



2.at hand意思是"在手边";"在跟前"。例如:

I haven't the dictionary at hand, but I will show it to you later. 我现在手头没有字典,呆一会我指给你看。

I want you to be at my hand during my interview with the applicants. 申请人面试时我希望你在跟前。

3.call for意思是"要求";"需要"。例如:

The work calls for endurance and patience. 这工作需要耐力和耐心。

4.the other way意思是"另一个方向";"相反"。例如:

He turned the other way when he saw the police coming. 他看见警察后转向另一方向。

He thought it would be easier to go there than to come back, but it was just the other way. 他以为去时用的时间比来时短,其实正好相反。


The ship went right to the bottom. 轮船直沉江底。

He turned on the TV right after he came into the room. 他进屋就打开了电视机。

6.knock about意思是"漫游";"闲逛"。例如:

He's knocked about in Africa for years. 他在非洲漫游了好几年。

As a young man he suffered a lot from poverty. He used to knock about at the market, trying to find a job for a few coins. 年轻时他很穷,经常在市场里闲逛,找些零活挣些小钱。

7.The hurricane, with its power to sink ships and to destroy strong walls, had found this little ship in its path. 飓风威力无比,它能沉掉船只、推倒墙;飓风一路风驰电掣来到小船前。

1)with its power to sink ships and to destroy strong walls是定语成分,修饰hurricane。

2)see, find等动词的主语有时是物。例如:

This old house has seen better days. 这座老房子曾有过风光的日子。

National Day found people singing and dancing happily in a street parade. 国庆节时人们在大街上的游行队伍里高兴地唱啊跳啊。


1.How terrible!

2.I dare not ...

3.He gets into a total panic when ...

4.It makes my hair stand on end.

5.It's a frightening thing ...

6.She's scared to death.

7.It makes me feel very worried.

8.I'm afraid of ...

9.I'm frightened to death by ...

10.I'm really frightened to ...

11.What's really scary is ...

12.What terrifies me is ..


Unit 11 Scientific achievements


1.in store的意思是"就要到来";"必将发生"。例如:

I have a surprise in store for you. 我有个你意想不到的消息告诉你。

There are better days in store for you. 有好日子等着你。

2.set foot in / on 的意思是"进入","踏进"。例如:

He said he would never set foot in that house again. 他说他永远不再踏进那座房子了。

3.have an effect (on sb / sth)的意思是"(对某人、某物)产生作用、影响"。例如:

Her parents have a great effect on her. She wants to become a teacher in the future. 她的父母对她的影响很大,她将来想做一名教师。

4.rely on的意思是"依赖";"依靠"。例如:

We must rely on our own efforts to do it. 我们必须依靠自己的力量来完成它。

5.make ... clear的意思是"表明";"讲清楚"。例如:

Have I make myself clear? 我讲清楚了吗?

I will make the whole matter clear to you. 我将把整个事情给你讲清楚。

6.come to life的意思是"恢复生气";"活跃起来"。例如:

When I mentioned our plans for a trip abroad, the kids came to life at once. 当我一提起出国旅游的打算时,孩子们顿时兴致勃勃。

The quiet girl has come to life since she lived with her grandpa. 自从和爷爷生活在一起,这个沉默寡言的女孩就变得活泼起来。

7.In 1995, the Chinese government put forward a plan for "rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education" and it has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs. 1995年中国政府提出"科教兴国"的规划,帮助中国科学家取得了许多突破性的成就。

1)句重的it指的是a plan for "rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education"。

2)put forward的意思是"提出主意、计划等"。例如:

He put forward several interesting plans. 他提出了几项令人感兴趣的计划。

It is an  explanation often put forward by our friend. 这是我们的朋友经常做出的解释。


He was rejuvenated by new hope. 新的希望又使他充满了活力。

8.aim (sth) at意思是"(把......)瞄准";"目的在于";"企图"。at后面可跟名词或动词-ing短语。例如:

He aimed his gun at the target. 他把枪瞄准目标。

Those girls worked out every morning, aiming at a weight loss of ten pounds. 那些女孩每天早晨锻炼是为了减轻10磅体重。

9.It seems to be love at first byte for China and computers. 这就好象中国和计算机译见钟情一样。

at first sight意思是"第一眼",这里作者借用这一词组,将"sight"换成了计算机术语"byte",形象地说明了中国和计算机"一见钟情"。


1.If I got the money, I would ...

2.My plan is ...

3.I hope that ...

4.I want / wish / hope / intend / plan to ...

5.I'd like to ...

6.I'm thinking of .


Unit 12 Fact and fantasy



The house is heated by gas. 这房子是用煤气取暖的。

He taught himself to play the violin by practising every night. 他每夜练习,自学拉小提琴。

2.turn out 后面跟不定式to be,表示"结果是......";"最后结果是......"。例如:

Though it looked like rain this morning, it has turned out to be a fine day. 尽管今早看起来要下雨,结果却是晴天。

3.throw light on / upon 表示"使某事显得非常清楚"的意思。例如:

The modern scientific development has thrown light on this question. 现代科学的发展已使这个问题明朗化。

Can you throw any light on the problem? 你能把这个问题阐述清楚吗?

4.Although I knew how to create life, how to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job. 尽管我知道如何创造生命,但如何用所有这些肌肉和器官为它(生命)准备一个身体还是项困难的工作。

此句although引导的是让步状语从句,how to prepare a body for it 是主句的主语,with 所带的介词短语表示动词 prepare 所需要的条件,remained 是主句的谓语。类似的用法还有:

Although I know how to do it, where to find the instruments still remained a big problem. 尽管我知道怎么做这件事情,但到哪里找到这些仪器还是个大问题。

5.I collected my instruments around me, with which I would light the flame of life in the dead thing that lay at my feet. 我把身边的仪器都收集起来,用这些仪器我可以将生命之光注入到躺在我脚下的这个没有生命的东西里。

本句with which引导的是非限制性定语从句,修饰主句中的宾语my instruments。因which在定语从句中充当介词宾语,一般将介词置于关系代词which的前面(固定的动词词组除外)。类似的用法有:

I lost the pen, with which I wrote my novel. 我把我用来写小说的钢笔弄丢了。


1.I believe / suppose / doubt ...

2.I'm sure that ...

3.I'm (not) certain ...

4.I can't imagine ...

5.It could be ... but ...

6.It's likely ...

7.I can't believe my eyes.


Unit 13 The water planet


1.range from ... to 的意思是"从......到......不等";"在一定的范围(程度)内变化"。例如:

Temperatures here range from 10 degree centigrade to 30 degree centigrade. 这里的气温游移于摄氏10度到30度之间。

2.all the way 的意思是"一直";"始终"。例如:

Jack climbed all the way to the top of the tree. 杰克一直爬到了树顶。

All the way back, they talked about films and actors. 回来的路上,他们一直在谈论电影和演员。

3.whatever指"任何(一切)事或物",意思接近anything that。例如:

Talk to me about whatever is troubling you. 跟我说说令你烦恼的事吧。

Don't you know that she always succeeds in whatever she tries? 难道你不知道无论她努力干什么,她总会成功的吗?


1.The water is being used to / for ...

2.We should / could ...

3.What will we do if ...?

4.If we ..., we can ...

5.It would be better to ...

6.Can you think of a better way to ...?


Unit 14 Freedom fighters


1.Although slavery ended in the USA in 1865, almost a hundred years before, the South had its own laws to continue the separation of blacks and whites. 尽管在1865年,差不多100年前,美国就结束了奴隶制度,南方却仍然拥有自己的法律,继续隔离黑人和白人。


1.What happened first was that ...

2.... happened as a result of ...

3.You could expect ... because ...

4.That led to ...

5.One of the reasons why ... is ...

6.... is often followed by ...


Unit 15 Destinations


1.Every now and then, we get the itch to travel. 我们时不时会有去旅游的强烈渴望。


Many people have an itch for excitement. 很多人渴望刺激。

2.Should you feel the urge to pack your bags and explore what the world has to offer, you might want to consider one of the destinations below. 如果你有迫切的愿望去打点行李、探索世界,你可能想考虑下列目的地中的一个。


Should you run into Sunny, tell her she owns me a letter. 万一你碰见桑妮,告诉她她欠我一封信。

Should you have any difficulty in getting tickets, ring this number. 万一你买票有困难,就拨这个号码。

3.take a dip指"去进行为时不长的游泳或(在河海中)洗澡",类似的用法有: have / go for a dip。

4.work out指"进行锻炼、训练"。例如:

The boxers are working out at the gym. 拳击手们正在体育馆内训练。

Mr White keeps fit by working out for half an hour every morning. 怀特先生每天早晨锻炼半个小时以保持身体健康。


1.I'm sorry to say ...

2.I hate to have to say this, but ...

3.Could you do something about ...

4.You really have to do something about ...

5.I will look into it immediately.

6.I'm so sorry.

7.Why didn't you tell me the truth?

8.Why don't you do something about it?

9.What seems to be the problem?

10.I'll do everything I can to help you.


nit 16 The United States of America


1.The city saw a series of fierce fights between blacks and whites in the 1960s and Dr King was shot and killed in 1968. 在20世纪60年代,这座城市目睹了黑人和白人之间一连串激烈的冲突,金博士在1968年被枪杀。


My watch says five. 按我的表,现在五点了。

2.in vain的意思似"徒然";"枉然"。例如:

The police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds. 警察企图驱散抗议的人群,但没有成功。

All our work was in vain. 我们所有的工作都白费了。

3.as a result是固定搭配,译作"结果";"因此"。例如:

I was caught in the rain on my way home. As a result I had a bad cold. 我在回家的路上淋了雨,结果患上了重感冒。

She was late as a result of the heavy traffic. 她因交通拥挤而迟到。

4.in turn意思是"轮流";"依次";"反过来"。例如:

He stayed with his mother till nearly midnight, comforting her and being comforted in turns. 他陪母亲差不多到深夜,安慰她,母亲反过来也安慰他。

We found that Helen had told Tom, and he in turn had told Helen's sister. 我们发现海伦已经告诉了汤姆,汤姆又告诉了海伦的妹妹。


1.How long / wide / high / tall is ...?

2.It's ... metres / feet long / wide / high / tall.

3.There is ... in the north.

4.It looks like ...


Unit 17 Disabilities


1.I know people are trying to help, but I wish they wouldn't treat me as if I were a child. 我知道人们在努力帮助我,但是我希望他们不要把我看成小孩子。


2.People like Xiaowen and many other disabled people in our country have taught us the importance of giving everybody a chance to receive education. 在我国像晓文和许多其他残疾人这样的人,使我们明白给每个人受教育的机会的重要性。

3.... winning is not about being the first one across the finish line or scoring the most goals, but it is about being the best you can be. ......胜利并不是第一个冲过终点线或得到最多的得分,而是尽你所能做到最好。


1.I probably couldn't ...

2.I would not be able to ...

3.It would be difficult to ...

4.I'm sure I would be able to ...

5.I could ...

6.I would try to ...

7.If I ..., I would be able to ...

8.I would need help to ...

9.I would need a / an ...


Unit 18 Inventions


1.These chopsticks are both delicious and environmentally friendly. 这些筷子既好吃又保护环境。

environmentally friendly的意思是"保护环境"。friendly常与一些词连用,说明"容易的"、"易被某些特定对象理解或使用的",常用于合成词。类似的用法还有: user-friendly(电脑)使用者易使用的,好使用的;a reader-friendly manual易于理解的手册;a consumer-friendly policy有益消费者的政策。

2.get / be stuck 意思是"被困住"。类似的用法有:

I got stuck when I misspelt a word in a crossword puzzle. 我在拼写一个纵横字谜中的词时卡住了。


He reminded me of what I would otherwise have forgotten. 他提醒了我,要不然我就会忘了这件事。

4.after all 意思是"终究";"毕竟"。例如:

It has turned out to be a nice day after all.天气终于转晴了。

We admire him although he made many mistakes; after all he was a great man. 尽管他犯了许多错误,我们仍然钦佩他,他毕竟是个伟人。

5.now (that)意思是"既然";"由于"。例如:

Now (that) you are grown up, you should no longer depend on your parents. 既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。

Now (that) he is well again, he can go on with his English study. 既然恢复了健康,他就可以继续学习英语。


1.The invention can help people ...

2.What does it look like?

3.What's it made of?

4.This new invention will make it possible for people to ...

5.This is a new way of ...

6.How does it work?

7.How would people use it?


Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice


1.It sometimes happens that some people are in a position where they can make an important decision about a person they hate.有时有这样的事情发生,人们处在某个位置,这个位置可使他们对所恨的人做出重大的决定。

where引导限制性定语从句,常用来修饰表示地点的名词,在本句中修饰a position。例如:

I know of a place where we can have fun. 我知道一个可以玩得很开心的地方。

Is there a shop around where we can buy some fruit? 附近有什么商店可以买到水果?

2.any more常用于含有否定意义的结构或疑问句中,表示"再也(不);(不)再"。例如:

He doesn't come here any more. 他再也不到这儿来了。

Aren't they making this model any more? 难道他们不再做这种模型了吗?

We promised not to quarrel any more. 我们答应再也不争吵了。

3.may / might as well do sth (as do sth else) 意思是"还是做某事好";"不如做某事"。例如:

We may as well have a try and see if it can be done. 我们还是试一试,看看能否办成。

There is nothing to do, so I may as well go to bed. 没什么事可做,我还是上床睡觉好了。

4.Please be seated. 请就座。


He then asked me to be seated. 然后他让我坐下。

He was seated at the piano, with his back to the audience. 他坐在钢琴前,背对着观众。


Little children do not know right from wrong. 小孩不能分辨是非。

He has a perfect sense of right and wrong. 他有是非观念。

6.pay back的意思是"偿还";"报答";"报复"。例如:

Susan doesn't know how to pay him back for his help. 苏珊得到他的帮助,不知如何回报。

I have paid him back for the trick he played on me. 他捉弄了我,我已回敬了他。

7.However, he agreed to lend Antonio the money on one condition. 不管怎么说,他答应借钱给安东尼奥,但有一个条件。


He agree to these conditions. 他答应了这些条件。

I can let you have it on very favourable conditions. 我能让你在优惠条件下得到它。

8.He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head. 他很年轻,但是我过去从来不知道有这么年轻又如此聪明的人。

注意so用在so ... a(n) 结构中,起强调名词前的形容词的作用。例如:

I have never seen so beautiful a child. 我从来没见过这么漂亮的孩子。

He never wrote so good a book as his first one again. 他再也没有写出一本和他的处女作一样好的书。

9.at the mercy of 意思是"任......摆布";"在......前毫无办法";"由......掌握"。例如:

The match was at the mercy of the weather. 比赛要视天气而定。

I shouldn't like to be at the mercy of such a cruel man. 我不想让这样残酷的人摆布我。


1.Correct me if I'm wrong, but ...

2.You shouldn't forget that ...

3.What shouldn't be forgotten is ...

4.One of the most important facts is ...

5.You could, for example, ...

6.The way I would go about it ...

7.As far as I know ...

8.After all, ...

9.But in this particular case ...


Unit 20


1.have a hand in 意思是"参与";"插手";"对某事负部分责任"。例如:

George would like to have a hand in arranging the entertainment. 乔治想参与安排这次接待(娱乐)活动。

I can't promise much. I am not the only one who has a hand in things in this town. 我不能答应太多。镇里的事不是我一个人说了算。


She may have gone to the library. 她可能去图书馆了。

He may have missed the plane. 他也许没赶上飞机。

3.in terms of 意思是"用......的话";"以......的观点";"就......而言"。例如:

In terms of the numbers in employment the hotel industry was the second largest Swiss industry in 1929. 在1929年,就雇佣的人数来说,旅馆业是瑞士第二大产业。

He thought of everything in terms of money. 他每件事都从钱的角度考虑。

4.remind sb of sth 意思是"使某人想起......";"提醒"。例如:

She reminded him of his girlfriend. 她使他想起了他的女朋友。

The story you have just told reminds me of an experience I once had. 你刚才讲的故事使我想起了我曾经有过的一段经历。


1.I wonder what / who ...

2.I'm curious to ...

3.I wonder if / whether ...

4.I'm curious about ...

5.I really want to know ...

6.I'd love to know ...

7.What I'd really like to find out is ...

8.I'd like to know more about ...

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