老师根本不喜欢打篮球。

My English teacher __________ football ___________.

9. 昨天妈妈让我帮助奶奶打扫房间。

Mother ___________ my grandma ______ her house.

10. 昨天我很生气。汤姆硬是让我把我的日记给他看。

I was angry that Tom ________________________ yesterday.


1. 该上课了,可是他们似乎并没有意识到这一点。

                             class. But they                        realize it.

2. 战士们已经连续工作了18小时,有必要让他们停下来休息一下。

The soldiers                        for 18 hours, so                                       .

3. 我们有好多相机。一些是中国制造,另一些是是外国制造。

We have many cameras here.                                           .

4. 这真是一本有趣的书,我们都想读一读。

It is                          we all want to read it.

5. 这件新衬衫看起来如此合适,我觉得你没有必要再试穿了。

                        this new dress is _________________ I don’t think it’s ______________ for you to _____________________. 

6. 在上交你的答题卡和试卷之前,仔细思考难题,尽力做出答案是很有必要的。

                        to                the difficult problems and ____________________ before we hang in our test papers and answer sheets.

7. 你看起来蛮成熟(mature)的。换句话说,你已经不再是小孩子了。

You                       .                      , you are not a kid                     .

8. 听起来好有意思,我也想去看看《花木兰》这部电影。

It                                         I want to go to see the movie “Hua Mulan”        .

9. 长安街大约10公里长,60米宽。

Chang An Street is about                         and                         .

10. 看起来他好像永远无法解决那问题。

It                       that he would never                               .

11. 时间过得真快,到了我们该说再见的时候了。

Time flies fast, and                                    .

12. 天气如此冷,以至于他们不得不呆在家里。

The weather was        cold        they             stay at home.

1. 长城是世界最伟大的奇观之一,每年它吸引着成百万上千万来自世界各地的游客。

The Great Wall is                      in the world. It attracts                                  .

2. 汉语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一,尽管它很难学,但是很多人都喜欢学习它。

Chinese is                            in the world.        it is difficult to learn, people                             .

3. 英语不仅借用了许多语言的词还借用了他们的意思。

English has                                               many languages.

4. 你太虚弱了,最好在医院再住几天。

You are                                              for another few days.


He                               he helped the old man                  the room.


I don’t know                                                                 .

7. 你弄错了。我和他都不是日本人。

You have                       .         he        I        a Japanese.

8. 密西西比河(Mississippi River)是世界第四长河。

Mississippi River is                               in the world.

9. 我们书读的越多,得到的知识就会越多。

                             we read,                            we will get.

10. 听说你的明信片和我的不同。请把你的给我看看。

I heard your postcard is                      mine. Please                          .

11. 像往常一样,他又让我们大笑。

                 , he                           again.

12. 丈夫死后,她独自一人想法设法养育了两个孩子。

After her husband died, she         to                    her two children.


1. 这个盒子很重,我们搬不动。

The box                                                               .

2. 顺便问一下,你的自行车怎么了?

                     ,                         your bike?

3. 谢谢你帮助我,否则我很可能落后。

                                           or I might                   .

4. 刀能用来切肉。

The knife can                                cut meat.

5. 现在你负责机修部。这台机器有问题,你最好修一修。

You are                     of the machine shop now.                                  this machine so                                          mend it.

6. 为什么不早点把这个好消息告诉他呢?

                          tell him the good news a little earlier?

7. 过去我不喜欢测验,但是现在我已经不担心了。

I                               like tests, but now I don’t                   it.

8. 你为什么不参加英语俱乐部练习讲英语呢?

                           you join an English club to practice speaking English?

9. 我想出一个主意。你觉得建造一个大学城是好主意吗?

   I have                      . Do you think                                         ?

10. 我觉得他们不会放弃当志愿者的机会。

                      they will                        the chance of being volunteers.

11. 博物馆很近。为什么不走着去那儿呢?

   The museum is quite near.                                             on foot?

12. 我今天没有时间去看望他们。明天怎么样?

   I have no time to see them today.                                tomorrow?

13. 上星期五爸爸带我们去博物馆。

Dad                                   last Friday.

14. 他带着花走出了房间。

She went out the room,                                        .

15. 令我们惊讶的是,他在三分钟内吃光了所有的汉堡。

                      , he                             all the hamburgers within 3 minutes.


1. 我并不认为艾玛适合这份工作。你同意我的观点吗?

I _____________ Emma is _____________ this job. Do you _____________ me?

2. 如果你想做出什么决定,那么最好等到明天

_______________ wait until tomorrow to ________________.

3. 每个人在生活中都有自己的理想和目标,我也一样。从今天起,我会竭尽全力,追求梦想。

Everyone in his life has dreams and goals, ___________________. ________________, I will try my best to pursue my dreams.

4. 现在的许多年轻人相比写信,更喜欢打电话。

Young people today ______________________________.

5. 你认为我们的英语老师怎么样?在我看来,她与学生们相处地非常融洽嘛。

_______________________ our English teacher? _______________, she _______________with the students.

6. “她很擅长英语。”“确实如此。我听说她每天练习说英语。此外,她总是努力把这些英语单字和短语记住。”

She _______________ English.” “________________. I have heard that she _____________ every day. _____________, she’s always _____________ the English phrases and words ____________ ”

7. 我不知道第一个句子和第二个句子是否有区别,他也不知道。

I don’t know whether the first sentence _______________ the second one. ___________________.

8. 真没想到转眼间你离开北京去日本已有两年了。你最近怎么样?

____________________ since you _____ Beijing _____ Japan. How are you getting along recently?

1. 快到七月份了,该是我们放暑假的时候了。

July is coming. _______ have our summer vacation.

2. 快点!我们开会要迟到了!

Hurry up! We’ll _______ the meeting.

3. 作为上海世博会的志愿者,李明的英语和他的汉语一样好。

As a volunteer of Shanghai World Expo, Li Ming’s English is        his Chinese.

4. 你能告诉他尽快给我回电话吗?

Could you please tell him to call me back       ?

5. 我认为阻止孩子们做他们感兴趣的事不好。

       what they are interested in.

6. 你最好给我留下你的电子邮箱。

You _______ leave me your e-mail address.

7. 有时候,宠物可以帮人做点家务。

Sometimes a pet can ________ some housework.

8. 为了过低碳生活,我将继续骑车上下班。

In order to live a low-carbon life, I will ______ bikes to and from work.

9. 我不仅会说英语,而且会说法语。

I can        English       French.

10. 我认为没必要每天都花那么多时间写博客。

I _______ necessary ________so much time writing blogs every day.

1. 李雷病了。咱们去看他吧。

Li Lei is ill. ___________go to see him.

2. 我的自行车坏了,我将坐车上学。

____________ my bike, so I’ll go to school by bus.

3. 对于我们来说,过低碳生活是十分有必要的。

____________ a low carbon life.

4. 这本书太厚了,他不能按时看完。

This book            .

5. 昨天晚上她一到家,就开始帮助妈妈准备晚饭。

____________ yesterday evening.

6. 别躺在床上看书,这对你的眼睛不好。

Don’t read in bed. ______________________ your eyes.  

7. 我们不应该害怕困难。

We shouldn’t _______________________ difficulties. 

8. 你看起来不高兴,怎么了?

You look unhappy. _______________________ you ?

9. 昨天晚上大明既没看电视,也没玩电脑游戏。

Daming ________________________ played computer games yesterday evening.    

10. 学生们每天花一个小时做运动是很重要的。

_______________________________ every day.  

1. 快点,该上课了。

Hurry up , _____________________ class.

2. 他家离学校很远,干嘛不给他买辆自行车?

His home is far from his school, _______________________________ him a bike?

3. 我昨天用了三个小时才完成作业

_______________________________________________ finish my homework yesterday.

4. 每天花费点时间锻炼身体对我们是有好处的。

__________________________________________ taking exercise everyday.

5. 李雷是我的同学,他不但学习好,而且乐于助人。

Li Lei ismyclassmate.He                                                              ,   


6. 十点钟了,该休息一下了。

It’s 10 o’clock. _____________________ have a rest.

7. 你最好仔细想一下。

_____________________ a little hard thinking. 

8. 新闻网站不如电视新闻节目那样有趣。

The news websites are _________________________ the TV news programs. 

9. 昨天晚上12点我爸爸才回来。

My father _______________________ twelve last night.

10. 在玉树的护士们已连续工作了16个小时,让她们停下来休息一下很重要。

The nurses in Yushu have kept working for 16 hours, so _______________________ have a rest.

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