

Thinking in Scala vs Erlang
Thinking in Scala vs Erlang

Keeping Erlang in mind, I've coded two months in Scala, I'm thinkingsomething called "Scala vs Erlang", I wrote some benchmark code toprove me (the code and result may be available someday), and I'd like todo some gradually summary on it in practical aspect. These opinions maybe or not be correct currently due to lacking of deep experience andunderstanding, but, anyway, I need to record them now and correct myselfwith more experiences and understanding got on both Scala and Erlang.

Part I. Syntax
Keeping Erlang in mind, I've coded two months in Scala, I'm thinkingsomething called "Scala vs Erlang", I wrote some benchmark code toprove me (the code and result may be available someday), and I'd like todo some gradually summary on it in practical aspect. These opinions maybe or not be correct currently due to lacking of deep experience andunderstanding, but, anyway, I need to record them now and correct myselfwith more experiences and understanding got on both Scala and Erlang.

Part I. Syntax
List comprehension

Lst = [1,2,3,4],
[X + 1 || X <- Lst],
lists:map(fun(X) -> X + 1 end, Lst)

val lst = List(1,2,3,4)
for (x <- lst) yield x + 1
lst.map{x => x + 1}
lst.map{_ + 1} // or place holder
Pattern match

case X of
{A, B} when is_integer(A), A > 1 -> ok;
_ -> error

{ok, [{A, B} = H|T]} = my_function(X)

x match {
case (a:Int, b:_) if a > 1 => OK // can match type
case _ => ERROR

val ("ok", (h@(a, b)) :: t) = my_function(x)
List, Tuple, Array, Map, Binary, Bit

Lst = [1, 2, 3] %% List
[0 | Lst] %% List concat
{1, 2, 3} %% Tuple
<<1, 2, "abc">> %% Binary
%% no Array, Map syntax

val lst = List(1, 2, 3) // List
0 :: lst // List concat
(1, 2, 3) // Tuple
Array(1, 2, 3) // Array
Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2) // Map
// no Binary, Bit syntax
Process, Actor

the_actor(X) ->
ok -> io:format("~p~n", [X]);
I -> the_actor(X + I) %% needs to explicitly continue loop
P = spawn(mymodule, the_actor, [0])
P ! 1
P ! ok
Scala I:

class TheActor(x:Int) extends Actor {
def act = loop {
react {
case "ok" => println(x); exit // needs to explicitly exit loop
case i:Int => x += i
val a = new TheActor(0)
a ! 1
a ! "ok"
Scala II:

val a = actor {
def loop(x:Int) = {
react {
case "ok" => println(x)
case i:Int => loop(x + i)
a ! 1
a ! "ok"
Part II. Processes vs Actors
Something I

Lightweight processes
You can always (almost) create a new process for each new comer
Scheduler treats all processes fairly
Share nothing between processes
Lightweight context switch between processes
IO has been carefully delegated to independent processes

Active actor is delegated to JVM thread, actor /= thread
You can create a new actor for each new comer
But the amount of real workers (threads) is dynamically adjusted according to the processing time
The later comers may be in wait list for further processing until a spare thread is available
Share nothing or share something upon you decision
Heavy context switch between working threads
IO block is still pain unless good NIO framework (Grizzly?)
Something II

Try to service everyone simultaneously
But may loss service quality when the work is heavy, may time out (out of service)
Ideal when processing cost is comparable to context switching cost
Ideal for small message processing in soft real-time
Bad for massive data processing, and cpu-heavy work

Try to service limited number of customers best first
If can not service all, the later comers will be put in waiting list and may time out (out of service)
It's difficult for soft real-time on all coming concurrent customers
Ideal when processing cost is far more than context switching cost (context switch time is in μs on modern JVM)
When will there be perfect NIO + Actor library?
Posted: 2008-12-15 08:00 (Updated: 2010-04-02 22:26)
Author: dcaoyuan
Categories: Erlang Scala
1. Martin -- 2008-12-16 08:00
Intertesting comparison, Caoyuan! Note that you can also do theexplicit recursion style of actors in Scala. For instance like this:<pre> actor {

def loop(i: Int) {

react {

case "ok" => println(i) case j: Int => loop(i + j)


} loop(0)


</pre> That brings the two examples in Erlang and Scala even closer together.

2. Caoyuan -- 2008-12-16 08:00

Perfect. I added your code to the content.

3. Hynek (Pichi) Vychodil -- 2008-12-18 08:00
Pattern matching in Erlang is can do more in default with less ofcode for me. <pre>{ok, [{A, B} = H|T]} =my_function(X)</pre> Is there equivalent in Scala that raisingexception if no match?

4. Caoyuan -- 2008-12-18 08:00

<pre>val ("ok", (h@(a, c)) :: t) = my_function(x)</pre>

If no matched, will throw scala.MatchError?

I've added this example to content.

5. Andy -- 2008-12-18 08:00
How is the performance of Scala compared to Erlang? Is there acertain level of concurrency at which one is faster than the other -e.g. Scala is faster at under 50 concurrent users but above that Erlangis faster?

I'm very interested in seeing your benchmark results.

6. Caoyuan -- 2008-12-30 08:00

Briefly, If only do small message processing in each actor/process,especially in Binary, Erlang is faster than Scala; If do heavy work ineach actor/process, for example, processing String/Text, Erlang is slowthan Scala.

Both can handle tons concurrent requests.
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